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Everything posted by green

  1. green

    Lila's Lounge

    I was also going to suggest going to one of the Mexican surgeons for a defill. Good luck, girl.
  2. green

    Great Idea

    Dim sum is served at only some Chinese restaurants in Toronto and only at lunch time on the weekends. Some dim sum are little meat, seafood, and or vegetable filled dumplings. Some of these are deep fried and some are boiled/steamed. They are kind of like the Chinese version of pirogi or ravioli. Some of them have minced pork or beef with maybe a little garlic and ginger and these might be either steamed or fried. The seafood ones are very delicate. The dough is made of rice flour and is very thin. The seafood - usually shrimp - is chopped and these dumplings are steamed. The dough is very white and you can see the contents of the dumpling through it. Another thing they call dim sum is quite different from the dumplings: they wrap sticky rice around bean paste and tie this up in banana leaves and steam it. They also serve custard tarts and a white sweet pudding. They serve other things too but because these involve fish and your more exotic kinds of seafood (Like octopus) I stay away. Growing up in Toronto I never did learn to love fish! Going out for dim sum is a very strange experience for the first timer. You will not receive a menu. Instead there will be women slowly pushing carts with little dishes by your table. On each dish there will be two or three dumplings. You must stop them by pointing to what you want as they walk by. Often they don't seem to even make a note of what you have just bought. At the end of the experience you will be presented with a bill. This will likely be a list of all the dim sum available and they will be listed in Chinese only; ones that you have consumed will be ticked off. If I remember correctly, a bill for 3 might run you to $35-40 max. And you are always welcome to visit me, Cloe.
  3. green

    Moral Dilemma

    This is a tragic story.
  4. I wanted to understand the mindset behind the Rapturists and also figure out what the Rapture was all about. As I said in my earlier post, I found it strange that these folks were both pleased and excited about the possible mass destruction of the Middle East. It seems that this accords with a prophecy that signifies the second coming and the end of the world as we know it. Of course when one's eyes are so firmly focussed on the end of the world there is likely to be little interest in the state of this one. I suspect that few of these individuals are environmentalists....
  5. green

    Mookie's news.

    Bravo, Mookie!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  6. green

    Last Meal.

    Nope, I went on a sort of Blonde Ambition Farewell Foodcourt Tour for the last week before my operation.
  7. green

    Great Idea

    Yep, we have dim sum over here. :hungry: There is a huge Asian population - mostly from the subcontinent of India and from China but also from Thailand and Vietnam - in Canada. Our climate isn't the best but the eating is good. Cloe, I think your chopsticks idea is brilliant. :clap2: Eating with chopsticks slows me down. When I eat with chopsticks I like to wear dark clothes. The food splatters don't show up as much.
  8. green

    My Christmas PB

    My next big challenge comes tomorrow night. :help: We have been invited to a Chinese buffet restaurant by a Chinese family. :hungry: I've only met the father and the seven year old daughter. I will be so mortified if I have a PB incident in front of them that I don't think I will ever recover from the embarassment! :embarassed: Of course they don't know that I have hardware inside....:speechles
  9. green

    Merry Christmas!!!!

  10. Wow, girl! I've never got up close and personal with one of those guys! Did he cover you with spit when he was preaching?
  11. green

    Argon's Activities

    Great NSV!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  12. As for Clinton and his Oval Office extra-curricular activities, aren't these people tired of flogging that dead, dead horse? Maybe Dobson should experience a little bit of earthly rapture and ask his wife (or his secret boyfriend) for a Lewinsky.
  13. The Rapture believers are very weird folk. I used to lurk occasionally on a site called, I believe, Rapture Ready. A lot of those folks were really thrilled by all the bad things happening in the Middle East. They figured it was one big step closer to the Rapture! One woman wrote in to say that she was concerned that the Rapture might come while her daughter was away at camp, a distance of 200 miles. And a guy wrote in to say that he had discovered that his American TV didn't work in the UK - he had recently been transferred there - and he was afraid that he was gonna miss the news on Fox leading up to his Rapture. *much giggling from Green, a cynical atheist, at this point* When they weren't getting excited about the prospect of the wholesale destruction of the Middle East they were exchanging cleaning tips and investment advice. Man, I loved that site.... It was a good place to hang out while drinking a glass of wine or a scotch-rocks.
  14. green

    Argon's Activities

    Sounds like you are having a very good Christmas.:clap2:
  15. green

    I need to vent

    Your sister is being mean spirited and a general downer. Family can be weird at times.... Go for the plastic surgery, girl. You won't regret it! When I turned fifty I had a little work done on my jawline even though everyone said that I didn't need it. Afterwards everyone said I looked fabulous and I have never regretted my decision.
  16. green

    Doing the work that Jesus would have wanted

    So you are saying that we should not judge people for not reading the entire text of the Bible, a sombre, often violent and contradictory book, and yet electing to use this same book in order to judge others? How very illogical.:help:
  17. Good luck, Yoda, and good luck on the shopping, Angel Bear.
  18. green

    My Christmas PB

    Haha, it was like a cat coughing up a furball! I went right back to eating my dinner. The really weird thing was that next day I had no restriction at all and I ate like a horse. I think this kinda disappointed my host who was hoping for more leftovers. Oops! :nervous
  19. green

    Ontario Clinics

    I went with the TLBC and have had no complaints at all. None of the women whom I have met there when I have gone back for my fills have been anything other than happy with the care which they have received either. From all that I have read here both groups provide top care for their patients but I suspect that Dr. Coburn may invest more of himself personally in his patients. While Drs. Yau and Joffe are excellent surgeons and seem to be good individuals much of our on-going contact is with other members of their support staff. This is not a drawback. These are all terrific individuals both with respect to their training and the warmth of their personalities. And the location of TLBC works out well for me. I live in the heart of Toronto and can walk home from the TLBC if I am feeling energetic. :girl_hug:
  20. green

    Advice from you Bandsters!

    The next day I really didn't want to do anything except be left to drowse in bed with books, the cat, and liquids. I wasn't in pain except from the gas - and that was really bad - but I felt druggy and tired in a nice laid-back stoned sort of a way. I actually had a wonderful time but I certainly didn't want to go for car rides and sight seeing.
  21. Yep, I find these quotes awfully scary too. Some of my reasons are personal. My father was a Polish Jew and most of my family on his side perished in the Holocaust. This is to say that my father's people were murdered because they were deemed different from the prevailing majority. My father was sufficiently traumatised by these events that he didn't even tell us kids that he was Jewish until I was 21. He felt that it wasn't a "safe" group to belong to. As far as we knew he was a Pole who had changed his name and never, ever wanted to talk about his childhood. You might be interested to hear that the individual who posted the above address is a European and made the comment that he is glad that he doesn't live in the United States. I suspect, though my information is only anecdotal, that many Europeans are truly disturbed and puzzled by the rise of the fundamentalist right wing movement. You see they still do remember what Hitler and the Nazi movement did to those who didn't belong or chose to dissent. I find these quotes frightening and I find that the kind of thinking behind these kind of quotes to be entirely anti-intellectual and that must be of concern, too. The world is such a complex place and these are individuals who believe that it can be reduced to a handful of simple-minded slogans...mean-spirited and spiteful slogans.
  22. Here's an interesting website that I got from a site that I often frequent. http://web.archive.org/web/20041113084054/www.reandev.com/taliban/
  23. I hate it when my computer freezes too. Have a happy holiday everyone.
  24. Green is wildly amused for she is so very, very blonde - this kid needs maximum sunblock whenever she is going to open her front door - and yet her blood profile is entirely asiatic. The truth is that I would have a hard time finding blood or organs on this side of the Atlantic. I would have a hard time in Europe, too. This is why none of us have the right to be racists, eh.
  25. green

    Rosie vs Donald

    Thanx, kid.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
