I work four our county public health and we gave about 600 vaccinations last week. We live in a very small county (pop. 5,000). Since I am in administration and not a hands-on medical person, I don't qualify in any of the high risk groups, but as soon as it is available, I will get it. Every Wed. we sit in on a teleconference with the Iowa State Dept. of Health in regard to H1N1. We learned last week that this vaccine went through more testing than the seasonal flu vaccine does annually. The seasonal flu vaccine isn't the same every year; it's made based on what flu the "experts" think will be going around. My grandson got the vaccination and his dad (my son) got H1N1, but thankfully Jarod didn't catch it, because he's got asthma. I'm sure the vaccination kept him from catching it from his dad.
My personal opinion is that in this "sue happy" world, the manufacturers wouldn't put it out there if they didn't feel it is safe.
As with seasonal influenza, Guillain-Barre syndrome is very rare, but possible.
It's a personal choice, though and I can understand why some people are reluctant to get it.