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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by michelleisaac

  1. michelleisaac

    Another shot...

  2. michelleisaac

    Some of my before pics....

  3. michelleisaac

    Day five down and nine to go to becoming a bandster...

    So I have officially learned why I did not want a bunch of people knowing about my surgery or people who did not support me. I had a friend call to tell me that one of my past co-workers is planning to go on a diet the same day I have surgery to supposedly prove to me that I can lose the weight with discipline. I am kind of feeling pretty upset about this.. Also this co-worker was stating I was getting my stomach stapled. I wish that before people opened their mouths they would gather all the facts and not just assume or make things up... I told my friend to let my co-worker know challenge on and in five years we will see where we both are. Why would me having this surgery have any bearing on now why she can lose the weight. Why not before the type 2 diabetes and the other health concerns.. Anyways enough of that. I am doing this for me first and foremost and then for my family... I maybe spending thousands but if it increases my life another 10 to 20 years then I would spend this money several times over. This band is only a tool I will still need to put the healthy foods in my mouth. I will still have to exercise.. I will just have an added bonus to help me lose and keep the weight off. If I had of succeeded with regular diets I would not be weighing 295 pounds. Anywhoo only nine days left and tomorrow my day will go fast because I get to go to New Moon.. Come on all you out there lets here a shout for new moon.. LOL I am sitting here now with my hubby watching Twilight getting ready.... LOL Anyways talk to you all tomorrow... PS.. I was said I was going to be honest on here so I have to admit I had two small pieces of meat tonight because I was starving... Doing well otherwise.. I also want to thank all of my positive support people out there that dont think I am taking the lazy way out.. THis is still going to be hard work.. I will not let this become a negative experience for me.. Love you all...
  4. michelleisaac

    December Bandsters 2009

    I want to lose 115- 120.. I could probably go for more but feel that is my comfort zone..
  5. michelleisaac

    Off to a Good start...Try this yummy high-protein breakfast!

    Sounds yummy...
  6. michelleisaac

    Jason's Deli Should be Destroyed

    Just think of it as a learning experience.... I wouldn't be so hard on myself... So is 1100 calories what we should plan on having for a meal when we get to that stage. Cause yeah I was wondering that... Tomorrow is another day...
  7. michelleisaac

    Who said fills don't hurt?

    I go in for surgery on Dec 2 now I am nervous about the fills. Not enough though to not go through with it though.. LOL
  8. michelleisaac

    Day four of Liquids::

    Thanks for the positive feedback you guys. Throwing some right back at you... Electra ha ha u r way down in texas and I am way up here in BC.. Couple hrs away from where Pam Anderson is from actually.. Little far for u to come for a trailer... Have fun with the search... I love camping...
  9. michelleisaac

    Day four of Liquids::

    Well all is well. Definatley (sp) feeling tired and week today.. I may actually go for a nap... I did get our travel trailer cleaned out as we are trying to sell it so that we can pay part of my surgery off. I so wish our medical covered this procedure or insurance. Kind of crazy that they dont, it would save them money in the long run.. I am sitting here saying goodbye to a lot of my past foods like popcorn and rice... I am actually craving healthy foods right now like chicken breast and veggies, or fish. Kids had turkey sausage last night... Yummy... I was bad last night and actually had a bowl of broth which I am not suppose to have till after the surgery but read on here that others are allowed broth, jello and so one with their shakes.. If my scale is right I have lost 10 lbs on this diet already guess we will see when i go in for my surgery though... I am seriously getting so excited. I keep thinking of all the things that I will be able to do.. I read on here how much people are down in a year. i will be working my but off literally to be one of those people... Hope everyone else is doing well also..
  10. Yeah I want to be down about that by august also because my best friend is getting married and I am her maid of honor.. Dont know how the dress fitting will be thank goodness my sister is the one who will be making the dress... LOL I am going into this differently then the diets I have been on. I had a negitive attitude about them and this I am being super positive with it.. i know I can do it.. So can you.. If we keep supporting each other we can suceed.. LOL

  11. michelleisaac

    Lap Band Milestone in BC

    Yeah I have a list and will do that on my trip down on dec 1. I am hoping to go to some of the meetings. Depends on my hubby's schedule he works shift work. Might see if I can car pool with Patricia for the next one... My friend will be picking me up after surgery I am praying the weather will be good... She gets nervous driving in the snow...
  12. Yeah me too... I just chug them then have a lemon tea to get rid of the taste in my mouth... I am losing but have no energy. But I guess if you are only eating 600-700 calories you can expect that. Only 10 days left yeah... I am starting to get more excited because I have really been reading a lot of other peoples blogs and stuff. I am visualizing 80-100 lbs gone in a year and I am going to work my butt off at it.. How about you...

  13. michelleisaac

    1st day of liquids

    Hi I am trying to attach my ticker and cant get it to stay. Which one do I use on the website from ticker and what do I do to attach it to my signature. Any help would be good. It keeps showing invalid file....
  14. michelleisaac

    1st day of liquids

    I am day four of a fourteen day liquid diet. The doc has me on meditrim only in chocolate flavor. I also can have 2 cups of vegetables through out the day.. I can switch up one of the shakes for a Protein bar from meditrim.. It is ok.. I have kind of cheated I guess cause I have had a popsicle and last night had a cup of chicken noodle Soup broth. No noodles just broth... I am definatley losing on this, but also have headaches, and no energy.. Which is not good with six kids.. But as of tonight only 10 days left... Yeah then I can go onto those other liquids and not feel like I have cheated.. I know it will get better just have to get through this... My hubby is being supportive and went out to get a shake for his breaky and lunch.. I love my hubby...
  15. michelleisaac

    Lap Band Milestone in BC

    So Lyn how are things going.. I have already lost weight on this low calorie liquid diet. Also have lost a lot of energy with it. I am starting to get so excited about this. I keep going on this site and snooping around. I love to read the stories about the 80 to 100 lbs weightloss in a year. I will be working my butt off to be one of these peps. Is your date still the same. Hoping we can meet each other at FCSC on December 2. I am wondering when they will call me to let me know the time of the surgery.. When do you meet with the anestisologist.. I am suppose to me with them on Dec 1. Thinking about getting a hotel room that night.. Anyways hope the liquids are treating you well... I cant wait to be able to have other things like broth and yogurt popsicles and such.. Ttyl Michelle
  16. michelleisaac

    Day four of Liquids::

    Well all is well. Definatley (sp) feeling tired and week today.. I may actually go for a nap... I did get our travel trailer cleaned out as we are trying to sell it so that we can pay part of my surgery off. I so wish our medical covered this procedure or insurance. Kind of crazy that they dont, it would save them money in the long run.. I am sitting here saying goodbye to a lot of my past foods like popcorn and rice... I am actually craving healthy foods right now like chicken breast and veggies, or fish. Kids had turkey sausage last night... Yummy... I was bad last night and actually had a bowl of broth which I am not suppose to have till after the surgery but read on here that others are allowed broth, jello and so one with their shakes.. If my scale is right I have lost 10 lbs on this diet already guess we will see when i go in for my surgery though... I am seriously getting so excited. I keep thinking of all the things that I will be able to do.. I read on here how much people are down in a year. i will be working my but off literally to be one of those people... Hope everyone else is doing well also..
  17. michelleisaac

    December Bandsters 2009

    I am so jealous. I have two weeks of just protein shakes that are nasty and 2 cups of veggies a day. I would do a heck of a lot better if I could have jello, broth, and such.. I wonder why it is so different between docs and the pre op diet????
  18. michelleisaac


    I love reading these positive posts. I go in for surgery in 11 days. I cant wait. I have also had a little of a jump start in the weightloss with the preop liquid diet. I am getting so excited. Yeah... :thumbup:
  19. michelleisaac

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi all such good info... i am happy to here that patricia lives up here in Pemberton.. Would like to attend the support group and possibly car pool... Sometimes hard to get away with six kids... I will become an official bandster on December 2, I am on the liquid diet right now and am starving... Trying to think positive and tell myself I am not but my blood sugars cant lie.. Off to have a cup of veggies then off to read...
  20. Tried to send a personal message not going through.. My email is michelleisaac31@hotmail.com...

  21. michelleisaac

    Start of Liquid diet

    Well today was the start of the gross liquid diet. I get three yucky shakes only in chocolate flavor and two cups veggies.. Thats it 600 calories a day... Day one is almost over 13 more to go lol... Feeling nervous and excited about the surgery now...it is becoming more realistic to me now... :biggrin:
  22. Lol I meant our birthdays are only a month and four days apart as well. My Bday is oct 14, 74....

  23. I am not liking the meditrim.. I am basically plugging my nose and chugging... LOL only 13 days to go... How is ur liquids going....

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