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lapband lolita

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapband lolita

  1. Who was your surgeon??? Anyone go to DayOne?? :scared2::thumbup:
  2. lapband lolita

    Any Chicago bandsters???

    Hi Brigette! I'm having surgery TOMORROW (Nov 9th) with Dr. Elli. Lets stay in touch for sure!! Good Luck on your surgery. My email is arigotti08@yahoo.com Send me yours and I give you details after my surgery. :wink2::w00t: Hope your liquids are going well. :w00t:
  3. On day 6 of my 14 day liquid diet and I have to say ...it doesn't get easier. Damn Halloween candy! I'm being good so far but I don't want to. Is anyone else in the liquids phase? I'm having surgery Nov 9th...any band buddies?? I need support! It's hard, I'm making dinner for my family and they are eating around me and I feel so weak. :thumbup::scared2::frown:
  4. lapband lolita

    Hungry Hungry Hippo!!!

    I think it's hard because most of this over eating crap is mental anyway right?? Well, then we read how some people only have 1 week of liquids and some only have 3 days....then we start to think..I can probably eat this, no big deal. I think I try to tell myself if I eat just this once it will be ok. I've already lost 7lbs.. Damn it's hard! :scared2::cursing::thumbup::cursing:

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