Hi there, My BMI is 35 and EVERYONE told me I was crazy for doing this and that its only for HUGE people. The thing is, i have been obese since i was in grade 3 and i have been fighting it for 10 years. The reason my BMI is low is because I have been dieting for half my life, if i wasnt id be 45. DONT listen to anyone. We are doing this so that we dont have to be BMI 45 and likely to have a heart attack and i bet a lot of people on this forum would say they would have done it earlier.
I struggled the first week out of surgery, dont know if it had anything to do with my weight but it was a shit week. OH well, 3 weeks later i feel fantastic and 99% back to normal. Be prepared that after surgery sux but it gets better and all worthwhile.
My appetite is back and although i lost 10kgs in the first 4 weeks (2 weeks pre op and 2 weeks post op) i am eating almost as much as i used to so i expect the weightloss to slow dramatically. Im getting a fill next friday but have heard it takes a few fills to get it right.
You are smaller and so probably can expect to lose heaps of weight as fast as the bigger people but hang in there, you are more likely to get to goal.
I havnt even started yet and already happy i made this decision!!