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Everything posted by green

  1. green

    Why has no one read my post on giving a party?

    Bitter, this is very funny stuff! I was very amused and I added a suggestion.
  2. green

    So you want to give a party?

    Only drink clear coloured drinks. When you spill 'em on yourself they won't stain. That's what I always do at parties.
  3. I also find this shocking. Consider that when civilians are exposed to a terrible event professional counsellors are sent to the scene to help them deal with it, it would only make sense that war combattants receive the same treatment. These men and women should be debriefed and, well, carefully worked with after going through the horrors of ground combat. I am now curious as to what if any help Canadian soldiers receive. As you may or may not know, we are in active service in southern Afghanistan, fighting along side with your troops and those of Britain, I believe. This is where all the fighting is. The Spanish, Italian and German troops are stationed in the peaceful north. Our Prime Minister has asked NATO for assistance from other countries and has been denied. This is bad news for us all.
  4. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    I've never, ever had a good relationship with my body. When I was thin I thought I was fat. I've never been able to pick out a pair of pants, eyeball them, and figure out that they will probably fit. As a result I like to wear big baggy clothes. They mask the body and they are comfortable.
  5. Yes, the young men that we are seeing up here in Canada are vets who have been in Iraq and who don't want to go back. They are home on leave. It is at this point that they decide to pack up everything and cross the border. I don't how many there are of these vets. Between 100 and 200 max, I would guess.
  6. green

    Argon's Activities

    It is kinda funny but I am looking forward to your Christmas more than I am looking forward to mine. I am anxious to hear about your parents' reactions to your weight loss.
  7. We were going to sneak off to Mexico during this period after spending Christmas Eve with my husband's parents and Christmas Day with a friend of ours. I don't like this time of year, never have. Christmas has always given me the creeps. Anyhow, it now seems that my husband's two young nieces will be coming over here from France for the holiday. They adore him and he adores them. (They also like me which is cool.) This means that we won't be skipping out of town since Christmas is, afterall, all about the young. I might even enjoy it this year, sez Grinchy Green.
  8. Hahaha! This sounds like lotsa fun especially for families who have everything.:clap2:
  9. You are right, BJean, this situation is heart wrenching. These deserters who are making their way up to Canada are America-loving patriots and soldiers who found themselves broken by their experiences of this war in Iraq. The decision to uproot themselves and their wives and kids and to move to a foreign country did not come easily to them. These are, you must understand, young men with long roots in America. In brief, these kids are less cynical and more patriotic than most of the draft dodgers who came to Canada during the time of the Vietnam war. And now they are here and it looks as though our government will soon be handing them back to your government. This is a very, very sad business. These young people are seeking asylum and my country will not provide it. You might be interested to know that while they are here they are being supported by a number of groups: our government, various church and peace groups, and by former draft dodgers who chose to remain here after amnesty was given by your government.
  10. In the West freedom of speech is guaranteed to us all. How then can the expression of an opinion be viewed as unpatriotic? This is illogical thinking.
  11. I have read and have been very moved by the accounts posted by BJean, Bitter, and Carlene concerning their experiences of the war in Vietnam. I was, as you can see by my age, up and running during those years but as a Canadian my experience of this war was more academic. My country did welcome draft dodgers and deserters from the armed forces during that time. We now have a new crop of young Americans who are up here in Canada. They come with their wives and young children. These individuals are deserters and their tales of service in Iraq are compelling in their horror. They generally decide to desert while home on leave. Unfortunately for them our immigration laws have changed and are much more formal and much more stringent. It looks like they will be returned to the United States after they have exhausted the appeals process up here. They are, you see, attempting to use the only immigration loop hole open to them: they are applying to stay here under refugee status. This is the only way that they can avoid returning to their country of origin and being trapped in a two-year beaurocratic process before being allowed to live in Canada. I am one of the many Canadians who feel badly for these young men.
  12. green

    Ok Cloe Heres Some Pix!!!

    Bring on the photos!
  13. green

    Argon's Activities

    You look fabulous, girl. :clap2: There is a big difference. You should be feeling very proud of yourself right now. Your parents are going to be amazed when they see you at Christmas. :faint: Congratulations!!!
  14. A really good thing to do is to read the titles of the various of areas of this very large and well constructed site. Once you do so you will find the appropriate zones in which to post your posts.
  15. Well, duh...eh. You are not welcome on this site, it seems to me.....
  16. I am a Cancer. I was born on the 4th of July.
  17. green

    My NSV Goals! What are Yours?

    My NSV goals are: 1 - to buy clothes off the regular racks 2- to be able to tuck my shirts and sweaters into my pants 3- to fit a size 12 or 14 Meeting these goals would make me very happy.
  18. green

    I can zip up my boots!!!

    Yippee! Congratulations, Bitter!:clap2:
  19. green

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    Harvey's has infiltrated Home Depot and they do make a good burger.
  20. green


    Not bad and they come in bigger sizes! Yippee! Thanx.
  21. green


    I know that a number of you lucky Canuckis come down to Toronto to have the operation and to have your fills done. I also read that you like to shop while you are down here in The Big Smoke. Then there is this business of hitting a NSV and as we all know, a lot of those Non Scale Victories have to do with our clothes falling off our backs (or our bums, more like). And most of us who are posting here are women and most women do like to shop. I was shopping in a Winner's store today and I managed to strike pay dirt. This put Green in a good mood. Now it strikes me that it might be fun to have a thread devoted to the subject of shopping, the good, the bad, and the ugly. There is much that can be said about the bad and the ugly, especially when a grrl is not a size 12 or less. Green has been feeling bitter about the lack of choice in interesting clothes in larger sizes for years now. I also have a bone to pick with shoe sizes since I take size drag queen! This is another ugly issue. But I continue to want to shop, and sometimes I find good stuff. It ain't all tears of frustration, ya know. And this is why I thought that this thread might be both a way for us to vent and to have fun. Alors, voila le thread shopping, eh.
  22. Bitter, I, too, have always liked short, thin, dark haired men. I think that this is because my father was short, thin and dark. I was imprinted early. I've ended up more often than not with tall, thin and dark haired men. I have been very lucky with my current mate. He is a man who takes care of me. I've always wanted one of those and it has taken me a great deal of trial and error before finding one. I've kissed and done more with a lot of toads before finding my prince. Here's a hunting tip: find one who is nurturing towards his own family. When he attaches himself to you and yours he will treat you in the same fine fashion.
  23. green

    Green's grumblings

    Yah, feeling the hardware is quite gross. I find myself feeling my port quite often and grossing myself out by doing so. It is a weird loop that I have gotten into. Go figure....
  24. green

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    Oh, and growing with European parents meant that we almost always ate home cooked food while we were growing up. We hardly ever went out to restaurants and we didn't order in. This was the way my dad liked it. My mother didn't. And we didn't either. I think that this is why I like eating in restaurants so much.

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