Let me share my story. In December 2009, I had the lap-band, which worked great until I had to have an emergency removal in January 2013. The baNd had major slippage and needed to come out. I was supposed to have revision to bypass right then and there but my doctor did not feel it was safe because my stomach was so "angry." With the lap-band I went from 227 to about 145. I was at a size 4 and feeling great. So fast forward to May 2014, I was back at 209 and feeling horrible. I was finally approved to have the sleeve, which was done on May 13, 2014. The 2 weeks prior for the pre-op diet is went down to 200 on the day of surgery. I had the surgery and when I was released from the hospital I weighed 207, I guess cause all of the fluids. Yesterday was my 6 weeks post op and I am only at 185, Is this normal. I dont know what exactly I am supposed to expect. I was able to start walking/running at about 4 weeks and I started back at cross fit this week. Any help would be great. Since I was not able to keep the weight off after the lap-band removal I am really discouraged and feeling like this will not work. Has anyone had this happen.