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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    I've got a date!

    Surgery date, that is! I have my pre-op and dietician consult on Tuesday, January 12th. That is when I start my pre-op diet. {cringe} The big day is Wednesday, January 27th. That is 68 days away! With Thanksgiving and Christmas in there, time is going to fly by. I'm quite excited! Now that everything is scheduled, it is truly time to just wait. I feel so relaxed, confident and completely satisfied with my decision. I know I will get nervous a few times between now and then, but I am ready. My parents and 3 friends know right now. A couple remain supportive but skeptical. That's okay, because I plan to "show", not "tell." My plan is to actively blog, attend my support groups and do exactly what my doctor tells me to do. And so it begins...!!
  2. LoseIt!


    Dude, I hear you loud and clear. I will be banded in January and my initial plan was that I can do this on my own. A. I realized that my friends have no idea what I'm going through and this is not theirs to bear and I would only end up getting my feelings hurt. B. My research shows that people that are more involved in the LB community (blogging, support groups, etc.) are more successful in their goals. I have to admit that the first one made me sad, but the second one got me motivated. If this is what it takes to help me be successful, then by God, that's what I'm going to do. I know you can too! Like Electra said, it isn't weak, it is smart. Good luck!
  3. LoseIt!

    Day five down and nine to go to becoming a bandster...

    People are nuts. You are doing this for you and it has nothing to do with anyone else. Good luck! I hope you do great!
  4. LoseIt!

    "And the beat goes on..............."

    That is a huge non-scale victory! Way to go!
  5. LoseIt!

    I've got a date!

    Surgery date, that is! :biggrin: I have my pre-op and dietician consult on Tuesday, January 12th. That is when I start my pre-op diet. {cringe} The big day is Wednesday, January 27th. That is 68 days away! With Thanksgiving and Christmas in there, time is going to fly by. I'm quite excited! Now that everything is scheduled, it is truly time to just wait. I feel so relaxed, confident and completely satisfied with my decision. I know I will get nervous a few times between now and then, but I am ready. My parents and 3 friends know right now. A couple remain supportive but skeptical. That's okay, because I plan to "show", not "tell." My plan is to actively blog, attend my support groups and do exactly what my doctor tells me to do. And so it begins...!! :biggrin:
  6. LoseIt!

    Getting Closer

    Congratulations on setting a date!
  7. LoseIt!

    11/20/09: T g i f

    Interesting hearing about your shopping experience. I went shopping last weekend for a dress for my confirmation. I went to Dress Barn and the "big" section only had two dress that had sleeves. Are you kidding me? Plus, they were both ugly. Sigh. However, I found an awesome dress at Nordstrom Rack for $12. So, in the end it worked out! I will keep my fingers crossed that you find an awesome blouse!
  8. LoseIt!

    Here we goooO!

    I love Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, Einstein Bros & Market Street! :biggrin: I have some of those same thoughts. I fluctuate between thinking that I have tried everything and failed, so this is going to fail too...to finally, this is going to work! I would say that I am more positive than negative, but I have my moments of being scared that it isn't going to work. I finally just decided that the worse thing that can happen (for the most part) is that I find out it isn't for me. However, odds are it is going to give me what I need to get where I want to be. I am willing to put in the effort. The problem is that I put in the effort now and I only mainain or lose then gain back. But with the Band, I can put that effort toward LOSS! Good luck to you and I'm eager to see how things go for you!
  9. LoseIt!

    Go to a play before or after?

    I like your thoughts. I agree that there is probably no way I'm going to enjoy it on Wednesday. I figure worse case scenario, I would give the tickets away. So, I'm thinking that I will schedule the show for Sunday. If on Saturday, I don't feel up to it, I will give the tickets to friends. I like that idea.
  10. LoseIt!

    Go to a play before or after?

    I'm booking my surgery today and I'm looking for some advice. I am planning to schedule my surgery for Wed, Jan 27th or Thurs, Jan 28th. I just realized that my theater season tickets are for Jan 27th. So...should I go to the show on Wednesday night and have the surgery on Thursday? I guess that is really my only option. I started to think that maybe I could have the surgery on Wednesday and change my tickets to the Sunday show, but now I think that I would probably not be up to it. The show only runs Wed-Sun. Anybody have thoughts?
  11. LoseIt!

    Bailed my Lapband Consult!

    Wow! That is crazy. I'm so glad you found someone else!
  12. LoseIt!

    Go to a play before or after?

    I'm booking my surgery today and I'm looking for some advice. I am planning to schedule my surgery for Wed, Jan 27th or Thurs, Jan 28th. I just realized that my theater season tickets are for Jan 27th. So...should I go to the show on Wednesday night and have the surgery on Thursday? I guess that is really my only option. I started to think that maybe I could have the surgery on Wednesday and change my tickets to the Sunday show, but now I think that I would probably not be up to it. The show only runs Wed-Sun. Anybody have thoughts?
  13. LoseIt!

    11/19/09: Another day

    Add me to the folks that enjoy your "drivel"! I wish I was able to process my thoughts into words as you do. Sometimes just reading what you are writing allows me to say "Bingo! That's what I mean." So keep on, keeping on, Girl!!
  14. LoseIt!

    I did it!!!

    That is absolutely fabulous!!! Thanks so much for sharing your success! Go YOU!!
  15. I'm self pay and as hard as that is, one of the benefits is that I don't have to jump through all the hoops. I'm sorry it is more difficult for you. My birthday was about 6 months ago and it seems less, so maybe it will go faster than you think! (Totally "rah-rah"ing for you!) :biggrin:
  16. LoseIt!

    Man, I hate pictures...

    I had a wonderful weekend. My mom came in town on Friday and we stayed up late talking. She is one of the only people that knows of my Lap Band decision, so we talked about that a lot. We had a nice Saturday shopping and lazing around. There was a small incident in the Kohl's restroom where we learned that fiber granola bars make you gassy. I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time! Sunday was my confirmation as a Catholic. Religion is deeply personal for many people as it is with me. But I'm so blessed to have had my religious journey this year as I feel that it has helped to give me the strength to make this life changing decision. I took Monday off to spend with Mom, so I have been crazy busy at work this week. Tuesday afternoon was my first appointment with my surgeon! I just have to coordinate with my mom since she is going to come help me out and I will have it done late January. It will be such a weight lifted once the final plans are made. Today, I finally had a chance to look at the pictures from my confirmation. HOLY COW! I know I'm fat. That is why I have made this decision. But, man, I just forget how I big I am until I see a picture. When I look in the mirror, I see a big person, but I honestly don't see how big I really am. It made me very sad for a brief moment, but then I just felt good that I have made this decision. I look forward to the day where I LOVE to have my picture taken!! :biggrin:
  17. LoseIt!

    Man, I hate pictures...

    I had a wonderful weekend. My mom came in town on Friday and we stayed up late talking. She is one of the only people that knows of my Lap Band decision, so we talked about that a lot. We had a nice Saturday shopping and lazing around. There was a small incident in the Kohl's restroom where we learned that fiber granola bars make you gassy. I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time! Sunday was my confirmation as a Catholic. Religion is deeply personal for many people as it is with me. But I'm so blessed to have had my religious journey this year as I feel that it has helped to give me the strength to make this life changing decision. I took Monday off to spend with Mom, so I have been crazy busy at work this week. Tuesday afternoon was my first appointment with my surgeon! I just have to coordinate with my mom since she is going to come help me out and I will have it done late January. It will be such a weight lifted once the final plans are made. Today, I finally had a chance to look at the pictures from my confirmation. HOLY COW! I know I'm fat. That is why I have made this decision. But, man, I just forget how I big I am until I see a picture. When I look in the mirror, I see a big person, but I honestly don't see how big I really am. It made me very sad for a brief moment, but then I just felt good that I have made this decision. I look forward to the day where I LOVE to have my picture taken!! :thumbup:
  18. LoseIt!

    What scares me.

    It has been interesting to me to realize that I'm not scared of the food regimen. I know it will be no picnic and there will be times that I will be so frustrated I won't see straight, but I also know that is what I need. What is making me nervous is more medical. I have narrowed it down to three main issues. 1. I'm concerned that I will always be thinking of this foreign thing inside me. I was at Jazzercise the other day doing crunches and I wondered if I would be able to do the same thing with the port. I know people have run marathons and such after being banded so I feel sure there isn't any exercise restriction once healed, but it is something I need to know. I have to be sure that I can be okay with living with this. I have a small fear that I will end up doing NOTHING because I will be so nervous about messing up my band. 2. Lap band seems relatively new and I'm concerned that we don't fully know the long term effects. What happens 20 years from now? 3. What if I mess up and have to go to the hospital? I think I'm quite responsible, but it seems that you can't always control everything. I'm concerned that something will get stuck and I will have to go to the hospital where they know very little. I'm concerned that I will do something stupid (like eat the wrong thing or too much) and it will kill me. I have my initial meeting with doctor in a couple of weeks and will ask him about these things. But I was interested to see what you all have to say? I know that without a doubt, doing nothing will lead me to bad health and sadness. I start feeling guilty because I "should" just diet already and lose the weight I need to lose. But I've tried numerous times with varied success and I know that in the long run I can't do it on my own. Everyday I feel more and more confident that LB is the right choice for me. I just have to get myself right with my concerns.
  19. Good luck! I hope you have a wonderful time!
  20. LoseIt!

    11/13/09: Oh so many thoughts

    Wow, that is a very interesting study. I can see how it would be. If I were successfully dieting, I could easily talk myself out of Lap Band. I didn't choose Lap Band because I thought it would be easy. I'm choosing it because I KNOW I need help. If I didn't need the help, I wouldn't be thinking of Lap Band. Does that make sense? As for your uncomfortability :thumbup: I know exactly what you mean. With the extra weight that I have gained this year, which is only 6-10% of my body weight, I have become a true fat person. I'm just so darn uncomfortable. For a person that has ALWAYS been overweight, but never let it stop me from doing what I want...it is a STRANGE feeling. I don't like it one bit. I'm not sure when my surgery will be, but it is nice to know that we can keep each other encouraged until it happens!
  21. LoseIt!

    11/13/09 Water, Water, Everywhere...

    I keep a 32 oz water glass at my desk at work. My goal is to drink 4 a day, but most days I only drink 2. I thought I should try giving up Diet Coke before the surgery, but I haven't been that successful yet. I probably just need to bite the bullet!
  22. LoseIt!

    Day 1 of Trying to Prepare!

    I actually had both chicken & avocado on the salad. I honestly think I just eat too much and don't realize when I'm full. When I get distracted, I don't "feel" hungry anymore. When I'm really, truly hungry, nothing can distract me! Thanks for the fitday link. I'm going to check that out!
  23. LoseIt!

    Day 1 of Trying to Prepare!

    As I have mentioned previously, I have my first visit with the surgeon on Tuesday. I'm self pay, so I'm hoping to schedule the procedure as early as possible in 2010. That said, I have been on a bender lately. I haven't been binging or anything like that, but I have been just eating whatever I want and I haven't been exercising a lot. I was holding steady at my "highest weight ever" through May of this year. Then, I quit smoking. Don't get me wrong...YAY! Completely quit. Done. Finito. However, the 15-20 pounds I have gained since then have just been horrible. I am uncomfortable like I have never been before. I am actually changing what I do because of my weight. Unacceptable! But...when it comes to food, I think..."I better enjoy this since I'm not going to get it after I'm banded!" Bad! And when it comes to exercise, I've gotten to the point where my feet hurt, my knees hurt and I'm just so freaking out of shape. Pathetic! I have been Jazzercising regularly for 6 years...how is it even possible that I got to this point? By only going 1-2 times per week, apparently. I guess just paying for my classes doesn't actually contribute to keeping you in shape. Oops. I stepped on the scale today and HOLY MOLY!! I am the biggest I have ever been. It's like everyday is a new record. I had had enough! I came to work and had my bowl of cereal instead of a bagel. And we went to a salad place for lunch where I had a nice healthy veggie filled salad. Good me! I had been back to work for 30 minutes after lunch and I was hungry. I tried to decide the ratio of stomach to head hunger. I made a goal to drink 16 oz of water and if I was still hungry in 10 minutes, I would have a 100 calorie pretzel snack. After the water and 10 minutes, I was still slightly hungry, but didn't feel my stomach was going to growl at any second. Yay for me not immediately eating more. It's a start! Although after another 20 minutes my stomach started to growl so I ate the pretzels. I ate each pretzel slowly one at a time and paused after each to assess my hunger. I also tried to take a big drink of water in between each pretzel (which I know you aren't supposed to do when your banded, so maybe that is the wrong strategy.) I really want to try and learn to disguish the head/stomach hunger. I'm afraid that I will get banded and still be "hungry" all the time. I know I'm not going to be perfect between now and band day. But maybe I can at least get started. I KNOW that the band is not magic and it will still be hard after. But I just keep thinking that it will be a wonderful tool to help me make it less hard than it is now. Keep on keeping on.
  24. LoseIt!

    Day 1 of Trying to Prepare!

    Jazzercise is the only exercise I have been able to stick with as an adult for longer than six weeks! :confused: I love it because it is always different and it is both cardio and toning. Plus, my group has killer instructors and I have made some very good friends from my class. My best friend is training to become an instructor. She is going to start around March 2010, so I'm hoping that I will be going strong so I can help support her. That will be one of my NSVs!!
  25. LoseIt!

    excited............. i think

    I haven't even gotten a date and I'm excited. I'm excited that I have finally had the courage to do what I need to do for myself. I don't think there is anything wrong about that for me or for you!!

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