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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kll724

  1. kll724

    Protein shakes

    Never heard that! Yes, I don't see any reason why not. Many of us "oldsters" have them. I have a Protein shake everyday. But, check with your own surgeon and see what he/she has to say! I make mine at home, using smoothie mix and bananas, or strawberries or both!
  2. I lost 100 lbs, there are many people on here who have lost 100 lbs. It is not impossible to do. I wish you best luck, possibly your surgeon just did not wan to burst your bubble if you don't make 100 lbs. But, I think that you can. do you think that you can? That is the important question, and answer!! Karen..aka..kll724
  3. kll724

    Size 10 Jeans

    Have a nice trip, I think that it is summer in Australia, now!
  4. kll724

    restart on Jan 1st!

    Well best wishes! I am glad to see that you are trying to change your life before your fill! rayanne, feel free to come and lament or jump for joy as you start to renew your band life!! Karen..aka..kll724
  5. kll724

    So many snags in the road

    Dear Chloesmom, I hope that you are healing well. You have gone thru a lot. Diverticulitis is a real bitch. My sister-in-law had that and was very sick. But, I think that was,also, when she found that she had celiac, have you been tested for that? It runs in my husband's family, and my son has been diagnosed, too. We all stay away from gluten in our family, now! Best wishes, I wish you a better health into the New Year. Karen...aka..kll724
  6. Leepers, with your attitude, you will make a great success of your new band and life..Best wishes for a great surgery and healing. Remember to sip your fluids, and walk as much as you can tolerate!! Karen...aka..kll724
  7. Congrats, bet you be looking great in your Christmas pictures! Karen..aka..kll724
  8. You CAN do it! We have been there, and believe me, I almost backed out several times. I was just like you, I wanted to live and enjoy my children and grandchildren, travel, do everything that my weight might stop! Best wishes, we are here for you, visit often!! Karen..aka..kll724
  9. Stay cool, sip, sip sip!! Walking helps any gas pains that you might get. Congrats! welcome to the lapband club! By the way, your picture is very pretty!!Karen..aka..kll724
  10. kll724

    Size 10 Jeans

    You look beautiful!!!!
  11. kll724


    Maybe it is the holidays. I have noticed a lot of the peeps are not here, too!
  12. kll724

    Stalled and worried

    all4gizmo. I too have struggled with a little weight gain since having a revision surgery. I have 5 cc in my band and can't tolerate more. I have had to readjust my food intake and mind. Try joing myfitnespal and logging your intake and exercise, it is helping me! Best wishes, Karen,,aka..kll724
  13. kll724

    I met someone....

    Thank you Sandym, that truly is an inspiring post. It is wonderful to read at this time of year, too! We are truly blessed and you have seen the goodness and beauty in this woman that you might have ignored if you had not sat and talked to her! Karen..aka.. kll724 All three of you ladies inspire me, too! Merry Christmas to you, you send such cheer!!
  14. I am at 4 years 3 months. I have gained some, but weight has settled down, so trying to shake off the extra poundage! Thanks for asking!
  15. Best wishes on your surgery and smooth recovery! You are starting the New Year on a great foot! Lapband should keep that New year resolution to lose on track!!!Karen..aka.kll724
  16. kll724

    stomach cramps

    Depends on when your fill was. If it was on Friday, it may be that you are swollen and should be on liquids. If it was earlier than that, you may be a little too tight! I agree, you should call your surgeon's office this morning. best wishes, Karen..aka.kll724
  17. kll724


    No advice, just a ((((hug)))). Glad that you are seeing your surgeon,too. it doesn't sound like a slip! I have had 2, and believe me, it usually manifests itself differently than that! Best wishes, I hope that you got some sleep! Karen...aka..kll724
  18. kll724

    3.5 yrs out/2 bands

    Congrats on your new band, sounds like you are now working it! Hurrah! Keep up the great job. If you can walk everyday, it will help lose,also! Best wishes. Karen...aka..kll724
  19. kll724

    Hello :)

    Doing great pjkitty! You are really close to onderland!! New you by the new year! Congrats!!!Karen..aka..kll724
  20. kll724

    Banded 3days ago and vomited

    You are probably okay. Take it easy! Follow your surgeon's plan, sip,sip sip your liquids. If you are still nauseous this AM call and see if they can give you something for it. Best wishes, Karen...aka..kll724
  21. kll724

    Dont No How To Feel At This Point

    Did he give you any good ideas on how to deal with head hunger? I so struggle with this way to often. Thanks I really have to think about this answer. He just reminded me that it wasn't real hunger, just head hunger. And that you usually need to try to get your mind off your stomach, maybe doing something, like walking, exercise, or having a glass of Water. He is just mostly a mentor that knows what I and his other patients are going thru. If you are satiated, and in green zone, then you really are not hungry. He insists, that you should not get hunger pains! I think that I do!! Karen..aka..kll724
  22. kll724

    10 years on.

    Welcome and I sure hope that you can find a diet that helps. The new surgeries are so much less invasive. Best wishes to your new future! Karen...aka..kll724
  23. Love reading a success story, you can be what you want to be, if you are willing to work, and sound like you are! Congrats to you, keep up the great job!!
  24. kll724

    Disappointed With Weight Loss

    Need2lose2, You are eating until restriction? Mostly, you should eat your protein 1st, then veggies and carbs. You should not be trying to eat until you are full or something is stopping you. You should not be carbing out on breads, bagels etc, if you want to lose weight! If you continue to eat as you are, no mater what weightloss surgery you have, you will not lose the weight you want. Sliders are called that, because they slide thru your band! If, you are taking only 20 minutes to eat, then your bread,bagel etc, won't get eaten, because you said it takes you time to eat them. You need to talk to a nutritionist to get you back on track.Best wishes, don't mean to preach!!!Karen...aka...kll724
  25. Congrats at a job well done!

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