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Everything posted by Titslereaux

  1. Titslereaux

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    You can’t believe anything BubbleButt says because she doesn’t know anything. Nothing. To insinuate I wasn't raped in Mexico is really sick and twisted. Ask yourself, "Hey, how does Wasabubble know this? Do they know each other?" Once you think about the answers, it should sink in that she knows nothing about me. Nothing, and I mean nothing. This was a Christmas thread that stomped on, but for her to drag in lies, gossip and rumors is sadder than my bitterness. What kind of weirdo drags crap from thread to thread if it doesn’t have anything to do with the topic? Her goal is to spread lies like a cancer. Some times I need to be reminded that bitterness breeds bitterness, and not one person here is any better than me for wanting the last stab at me. However, I don't know who the hell this BubbleAss is other than an effen weirdo that doesn't know the difference between reality and bologna.
  2. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    why the fucken venom in yer posts, eh?"
  3. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    So quick to attack when you don't even know what this is all about! It's about some random nurse rebutting warnings about how dangerous Mexico is. She follows my posts to defend Tijuana, when all I'm trying to do is save others from getting raped like I was when I went to TJ for a LapBand consult. You can see how I made it all up by reading what Transformer posted (click on the link) yet while Transformer defends the good nurse in this post, he contradicts himself by posting my exact warnings elsewhere. This isn't a popularity contest, it's real life & death, and her link is just a bonus. Why not add how terribly dangerous it is so people that rely on her amazing research can at least take the extra safety precautions when they go to Mexico? That link makes things sound just peaches in Fabulous Tijuana when in reality, it's a damn scary place. If you haven't followed every post, why not calm down till you understand what's going on here? FOXNews.com - Report: Sophisticated Robbers Target Tourists in Baja California - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
  4. Titslereaux

    Puppy Pics

    It's not rude to ask if my baby is deaf, I get that often. According to our Vet, 40% of white Boxers are either born or become deaf but not Little! He amazes us with how sharp his hearing is - he's probably the best watch dog I've ever know. And his facial expressions kill us! He looks like a manatee and can get whatever he wants by using those big doughy eyes!
  5. Titslereaux

    How are you feeling as date approaches?

    Akakakaxplekxtix. If that's a word, and I just went for my first consult today!
  6. Titslereaux

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    Aren't you believers supposed to be on your knees praying for me instead of slamming insults and sarcasm back at me? Yeah, I thought so. Want to borrow a rosary? Hypocrisy is what's wrong with Christmas. The Angry Elf
  7. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    Fighting with the whole bloody world? You are the only person on this board I have a problem with since you're the one with the negligent HOW TO RESEARCH A MEXICAN DOCTOR link under your signature on more threads than I can count. This all started when you insisted on rebutting every post I made with respect to bad experiences in Mexico. Explain why you get so defensive any time someone posts a negative story? Instead, you're right there leading the innocent to your sadly misleading link. Give members what they deserve, the truth. You accuse me of dishonesty? Show me one lie and I'll log off forever. Let's start with you being honest about three top Mexican surgeons since you know so much. Tell us about Lopez, Sanchez and Ortiz. Please. Keep it real by explaining how two of them were Band placement instructors that trained many, many US and Mexican surgeons, maybe even yours! Please inform the board how many current Mexican surgeons received their training from the above-named men. Make sure everyone knows two of them are/were proctors for the Band were, up until all the recent drama, considered to be the best of the best. Make sure to list their current death rate, complication rate, port infections, tilted ports, surgical erros, erosions, amount of American money they raked in, the number of Bands they placed (could it be thousands?) and where they are today. Did Ortiz really write the famous LapBand book? Was there a lawsuit? Girl, this is all too scandalous for me to approach, I just hope you stop rebutting all the negative posts about Mexico so people can make educated decisions based on facts instead of your personal opinions. The link on your siganture line is censored. I don't know how you sleep at night.
  8. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    The fact you claim to know that "most docs in Mexico are quality" shows your level of honest. That's a big, dangerous assumption considering the number of surgeons in that huge country that could get someone hurt. Unless you list every single surgeon you refer to, your generalized knowledge of "most docs in Mexico" isn't accurate. Why not just satisfy the requirement for a knowledgeable link by adding the truth? Go ahead and list all the bad doctors that people relied on in the past and present that did their research and had written documentation from the band makers about trusting those amazing surgeons? Showing all the information, not just the positive good stuff, will then give members what the deserve to know. They deserve to know about the multitude of complications and deaths (yes, I said deaths) that occur in Mexico at the hand of Mexican bariatric surgeons, erosions, missing hospital records, surgical errors, terror at the border, problems with Federales, language barriers, theft and inability to get through on the phone. These are the things that you continue to censor. In a pinch, I personally know a surgeon in Mexico that I would trust with my life. Dishonest? I'm not the one shoving bad information down anyone's throat. There's not one post of mine indicating Mexico is entirely bad, rather I consistently urge patients to know all sides before making a decision. Big diff. Huge. I know morbidly obese people on their death beds that I refer to Mexico since it's their ONLY option, but at least they aware going in.
  9. Titslereaux

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    Bitter? Hardly, I laugh at fools who celebrate a pregnant virgin. Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, aliens, pregnant virgins. It's obvious why the National Enquirer stays in business when grown ups forget to grow up. Can people actually say "pregnant virgin" without laughing? If you don't want negative people spitting on your Christmas post, why not change the title to something more festive that attracts only those who care to spread Christmas joy? The "controversy welcome" sign was on the opened door- I just wandered in looking for liquor.
  10. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    I am absolutely, undeniably 100% cynical! For Pete’s sake, I’m about to be put under anesthesia (where a percentage never wake up) so a stranger can slice my body open! Everyone here should be a cynic for a good, long period of time before hoping on a cold surgical bed. I just had my 1st consult this morning after 5 years of intensive LapBand research and only recently started considering going permanent with a bypass or gastric sleeve, perhaps. I’ve been one-on-one, face-to-face with at least 10 top surgeons in the US and Mexico and have held the hand of about 50 Bandsters before, during and after removal due to complications. I personally know 2 members that have died and been brought back to life due to removal complications after erosion. I've watched and read this board like a hawk, and too many members squawk off without even knowing what they're talking about. I do have a serious problem with what WASABUBBLE since people rely on her inaccurate posts. For the most part, she appears to be very informative, but her head’s gotten bigger than her common sense in a variety of posts. Example, just recently she advised a member that woke up from anesthesia during surgery that the woman was merely dreaming. In actuality, waking up during surgery is a fairly common complication. She’s a nurse, so people think that means she knows what she’s talking about. In another thread she rambles nonsense that the makers of the band would NEVER tell a patient what doctor to go to. Wrong again considering they gave me the name of two surgeons. The link at the bottom of every single post directs people to fantastic information about Mexico that makes even me want to jump the border, but nowhere does it list any dangers or problems with Mexico. On another post she clearly indicates she’s an advocate for her Mexican surgeon, which motivates her to defend Mexico when she should let people read both sides of the coin. How can someone honestly be such a strong advocate for her own surgeon while calling other coordinators out? Smells fishy, no? Three hugely successful, popular and "top" Mexican surgeons have taken terrible turns for the worse. Mexico, as a country, may as well be another planet. Danger lurks at every corner, but if you did your research like I did, I guess you’d know this. If she’d stop advocating Mexico and her Mexican surgeon, I wouldn’t need to caution others so intensely.
  11. Titslereaux

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    I'm sorry for offending some of you-I was trying to point out that your beliefs are like pollution to the rest of us. I voted that smoking in restaurants should be banned so the rest of the world wasn't forced to succomb to what other people enjoyed, but nobody minds cramming 2 months of BS in my face every years, and there's no avoiding it! And then in January comes the new post-Christmas thread about how everyone is so discouraged about all the weight gain, getting back on track and credit card debt. God bless.
  12. Titslereaux

    Waking up during surgey

    Waking up unable to move or speak while under anesthesia is actually not as rare as you think. It happened to my sister during an appendectomy, and her docs tried to tell her she was dreaming until she repeated medical terminology word-for-word, names of instruments, people in the room, etc. There was a huge news story about this somewhat common occurrence just last week with people awake trying to get the surgeon's attention but unable to scream. Seeing my sister like that was a nightmare for me, let alone you (or her) going through it. The good news is she never had recurring nightmares! I hope it fades to a distant memory soon.
  13. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    "if someone gets stuck with a surgeon that doesn't answer their phone calls or follow up with them, that's their own fault for failing to do the necessary research" Sadly, this is very inaccurate.
  14. Titslereaux

    Puppy Pics

    18 month old White Boxer... puppy forever xoxox Has anyone ever died overdosing on cute?
  15. Titslereaux

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    Christmas is annoying if you're not into it. It's nice for the small percentage of the world who believe all that hooey, but why do the rest of us have to live it from Halloween through Valentine's Day? Can't yall just do it quietly in private?
  16. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    Out of site, out of mind. If the bad news isn't listed, that must mean it doesn't exist, right? Getting good information from someone is certainly a great help when researching something so major as going under the knife, but to ONLY post the PROS and balk when anyone mentions that plenty of CONS also exist speaks volume on trying to cover up the truth. It's simple - there are pros and cons going into Mexico, but when members (they are only members, not Gods) jump all over the board to guide people into a dangerous foreign country without adding all the dangers to the link? You can't be that naive... can you? Cha ching.
  17. Titslereaux

    Do You? You know use that word!

    What a shame; a whole bunch of people simply want to take baby steps to make the world a brighter place, while others refuse to clean it up a bit. Please pass the spray paint. What's one little can of artwork on the freeway overpass?
  18. How many people that voted against abortions eat meat? You know, dead, murdered animals... Why is killing okay some of the time but not all of the time? I'm not for or against it - when people take a stand for this kind of thing it makes me think we're playing God. I can't go there.
  19. Sorry, I can't bring myself to vote because I'm busy puking over my own damn welfare inlaws. She's on welfare & food stamps, and he picks up an odd side job from time to time that he DOES NOT PAY TAXES ON!!! Between them they smoke 3 packs a day and meat purchased with food stamps to support their pot habit. I choked at their grocery cart full of cases of Coke, steaks and enough junk food to satisfy this board, while me & my husband have always worked full time to pay our mortgage while eating Top Ramen to make ends meet and treat ourselves to dinner only with 2-4-1 or 1/2 price off coupons. I'm torn - I like the idea of social programs but was raised to support myself or go without, period. Nobody ever helped me; nobody ever helped my single mom, and nobody ever helped my dad or any of my grandparents. We don't rely on welfare, disability, food stamps or unemployment, and I have a feeling when the time comes for us to NEED the help, we'll be kicked to the curb. On the other hand, I'd gladly pay more taxes to have unified health insurance. The thought of walking into any medical facility I want to without worrying about how I'm going to pay, or if I'll get decent medical care wins over the thought of paying for the unemployed to be covered. It's not an easy choice. What does this make me?
  20. Titslereaux


    I once smacked my puppy's nose and nearly died of feeling terrible. It didn't help, he just peed on himself and then ate more furniture the next day. Seems parents that spank do it often, a whack here, a slap there, a tree branch, a kitchen utensil, Dad's belt (buckle end.) Those of us who were physically punished can testify that it doesn't work. Humilation and pain aren't positive ways to teach little ones to be better. It contradicts itself. Don't smack the baby!
  21. Titslereaux

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Plumb P., if you really mean you'll stop using the word (or at least try to refrain) then our rants were well worth expressing here. Good job!
  22. Titslereaux

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    Aren't you contradicting yourself considering you're a coordinator for Mexican surgeons? It seems that way, anyway. You push Mexico to the point innocent people are relying on your DISHONEST link of nonsense that doesn't include anything negative about traveling to Mexico. By the time people are done reading your "informational" link they may as well pack with excitment to run off to Tijuana because it all sounds awesome. Where's the section about: What to do when your Mexican surgeon doesn't return phone calls? Or what to do when the Federales won't let you through the border. Or what to do when your Mexican surgeon falls off the planet. Patient coordinateor, Mexican advocate, what's the difference what you call it when it's obvious why you're here.
  23. Titslereaux

    removal-mini bypass

    I'm still following along - thanks for the info. I'll go check out those links.
  24. Titslereaux

    My Erosion Experience

    Is my research correct that Inamed was pushing the partnership of Dr. Lopez Corvala and Dr. Ariel Ortiz several years ago for the best choice of surgeons in Tijuana Mexico, who ran a training program out of Baja to certify other surgeons to place the band? I know Lopez is/was Inamed's Proctor and Ortiz wrote a book about being Inamed's top surgeon in NA but I don't see their patients around here. Rollcall please? How are everyones bands? Are these surgeons still around?
  25. Titslereaux

    removal-mini bypass

    I've heard that name associated with the sleeve. Any & all info encouraged & welcomed, please! Thanks!

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