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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Donna861

  1. HI C green, I am glad that you were able to make it through a major set back. I have been good in regards to the food but not so good with the driving. I am not suppose to drive until tomorrow. I really thought that I could go back to work. So I drive to our main office yesterday (this is about 50+ miles away) passed out a few Christmas bag gifts and then I got stopped by the bosses. They took one look at me and said GO HOME. I was pale and flushed and looked very tired. I have to admit now (I didn't admit yesterday) That I was actually felling yucky, The pain had increased and I did have a couple of bouts of nausea,:biggrin: (First time for that). So I reassigned my patients and drove the long distance home and spent the rest of the day in bed. I called into work last night for today. They were all on board with me staying home. I have to admit that I have felt a little hunger at times or maybe it is what ever my S.O. is cooking in the kitchen for himself. I can start the semi solid doiet on Thursday. I have to say I don't have a real strong urge to eat. I am working on the Water, eating a lot of Jello, and broths for the most part at this time. My tummy is very colorful with bruises, but it doesn't hurt on the outside but sore on the inside. I have been sligty dehydreated, with some lightheadedness. I am sleeping more. It will be a week tomorrow from surgery and I have lost 10 pounds. I still have a lot of gas in my abdomen, ieven with small walks I do pass some gas. My biggest complaint is the itching. I believe it is from the Vicodin liquid that I am itching. When I cut back on this the itching is not so bad. I am moving around better. So all in all I think I am doing ok. :tongue: I hope everyone else is doing well. Take care.. and write when you can. Donna
  2. Hi cgreen and others, I have also come through with flying colors at least I think so. My surgery was on Thursday, I spent the night at the facility. This was good for a couple of reasons. I could get nice shots of morphine, I think I took about 4 of those and then they started the liquid pain meds:cursing: Yuck. But it is working for the discomfort. food right now does not sound good to me. But have been taking in Water, jello, and broth. This is just fine for me at this point. I am finding that the Crystal light drinks are awful. They are very sweet and leave a terrible after taste. Knock on wood no nausea YEA. I am some nice colors of black, red and blue on my tummy, and I can still feel the gas in there. My back has been uncomfortable today. I have no regrets to having this done at this point and I finally feel as if I am doing something right. What was interesting was the night I spent in the hospital I was very dehydrated and they kept putting on the saline bags which was good, Then my IV blew and they had to restart it. The evening night supervisor started it and we were talking about work and such. Then she offered me a job. Oh yea if I didn't mention it I am a nurse. It would be an interesting job and I think it could be one that I could get involved with. I will have to think about this. I hope all is going well for all of you as well I am looking forward to hearing from you.. Thanks DD
  3. My surgery is tomorrow. I have been a bit stressed today and have had a headache. I have a lot going on with my schooling, work and this of course. I am going to stay the night. My S. O. is concerned and doesn't want any problems. I have no problem staying and I know how I am after surgery. All I want to do is sleep. After a night sleep I think I will be ok and not be so bad. I am glad you are doing ok. I am sure I will feel about the same as you do however. I am trying to decide if I am going to go back to work on Monday. We will see come Sunday, how things are going.
  4. I am so glad that your doing well. I doctor told me about the hernia thing as well, and also told me that he would fix it at the same time if there is one. I kind of suspect that he is looking for one and going to find one. Sort of wierd. I was reading you profile and both of us are about the same I am also 5' 4" and 220. I am just waiting for Thursday and to be done with this. Did you go home or are you staying overnight? I guess I am planning on staying over night. My. S.O. is not overly anxious about taking care of a sick person. .. Write when you get a chance.. DD
  5. Well folks I am sure all will go well for the both of you. Iam scheduled for this Thursday at 10:30. A. M. I am not nervous about the surgery I am nervous about eating afterwards. I am not talking Immidiately afterwards but in a couple of weeks when I actually may feel hungery. I know how my appetite is, As someone stated they could eat a cow, Yep I feel the same way. I just hope that part stops after this is all over. Best of luck Donna
  6. Tina, Tell me how do you add a ticker to your profile and a picture. and so on?
  7. Thanks, appreciate all the help I can get.
  8. It looks like you and I will have to stay in touch. As Mentioned my surgery is also scheduled for Thursday at 10:30 am. Easy enought to figure out my name is Donna. I am an RN in Phoenix AZ. I am ready for this to be done and to move on with. It will be nice to talk on here and hear how everyone is doing.
  9. Thanks for the response, I am a little nervous about it. It helps to hear your story. One week to go and I will be close to where you are now. Just being nervous now I find that I am not to hungry at this point. I have had other abdominal surgeries in the past including open gallbladder removal and an abdominal plasty about 11 years ago. I remember it not being so bad. I know the worst part for me is waking up, I really hate that and having people poke at you and it always seams like they are yelling for some reason. I am ready for it and have the meds and things ready to go. I just need the date to roll around. I have been watching some of the videos from utube they don't seam to bad. My biggest fear at this point is the hungry feeling after this is all done. This is part of my reason for doing this, I am always hungry and can always eat. They tell me that this will help with that. Stay in touch.. and take care, get some rest Donna
  10. So how did it go? I am scheduled for a week from today on 121709. I just want this over with I have a lot to do and I have to keep going.
  11. Donna861

    Dr Simpson

    Hi Virginia I live in Surprise, Have not been banded yet. I am also using the same docs as you. Just wanted to say hi to a neighbor. Stay in touch
  12. Donna861

    Dr Simpson

    It sounds like you have it covered. Best of luck,
  13. Donna861

    Dr Simpson

    I too have decided to go with the doctors that you have. I know they are starting an office out closer to me near Arrowhead Glendale/Peoria area. I am glad to hear things are working out for you. Tell me how you feel now after having this done with these two M.D.s. Do you still feel safe and glad you made the decision you did?
  14. Donna861

    Dr. Simpson in Phoenix, AZ...

    I have not had the pleasure of meeting Dr Simpson personally. I found out about him through a friend that was just banded about a month ago. 10/09. He and I were talking and he was telling me about this doctor. I have to say that afternoon I was standing in his office setting up an appointment with Greg. I found out he did not take my insurance so I decided to look around. The Weight Loss Institute of AZ, just signed a contract with Banner Health care (Where I work) and they are going to be doing surgeries at one of the hospitals close to me. I went to Dr DeBarros's free seminar. I am in the pre-op testing phase at this point but have a tentative surgery date of 12/17/09, So far other than making me wait a little while in his office on my first visit. I don't have any complaints. He and his office staff answered all my questions and have been good about setting up appointments with me. I will let you know if anything changes. Although I have access to insurance I will be self pay due to insurance requirments that I don't want to wait for.

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