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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shoshanna

  1. Shoshanna

    Found A Way To Eat Around The Band

    Thank you for the link to the Protein products. I don't count calories or carbs. Measuring what I eat makes me crazy. Watching portions seems to work well enough for me to lose weight. I am making an effort to keep better track of protein, though. I struggle to eat enough protein and wonder if this is why I sleep so much during the day no matter how much I sleep at night.
  2. Shoshanna

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Eating made me feel good. It comforted me through depression and anxiety and was always there when I needed it. It was all well and good to be told I needed to find a substitute way of making myself feel better, but running a mile never, ever had the instant result that eating M&Ms did. Unfortunately, overeating had some serious side effects that caught up with me when I was in junior high and have dogged me ever since. I've lost a significant amount of weight several times but the pounds always came back and brought friends to stay. My biggest reason for choosing the lap band was the hope that having my eating physically restricted would help with maintenance. I can lose weight- I just haven't been able to keep it off. Now I am at 156 down from 240 and hoping I'll never have to watch the numbers on the scale slowly yet relentlessly go up gain.
  3. I had no doubts about the band once I did my research. Didn't like the idea of a physical alteration of my digestive system and my surgeon said that while he had done some gastric bypasses during training he did not do them in his practice because he didn't like the results and possible complications of a permanent change. It has taken me two years to lose 85 pounds. I don't regret not losing it all in six months. I've lost weight fast before only to have it come back on fast. I also don't look sick and gaunt-faced now like I did after fast weight loss. I didn't like the plateaus but sooner or later they all ended and I think I hit plateaus to allow my body to adjust to changes as I lost weight. Patience is important.
  4. Shoshanna

    Starting Over

    I had to have a complete unfill due to illness in January but had an almost complete refill shortly thereafter. Yes, I have lost more weight.
  5. Shoshanna

    Found A Way To Eat Around The Band

    Cindysmom, if it made any sense at all, few of us would have problems in the first place. And therein lies the answer to your essential question. Congratulations on your great accomplishment, by the way. One pound to go! WOW.
  6. Well, I broke through the twelve pound thing. Last time I ventured onto the scale I was eight pounds from my somewhat arbitrary goal of 148. I weighed 143 in graduate school but the weight seems to be distributed somewhat differently thirty five years later. I distinctly remember having a waist back then but I'm beginning to doubt I'll rediscover it in the next eight pounds. C'est a vie, I reckon.
  7. I received a two year anniversary notice along with a 57th birthday greeting from administrators of this site and thought I'd actually wander by to say hello. This is only the second post I've made but it is a happy one for me. In two years I have dropped from 240 pounds to 160 pounds, twelve pounds away from my goal weight. Two years ago I wrote a feature story for the local newspaper about the lap bander who was currently the Poster Girl for the local hospital's weight management program. Two months ago my surgeon, Todd Beckstedt, asked if I would allow the weight management program to use my pictures in their advertising program. I've enjoyed my fifteen minutes of fame and got a beautiful set of professional photos out of the deal. I didn't lose weight as fast as many people. I chose to not go on a restrictive diet and I didn't change my exercise program much (I teach dance and take care of four horses which keeps me fairly active). I gave up most of my favorite foods simply because I could no longer tolerate them with the band in place. Since my favorite foods included things like pizza, hamburgers, french fries, and whatever else could be cooked in hot grease, giving these things up made a big difference. I do still struggle with my sweet tooth, which is the reason for the plateau on which I am currently perched. In many ways the last twelve or fifteen pounds are harder for me than the eighty pounds I already lost. That is not to say the first eighty were easy (they weren't) but I see the goal within reach and go into a panic because I have been to this point so many times only to backslide. Thank goodness for the lap band and the latest fill. They are marvelous tools and I am grateful to have them. I went to Europe with a theater group last fall- not only did I not gain weight but actually lost several pounds! The others gave in to the lure of Belgian pastry and German beer while I must've tasted every type of Soup made in central Europe and drank gallons of "wasser mit gas." Overall my health has improved, I can indulge my fondness for clothes, and I can get on my horse without a mounting block. I am a happy camper.
  8. Shoshanna

    Poster Girl

    Glad it worked out for you. You have a remarkable achievement there!
  9. I'm a poster girl! In return for allowing my before and after pictures to be used in my surgeon's ads for three months, I got a professional photo sesson and two dozen pictures. I started out at 240, weighed 158 when the photos were taken, weigh 156 now with only eight pounds to go to my goal of 148 pounds. It has taken me two years and two months to get to this place and it is worth every minute of the struggle. My BMI is normal, my arthritis pain is vastly improved, the sleep apnea is gone, my knees don't threaten to give way at odd times, I can get on my horse without a mounting block, and I can sit with my knees pulled to my chest without gasping for air. I can even look down and see my toes without leaning forward. Even though I taught dance throughout the time my wieght was so high, I quit dancing in public performances and hid myself as well as I could in class by wearing black pants and a shapeless black top. Two weeks ago I performed a solo at a regional dance festival and got my fair share of "attagirls" from sister dancers. Two years ago, I wouldn't have had the breath, the knee strength, or the nerve to get up in front of an audience again. Not bad for a grandmama! Life is good. If I could do it, anyone can do it.
  10. Shoshanna

    Poster Girl

    Thank you, Natalie, Mandi, and 2me. I appreciate the attagirls. I do know where Woodland Park is, Hummingbird, though I have never taken that particular road on my meanderings through Colorado. Does no one do LB surgery in Colorado Springs?
  11. Shoshanna

    Poster Girl

    Having survived many years living in my own "before" picture I reckon it doesn't scare me all that bad... unless I think about returning to those days! Are you in Denver? I'm just a few hours north of you in central Wyoming.
  12. Shoshanna

    Poster Girl

    Thank you all. Folks on this site have been inspirations for me when I needed an inspiration and I hope I can pass that on to someone else.
  13. Shoshanna

    280+ Lb Bulimic.

    Wow. Glad you got the band off your stomach and the vitriolic feelings off your chest. Good luck.
  14. Shoshanna

    Slow Loss Blues

    It has taken me two years and two months to lose 85 pounds. I never counted calories. Math makes me crazy. Just remember the tortoise and the hare.
  15. Shoshanna

    280+ Lb Bulimic.

    Bert99, based on your own unfortunate experience I can see where you might take a jaundiced view of the whole Lapband thing, but jumping on poor Hummingbird who offered understanding, concern, and a logical suggestion was a bit harsh. And as for lap band surgery being the easy way out- well, I reckon you've discovered it isn't easy at all. We still have to take responsibility for what we eat and how we eat it. On the chance my own experience will help, I'll share it. If it doesn't help, ignore it. I am not paid by a surgeon to write nice things about the band and I am not in the "wonderful" phase of the band. It has taken me two years and three months to lose 84 pounds. I've had ups and downs and looong plateaus. It has not been easy. I don't expect it to be much easier in the future, but I have learned some things that help me through the rough Patches. My band invariably feels tight during the early part of the day. I struggle with this, some times more than others. This week has been a particular challenge because I long for the emotional comfort of freely eating whatever I want. Of course, eating for emotional comfort eventually packed a hundred extra pounds on me. If I insist on eating early in the day when my band is tight, the food will come right back up. If I eat too much, up comes the food. If I don't chew well enough, same thing. If I wait until I am relaxed, actually hungry (and not just wanting to eat), and then eat a controlled portion of easily chewable food- well, life is golden. Most of all I have to guard against overeating, which means something quite different back in the days before the band. Overeating now can mean two bites. I know that feeling of too much food in the pouch- it is miserable until it is gone, one way or the other. It is a pain to have to pass up invitations to lunch because I know I am not going to be able to eat, but I've discovered my friends and family are quite understanding about my dietary limitations. We go for walks instead or get together to sew or garden or ride the horses. It is a continuing pain in the neck to not chew well enough, overeat, eat when I'm not hungry and end up having to walk around to let the food settle or actually go get rid of it in worst case scenarios. Sometimes I am better off just going back on liquids for a day or two and letting my stomach relax. Easy way out? Not on your life. But I can live with it because it is working for me. If the band is too much of a problem for you, by all means have it removed. But the weight gain you report is not a side effect of the band; it is the result of too many calories. That's not going to change once the band is gone. Overeating is an eating disorder, just like bulemia and anorexia. Hummingbird's suggestion to find a counselor to help you deal with that particular eating disorder is a good one. Please don't discount it. Good luck to you.
  16. Hello, Lymarie. My suggestion is to find a good counselor who can help you work through the challenges you are facing. Being thinner and healthier is great, but weight loss is not a magic wand that will bestow personal happiness, marital well-being, and the respect of society. You have to work at those things separately. Good luck; you can do it!
  17. Shoshanna

    April Shower Challenge

    161.5. Missed the check-in last week and was 163.5.
  18. I'm only a bit past two years but having many of these same issues. Part of it is being at a weight that holds some weird memories for me. I've gotten to this point many times on past diets only to slip back up the scale and I do not want to do that with the lap band. Lap band has been a good experience for me and I don't want to sabotage myself. The big hurdle to get over is my sweet consumption. So I hope you all won't toss me out for not being a three year champ, but just lurking has been encouraging. Just for the record, I am down from 240 pounds to 163 pounds which is up from 158. The last three months I have been bouncing between 158 and 164. Had to have the Fluid removed for a couple of weeks in January due to a gastroenteritis issue and though I've had a refill, I just haven't been able to get my head back to where it needs to be. I am actually a bit panicky about reaching my goal of 148 and have sabotaged myself on past diets at exactly this juncture. Don't know why it frightens me to contemplate getting what I want and what I've worked so hard for. I'm certainly old enough to know better and hope communicating with others who are recommitting will be the boost I need.
  19. Shoshanna

    Scared Of Needles.

    Lay back, close your eyes, take a deep breath, relax your knees and elbows, and hum under your breath. The stick to get a fill stings for two to three seconds. You spent more time writing that post than it will take to get a fill.
  20. Shoshanna

    April Shower Challenge

    I'll sign up. Thanks for the challenge invitation. Name, real or screen~ Shoshanna Goal weight for April 29th~ 157. Weight on April 1st~ 163.5 Age~57 Dietary goal for April~ ABANDON DAILY SWEETS! Exercise goal for April~ increase dance practice to 3 times per week. Personal goal for April~ daily art sessions Date banded~ March 2010 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ approx. 80 pounds What is your favorite part about spring~ No more scraping snow off the car. More daylight hours. Better weather for riding horses/motorcycles. Going barefoot. Cotton dresses. Spring flowers. Green grass.
  21. Shoshanna

    Consumer Report Article

    The article frosted my apricots a tad, too, and not because I didn't like what it has to say but because I question the author's motivation and interpretation of data. Okay, let's consider a few things about the article, starting with the particular ax the author has to grind: a book called “The Treatment Trap: How the Overuse of Medical Care is Wrecking Your Health and What You Can Do To Prevent It,” 2010. She has a vested interest in emphasizing treatment problems and therefore her ability to be objective is a tad suspect. Comparing dissatisfied customers of lap bands with Toyotas: a driver's physical and emotional health have no effect on a car's mechanical soundness; lapbanding is done on obese people who often have one or more comorbidities that may have a deletrious effect following any surgery, including bariatric surgery. Nine percent needed some kind of surgical adjustment. 91% did not. Four people experienced erosion; 295 did not. Half the people who had the procedure reported nausea and vomiting. How soon after surgery did nausea and vomiting occur? Anesthesia makes me sick as a dog for a couple of days. Eating improperly with a band will cause sliming which as those of us who have experienced know is different from vomiting. Was there any distinction made between sliming and genuine nausea-induced vomiting? Thirty-four percent suffered from gastroesophageal reflux. My GERD disappeared 100% immediately following surgery. The article does not note statistics for post surgery relief and does not mention whether or not GERD was pre-existing. 24 percent of people experienced band slippage (which might stem from excessive vomiting). And why were these people vomiting? Any statistics on pre-surgical bulemia? 14 percent developed stomach blockages. See eating improperly above.
  22. Shoshanna

    Does 370 Per Fill Seem Expensive?

    I believe my fills are $75 with insurance paying part of that. No fluroscope- I can feel the port for myself and it has never taken the doc more than a single stick to get the job done.
  23. My family doctor suggested that artificial sweetners might be the cause of my gas problem. I cut way back on them and the gas problems disappeared. When I increased my intake of artifical sweetner, back came the gas problems. Hope something this simple can help you.
  24. I had mine unfilled after an illness in January that caused some swelling of my stomach. My doc said this was pretty common after a gastro-type illness. After two years being able to eat anything put me dangerously close to a dead panic but I lived through it and have fluid back in the band now. As the others said, I've noticed a difference in the type of restriction I have now but I'm not sure it is a bad thing to mix msyelf up periodocally and try some different foods. Having said that, I am finding that bread and chicken are beginning to bother me again so maybe I'll eventually be back to the old foods.
  25. I signed up for this forum two and a half years ago when I first began considering lap band surgery. Since I never became part of the online community I thought it might be appropriate to officially introduce myself. My name is Shoshanna and I received my band in March of 2010. My weight loss was slower than that of many people and I hit my share of plateaus along the way, but that is okay. My highest weight was 240; I now weigh 160 with a final goal weight of 148. Currently I am resting on another plateau and thought perhaps some interaction with other banders will help me over what I hope is the final hump. If I can lend an ear or benefit of experience to others along the way, all the better.

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