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Blog Entries posted by michelleisaac

  1. michelleisaac
    Well I am feeling much better today.. I crawled into bed today and slept another 4 hrs. That felt good. I have only been getting in under 500 calories a day.. Hopefully that goes up in the next few days.. Enjoying this stage of liquids but get filled up fast and then definantly have pain until I burp.. I get up regularily to get the gas out. I am still so happy I did this.. Loving my new life... Still feeling crabby and iritated easily my poor kids but I feel that as I feel better I will be better... Anyways life is good. Hope everyone is doing well...
  2. michelleisaac
    Yeah I am down another 3.2 lbs. I only have .8lbs to my first goal.. I am so excited.. On another note I am able to wear my bra with support with out any pain to the port site.. That was exciting I was getting tired of sagging.... Hope everyone else is doing well who has been banded this month or will be banded this month.. OR any other time.. I'm so happy with this...
  3. michelleisaac
    Yeah I am down 16 lbs in 2o days. I am so happy.. This is just the beginning.. I also bought a good protein powder mixed it with skim milk, half banana yogurt and an omega smoothy. I went into a health food store today and got chewable vitamins that taste good, chewable ascidofolus (sp) and macasure. The macasure is the only thing in pill form and man could I feel it going down. OOUCHY.. But I need this have been off it for months and man I am a mega Bit&^ without it. So here is to starting a new healthy life... I also found out my doctors scale and my scale are the same so I will probably just weigh in on tuesdays on my scale and his scale once a month to make sure that mine is all good..
    OHHH my I just about sneezed would have been the first one since the surgery. I paniced and stopped it LOL... I dont want it to hurt..
    I also spoke with my nurse my fever is gone, my bloodwork was good so I am all good. I asked her about the pain around the port site and she said that that is normal.. It is stitched to the abdominal wall. So hopefully that is gone soon cause I cant bend over very well. Had my daughter lotion my legs this morning.. Poor girl LOL...
    Well I am going back to my yummy shake. Happy knowing I am getting in all my yummy nutrients..
  4. michelleisaac
    Well I am so excited today I weighed in and I am down another 2 lbs. This week I lost 4 or 5 lbs total... That is so awesome... Another thing I am so excited is I have gone on the BMI from morbidly obese to severely obese... Yeah how cool is that... The band fill went good. I had half cup of mashed potatoes for supper and was full off that.. Later in the evening to get my calorie intake up I had my bowl of cream of wheat with milk to also get my protein up for the day... I am so happy with all of this...
    On saturday at 11 you may hear me groaning where ever you live because I start with my personal trainer that day... I am scared... Scared of puking and scared of being really sore later...
    Well time to sign out I have to drive my kiddies to the bus... I think by spring I will be able to walk them there... That will be cool.. Only thing is I would want to bring my dogs and there is a lot of dogs on this little road so will see how that goes...
  5. michelleisaac
    Well we made cookies... Yes we did. We had a friend come over and we made sugar cookies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yummy. I did ok. I ate 2 cookies... I counted them into my calories for the day.. Tomorrow we are doing a big road trip so I will be having scrambled eggs in the am, I will stop at star bucks for a protein shake and at booster juice for another shake.. I can do this.. As long I dont get hungry I am good... I will also bring my carnation mix in case... as long as i am prepared...
  6. michelleisaac
    I am so excited. I am going out for eggs with my hubby tomorrow for Breaky...
    Now the big question what does everyone eat in the mushy stage????
    Thanks lapbanders....

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