My first lap band leaked.
I live in Nevada and I have a brother who is a surgeon in Colorado. His friend put on my first band in August 2004.
Initially I was 297lbs and went on a liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to surgery and lost 20lbs by the time of my surgery. A week after my surgery i went back to Nevada and stayed on liquids for about a month and after I started eating solids, I had my a fill for the first time. I lost another 15 lbs from my surgery till my first fill 6 weeks later.
On my first fill, while the needle was still in me, had had me drink some Water and would fill a very small amount until I could feel the cold water in my stomach. I had a VG band which was bigger and I think my first fill was about 3cc. The doctor told me to go back to liquids for a few days after the fill. He told me to come back when I stopped loosing weight.
After my first fill and staying on liquids for a few days, I really did not notice anything different than before the fill. But still I kept loosing weight because my solid portions were minimul. I chewed all my food very well and followed the rules about not drinking prior and after eating, and I started going for longer walks every day. 8 weeks later I went back for my 2nd fill and lost another 15 lbs from my first fill to my 2nd fill.
On my 2nd fill the doctor realized that some of the 3cc was mising (about .4cc) and he sometimes you loose some when you pull the needle out. This time he filled my band another 2 or 3cc, and again I went back to drinking liquids after my fill. I remeber the morning after that fill I was wating for the pland back to vegas and had a cup of coffee, and felt it stay in my pouch and I could tell my band was actually working. However after a few days, my band felt the exact same as prior to the 2nd fill. and over time I noticed I could start eating more before I started to fell full.
I went back in Feb 06 to have my band tightened again and by this time I had gained about 10 lbs back from my 2nd fill. I told the doctor I was to busy with work to come back in Jan and explained how I just never got full after eating. Again, there was small amount less in the band that was put in from the 2nd fill. On my 3rd fill he tightened up much more and asked me to come back (when convienient) to do a fill under fluroscopy.
I could not go back until May and by then it was as if I never had a band at all... except for eating certain foods like white meat chicken. The doctor did a fill and they could watch my band. He filled it very tight and there was no doubt there was a leak after that test.
He asked to come back for a day surgery "out patient" to examine the port. I did not have a chance to come back until Aug 2005. They opened my port, removed all that was unside my band and injected a dye solution. If the leak was in the port it would be visible by the dye leaking out. They had my port open for about 15 mins and there was no visible leak. While doing this test they injected the full 10cc and it was painfull to have my band maxed out. Well the doctor removed all the dye and it was a full 10cc so there was not enought time to verify any leakage. I asked the doctor if he could replace the port anyway and he told me that the leak is not in the port or it would have been visable with dye.
Now if I could go back, and if anyone has to have this done, I Strongly suggest that you DEMAND the port be replaced. It might have saved me from having my whole band replaced. The doctor left 8cc in my band after the day surgery and asked me to comeback to his office that afternic.
Again, there was a small amount that leaked out from the day surgery. He apologised and told me that I have to have the operation redone. I could not afford it and just and to live with it. Buy this time I had gained most of my weight back. Since he put 8cc in my band, It was tight for a week or so but shortly after I could eat without feeling any thing. A month later it was like not even having a band.
I went back to in 15 Aug 2006 and talked with the doctor to try to replace the port in day surgery. I explained to him that even if its a small chance the leak is in the port, I woudl pay the $1900. We talked and he said he would try it but he said if I replaced the band its a bit more and now its done as an outpatient. I dedcided to get it done right and this time I had a smaller band put it.
I had my band replaced on Aug 18 2006, even though I went to Colorado just to have my port replaced. I felt it was a mistake to have the large VG band put on me.
Since my new band was put on I have lost 18 lbs. I was only on liquids for a week becaue my stomach was used to the band. I am staying off all carbs in a effort to ensure I loose weight. I only eat very small portions and I wont know if this band works until I get it tightend in about a month.
Even though its hard now, because the small portions dont fill me up that much... but I can tell its tighter than my old VG band, I know I can stay on a non carb diet until my first fill on my new band.
I hope this helps.