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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ShelsKharma

  1. Hey There!

    I am early in the lap band process as well, and have Tufts heath plan. I totally understand your confusion about their program since there is little to no info out there on it, untill you are actually enrolled.

    icanchange is a 6 month program which must be completed before you will be covered for surgery. It consists of 8 phone calls with a consultant, durring which you make goals related to lifestyle changes, etc. and discuss diferent issues and hurdles.

    To get enrolled your doctor needs to send a letter to tufts pre-enrollment, stating why you shold be enrolled in the program (WT, comorbidities, etc.) Once approved you will get a letter of acceptance, and a call from your consultant to schedule your first call. For me, this happeded about a week or 2 after my doctors office sent in the letter.)

    I am currently 1 call into the program, with my second call scheduled for tomorrow evening. If all goes on schedule I should complete the program mid may.

    My suggestion would be to speak with your doctor as soon as possible to get the ball rolling- The program date will not officially start untill the day of your first official call.

    Good luck! And it may take a while, but the summer WILL get here, and our time WILL come!!:confused:


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