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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shonette

  1. I plan to add some new pictures of myself today. I can see a little change. I guess some changes is better than now at all!

  2. It's good to see that you are back. I know everyone feels some frustrations about the new site and all of the changes. However, changes are something we all must get use to and the more you’re on here it's not that bad. Well, things are good with me and I had my surgery on July 21, 10. It's been a little over 4 months now and about 40 less. I am doing fairly well but my we...

  3. How are you doing? I have not been on your site for some time now. I hope everything is going well for you.

  4. I am glad that everything is going well for you with the band. I read about your frustrations with the new site, however please remember that there will be changes in all aspects of our life. You will encounter some things changes you get your band that you were not expecting to deal with. Believe me when I tell you having a band is a day by day trail and error. Every day is never the same.

  5. I am glad to see things are going well for you. How much weight have you lost so far? It is very difficult not to be able to eat enough food in your system to provide the appropriate energy needed to feel healthy and productive. I pray everything continues to go well for you. (on a different note) We all must learn to adjust to this new site like all the other changes in our life.

  6. I am glad to see that you are exploring different options of working your band. What was some of the different advice you received from the nutritionist that you did not get from the weight lost center? I to see a nutritionist every single time I go in for a fill. She really don't offer me any good ideas or alternatives, but she really wait for me to give in put on what I need or concerns ...

  7. I do know change is good, but I can not decide if I really like this new site or not. Things just do not flow the way they once did for me on the old site. I just have to get adjusted to all the new changes. LOL!

  8. I just wanted to check to see how you were doing and how was your Thanksgiving holiday. I pray everything went well for you. Take care of yourself.

  9. I was checking to see how things were going with you since being band. I pray everything is going well for you. How are you adjusting to everything so far? If there is anything that I can do to assist you, please let me know. Take care of yourself.

  10. I am sorry you were faced with a minor delay but sometimes things do happen for a reason. I pray all will go well on your next appointment.

  11. Ha, I felt the same way when I first logged into the site. I just had gotten very comfortable with the old site and how ever thing worked. Now they have changed everything and it's trail and error I guess. However I hope all is going well with you and you and your family have a wonderful holiday. Without my band I know I would be over eat during the holidays. Thank God for my band!

  12. Ha, I felt the same way when I first logged into the site. I just had gotten very comfortable with the old site and how ever thing worked. Now they have changed everything and it's trail and error I guess. However I hope all is going well with you and you and your family have a wonderful holiday. Without my band I know I would be over eat during the holidays. Thank God for my band!

  13. I just wanted to check and see how everything was going with you. I pray all is well. I will check with you later and I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving day with you family.

  14. P.S. you look great! It does not appear that you need to lose any weight!

  15. Thanks for the friend request. I know just how you feel coming up to getting your band. It seems so long ago that I was experiencing all of the same emotions before being band. I pray everything goes well with you and believe me it is the best decision I have ever made. All of the changes you are going through is so worth the long term effects you will get. Good luck and may God continue to keep you focused and mentally prepared for a life lasting change! Please keep me posted.

  16. How are you doing? Whenever I feel like I have lost my focus or maybe the band was not the best choice for me, I come to your page and look at your pictures. I feel so inspired by your success. You are such an amazing young man. May God continue to bless you and stay encouraged because you rock young man!:thumbup:

  17. It's so good to hear that everything is going well for you. I pray you have safe travel in December and you are able to get your workout in. I purchased a min-stepper a few years ago which is very easy to transport and store. It's been very affective tool with toning up my butt and thighs.


    You are such a sweet and wonderful band friend to have. Keep in touch hugs back at you!:thumbup:

  18. They share ideas, support, their own little secrets, exercising routines, and most of all a whole lot of love. That would be a neat idea to get a group of banders together to greet and meet one another and share about our different experiences with having their band. I really do appreciate your friendship on this site. I have met so many people since I've joined this site over a year ago. They have all served a wonderful purpose in my life. Some have been for a short season and some have been on going, but all in all I have enjoyed every moment of it. Thanks again for me in a friend. I pray you are able to achieve you goal. Yesterday I doctor stated the biggest secret with having a band is putting the time in for the process to happen. You look amazing and your hard work is paying off! page 3

  19. I too think about having this band all of the time. It was a very big step to have this done, but it has been on of the best decisions I have made for myself. I normally focus on what everyone else around me need, and I am the last person on my list. I have decided to put me first sometimes which does not mean I don't love my family, but I have to take care of myself in order to be there for them. I have shared with all of my family and co-workers about my band. Sometimes I feel like that was not the best choice to have made. Honestly, most people have been very supportive of me getting my band. The only question most people constantly make is about the foods I should or should not be eating. I too think this is a wonderful site to be apart of. There are so many wonderful people who give so much of themselves in many ways on this site. page 2

  20. Mandie you seem like a very fun loving person to be around who knows what she wants when she wants it. I like those types of people who have goals for themselves and work very hard to achieve them. I too had an appointment yesterday and I was given 1/2 cc per my request. My doctor was going to give me up to 1 full cc but I felt a little safer with 1/2 of cc due to the over fill experience I had a couple of months prior. That was one of the most unpleasant experiences I have had in a very long time. That always sticks in my mind every single time I go in for a fill. I feel really good with this little bit because I did not want to push it and end up in the ER over the weekend. I really feel that I have good restriction and my weight lost is slow by constant. I do thank God for that. page 1

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