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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by stl2atl07


    Medicaid covers in Most States, Mickey. You will have to check with coverage in your area. Call your 1 800 number and just ask. That's the simplest way of finding out. Since getting you healthier, makes lifetime costs for them more affordable it makes sense. You shouldn't have any problems, just give them and call. After that you should be able to make an appointment with your Physician to get a referral to Lap Band Surgeon. Good Luck on your Journey!

  2. Well my last 4 days before my pre-op diet startes ill be in the wisconsin dells on vacation so needless to say I'm not going to be following any rules and there is an awesome new years buffet at the one hotel we will be at. So that will be my big last meal lol then start the pre-op diet on the 3rd.


    Have fun in the Wisconsin Dells, I was close to there once, it looked like an amazing place! Enjoy the buffet, but don't make yourself sick thinking this is my last meal. You will still be able to eat, and eat foods you like. Just in healthy portions. We are gonna be GREAT!

  3. I began this process over a year ago now, I went to my seminar December 5, 2009. Even before that I went to meet a Surgeon's office, and was horrific by the surroundings. I decided not to use him, and looked elsewhere. It has been quite a journey to this place where I am now.

    I got insurance approval I think back in June. I had to turn in my letter from a Psychologist saying he recommeded me for the Surgery, a Letter from my MD saying she thought I needed the surgery including all my cormorbidities(sp); I have cardiomyopathy, hypertension, diabetes, severe back pain, pickinwickin syndrome and reflux, You also had to send a 10 years history of dieting.

    My Bariartic Center requires a $600.00 program fee it includes your nutrtiion class, your visits with the Dietietian, and lifetime support groups. You have to pay this fee at the time of your nutrition class.

    I had all my pretesting done this month, My EGD, EKG, My Chest Xray, My Blood work., My Pulmonary function test. Everything has been completed.

    My Nutrition class has been postponed until the January 3rd at 8am. As soon as I finished up with that, I can schedule my appointed with my surgeon, and schedule my surgery. Hopefully I will still be getting a January Date. That's what I discussed with Eletha, the coordinator at the center.

    Everything is done but the nutrition class, and Im approved. I have to say Im glad to have one more New Years Eve to Celebrate, I just need to find something to do!

  4. Like you I have done all the pretests the Center ask me to do. Yesterday I got caught in traffic on my way to my Nutrition class, though. It started at 8am, the usual cut off to get in is 8:30am but the Witch Head Dietitian decided yesterday it would be 8:15am. Now I had to reschedule for January 3rd. Its the only thing holding me from getting my band now. I was really angry yesterday. But all things happen for a reason. Maybe I needed a little more time. That's the way I'm going to look at it. Good luck moving things along, and if it doesn't happen immediately just consider maybe its not happening just yet for good reason.

  5. I havent start my pre-op diet yet but I'm going to use Cambridge Nutrition shakes . They are similar to Opti Fast just much more afforable. 3 shakes a day given you get your total nutrition for the day. I've drank them before and I didn't experience any headaches or nausea while drinking them. Its the head hunger that you have to get over. That was biggest battle before, Im sure it will be my battle this time, too. Good luck on your journey.

  6. I am scared ot death of my eval. Being Bipolar I do not want my mental issues to be the blocker to being able to get banded.

    This was a fear for me, too. But The Psychologist told me it really had nothing to do with rather or not I could be successful with WLS or not. He ask about my Dieting History, Struggles, How I was dealing now, and What I was prepared to do. That was what was important.

    Don't overthink it too much. Just be upfront and honest with your Psychogist. They are there to help you. Good Luck! :frown:

  7. :frown: I am so excited! After waiting for months, I finally got approved. I still have 3 pretests, a EGD, a Pulmonary Function test, and Cardic Echo. I have a Nutrition Class, then my final consult with the Surgeon. In that time I have to get my 600 dollar Program fee payed up. It's still gonna be a little while. But I am on my way. Woooo hooooooo!

  8. Karen, You should feel blessed you have that kind of funds instead of snapping at me because Im frustrated with my insurance. If I had money I would happily pay for this, no problem.

    Betty, Thank you for the thoughtful insight. I'm not unhappy with the results of the first Psych Evaluation. I was given what I expected to get.

    Yes, They did tell me at the Seminar about the Program Fee. At that time I had spoken to the Center several times. I had asked many questions regarding my insurance and what was required. No one told me about a Program Fee. So when I went to the Seminar, 3 months later It was like a slap in the face. I thought I had researched everything.

    I have asked about my insurance covering the fills, and the fluroscopy they require for their fills. No problem there. I even asked about my Insurance covering if my Band slips or erodes. They will even replace it.

    They just won't pay for Psychologic visits, nor testing. I guess I should really count my blessings. It was just tough to swallow, I thought I was just a few weeks away from getting my Date. Now, it may be next Fall.

    Pickles, I've already changed Surgeons once. I really feel as this is the Best Center for me. They are a little stricter in their policy but I don't think striving for the best is a bad thing. Thanks for the Support.

  9. I met with my Surgeon On February 3, everything was on track to get insurance approval, I got my psych eval done, got the letter from my GP faxed in, and the Bariatic Center won't accept my Psych Eval without a MMPI included.

    It's gonna cost me $800.00 fior this test when I already have a Psych eval that clears me. I don't have $800.00 so it's going to be a few months or longer before I can get it done. That means I won't be getting my insurance approval for that much longer.

    I'm really feeling like every time I look up there is a stumbling block with this surgery. First thing was the $600 program fee. They said I can make payments with that but I still have to have it paid before my Surgery.

    Now Something else. Maybe I'm not supposed to do this at all. :smile:

  10. The subject of Psych Evals comes up here every once in a while , and I am always amused while reading the responses and reactions people have. And, I sometimes get a little angry as well, because of some of the comments I see people making.

    The “psych” component is one that is REALLY overlooked and downplayed by people when they are getting weight loss surgery. They complain about having to do it, and I think that is a BIG mistake.

    So….I have a few…(ahem)….”comments”.

    I think that many people are missing the point entirely when it comes to the Psych Evaluation portion of the LAP-BAND® (or any WLS) process.

    While it varies from person to person, the problem of obesity comes down to a very simple equation: We eat TOO much of the WRONG stuff. And most of the time, we do that not because we are physically hungry, but because of the “head hunger” that so many of us experience. And, simply because it gives us physical pleasure to eat good tasting food.

    Sure, there are segments of the Obese population that have some form of metabolic disorder, there are absorption issues, and some other elements that play a role in the path to becoming Obese. But MOST of the problem lies in the fact that we simply eat too much of the wrong food. And, of course, we don’t exercise our bodies nearly enough.

    The fundamental mechanism of the LAP-BAND® is to restrict our consumption of food. Plain and Simple. If you eat too much, you’re gonna suffer. If you don’t chew properly, it’s gonna hurt. It’s a valve. It’s a Spigot. It’s a throttle whose job it is to keep you from eating TOO MUCH (note to those engineer-types out there: I know it’s not technically a”valve”…it doesn’t open/close. I know…but you get my point…lol). There are some theoretical elements to the LAP-BAND® experience such as reduced appetite and hunger, but that does not occur in all people….it is more the exception than the rule.

    The point here is that a HUGE component of the weight loss process is the MIND GAME. It is psychological in nature, and if that particular part of the puzzle is not dealt with, you will not be entirely successful in your weight loss efforts, with or WITHOUT the LAP-BAND®. Some people get lucky and the band is all they need to lose all the weight, but they are really the exception. And, if the band stops working or needs to be removed, then you have a big problem if you have NOT dealt with the mind/emotional issues relating to obesity.

    So many LAP-BAND® patients see the Band as some magical device that is stuffed in their stomach and Voila! ….they’re not hungry any more. Nothing could be further from the truth, for MOST LAP-BAND® recipients. It takes discipline, self control, patience, and a strong personal commitment to the process to make it work properly.

    And THAT is why they make you go through the Psychological Evaluation. To make sure that you are up for it emotionally.

    For those of you that are complaining about having to go through the process, I would say that your attitude is sorely lacking…big time. Particularly “Shonette”, who doesn’t seem to want to do ANYTHING to help herself in this process. She wants the band to do everything for her, and it’s too bad, ‘coz that AIN’T how it works. You don’t want to do the 6-month diet? Here’s a news flash for ya….the LAP-BAND® IS a diet,,,one you’ll be on as long as you have it in you. So get used to it.

    Personally, I feel very strongly that regular sessions with a Psychotherapist that specializes in bariatric issues (and I mean SPECIALIZES, not just as part of the practice) should be a requirement of getting a LAP-BAND®, not just a single session before the surgery. This should be an ongoing process, designed to support you in your weight loss efforts, and help you identify and manage the issues that have driven you to overeat in the first place.

    Now, on the other side of this, I do think that SOME of the consultations ARE a joke. The insurance industry really needs to do some “housecleaning” with regard to how they handle these evaluations. Some of it really is “going through the motions”, and that, honestly, doesn’t help anyone at all. But that doesn’t keep the PATIENT from taking a proactive stance and seeking out quality behavioral therapy to assist them in this process.

    So, as a prospective LAP-BAND® patient you should absolutely NOT be rejecting the idea of psychological intervention in your Quest for better health,,,,you SHOULD be wholeheartedly EMBRACING the idea that your problem with obesity is multi-faceted, and needs help from multiple resources, and NOT just a noose around your stomach.

    Some comments on what some of you have said here:

    Cwm812: I can't imagine any other demographic group having to have a psych consult to get corrective surgery.”

    Sorry, but what you are having is NOT “corrective” surgery. There is probably nothing “wrong” with you physiologically. You EAT too much, of the WRONG stuff. It is a CHOICE you have made. The surgery will NOT “correct” that. It MIGHT keep you from eating as much as you do, but there is nothing “corrective” about it. It is NOT the same as someone who was born with one leg shorter than the other, or someone who has a faulty hip. Or a bad heart valve. This surgery is about preventing you from following through on the Bad choices you are making.

    In your case, it looks like you have lost most of your weight with just the use of the band, and that is terrific. But for MOST people, but problem is a little deeper. And you have to keep in mind that there may come a time when you will have to have the band removed. There is increased incidence of erosion, slippage, and other problems that can happen with the band. These problems are surfacing in people who have had the band longer than 3 years, and it is happening with greater frequency, and more people are having to have their bands removed. So, while you may have solved the “physical” component of your obesity by using the Band to limit your intake, based upon what you have said here it is unlikely that you have addressed the psychological component; and there may come a time when you will have to live without the advantage of the LAP-BAND® and the restriction it places on your eating.

    “I have no problem with psychologists. I have even gone to them for various problems throughout my life, but as a condition of this surgery, it's demeaning to have to prove that you are competent to be of normal size!”

    The Pysch Eval has NOTHING to do with “proving competence to be of normal size”. What an absurd statement. What is has to do with is to make certain that you are aware what the challenges are post-surgery, and that you are capable of sticking to the rules, and willing to do the work that is necessary to reach your goal. And a GOOD therapist will want to work with you to help isolate issues in your life that might get in the way of doing so. THAT is what it is all about.

    Cwm812 and 4Sammy: "I hate when we waste our medical resources in this country."

    So, you guys see obesity as merely a PHYSICAL issue? Something that just “happens” to you? Something you didn’t play a role in? It’s nothing that you had a CHOICE about? That’s how you see it?

    You know…there is a significant percentage of people who think that Weight Loss Surgery IS a waste of “Medical Resources”…..Many people think that we, as obese people, simply have no self-control or discipline, and that WLS is a waste of Surgical Talent that could be used on more “serious” maladies, like heart disease and cancer. As a Weight Loss Surgery patient, I do not entirely agree with that notion….but I UNDERSTAND it. I understand what they are saying. I recognize that obesity IS a self-inflicted wound. For the most part, we do it to OURSELVES. And wouldn’t it be great if we could find a way to solve the problem WITHOUT tying up Surgical Theaters and other resources? We all know that it is not that simple….BUT proper counseling and psychotherapy CAN make a world of difference to people who are struggling with weight issues. I have personal acquaintances that have been able to lose significant amounts of weight by seeking out a properly credentialed psychotherapist, and getting to the root of life issues that have contributed to large amounts of weight gain. Regular Psychotherapy played a HUGE role in my own transformation.

    Christiemr: “Just one more benefit to being self pay I guess, no psych consult! Woohoo!!! In medicine we call it CYA (cover your a--) medicine. I'm sure there's one person out there somewhere who had the procedure expecting the magic quick fix, didn't do what they were supposed to, got stuck, slipped band, etc and then tried to sue their doctor so they all freaked out and started requiring the psych eval.... Just a theory.

    Wonderful. “just one more benefit”….meaning just one less thing you HAVE to do that might very well make the difference between your being successful or failing in this process.

    Shonette: Why in the world do someone need to tell me what my thoughts or feelings need to be concerning my over weight condition. I know that am over weight and that is why am doing something about it. “

    You really don’t get it, do you? It’s not about “telling you what your thoughts should be”. It’s about finding out WHY you feel how you do about eating and then coming up with methodologies to deal with those issues. And there’s other stuff involved too, but for you to discount something very fundamental to weight loss (and ANY behavioral Psychologist will verify what I am saying) is to dramatically decrease your chances for long-term success with ANY weight-loss procedure, surgery or otherwise.

    “Am willing to do only those things that I have to do and nothing more.”

    That is the purest recipe for failure that I have heard in a LONG time.

    To kagead: It sounds like you have a Dr that’s “gets it”. I hope you keep Psychotherapy as part of your “band lifestyle”….I can guarantee that it will play a role in your success.

    Ok, I have spent far too long on this.

    If anyone who is reading this thinks that I have been insulting or something else, that is NOT my intention. But understand that I have been involved in weight Loss surgery-related areas for nearly a decade. I have undergone multiple Surgeries, have made many mistakes, and I have learned the HARD WAY what it takes to be a success at this. And one of the most important elements of this whole process is to pay close attention to the MIND element of this. Because THAT is where the success begins and ends.

    So, when you are sent for your Psych eval, I would heartily suggest that instead of seeing it as a waste of time, think of it as another component of a successful LAP-BAND® experience….embrace it, and consider making Psychotherapy a part of the process of becoming a Healthier person. It might be the difference between success and failure.

    Thank you Spartan for your insightful post, I actually didn't even have to go to my Doctor to get a Letter from him. He just wrote one for me. I do see him every month But Now I would really like to see a Therapist that specializes in Weight Loss Surgery so we can address my concerns.

    After reading so many of the others post I can see how they feel like the Evaluation was a waste of time I think I will ask the Doctor before I go if we will be truly address Weight Loss Surgery or just filling out paperwork. Thank you, Spartan.

  11. Yes!! It is very hard. The only thing that has helped me is to drink alot of crystal light or some other no/low cal drink. It seems to keep me more satisfied. You can do it-- you are almost there. I have 2 more days of it myself. My surgery is on 1/18/10. Lots of luck.

    Staying hydrated really does making you less hungry. Propel really fills me up, and keeps the hunger away. But its so expensive. I've switched to Crystal Light, too. :w00t:

  12. Thanks, Everyone for your Replies! You have good points. My life is definetly worth more than 600 dollars for one thing. It's just going to slow my process down. I will get it, if I have to pay it $50.00 a month until its paid up.

    I'm a little depressed over the fact that this is going to slow me down and I can't get started like I wanted to. I'm still trying to get a Consult appointment so I can process my approval though. No reason not to get the ball moving, Hey I might Win the Lottery in the process! ( I might want to start playing though!:w00t:)

  13. I went to my Lapband Seminar last night. I am really psyched about getting the Band. I want to go with this Particular Center, too. I have checked out all their Surgeons License, no complaints filed against them, no malpractice suits. They work out of a Top Hospital in the nation.

    The only thing holding me back is the $600.00 program fee that has to be paid before the first Nutrition Class. I can meet with the Surgeon before that, and get approved for the Surgery but before they will proceed I have to pay the Program Fee.

    I have already looked into the Centers in the Area, they either didn't take my insurance or the Surgeons that did had Malpractice Suits against them.

    So what do you think Banders? Is $600 too high for a Program Fee? :thumbup:

  14. I just wanted to congratulate you on your decision to get healthy! You on your way now. This time will past before you know it. Come in the Chat room if you need some encourage there is almost always someone around, at different stages with the band. A really great bunch of people.

    I agree with the other bandsters, keep your eyes on the prize! You dont want your Surgeon to turn you away because your liver hasn't shrunk enough. Just remember this too will pass. You can do anything for 2 weeks.

    Take care, Holly :thumbup:

  15. yesterday i had an appt with my pcm (i'm tricare prime) asking for referral to go see dr. norwood (wls surgeon). today the referral got approved and dr. norwood's office called and scheduled my consultation! yay! i am going on jan 25 and dr. norwood said i could be banded as early as three weeks from that date. i'm soooo ready and can't wait!!!! :w00t::thumbup:

    Congrats! You are on your way to get healthy! Good luck on your journey. They are lots of great people here for support. Come back often.

  16. having LAP-BAND® surgery tomorrow and just feeling scared. i have a heart condition that requires a pacemaker and a defibrillator. i have arrhythmia's really bad and i think just being stressed over the surgery has them acting up. i just wanted to know if any of you out there have had this condition or something similar and had LAP-BAND® surgery. my personal cardiologist and the cardiologist that works with my LAP-BAND® doctor both cleared me for surgery. i know that if anything is off tomorrow they will reschedule my surgery but it would be nice to hear any words of encouragement. i'm doing this to get rid of the weight and put less of a strain on my already weak heart. i have been really excited but now i'm afraid.
    I have an AICD and Cardiomyopathy,too. I have been cleared for the surgery,too. I am getting a Lapband to get healthy, and take the strain off my heart,too. I am sure your cardiologist is very excited for you that you are being proactive about your health. I know mine is. Just know that they will be watching your heart closely,and keeping track of your pvcs. I will pray for you that all goes wells. add me as friend,and keep in touch. Holly

  17. Yes Swan Girl she has Medicare but you think it would be better to pay thousands and thousands more for the care she will need if she continues to become obese and develop serious health problems? GET A CLUE!

    YOUR TAX DOLLARS will be paying for her health care if she get diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholestorol, and the mirade of obesity related health risks.

    You think that will cost less than preventive medicine now?

    I don't understand this ignorance at all. She needs preventive care. No she is not starting off at 300 lbs and BMI of 52. But why does she need to risk her life, when she can get care NOW?

    She wants to be healthy. 184 lbs is not a Healthy BMI at her height. This isn't about what she LOOKS like. Lapband is about Saving your life, eliminating Health risks.

  18. Hi, I'm from Georgia, too! I'm going to Emory University's Bariatic Center. I am feeling a little discouraged myself but just my time not the Center. The center is requiring I attend their Info Seminar, and the next one is not until January 14th. That is feeling like a Life time away. I really just want to get on with it.

    Sounds like you have really gotten so much of the requirements completmented. You will have the Psych Eval done in a just a short time. Before you know it this is all gonna be behind you, because you will be a Banded Woman!!


  19. Hi, I would like to try Isopure Sampler, too. Where did you find it? I went on their site but couldn't find anything about it. Thanks!

    I am trying to figure out a Protein drink I can tolerate prior to pre-op diet and surgery but am having no luck.

    I'm a Water and Ice Tea drinker - I don't like thick, gritty, Protein smelling shakes/drinks!! As in they make me gag.

    I have ordered the sampler from the Isopure people and was wondering if there's anything else out there I should look into.

    Suggestions are much appreciated.


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