There I was, plugging along with 6.5ccs in my band. Good restriction, had just reached the 100 pound mark and then I did it. I sat in front of a tub of food I took out of the fridge with a fork and ate right out of the container. I had already had dinner, but I felt like having a little something and I was PMSing so why not a couple of forkfuls of the delicious papardelle with lamb ragu? I'll tell you why... I ate too much and then it happened. I felt horrible, like I had a burp stuck and it wouldn't move and it was painful and uncomfortable and awful. Then my mouth started to water and I knew what was coming - this wasn't a PB - it was a full on, gut wrenching, up from the core puke! After I threw up, I felt a bit better. Then I threw up again and felt much better but when I went to take some water after, it burned going down and I got a horrible pain across my stomach. Irritation, I figured. It will be better in the morning.
Next morning, I took a Prilosec with a sip of water and it feels like acid going down my throat. I tried sipping warm water and coffee but couldn't even get through half a cup. mouthful and I was in pain! So I thought I'd really done a number on my stomach and I'd better follow the rules until it felt better. 4 days later, I still couldn't eat without pain so I called the doctor and they told me to come right in. The PA took 0.2 ccs out and told me to continue taking the Prilosec daily and stick to the program and the irritation would fade. It didn't. For almost a week, I could barely get an ounce of food in at a time and liquids were not going down right either. I woke up in the night vomiting in my sleep and gagging -- all liquid -- for 4 days in a row. I was starting to feel weak.
Monday I called and they scheduled me to come in this morning. Monday was the same... hard to eat or drink anything but I kept taking the Prilosec and tried to stay hydrated. On Tuesday, I got up and had 1/2 a cup of coffee before I realized it didn't hurt and that it went I finished it. I then had 1/4 cup of yogurt and that was fine too. Hmmmmm.... At work, I had an iced coffee and 16 oz. Crystal Light again, no problem whatsoever. Went out to lunch and had some buffalo mozzarella, a slice of tomato and two seafood raviolis... yep. All good. It seemed I was cured but I wanted to keep the appointment anyway to discuss what had happened.
Today, after telling the doctor my story he said it sounded as if my band had slipped with the retching and that 0.2ccs was not enough out of the band to correct a slip. Because I was so diligent though, the swelling went down and the band slipped back into place itself. Wow! I'm still on tender proteins, nothing too hard, and taking the Prilosec for a few more days but the doctor said we didn't have to take out anymore fluid and that I should continue doing what I am doing because now I'm down 106 lbs! Oh, and, he wanted to know who made the appointment because when you have the level of pain I had and the inability to hydrate, it is an emergency and I shouldn't have been told to wait until today.
So, moral of the story. Slips suck! I'm back on track with 6.3 ccs in my band, feeling fine and looking forward to losing even more.