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LAP-BAND Patients
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About addelapp5

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 05/12/1984

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  1. Happy 29th Birthday addelapp5!

  2. Happy 28th Birthday addelapp5!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary addelapp5!

  4. addelapp5

    Lapband-Friendly Meals?

    It definitely varies from person to person. My definite no-no's are most breads (I've got a gluten/wheat allergy anyway so it would make me feel like crap even if I could get it down), all forms of lettuce which sucks because salads are one of my favourites, and chicken unless I put it in the crock pot so it's super moist. My easiest meats are definitely steak (I go medium-rare) and fish. My best veggies are green Beans, snow peas and asparagus oddly enough. Meals kind of depend for me! I'm one of those folks that can't eat in the morning regardless of my restriction level or how much Water I drink so I usually manage a handful of nuts around 10/10:30 in the AM and then do a later lunch around 1 so I have a little more time to loosen up. Lunch at my work is kind of hectic. I have a limited amount of time to eat and it's a rushed environment so I tend to stick with smoothies, Soups and things I know I can get down for sure. I will have some nuts or yogurt or something mid-day as well. dinner is better! I can eat most anything (other than lettuce grrr). I typically do some sort of meat (steak, fish, etc.), a veg and sometimes rice or some form of potato though I do it in that order so I typically don't get much of the starch but that's alright. A few favourites: Spaghetti (either without the actual noodles, or with some that I can tolerate... surprisingly tasty just with sauce and meat!) Shepherd's Pie Wraps with whatever kind of lunch meat, cheese and some kind of dressing/sauce just to be safe! Really with the exception of the bread/lettuce stuff, I can eat anything just fine. Sometimes you just have to find a recipe that sounds good and make a few substitutions or alterations.
  5. Depends on your job and you! I took a week off total (7 days), but let my boss know that it could be a bit longer just because I hadn't ever had any sort of surgery before. The band was fine. But I had a pretty gross reaction to the anesthesia and was super sick for about a week. I also had a job that required me to move around a lot. It ended up being 10 days. If I had a desk job, I probably would've been fine after the originally planned 7 but I decided to play it safe. I'd plan on a week just in case you're not feeling up to snuff. You can always go back earlier than expected.
  6. addelapp5

    help! can't eat enough

    Throw something in the blender. A few days post-op I was super shaky and I put some chicken/veggie Soup in the blender so there were no chunks and ate it like that. I literally felt better 10 minutes later because I got some Protein in my system. One of my favourite foods (even a year post-op) is straight up spaghetti/meat sauce (Pasta and I don't get along). For you, you could make it extra saucy, add in some mozza cheese and ground beef obviously and throw that in the blender? Make sure there's enough sauce to keep it from being too thick though. I know it doesn't sound great to put something in the blender but really, you'll feel better once something is in your system. I'm that person who didn't drink a Protein shake after I was banded because I had to drink them 2 weeks before surgery and I literally can't handle the smell or taste anymore... even now!
  7. addelapp5

    Breadless Pizza...

    Ah I am definitely trying this tomorrow night! It looks and sounds awesome. I can't tolerate bread at all, but I've found that I can handle a lot of the gluten free stuff without issue. There's a pizza place here in VA called fireworks and they have a pizza for folks with gluten allergies and the dough is some sort of italian "caputo" flour and I have absolutely zero issues with it. I don't eat the crust part around the edge because I feel like that's pushing it! But I can't tell a difference and it's the one "bread" product that I know I can eat. Not sure if other pizza places offer this (I know zpizza has a gluten free crust too), but just a thought for you guys who crave pizza hardcore!
  8. addelapp5


    My surgeon requires all of his patients to stay overnight after surgery. I definitely would have been able to drive home from the hospital the next day if needed but I'm really glad I didn't have to. I had some super bad side effects from the anesthesia for about 4 days after surgery but was driving after that. If I were you I'd definitely make arrangements for someone else to pick up from the bus stop for you, just to be safe. You can always call them and cancel if needed. Better to be safe than sorry! Good luck!
  9. I worried about this for a while before my surgery but I got to the hospital and was like "whatever." They see bodies for a living. Like an above poster said, it's nothing they haven't seen before, and you are really very minimally exposed. You'll be done and through it before you know it, and someone seeing you naked will be the last thing on your mind once you're there. No worries! Don't stress yourself out! I was more annoyed after surgery when I woke up and got to my room. I was allowed to put underwear on under my gown but not a bra. That annoyed me more than anything because I had to do my walking laps around the hall without! :eek:
  10. addelapp5

    Memorial Day Challenge Anyone?

    This is totally what I've been needing! I'm definitely in. I'm 233 right now and would like to be 218, so 15 pounds for me. I almost feel like that's a little too much (works out to 3lbs a week) but I have been on a lovely little plateau for a month and am planning on taking it up about 10 notches because I need to get rolling again. Good luck everyone!
  11. addelapp5


    Ehhh it just happens! My best advice is to not let it get to you (I know, I know that's difficult!). You'll push out of it. What kind of exercise are you doing? Last time I hit a plateau I changed up my exercise a little and that seemed to do the trick well. I was running 3x a week and doing yoga so I swapped out to running 2x a week (I love it to much to cut it), added a spin class and then went hiking with my dogs once a week at a local park. Not a big difference but I think it was enough for my body to be like "oh... mmkay" haha. Sometimes it helps to change your eating as well. Example, I find foods that agree with my band and tend to stick with them and don't vary because I'm worried I'll get stuck. Then if I hit a plateau I try rotating in a few new things and that tends to help. Try something different. If it works, great. If not, you'll know better next time. Just be careful and make smart choices!
  12. addelapp5

    Yawns, burps and nose blowing, OH MY!

    I hiccup after I eat. Every time. No matter if it's one bite or thirty, when I do that, it's time to stoppp. Usually after about 10 minutes I can eat a little more if I didn't get far the first time. It's my "you're about to get stuck" signal. Though if my nose starts running? It's time for me to start scoping wherever I am for bathrooms. I definitely don't PB every time but that's my "you got stuck and went a bite too far" warning and sometimes it's not good... At least we've got some signals. I feel like it's having training wheels on your bikes. I've never been a regular weight and don't really know how to eat without stuffing myself to the point of being uncomfortable. Now I do.
  13. addelapp5

    LESS restriction at NIGHT?

    Ohh I definitely have this problem! I literally cannot eat in the mornings. At. All. I used to drink either a Protein drink or a yogurt or something but since my last fill, I have trouble with them (not because I'm too tight... but apparently my body just doesn't like dairy in the form of liquid anymore). Sooo now I wake up and drink about 6oz of orange juice at home, drink a full bottle of Water when I get to work (around 8:30), and then usually by about 10am I can handle a handful of nuts. Then I usually just do a soup for lunch around 1-2 (I work at a veterinary practice and everything is on the go. I tried real food for the first month working there in december and everyone there probably thought I had some sort of eating disorder haha... it did NOT go well!). Then I'll do another handful of nuts around 3-4. When I get home by around 7, I can typically eat whatever I want (other than bread and lettuce), and usually fix myself a pretty decent dinner. Unfortunately even without much fill, I have trouble in the morning and early afternoon, so it doesn't matter for me to have an unfill, etc. God knows, I'd probably eat a house at night if I did! It's a struggle, especially since it's hard to regulate my food intake at night. It'd be nice if it were reverse so I could get a good breakfast and lunch in and then not be able to eat much at dinner!
  14. addelapp5

    Walking Playlist

    I find that anything with a super fast beat will keep me on track. I typically listen to kind of indie stuff, oldies, punk rock but I can't really listen to any of that when I walk! Running, yes. Walking? No. For walking, I tend to dig up dance songs, club stuff, techno, etc. Stuff with a fast, steady beat that keeps me walking at a rate that will get my heart going. My pre-op weight was 320 so I feel you on that, but walking is a great way to get started. It's a little too soon after banding for you to do much else anyway. Though I do recommend the couch to 5k once you're cleared to do a little more exercise by your doc. Even if you don't think you can run, I started out walking at my "regular" pace for the walking intervals and then doing a really fast speed walk during the "run" intervals. After two weeks of that I started running and I haven't stopped since. Anyway, I'd be typing for the next hour if I listed too many song recommendations but check out some club/techno stuff (you can just google or itunes search it and some pretty good stuff should pull up). Good luck with everything. My doctor always pushes to get as much done the first year as possible, because it's harder after that. I'm a little over a year out and now I totally believe him. I'm still working on the weight (it's slow and steady), but I'm glad I got into a solid exercise routine early because it's made all of the difference.
  15. addelapp5

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    Got to mine and then some. I'm stoked! Good luck to everyone that's not there yet. You've still got time!!

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