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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by green

  1. green

    My Life as a Bandster

    I don't own a scale, and so the only times I have been weighed is when I have had my fills. Other than that I let my NSVs do the talking as to how much weight I've been losing. Of course the way I knew I was getting fatter and fatter was that I kept growing out of my clothes! Looking in a mirror was not nice, either.:think
  2. green

    Awesome Support

    Good luck to all you newbies from Green. You will be the class of 2007 bandsters.
  3. green


    Hey, it's great to hear your voice again!!! Let us know what the latest is as soon as you can.:biggrin1:
  4. green

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    Congratulations to both of you sweet sixteens.
  5. I got operated on a Thursday and spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday in bed. I could have gotten up sooner I think but I didn't have to and I was really enjoying bed, books, the cat, and cat-napping. I could have been up and about on Sunday. The only real grief I had that persisted was the gas pains and those might have gone away faster had I gotten up on Sunday instead of Monday. lol
  6. green

    What Peeves you?

    Unruly, noisy, whiny, screaming, ill-behaved, spoiled children and the parents who allowed them to get that way. Folks, if your infant child throws a tantrum and begins to disturb the social environment around you, the polite thing to do is to remove the kid from the scene, calm it down, and then return People who change their children's diapers in public. Barf!:omg: People who talk on their cell phones while driving. It's dangerous.:eek: Telemarketers. All telemarketers.:angry Sales personnel and telemarketers who waste my time by asking, "How are you today?" when it's none of their business and they really don't give a rat's a&& anyway. People who block the doors on mass transit systems. These are the folks who get on a bus or subway car and then simply stop dead leaving everyone who is behind them forced to push pass them. Cheap perfume. And perfumed laundry detergent, deodorant, etc. I wear good perfume. I don't want competition from my laundry or my armpits, etc. I don't want to smell of eau de Bounce!:eek: Impoliteness, surliness, lack of good cheer, disrespect, whatever.... Though I frequent the Rant and Rave zone of LBT I am actually quite a cheerful, jolly, kindly grrl when I am out in public. I like to make people who come in contact with me feel good about the experience whenever possible. I believe that showing respect and kindness to our fellow human beings is one of our most important social responsibilities and I am always surprised when I encounter gratuitous arrogance and nastiness. Folks whose idea of a conversation is a monologue. There is nothing more boring than a one-way chat. I should mention to you that I spent my early years working in an enviroment which was top-heavy in female personnel; by contrast my later working years were spent building aircraft, a well-paid and almost entirely exclusively male dominated field. One of the things that I learned through these deeply contrasting experiences is that men are more likely to monologue than women.:phanvan Growing old and watching your body treat you like your mother's body treated her. And feeling that this is unfair when it is only natural. Dirty public toilets and the people who made them this way. What is this deal with not flushing?? Eww. Are you mentally ill or something???? This stunt, like much of what goes on with out of control brats, simply defeats my understanding!:help:
  7. green

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    And the skinny teenage salesgirl was really nice.
  8. green

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    Thank you my friends. I have to admit that I was very afraid to even enter the Gap because a) it is a normo store and :mad: their saleshelp are skinny teenagers. It was only after my size 16W jeans had been baggy on me for quite awhile that I to get up the courage for this stunt. The other store was easier. It sells a lot of loose-cut baggy linen pants and skirts. It was neat going down from their large to their medium, though. I still wear size huge in tops and probably always will. I have broad shoulders and I don't like my shirts to be clingy or fitted.
  9. green

    Argon's Activities

    Omigawd, grrl, I do feel for you! I've also worn the T-shirt. I saw a woman who worked for me get hired to a position senior to my own when I was working at the University of Toronto and all I had to comfort myself with was that I at least wasn't chinless! The fact that she was a wonderful person didn't stop the hurt that I felt at the time. And I was young and poor. I was married to a musician which meant that I was supporting two people, one who got to sleep in every morning. Ugh! :mad: There were times during those years when I ate a lot of Kraft dinner. Later on I ditched the musician; he was expensive, lazy and he wasn't faithful. I started making much more money. I bought a tiny shack of house and paid it off. Its value appreciated - property values always do - and I started trading up in both the category of men and of houses.:rolleyes You are very lucky; you have already got a good and working man. From my own experiences of ageing and from that of observing those of other people who are my age the general rule of thumb seems to be that when you are young you have your looks, your health and your physical, creative, intellectual and emotional energy. When you are old you have money, stability, knowledge, self-confidence and sometimes - if you are very lucky - savoir-faire. The trade-off is that when you are young you are cornered by money problems and job problems and are continually being dissed by the power structure. On the other hand when you are old you are a physical wreck and it is only going to get worse. You also get to see a lot of people who you want to have around you die. Trust Green on this one. She's has worn both T-shirts!:phanvan She knows, eh.:tired
  10. green

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    That is a most interesting quote which you have posted, Geezer Sue. Thank you.
  11. Your weight loss has been really impressive. Congratulations!:mad:
  12. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Don't pb on the sheep, Cloe! It's very impolite.
  13. You will be able to do it, folks! I spent the week before my surgery doing the Last Supper thing.:hungry: This is a normal reaction to the surgery that is coming up. I had my surgery done last September and yesterday I went clothes shopping in normo stores. I bought a pair of pants and a skirt in size medium and two pairs of skinny pants at the Gap in size 16 and I didn't have to struggle to get them on. I am 57 years old! :biggrin1: And because I've torn my rotator cuff I haven't been able to go to gym since I had the operation. Alll I have been doing is walking. :biggrin1: The operation turned out to be surprisingly painfree except for the gas pains! But they say that the quickest way to get rid of those is to walk as much as you can.:mad: I spent the first three days in bed reading and dozing with the cat to keep me company. By day four I was up, in day clothes and goofing on the computer. I believe that you will love the results that the lapband will give you.
  14. green

    Picture Page

    Wow! This is a great photo. Thanx for posting it.
  15. Re the issue of God's circumcision, maybe we should ask Cusano?:phanvan
  16. green

    The Mouse that Roared

    Mouse, though those military guards are certainly having a rough go of it (and I do not envy them) while they are on duty at Gitmo, I cannot fault those feisty prisoners for fighting back with the limited tools which they have to hand. If the tables were turned and anyone of us were to find ourselves in a like situation, that is to say interned indeffinitely amongst enemies and infidels and without a voice, would we not resort to fighting back with whatever we have at hand? Even if it was a question of bodily fluids and empty threats? This is an issue of self-respect and, it may be argued, the maintenance of one's own sanity. Remember that though these people are unsympathic they are people too and that they are trapped like rats in a cage. It is not surprising that they are flinging poop, urine and verbal threats! (If Green were to find herself held by the Taliban she would become a veritable fountain of her own effluvia!)
  17. green

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    I have a new NSV to report. For some time now my size 16W jeans have been getting kinda baggy on me. These were jeans that I was unable to fit into at the time of my lapband operation last September even when I was lying down before trying to do up the zipper. Today I did a massive shopping freak out after months of wearing very baggy clothes. I bought a skirt and a pair of pants in size medium :Banane44: at a normo store and I bought two pairs of skinny jeans - size 16 - at the Gap. :woot: I did not have to lie down in order to do up any of these clothes!!! :faint: And I think that the kid at the Gap wanted me to buy the size 14 jeans (but I was afraid).
  18. The best thing to do is to make them PBs count. Save 'em for when you are around people who are annoying you! Eat your food when you are confronted with an irritating colleague, a traffic cop who is about to write you out a parking ticket....:rolleyes
  19. I've been there. It's gorgeous! I loved the beach and I loved the town. Did you have a good time?
  20. green

    A Jewish Parrot!

    Hahaha. I love this joke. I have heard it before.
  21. green


    Canada is also experiencing the same problems as the United States is with this business of outsourcing. Since NAFTA there has been considerable job movement within the framework of continental North American and here I am including Mexico. This was to be expected. But we have been losing many, many manufacturing jobs to off-shore companies. Much if not most of our clothing and footwear is made elsewhere and has been for decades now. But now the hi-tech industries are off-shore companies and the service industries seem to be handing off telephone work to India. I worked until I retired in the aircraft industry; over the recent years I have seen my company subcontract a lot of the component and minor assembly work off shore. The two problems that this can cause for the Canadian worker are as follows: if the materiel is late in arriving this will put our assembly schedules behind and leaves us twiddling our thumbs in the meantime; often these components are substandard and not only must we repair them, we have no one to whom we can give feedback and thus, ideally, rectify the problem. Nevertheless, our masters seem to like the new system. We are unionized and thus are expensive work personnel.
  22. green

    Argon's Activities

    I haven't been in Canuck Corners for awhile. (I've been brawling over in Rants and Raves.) Mandi, Congratulations on your big NSV!!! :clap2: I love the double jeans photo. You are looking fabulous and your ticker info is most impressive!! Thanks for posting the photos, eh.
  23. Thanx, kiddo, it was my father who taught me to mistrust emotional cant when I was still very, very small. (I was less than 10.) In some ways this was a painful lesson for me to learn; children are passionate by nature and it was a bitter business having my father continually shower the cold water of reason over my passions. Painful at the time but the dude did do me a mitzvah.:huggie:
  24. And if He has One, is It circumsized or not????

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