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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    01/21/10: And here we are...again...

    I'm glad you are feeling better! YAY!
  2. LoseIt!

    Biggest Loser 2010

    I agree about Bob making Jillian the bad guy. When he kept stressing that HE cared about her and HE cared about her health, I thought that was crap. Maybe he said Jillian does too and it was edited out, but as played it looked like he set Jillian up then through her under the bus. That said...awesomely entertaining for me.
  3. LoseIt!

    Major milestone!

  4. LoseIt!

    Eating in College and More Support!

    Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I'm so glad you have that extra support and even better that they are helping you out with the meal plan food. Being in college is tough, being overweight in college is tougher (that I know first hand). This must feel overwhelming at times, but you are going to be SO glad that you did it. Take care of yourself!!
  5. LoseIt!

    Week 1 Anniversary!

    That's so great!! I'm glad you are feeling good!
  6. LoseIt!

    Day #9 - Liquid Diet

    I defnintely got over my hump from yesterday, so YAY!! I'm so glad that I have stuck to it. Since I have always been entertained by BG's poop stories, I have one of my own. Everything has been "regular" since starting my liquid diet. That is, until this morning. Whoa. Liquid in...liquid out. Blast off. Holy moly. Ahem. Anyway, I guess I have this to look forward to for the next few days. Fun times! Note to self: no quick toots in the file room! Not that I ever do that sort of thing. I got my blood work today, so another things down. Just have to get my allergy shot today and go by the pharmacy for my post op meds. Wow...it is really coming quickly! But I still have 5 more days of liquid, so it is okay that it is. Have a super duper day!
  7. LoseIt!

    Day #8 - Liquid Diet

    Thanks to you both! I am determined, that is for sure!
  8. LoseIt!

    Day #8 - Liquid Diet

    I hit a wall this morning! I thought I was going to barf if I had to eat another smoothie. But then I ate a smoothie and didn't barf, so now I feel like a champion. Ha! I feel like I broke through the wall and I'm on track again. I do feel more hungry today, so I'm not quite sure what's up with that. I KNOW I will work it out though. I had my non-official "official" one week weigh in this morning and I am down 8.7 lbs. So yay! My goal for the two week liquid diet is 12 lbs, so I only need to lose (less than) half that this week to meet it. I haven't cheated AT ALL. I'm pretty sure that I have never done that before...ever. I went to an event last night that had a buffet dinner. On my way, I drank 2/3 of a protein shake and had the rest a couple hours later on the way home. That's HUGE for me, people! I have my monthly dinner with my girlfriends tonight. There are 6 of us and all but one know about my upcoming procedure. My friend in charge of picking the place this month chose a place with broth based soup so I can eat there. I love my friends. Three of them have slight problems with weight, but not like me at all. One is very active and a really good size. The other is a runner and very petite. We are all different, but we are quite tight. I WILL be good today. I'm not thinking about anything but today. I know I can do it. Have a great day everybody!
  9. Good luck and keep me posted!

  10. I'm actually having my surgery on 1/27. The pounds I have lost so far are from my pre-op diet. My name is Beth. It is great to have so many folks in this together! When is your surgery?

  11. I haven't been exercising much because although I'm not super tired, I really don't think I could pump myself up to work out. I am trying to be active though. I used to Jazzercise (for 6 years) but I stopped around Thanksgiving. I called and put a two month hold on the fee and I start back 3/1. I guess I'm doing phases...maybe I'm a wimp! :biggrin: I haven't been successful making my own smoothies, but I keep trying. I will definitely try this. I have been drinking ready made & smoothie King Gladiators. I've spoken with Heather but only over the phone. Susie, the nurse, is extremely nice. I really like her. Are you going to meet with the nutritionist when you are here? I think her name is Sharon? I have to get my labs done tomorrow morning and pick up my meds at the pharmacy. Other than that, I just have to see through the 2nd week of the pre-op diet and I'm good to go!
  12. That's excellent! I'm self pay too, so I get that. I have met with the office twice - introductions & pre-op/nutritionist appt. I met the doc at the introduction for about 10 minutes. He was very nice and got me fired up to move forward. :biggrin: This is day #8 of my preop diet. I hit a bit of a wall today and I'm so sick of smoothies & pudding, but I know that I can do another week. The Soup is definitely the highlight of my day! I have been swapping out Jello, pudding & popsicles as I get hungry. I eat something small about every 45 minutes which seems to really help my hunger. Good luck to you too! I will send you a private message later with my email address so we can keep in touch a little easier.
  13. Jade, I'm being banded by Dr. Smith on 1/27. How come you are coming here to get the surgery instead of having it closer to home?
  14. LoseIt!

    01/20/10: Life marches on...

    Aw, I can really hear your stress. I'm so sorry! I can't tell you if in the end it will all be worth it, but I can tell you that I (and many others) will be right here with you working through it. Keep at it, girl!!
  15. LoseIt!

    Day #8 - Liquid Diet

    I hit a wall this morning! I thought I was going to barf if I had to eat another smoothie. But then I ate a smoothie and didn't barf, so now I feel like a champion. Ha! I feel like I broke through the wall and I'm on track again. I do feel more hungry today, so I'm not quite sure what's up with that. I KNOW I will work it out though. I had my non-official "official" one week weigh in this morning and I am down 8.7 lbs. So yay! My goal for the two week liquid diet is 12 lbs, so I only need to lose (less than) half that this week to meet it. I haven't cheated AT ALL. I'm pretty sure that I have never done that before...ever. I went to an event last night that had a buffet dinner. On my way, I drank 2/3 of a protein shake and had the rest a couple hours later on the way home. That's HUGE for me, people! I have my monthly dinner with my girlfriends tonight. There are 6 of us and all but one know about my upcoming procedure. My friend in charge of picking the place this month chose a place with broth based soup so I can eat there. I love my friends. Three of them have slight problems with weight, but not like me at all. One is very active and a really good size. The other is a runner and very petite. We are all different, but we are quite tight. I WILL be good today. I'm not thinking about anything but today. I know I can do it. Have a great day everybody!
  16. LoseIt!

    January 19th-, 2010

    Congratulations! I'm from the HEB area, so not too far away and I'm being banded on 1/27. Good luck!!
  17. LoseIt!

    Sara's Huge Jouney of Weight Loss!!!!!

    It will be interesting and helpful to go through this together! Good luck to you!
  18. LoseIt!

    Day #7 - Liquid Diet

    Although my CPAP is not yet completely effective (it will take another 20 pounds for that, I think), I'm feeling really great! Tomorrow morning is my one week weigh in and I know that I have done great, so far. I was thinking this morning that I wish this diet was only one week, but I know that if I can do one week...I can do two weeks! I'm going to go have a popsicle. Have a great day everyone! Oh - can anyone tell me how to make my ticker automatically insert itself when I post something? I'm not sure how to do that. Thanks!!
  19. LoseIt!

    Day #7 - Liquid Diet

    Ah, I see...Change Signature. I got it now. Thanks!!
  20. LoseIt!

    Here I go

    I was anxious about the surgery until I started my preop diet. Now I just want it to happen! I'm sure that the 11th will be here before you know it!
  21. LoseIt!

    January 19, 2010 One Year Later

    Excellent images. Congratulations and continued good wishes!!
  22. LoseIt!

    1/19/10 Size Matters

    I wear thongs (not the string kind, but thongs still) and have for years. I used to buy them from Lane Bryant and I loved them. But they changed them now and they don't hold up well. The ones that I have bought in the last couple of years are falling apart, so I'm STILL wearing the ones I bought 5 & 6 years ago. I have no idea what I will do when I lose weight, but I will have a good ole time figuring it out! Congrats on the cute undies!
  23. LoseIt!

    Day #7 - Liquid Diet

    Although my CPAP is not yet completely effective (it will take another 20 pounds for that, I think), I'm feeling really great! Tomorrow morning is my one week weigh in and I know that I have done great, so far. I was thinking this morning that I wish this diet was only one week, but I know that if I can do one week...I can do two weeks! I'm going to go have a popsicle. Have a great day everyone! Oh - can anyone tell me how to make my ticker automatically insert itself when I post something? I'm not sure how to do that. Thanks!!
  24. LoseIt!

    Day #6 - Liquid Diet

    So, it hasn't been quite as bad as I expected. Knowing that I only have 9 more days...there is a definitive end...makes all the difference. I obviously couldn't keep this up indefinitely. If I could, I wouldn't be in this situation! My liquid diet consists of protein shakes twice a day and a bowl of soup once a day. I can fill in with sugar-free jello, pudding and popsicles. I have to say that I'm quite tired of jello, pudding and popsicles. :thumbup: I'm still not very good at making my own protein shakes, so I tend to drink ready made or Smoothie King. I love Smoothie King's Chocolate Gladiator with berries, but I can't seem to replicate it yet. I have lost 7.3 lbs. and I'm excited by that. I had gained around 15 lbs. over the holidays, so it would be nice to get at least most of that off before surgery. I have no doubt that the loss will slow way down now, but I still have 9 days. I plan to update my ticker once a week, so official weigh in will be Wed. morning. I am so proud of myself for not cheating. Not even a little!! I have diet coke in my fridge and I don't even really miss it. What I do miss is Chipotle. Mmmm...Chipotle. I actually blame Chipotle for 30 of the 40 pounds I have gained this year. I love the stuff and I could never content myself with just a little bit. I'm hoping the band with help with that, but I know it might be something I have to stay away from for good. Only time will tell. Things I still have to do before surgery: get my blood test, get my allergy shot, pick up meds at pharmacy, and grocery shop for the necessary post op diet. But I have a lot to keep me busy this week, like a NASCAR dinner at Texas Motor Speedway (that's right...I said it), "dinner" with friends, a couple of movies and some training at church. Plus, a couple of friends are going to get pedicures with me on the Monday before surgery to help keep my mind off it. Then mom comes in Tuesday night and Wednesday is surgery. It is going to be over and done with before I know it!
  25. LoseIt!

    Day #6 - Liquid Diet

    I have 3 different boxes. Hee!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
