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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by michelleisaac

  1. Well I went on a big road trip yesterday. Left from Pemberton bc all the way around the loop to Vancouver up to whistler and home again... I made it on my liquid diet. A couple fries made it down the hatch but that is all.. I was exhausted when I got home and today I feel like I was dragged behind the vehicle for the whole trip.. I drove most of the way except for an hour out of the twelve hour trip... Crazy.. It is amazing that when u are cut off all food how good all the healthy stuff sounds.. i was at a resteraunt thinking I will just eat the chicken please please please... But I didnt lol... I still cant believe it wednesday is almost here... YEah...:cursing:

  2. I think you will be fine as well. I have been reading all the posts here and some doctors have you on 2 protein shakes and one low carb supper. Cause I have also snagged one bit here and there.. Nothing huge but I have to admit I have as well... The liquids is to shrink the liver so I think you will be fine one slip up is not going to enlarge it.. Not a doctor but just guessing... LOL

  3. YEAH so excited for you... I still have three days for my surgery which is not that long but feels like an eternity.. I keep sitting here going come on it is only three days that is not long that band is going to be in forever so what is three days.. LOL.. Anyways so excited for you, you are lucky to stay in hospital over night I am in and out the same day.. I understand that it is about 4-5 hours then I am out the door.. Crazy cause I have a 2-3 hr ride home... UGG hope they give good drugs dont want to be crying by the time I get home... Again for the third time yeah for you.... lol

  4. I know the liquid thing suck.. I have six kids here aged 5 to 10 and actually was crazy and have 2 extras here for three nights who are 2 and 3 plus my 18 niece will be here tomorrow. By the way I am crazy. So long story short I have to cook for them all. And boy oh boy do I want to eat.... The smell lingers in the house it is crazy.. So anyways we can do it... You can tough it out a bit longer.. Only 4 days of liquids left for me how many for you?????

  5. So close I can almost feel the surgical pain... LOL Not much else is new.. I am trying to figure out my day on saturday need to do a day trip but get really burned out with only 700 calories... So I am not sure what I will do on Saturday... I have to take all the kiddies with me as well..

    Today I found a protein powder that tastes like lemonaide. It is pretty good I added extra lemon to it and a neste ice tea pouch and drank it. It will be a good alternative to the other protein shakes..

    I also want to buy a vitamix blender so that my shakes are awesome and I can have my flax seed and everything in there...

  6. I have had some second thoughts and fears. I am worried cause I have to pay out of pocket and what if I fail at this like I did other programs.. I also was watching some things on you tube on lapbands and there was a Dr.R something on there cutting down the lapband. Got me pretty scared... But then I sat here and thought more about it looked up some more research and am as ready as ever to do it I have 6 days of protein shakes to go... Holy poop.. It is coming fast and I can do it.. My family doc has a cheering section at his office for me.. It feels good.. Not many people have WLS up here in BC cause it mostly self pay except for the very few who are approved for the GBS... So anyways we can do this... I am here if you ever wanna talk..

  7. Well another day has gone and I made it through a movie without eating popcorn or drinking pop... I just brought in my protein bar... Got to watch NEw Moon. and yes it was awesome... We go to a theatre that is 2.5 hrs away from home. So I am even prouder of myself because I did not eat any fast food. And yes there was temptation huge my kids and hubby eat at Burger King so I just pulled out another protein bar... I am feeling kind of sick today.. Sneezing and upset tummy.. I want to be healthy for this surgery.. Only eight days to go and I got my surgery time which is 10:30 on Dec 2, 2009...

    Another good note I found some groceries for me after the surgery.. I got jello, pudding, soups, carnation breakfast I just need to find more flavors then just chocolate, apple sauce, and what else. I am getting excied to be in that stage because man I am tired of the same flavor shakes and protein bars.

    I also found centrum chewable vitamins for 50 plus people I am only 35 so do not know what the difference is in the vitamins... LOL Probably better then not taking any vitamins though.. I also bought chewable calcium vitamin d tablets as well. The other thing I still want to buy is the omega oils need to find a way to buy that that is not totally disguisting..

    Any ideas. Hope everyone is doing well...

  8. I have recently had some negative comments thrown at me, by my past co worker. The only exception is they didn't do it to my face they didn't behind my back... I wish she would come out and say it to me.. Oh well. What we all have to remember is this is our bodies, our lives, and our decision... We are doing this for our own reasons and I am making this a positive experience not a negative one... Keep me updated on how things go.. I go for surgery in 8 days.. Holla is all I can say..

  9. Yeah I am sooo excited for you. Cant wait to be in that stage..... I have eight more days of my meditrim shakes then surgery. I cant wait to be a bit more creative with my liquids.... I went out yesterday and bought jello, soups, better flavor protein shakes apple sauce, puddings and a clear liquid protein drink with only 60 calories. I am getting so excited 8 days to go... Yeah...

  10. So I have officially learned why I did not want a bunch of people knowing about my surgery or people who did not support me. I had a friend call to tell me that one of my past co-workers is planning to go on a diet the same day I have surgery to supposedly prove to me that I can lose the weight with discipline. I am kind of feeling pretty upset about this.. Also this co-worker was stating I was getting my stomach stapled. I wish that before people opened their mouths they would gather all the facts and not just assume or make things up... I told my friend to let my co-worker know challenge on and in five years we will see where we both are. Why would me having this surgery have any bearing on now why she can lose the weight. Why not before the type 2 diabetes and the other health concerns.. Anyways enough of that.

    I am doing this for me first and foremost and then for my family... I maybe spending thousands but if it increases my life another 10 to 20 years then I would spend this money several times over.

    This band is only a tool I will still need to put the healthy foods in my mouth. I will still have to exercise.. I will just have an added bonus to help me lose and keep the weight off. If I had of succeeded with regular diets I would not be weighing 295 pounds.

    Anywhoo only nine days left and tomorrow my day will go fast because I get to go to New Moon.. Come on all you out there lets here a shout for new moon.. LOL I am sitting here now with my hubby watching Twilight getting ready.... LOL

    Anyways talk to you all tomorrow...

    PS.. I was said I was going to be honest on here so I have to admit I had two small pieces of meat tonight because I was starving... Doing well otherwise..

    I also want to thank all of my positive support people out there that dont think I am taking the lazy way out.. THis is still going to be hard work.. I will not let this become a negative experience for me.. Love you all...

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