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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by beautiful_days

  1. i'm looking on my dads company's insurance information page, and they don't say anything about NOT covering weight loss surgery, but they do say stuff about not covering cosmetic surgery.

    Their packets are confusing the heck out of me. is it considered preventive care?

    Also, we don't know if we should enroll with Kaiser again, or if we should switch to Aetna. Which makes it easier to get Lap Band?

  2. I have Kaiser SoCal HMO, and I don't know who I'm supposed to ask first for the surgery; do I ask my PCP or do I have to find a surgeon first? It's also the time of year to renew our insurance and I've been reading that it's easier to get it with BC/BS, should I switch first then start the process? My BMI is 43 and I'm tired of being overweight! I've been trying since I was 11 to lose weight and nothing has worked permanently.

    I want to get this process on the ball but I don't know where to start. THanks guys! :biggrin:

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