Hi from Chi-Town,
I have been reading the post and I have learned a lot so for. I know a little more of what to expect over the next few weeks. I am required to do a liquid diet 14 days before banding, this is day 13. It was tough in the beginning and I have pretty much been hungry, but I have learned to deal with it. What I am most afraid of is still eating the way I did. Reading how you can eat a lot before your first fill scares me. I have to liquids 7 days post op, pureed food the next 7 and soft food for the last 7. Has anyone else been put on this type of restricted diet? Also, how much recovery time do I need realistically. I am a teacher and hate to leave my classes for more than 2-3 days. My banding is Monday and I plan to go back to work Thursday. Is 3 days enough time? How do you feel after surgery? Very sore? Are the incisions big? What should I expect? Thanks in advance.