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Blog Comments posted by michelleisaac

  1. Thanks for the positive feedback you guys. Throwing some right back at you... Electra ha ha u r way down in texas and I am way up here in BC.. Couple hrs away from where Pam Anderson is from actually.. Little far for u to come for a trailer... Have fun with the search... I love camping...

  2. Well all is well. Definatley (sp) feeling tired and week today.. I may actually go for a nap... I did get our travel trailer cleaned out as we are trying to sell it so that we can pay part of my surgery off. I so wish our medical covered this procedure or insurance. Kind of crazy that they dont, it would save them money in the long run..

    I am sitting here saying goodbye to a lot of my past foods like popcorn and rice... I am actually craving healthy foods right now like chicken breast and veggies, or fish. Kids had turkey sausage last night... Yummy...

    I was bad last night and actually had a bowl of broth which I am not suppose to have till after the surgery but read on here that others are allowed broth, jello and so one with their shakes.. If my scale is right I have lost 10 lbs on this diet already guess we will see when i go in for my surgery though...

    I am seriously getting so excited. I keep thinking of all the things that I will be able to do.. I read on here how much people are down in a year. i will be working my but off literally to be one of those people...

    Hope everyone else is doing well also..

  3. Well today was the start of the gross liquid diet. I get three yucky shakes only in chocolate flavor and two cups veggies.. Thats it 600 calories a day... Day one is almost over 13 more to go lol... Feeling nervous and excited about the surgery now...it is becoming more realistic to me now... :thumbup:

  4. Well my consult went great. I start my two week liquid diet on November 18 and then surgery is on December 2... Wow time is flying. I have so much I need to plan for. I have six children aged 5-10 so my friend is coming over to help with the kids and my hubby has 5 days off so he will be here to also help..

    I have also been doing a lot of thinking and when I eat something now I am like wow this is probably the last time I eat this. I have also been looking into exercise plans... Wow a lot of changes going to be happening over the next few months... There is also a lot emotions with it.. I feel so excited but at the same time nervous... Let you know how the liquid diet goes starting wednesday.. I will only be consuming 600 calories a day... That is not a lot... :thumbup:

  5. Well just got the call that the financing is a go... I also had all my blood work completed today.. My EKG is excellant which shocked my family doctor. He thought for my weight it should be different.. Two more steps completed... Now I have the big consult tomorrow. I also have sick six kids, a sick dog and a sick hubby.. So much fun LOL... It will get better...

  6. I officially have my consult date set-up for wednesday nov 4. I am kind of nervous... The person I spoke with said that I can be in for surgery by the end of the month as long as everything goes smoothly. I had a set back with the financing but should know by tomorrow that it is a go. I also have a battery of blood work that needs done and an ekg needs to be done tomorrow.... Fun stuff.... I meet with a pychologist on wednesday also... That makes me really nervous.. I believe I am ready for this... I have researched it and read the risks but the risks of surgery vs the risks of staying morbidly obese do not compare... I also understand the centre puts me a diet called meditrim.. Anyways so this is my first blog hope everything goes well for me with my financing and the consult.. Untill tomorrow...:)

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