I had my surgery in May 2009. My first fill was about 5 weeks later. But just recently, the past 3 weeks - I can't eat or drink. Gradually. Now I can't even drink anything. I've made an appointment on Friday to get it checked out. I thought maybe it was drainage blocking it or something, I have bad allergy/sinus issues. Yesterday I got sick, a cold. Last night, I threw up about 15 times - tmi, sorry, but it was the color of red wine, a little thicker. Anyone know what that is? Or why?? It can't be something I ate, I have not eaten. This morning I was ok, still can't drink really. But I didn't feel that uncomfortable stuck feeling I've had for the past weeks. Then I took another cold medicine pill and this afternoon I threw up again, same color. I am going Friday, but I don't like my doctor, he didn't do the surgery. I had it done in Mexico. So I thought if anyone had any thoughts.....:tongue_smilie: I am miserable. But, I have lost 15 lbs since this started. (down a total of 32, I'd like to loose 40 more and keep off what I have already lost!!)