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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    Success? Does 10 Sizes smaller equal Success? I think so!!!

    I'm so happy and smiling at your post!!
  2. LoseIt!

    Negative family and friends?

    I don't even listen anymore to comments like that. Certain things hurt my feelings at first, but I'm doing this for me and I'm as happy as can be. I control that! Good luck to you and I hope your journey brings a TON of WONDERFUL new people into your life.
  3. I LOVE the show So You Think You Can Dance and have attended every tour they have had! Yes, I am somewhat of a 12 year old girl. :thumbup: The first tour which was from Season 2 didn't come to DFW so we actually flew to Chicago for a weekend to see it. We are dedicated! Last night was the most recent SYTYCD tour at the Verizon theater in Grand Prairie. Eight of us met for dinner, then went to the show. It was great! Plus, I had plenty of room left in my seat AND I kept my legs crossed which was super awesome!!! I was slightly annoyed this morning when I weighed and I hadn't gotten rid of ALL the pesky extra I had found with my Chinese food. I guess it was over half though, so I should get over it. I'm sure that tomorrow will bring things back to normal. Today's new items: I'm wearing a long shirt/short dress in grey black and white animal print over leggings. I added a short-sleeved linen jacket and grey suede short boots. My dental hygenist told me that I looked "super cute" this morning so that is fun! This is the first time I've worn any of it except for the leggings. It's so fun to take tags off and wear something each morning! Tomorrow is Friday everyone...hold on, we've almost made it!!
  4. Last night on my way home from Jazzercise, I decided that since I worked out twice (ran at lunch and did high impact Jazzercise at night) that I would stop and get myself something fun to eat. I told my mom that I was getting Chinese food and she said that I was going to weigh more the next day. I told her that I wasn't planning to eat A LOT, I just wanted something different. She told me that she thought that Chinese food made you weigh more the next day. Whatever. I ordered the Mandarin Chicken which is not fried, but I did have the sauce. I just ate the chicken, no side. I also drank about 2 glasses of Diet Cran Grape juice. This morning I am up 1.4 pounds!! Crazy. Considering I had over 1000 calorie deficit yesterday, I know it isn't real, so I'm ignoring it. But geeze!! I was really proud of myself yesterday during my run. I ran almost the entire two miles at some sort of incline. I also got the incline up to a 4 in some places where as last week the inclines were lower and shorter duration. I "sprinted" the last few tenths of the 2nd mile. I discovered that when I really push myself faster, I lengthen my stride. So I think if I can work on that and get myself to naturally lengthen my stride while running, I can improve my speed with less effort than it would take to actually increase my pace. We will see how that works. I have 5 weeks to improve before my next 5K. Today's new items: I'm wearing my new Victoria's Secret bra. It sure is comfortable! I'm wearing a tan, black & white animal print tank under a brown short-sleeved sweater that cinches with a button at the waist. I paired with my new Levis (size 16!!) and my new brown low-heeled brown loafers. I'm feeling sassy today!! New clothes from head to toe. :thumbup: I will try to post some pics of all the fun new shoes this weekend. Today is a no exercise day. We are meeting some friends for lunch and tonight is the So You Think You Can Dance tour!! We will be there along with an audience full of 12 year old girls screaming our heads off!! Woooooooooooo! Have a happy Wednesday!
  5. LoseIt!


    I'm one of those people who doesn't really like exercise, so I'm a HUGE advocate of finding whatever works for you. I went to one Zumba class and I liked it a lot! I am a Jazzercise class manager (I became one because it keeps me committed) and I get plenty of cardio there, so I don't end up doing other classes often. If I can only pick one, I prefer Jazzercise because they have weight & flexibility training added, plus they (at least in my classes) seem to focus more on technique. I like/need that. In Zumba, you can let loose and dance, dance, dance! If you are into dancing, I think you would like it. Have fun!
  6. Since they only mentioned it once during the show (is that right?) hopefully it isn't even going to be discussed much. I have to admit that prior to my research, I had NO IDEA how difficult it would be. I realized that it would be different, but I didn't realize how much I would still need to focus on making good decisions. That's why I've been so open about it. I think I have really opened the eyes of my friends and acquaintances to the pros and cons of WLS. I think more people having exposure to that is a good thing. It will be intersting to see if and how it comes up.
  7. Burgandy also had Lap Band surgery, right? I noticed Jessica's scars last night and went on the website. There were 3 Bandsters, 1 bypass and 1 VBG (?) which I think is like stapling. I only noticed the scars on Jessica. It is interesting to have several people that have undergone WLS participate. I have no idea if that is the norm or not. I honestly didn't think about it until this season. I can't wait to get to know the contestants. I love this show! I know it isn't the healthiest approach to weightloss and isn't the most reasonable either since most people don't have the resources to work out 8 hours a day. But I still get inspired by it!
  8. I believe Sharon's was Lap Band, but she was talking a couple years ago about getting it removed. Rex Ryan of the Jets was banded (in March, I think?). I was watching the game on Sunday and noticed how great he looked so I googled it. I pulled up some pictures of him last year and the difference is crazy! Also, he had to keep pulling up his pants when he was running out onto the field after the game. HA! Go Rex!
  9. LoseIt!

    Scale Obsession?

    scale whore right here! :rolleyes2: I weigh in the morning first thing post-potty. I typically weigh when I get home from work before I eat dinner, but I'm trying to get myself not to do that one. And I weigh right before I go to bed. I log my weight daily, but only "count" it on Mondays and I only change my ticker monthly. I need statistics! Plus, I like to know how things affect me. After today, I know that Chinese food makes me retain Water and weigh higher. I wouldn't have known that if I didn't monitor it. I don't think I will change behavior because of it, but now I know.
  10. LoseIt!

    In control, maybe for the first time ever!

    That is so great to hear! Congratulations! Also, I totally laughed reading your first paragraph!!
  11. LoseIt!

    So who Didn't watch the Season Premier of "The Biggest Loser"????

    I love the show too! I know it is not the healthiest approach to weightloss and working out 8 hours a day is not realistic long term, but their transformations never cease to inspire me. There were two definite Lap Banders on the show and I noticed another couple with what looked to me like Lap Band scars (but of course, could have been something else). It makes me sad that the Band couldn't help them the way it has helped many of us. I don't know who my faves are yet, but there were a lot of people I liked. I did literally start crying when the guy fell down so close to the finish. I want him to do well in the side competition!!
  12. LoseIt!

    That's the ticket.

    So, I got a speeding ticket this morning. Isn't that super awesome!! :thumbup: Honestly though, I was going 76 mph in a 60 mph zone, so I totally deserved it. The only thing that makes me mad about the whole thing is that that motorcycle cop is there EVERY morning and I KNOW BETTER! Oh well, it is what it is. I'm feeling much better today! The respiratory infection has faded for the most part. Jazzercise was tough last night, but I definitely felt better when it was over. It is nice to be in enough shape that I don't feel like I'm killing myself the first day back after a break! Today I'm taking it up a notch and I'm doing my 2 mile hill run at lunch and Jazzercise tonight. I only have a non-running lunch work out tomorrow (maybe the bike?) so I should be able to push it out today. I was hungry yesterday. After breakfast, it didn't take too long until I was hungry for lunch. We went to Mi Cocina to meet my parents and I was worried that I would need to eat too much. But my mom & I shared a nacho plate and I ate three nachos with sour cream and guacamole. So, not too bad. In fact, it held me until very late in the afternoon and I didn't get hungry until about 4pm when I had some greek yogurt. I was a little hungry when I went to Jazzercise, but it wasn't horrible. When I got home, I fixed goodies for dinner. (My niece's favorite meal is what she calls goodies, which is bascially a collection of snacks, like apples, pretzels, peanut butter and cheese.) I had just less than a 1/2 c of potato salad, a boiled egg, 10 crackers and 5 pieces of cheese (roughly 3 oz, I think.) I finished the potato salad and egg, but I left 2 crackers and a piece of cheese. I didn't seem to have any "restriction" in the sense that there was no issues with anything going down, however, I did have "restriction" in the sense that I was full after eating a reasonable amount of food. So, I did well yesterday. The trick is stopping when I'm full. I've not been good at that historically and is something I need to work on. So, goals for the week...drink water! And stop eating when I'm full. PS: My new item of the day that I'm wearing...electric blue flats with a row of sequence around the top. Very flirty, but practical too. Have a great day!!
  13. LoseIt!

    Gurgling Feeling?

    I get that feeling when I have a lot of restriction and the water is "funnelling" through the Band.
  14. LoseIt!


    Hmmm...I wouldn't worry too much unless they just never ever stop. That would just be annoying!! Good luck!
  15. LoseIt!


    I too get the hiccups when I eat. Most of the time it is my body telling my I'm full. Occassionally it is just a signal to slow down. But, either way, it is important to listen to what it is trying to say to you.
  16. LoseIt!

    Tomorrow is the day

    Best of luck to you! I'm sure it will go well.
  17. LoseIt!


    I encourage you to look through this site. You are going to find so many answers and even answers to questions that you didn't know to ask!! 1. I was self pay, so I don't think I can help you here. Since I was paying, I didn't have to wait. My cost was $10k for the surgery and a full year of after care. 2. My pain was worse than I had anticipated for the first week. However, I had esphogeal spasms because of my swelling which I'm finding out is rare. Plus, after a week, it faded and I was great! 3. The Lap Band doesn't work like Gastric Bypass, so the weightloss is lower at first. However, through good aftercare and getting fills, you get to a good restriction that allows you to control your hunger. I lost about 12 pounds on the 2 week preop diet and I lost about 10 pounds in the month following surgery. I also encourage you to research your surgeon. Even better, if they offer support groups, see if you can attend one prior to being Banded. I think aftercare is SO IMPORTANT. If your surgeon focuses a lot on that, I think it is a good sign. Good luck to you!!
  18. LoseIt!

    mike and molly

    I thought the initial episode was okay. I did find myself chuckling a few times thinking I SO know what that is like. I think the lead actors are good and I have empathy for the characters. I will keep recording it and see how it goes.
  19. LoseIt!

    Half way thru preop

    You CAN do this!! You ARE doing it!!
  20. LoseIt!

    WHAT did I just do?

    I don't have anything more or better than Bklynike or sandra, but just know that what you are feeling is very normal. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't make it any less FRUSTRATING!! But know that we are all here for you and just keep up with your aftercare and it will get better. In my opinion, this is the worst part! You WILL make it!
  21. LoseIt!

    Short-term goal

    You just got me excited, ha! YAY for you!!
  22. LoseIt!

    Here is my story!

    Good for you for making a healthy change even prior to surgery! That is really hard to do and in my opinion, even harder when it isn't required. So kudos!! I do want to tell you though that with the Lap Band surgery, things won't necessary turn around immediately with surgery. There is a period after surgery that is affectionally (or not!) nicknamed "Bandster Hell". Once the swelling goes down and before you are filled to proper restriction through aftercare, you are probably going to be very hungry. Just know that once you do get proper restriction, you will have a lot of help you need to battle that weight! I don't want to discourage you...quite the contrary. I want you to know that it takes a little while so you don't get too discouraged up front. Just stick with it, do what you know you need to do, and come out here and vent! Best of luck!!
  23. LoseIt!

    Slipped a little off the plan

    I think you did a fabulous job, considering! Now that I have the band, it is easier for me to make some better choices, but I'm not so sure I could have pre-band. Maybe it was a good sign for you to see that you need the band? I know I went through the same questions. Good luck on the rest of your pre-op diet. It sounds like you are going to do well. I did want to second what Sandra said about seeing how you can work with your hubby to help you along. I'm sure he definitely doesn't mean to trigger you, but he mind need some pointers on what to do to help you. Choices will be easier once you have some restriction, but you still have to make them. Keep at it, chica!!
  24. LoseIt!

    Back to the routine!

    I've missed you all! It seems like forever since I've posted. My parents always keep me so darn busy. They flew in Thursday and since they hadn't seen me in person since Memorial Day, they were pleased to see much less of me when I picked them up at the airport. When we got home, my friend Marie dropped off my new headboards she made which are super cute! My master BR one is faux leather and the spare BR is denim. Since I never had headboards, it really helps finish off the room. Friday we went Living Room furniture shopping. I bought a piece of furniture that is two black leather recliners connected by arm rest cup holder things. It is kind of like theater seating except there are only two and it is super comfortable! I think I mentioned that I was tight last week after my fill. Late in the week I think my allergies were working overtime and I started to develop a respirtory infection. By Friday, I could hardly drink water because the drainage was so bad. I spent Friday night sleeping in my brand new recliner. Nothing like breaking it in right off the bat! Saturday morning bright and early, my dad went with me to the doc for a slight unfill. I only wanted him to take out the .1 cc that was put in last week, but he took out .5 cc instead. I did feel immediately better! Then my mom & I went clothes shopping. I bought tons of shoes and winter clothes. Several items are snug and I won't be able to wear them until later in the winter, but I find closet shopping to be so fun. :thumbup: Plus, I was only bargain shopping now. Only discount stores and preferrably on sale! That was the motto of the day. Today I'm wearing some new things. I have on old blue jeans (that really are getting quite baggy) and black tank top, then over it I'm wearing a new teal short sleeve sweater. I'm also wearing new super pointy yet small healed nude Nine West pumps. I love fun shoes! We met my BFF Cori for dinner at Fuzzy's Tacos on Saturday. I love me some Fuzzy's!! Sunday brought some errands. I actually bought a bra at Victoria's Secret. OOOOoooohhhhh! Pretty. That and a motorcycle jacket I bought at Nordstrom Rack were the two splurges of the weekend. I'm satisfied with both! Last night we wrapped up the weekend watching my Colts. Woo Hoo! They kicked some brother butt. :thumbup: I like Eli, but I like winning better. Ha! Today I'm back at work and will take the parents to the airport at lunch. It was great to see them, but it is time to get back into the routine. My unfill is going to make it a challenge to eat correctly, but I know I can do it. I'm not sure when I will be able to get in for another fill, so it is up to me to make it work for a while. I'm committed to 4 Jazzercise classes this week and 1 running session. So, THAT should help keep things along. My goal is to be 210 by my New Orleans trip (10/01), and I'm only 2.2 pounds away!! Have a great Monday everybody!!
  25. LoseIt!

    Mom & Dad are coming!

    Mom & Dad are coming today! I'm looking forward to spending time with them. We haven't seen each other since Memorial Day. I have changed a bit since then. :thumbup: Tomorrow we are going shopping for recliners. I would like a pair of durable, relatively inexpensive, leather wall huggers. If anyone has a suggestion on where to try, let me know! Saturday, Mom & I are going clothes shopping to get me some winter clothes that fit!! And some bras. I really need bras that fit. Last night my friend Liz & I went to see Blue Man Group. Super fun!! Although I wasn't really able to eat dinner. For my main course, I had creme brulee. Don't judge! :cool2: The last couple of fills I have had, I was so tight the first week that I would debate about going in for a slight unfill. But inevitably, day 7 or 8 would come and all would be fine. It is day 2 and I'm trying to remind myself that it is like this every time. It is how my body works. I can get down water and other liquids just fine. I just can't do foods. I figure some doctors require several days of liquid diets post fill, so it shouldn't be a big deal. Plus it really gives me a good weight loss jump start! I've lost 3 pounds in the last two days. Woot woot!! It's only day 2 and I'm so impatient. Sigh. I guess some things never change. I'm about to have my smoothie for breakfast. I got it with peanut butter today to make sure I have all my protein. I'm not the slightest bit hungry! After a week of feeling hungry all the time, it is a relief. However, I couldn't live like this all the time. Plus, my allergies are making it worse. Stupid ragweed!! I love Fall, but that's the one killer thing. I'm not sure if I will so much posting with the parents in town...it's hard to say. So, have a great weekend!!

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