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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    Kinda New from DFW!

    I'm from the HEB area and my date is 1/27. Good luck to you!!
  2. LoseIt!

    Day 6 Post Op

    Good luck back to work!
  3. My surgeon requires a two week diet consisting of Protein shakes for two meals and a bowl of broth-based Soup (can eat the veggies/meat in them) for one meal. In between I can have SF Jello, pudding, & popsicles. I've found that I have become kind of sick of jello, pudding & popsicles, so mostly I just eat my meals. I thought it would be extremely hard, but knowing it is for a finite period of time, I have been able to be very good. Good luck!
  4. LoseIt!

    01/18/10: And here we are...

    You also have a place to vent! We are here for you, girl!
  5. LoseIt!

    1/18/10 I?m Starting A New Movement!

    You seriously kill me! Thank you.
  6. LoseIt!

    3 whole days to go.............

    Although I'm tired of sugar-free jello and the rest of my liquid diet, it hasn't been as hard as I thought. You can do it! I'm sure you will do great!
  7. LoseIt!

    Chaos in my bandland...

    Waiting sucks. Everything has a way of working itself out. I have no patience, so believe me, I sympathize! Good luck!
  8. LoseIt!

    I have arrived

    Welcome Kimberly! I'm being banded 1/27. Can't wait to hear how yours goes. I'm sure it will be great!
  9. LoseIt!

    Day #6 - Liquid Diet

    So, it hasn't been quite as bad as I expected. Knowing that I only have 9 more days...there is a definitive end...makes all the difference. I obviously couldn't keep this up indefinitely. If I could, I wouldn't be in this situation! My liquid diet consists of protein shakes twice a day and a bowl of soup once a day. I can fill in with sugar-free jello, pudding and popsicles. I have to say that I'm quite tired of jello, pudding and popsicles. I'm still not very good at making my own protein shakes, so I tend to drink ready made or Smoothie King. I love Smoothie King's Chocolate Gladiator with berries, but I can't seem to replicate it yet. I have lost 7.3 lbs. and I'm excited by that. I had gained around 15 lbs. over the holidays, so it would be nice to get at least most of that off before surgery. I have no doubt that the loss will slow way down now, but I still have 9 days. I plan to update my ticker once a week, so official weigh in will be Wed. morning. I am so proud of myself for not cheating. Not even a little!! I have diet coke in my fridge and I don't even really miss it. What I do miss is Chipotle. Mmmm...Chipotle. I actually blame Chipotle for 30 of the 40 pounds I have gained this year. I love the stuff and I could never content myself with just a little bit. I'm hoping the band with help with that, but I know it might be something I have to stay away from for good. Only time will tell. Things I still have to do before surgery: get my blood test, get my allergy shot, pick up meds at pharmacy, and grocery shop for the necessary post op diet. But I have a lot to keep me busy this week, like a NASCAR dinner at Texas Motor Speedway (that's right...I said it), "dinner" with friends, a couple of movies and some training at church. Plus, a couple of friends are going to get pedicures with me on the Monday before surgery to help keep my mind off it. Then mom comes in Tuesday night and Wednesday is surgery. It is going to be over and done with before I know it!
  10. LoseIt!

    Here we go.... PreOp diet begins

    I don't think it is silly at all. I had thought my preop would be one week liquids and I would drink my diet coke up until surgery day. I was told two week liquid diet (which meant it started immediately) and no more diet coke. I cried in the car a bit too. I'm on day 3 and the caffiene & carb headaches have passed for the most part. It is hard, but I know it will be worth it. I've lost 5 lbs. since I started, so there you go. Good luck!!
  11. LoseIt!

    1/15/10 Friday Facts

    I often yell at my Wii when it "oh"s me. I hate that!!
  12. LoseIt!

    I'm Banded

    Congratulations!! I will be joining you in a week and a half!
  13. LoseIt!

    My Lap-Band story, as told in newspaper

    Great story! Thanks so much for sharing.
  14. My answer was the one about fitting in spaces. I really want to get healthy, but I think if my feet didn't hurt (that might be health, I guess) and I didn't have to worry about space, I doubt I would have made this decision at this time. I wouldn't have even researched it. Now that I have done the research and made this decision, I'm glad I did for many, many reasons. I don't want to have to worry if I fit in the booth, if the seatbelt won't fit on the airplane, if the chair will support my weight, if I can walk through the restaurant/store without knocking something over, if I can walk down the aisle of an airplane without giving someone a concussion... You get the idea. If I were smaller, I don't know that I would change my life entirely to make myself more healthy. Regardless, I'm super glad I am!
  15. LoseIt!

    Starting Over-Day #9

    Great, thanks! I'm totally trying this!
  16. LoseIt!

    The Wheels are starting to Turn

    Good luck!! I'm getting banded on 1/27 and I'm ready too!
  17. LoseIt!

    Day #1

    My smoothie this morning was great as usual, so no issues there. I even started my morning with some hot tea as recommended by the nutritionist and I really like how it cleared my throat. About 10:30 I started getting hungry. At 11:00 I ate a sugar free jello cup which is allowed on the plan. I told a friend that we could ride together to grab lunch. There isn't a Smoothie King by there, but there is a Jamba Juice so I decided to try it for the first time. I have to say that I was quite dissappointed. They had some good choices, but their protein powder is only 10g of protein. Not enough for my plan, but I decided to go with it this one time. I got a Mega Mango (all fruit) with the protein. I honestly almost can't drink it. It doesn't have much flavor and I can really feel the protein powder coat my tongue. It is going to take me 2 hours to eat the darn thing. In the end, I guess it is a good thing. Won't be tempted by something that doesn't really fit in my plan. I brought a jello cup and a pudding cup for afternoon snacks. I have theater tickets tonight so we are going to dinner somewhere I can get some soup and I have another pudding cup for dessert. It will feel good to have one day on the books!! I'm hungry, but psyched up enough to keep on track.
  18. LoseIt!

    Day #1

    My smoothie this morning was great as usual, so no issues there. I even started my morning with some hot tea as recommended by the nutritionist and I really like how it cleared my throat. About 10:30 I started getting hungry. At 11:00 I ate a sugar free jello cup which is allowed on the plan. I told a friend that we could ride together to grab lunch. There isn't a Smoothie King by there, but there is a Jamba Juice so I decided to try it for the first time. I have to say that I was quite dissappointed. They had some good choices, but their protein powder is only 10g of protein. Not enough for my plan, but I decided to go with it this one time. I got a Mega Mango (all fruit) with the protein. I honestly almost can't drink it. It doesn't have much flavor and I can really feel the protein powder coat my tongue. It is going to take me 2 hours to eat the darn thing. In the end, I guess it is a good thing. Won't be tempted by something that doesn't really fit in my plan. I brought a jello cup and a pudding cup for afternoon snacks. I have theater tickets tonight so we are going to dinner somewhere I can get some soup and I have another pudding cup for dessert. It will feel good to have one day on the books!! I'm hungry, but psyched up enough to keep on track.
  19. LoseIt!

    Starting Over-Day #9

    What kind of frozen chicken did you use? Like frozen chicken breasts?
  20. LoseIt!

    1/12/10 Party in My (Fat) Pants!

    That is awesome! Congrats to you and thank you for the constant inspiration!!
  21. LoseIt!

    Change is Hard...but Exciting!

    I had my pre-op and nutritionist appointments this morning. I think I'm a little overwhelmed. I definitely started to panic on my way from the doctor to work, but I was able to get past it. I think I'm good to go now! I'm starting my pre-op diet tomorrow. It is mostly a liquid diet. Two protein shakes and one serving of either broth based soup or cottage cheese. You can even have "chunks" in the soup. So that will be good. It is going to be super hard. I don't know why I thought it would only be one week of liquid diet. Oh well, maybe I will lose my holiday weight before I actually have the surgery. That would be excellent!! I keep thinking about how ridiculously hungry I'm going to be. But then I think I can do most anything for two weeks. I actually told several of my employees today. I wasn't planning to tell most of work, but we were discussing me been out and I was asked specifically what surgery I was having. I started talking about how it was stomach surgery, no big deal. But then I realized that I love these people so I just said, "well, I'm having LAP-BAND®®® procedure." They were all so happy for me (of course, I guess they work for me so it would be weird to trash me.) One of them has a daughter who had a band, but she had a lot of complications. She still said she thought it was a good idea and thought I would be good with it. That was a great feeling!! So, now it is definitely not a secret. I'm okay with that. I just don't do secrets well. I took my before pictures last night and they are beauties! Ha! I will post them soon. That said...tomorrow is officially Day #1. Here I go!
  22. LoseIt!

    Change is Hard...but Exciting!

    I had my pre-op and nutritionist appointments this morning. I think I'm a little overwhelmed. I definitely started to panic on my way from the doctor to work, but I was able to get past it. I think I'm good to go now! I'm starting my pre-op diet tomorrow. It is mostly a liquid diet. Two protein shakes and one serving of either broth based soup or cottage cheese. You can even have "chunks" in the soup. So that will be good. It is going to be super hard. I don't know why I thought it would only be one week of liquid diet. Oh well, maybe I will lose my holiday weight before I actually have the surgery. That would be excellent!! I keep thinking about how ridiculously hungry I'm going to be. But then I think I can do most anything for two weeks. I actually told several of my employees today. I wasn't planning to tell most of work, but we were discussing me been out and I was asked specifically what surgery I was having. I started talking about how it was stomach surgery, no big deal. But then I realized that I love these people so I just said, "well, I'm having LAP-BAND®®® procedure." They were all so happy for me (of course, I guess they work for me so it would be weird to trash me.) One of them has a daughter who had a band, but she had a lot of complications. She still said she thought it was a good idea and thought I would be good with it. That was a great feeling!! So, now it is definitely not a secret. I'm okay with that. I just don't do secrets well. I took my before pictures last night and they are beauties! Ha! I will post them soon. That said...tomorrow is officially Day #1. Here I go!
  23. LoseIt!

    Tomorrow is my pre-op appointment.

    I am truly getting excited about this process. I am a planner though, so I have been holding back somewhat because I haven't known what kind of pre-op diet I will have. Normally, I would have had a day-by-day menu already prepared. :w00t: That's how it happens for me. I join WW or Jenny Craig and I meticulously plan my meals. And I do great!! I lose weight and everything is groovy. Until, of course, I can't plan that one week. And then everything starts to crumble. So my new goal is to be more flexible and "go with the flow". My other nagging feeling is the guilt I feel for gaining weight since my initial mid-November appointment. The surgeon didn't put me on a diet, nor did they say "don't gain weight", although I'm guessing it was implied. Through Thanksgiving and Christmas, I gained around 15 pounds. Although I'm a little embarrassed by that, mostly I just want to move forward. I feel confident that I can go on any pre-op diet that I am given and be successful. I just don't want to be judged and get a lecture. Sigh. I'm 12. Tonight is my last support group meeting pre-band. I'm going to have someone take my "before" pictures, so (even though they will be icky to look at) that will give me some turbo-incentive! To me, 1/12 has always been the date I was waiting for even though my surgery date isn't until 1/27. Tomorrow it starts! YAY! I have decided that even if my my pre-op diet is less than two weeks, I'm going to make it two weeks. I'm getting fired up now just thinking about it!! I will post my before pictures tomorrow. Try not to lose any sleep in anticipation, y'all! Hee!
  24. LoseIt!

    Week 33 1/2.....100 Pound Club

    Way to go! You look great and I can feel your energy!!
  25. LoseIt!

    Tomorrow is my pre-op appointment.

    I am truly getting excited about this process. I am a planner though, so I have been holding back somewhat because I haven't known what kind of pre-op diet I will have. Normally, I would have had a day-by-day menu already prepared. :thumbup: That's how it happens for me. I join WW or Jenny Craig and I meticulously plan my meals. And I do great!! I lose weight and everything is groovy. Until, of course, I can't plan that one week. And then everything starts to crumble. So my new goal is to be more flexible and "go with the flow". My other nagging feeling is the guilt I feel for gaining weight since my initial mid-November appointment. The surgeon didn't put me on a diet, nor did they say "don't gain weight", although I'm guessing it was implied. Through Thanksgiving and Christmas, I gained around 15 pounds. Although I'm a little embarrassed by that, mostly I just want to move forward. I feel confident that I can go on any pre-op diet that I am given and be successful. I just don't want to be judged and get a lecture. Sigh. I'm 12. Tonight is my last support group meeting pre-band. I'm going to have someone take my "before" pictures, so (even though they will be icky to look at) that will give me some turbo-incentive! To me, 1/12 has always been the date I was waiting for even though my surgery date isn't until 1/27. Tomorrow it starts! YAY! I have decided that even if my my pre-op diet is less than two weeks, I'm going to make it two weeks. I'm getting fired up now just thinking about it!! I will post my before pictures tomorrow. Try not to lose any sleep in anticipation, y'all! Hee!

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