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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    Dare I say it?

    Congrats!! I love the thought that your anger scared off the pounds. Ha!
  2. LoseIt!


    I talk to my mom during my daily commute to work. This morning she told me I was perky. Ha! I guess after two weeks, I'm finally getting back to myself. I guess I was feeling a little psyched up today. Once I started eating solid food, I gained a couple of pounds. Today I had lost those plus another tenth. I feel like I'm getting started again! Also, today is the first day I'm wearing jeans. I sit a lot and the waistband hits right at my incision. I have put off wearing them because I didn't want to irritate it. Today I put on a tank top to tuck in under my sweater and it seems to have made a nice protective barrier. Plus, the jeans fit well...almost loose! Since they were getting very snug before surgery, I'm feeling pretty good. Today is also the first day I can have real (non-canned) chicken, fish, & vegetables. I'm going to Rockfish for lunch so YUM! I don't eat my breakfast until 9:00 AM and we leave for lunch around 11:30 AM. So, lately I have been drinking half of my protein shake for breakfast and then drinking the rest around 3:30 when I'm starting to get a little hungry. It really seems to be working well and it is the same amount of calories, etc., they are just spread out! My perky self better get back to work. Have a bandtastic day!
  3. LoseIt!

    Ho Hum

    I'm feeling very "ho hum" today. Not great, not bad...just a little bored. I know that once I can go back to Jazzercise (two more weeks) that will get me revved up again. I am just not a walker so right now, it is hard to get motivated to "work out". So, I'm trying to do other things. Tonight I decided to have my first massage post-banding. I don't think it will be an issue since I have no problem lying on my stomach. I guess if it bothers me I will just ask them to let me do it on my back. On a completely random note, I started using cocoa butter on my stretch marks. That stuff really works. I'm quite impressed! Do you all have anything good you used on your scars? I'm in the market. My incisions still have some healing to do, so I have some time to shop around. :tongue_smilie:
  4. LoseIt!

    Ho Hum

    Aw, thanks! I'm not really a writer, but I have found that it has helped tremendously for me to write things down. Good luck with all your testing!!
  5. LoseIt!

    Ho Hum

    I'm feeling very "ho hum" today. Not great, not bad...just a little bored. I know that once I can go back to Jazzercise (two more weeks) that will get me revved up again. I am just not a walker so right now, it is hard to get motivated to "work out". So, I'm trying to do other things. Tonight I decided to have my first massage post-banding. I don't think it will be an issue since I have no problem lying on my stomach. I guess if it bothers me I will just ask them to let me do it on my back. On a completely random note, I started using cocoa butter on my stretch marks. That stuff really works. I'm quite impressed! Do you all have anything good you used on your scars? I'm in the market. My incisions still have some healing to do, so I have some time to shop around. :thumbup:
  6. LoseIt!


    You can do it!! :thumbup:
  7. LoseIt!

    Entereing Bandster Hell...

    All of my pains from surgery are behind me and I'm feeling good. I've not had any trouble eating from the beginning although I didn't have an appetite until this weekend. I gained 2 lbs this weekend from the solid food, but I guess that is normal. I'm not aloud to eat a lot of types of protein yet so I'm getting too many carbs. Wednesday I can add chicken and fish to my diet so that is going to help tremendously!! I also need to get moving. I know I can't Jazzercise yet, but I can walk and work on my Wii. I need to make a committment and do that this week. I have a support group meeting tonight, my first since being banded. It will be nice to be able to share some of my experience and to better understand some of what others will be sharing. I'm sure Bandster Hell will get worse before it gets better. My first fill is a week from Friday. I just have to set my mind to "dieting" for a couple of weeks. That will be easier once I can eat meat and vegetables. I can do it! Have a great week everyone!
  8. LoseIt!

    No weight loss?

    Maybe TMI territory here, but have you gone to the bathroom? That is what did it for me. I lost about 6 pounds right after surgery, but as soon as I got on solid foods, I jumped up a couple. It is an interesting ride the first few weeks, I think. Good luck!
  9. LoseIt!

    Twas the night before surgery.....

    I completely understand what you mean. I had all the same feelings and two weeks out, I'm still having them. Although, there are long spans of time that I actually forget about it. If that is the case this early, I'm sure it will get even better. Good luck, girl. We are here for you!!
  10. LoseIt!


    Wow...you are a busy girl! I'm guessing those kids keep you moving a lot despite not being able to "excercise". Hope you feel better soon!
  11. I am definitely adjusting. So far so good!


    Good luck with your surgery!! If you want to get together Thursday night, let me know. Either way, I will be sending you good mojo. :)

  12. LoseIt!

    Giby97, Another weight loss progress report

    Congratulation on you success!!
  13. LoseIt!

    Entereing Bandster Hell...

    Aw, thanks, Lucky Dog! I'm certainly not worried about the couple of pounds. I've still lost quite a bit and I know it is just a matter of time. The encouragement helps! :thumbup:
  14. LoseIt!

    Entereing Bandster Hell...

    All of my pains from surgery are behind me and I'm feeling good. I've not had any trouble eating from the beginning although I didn't have an appetite until this weekend. I gained 2 lbs this weekend from the solid food, but I guess that is normal. I'm not aloud to eat a lot of types of protein yet so I'm getting too many carbs. Wednesday I can add chicken and fish to my diet so that is going to help tremendously!! I also need to get moving. I know I can't Jazzercise yet, but I can walk and work on my Wii. I need to make a committment and do that this week. I have a support group meeting tonight, my first since being banded. It will be nice to be able to share some of my experience and to better understand some of what others will be sharing. I'm sure Bandster Hell will get worse before it gets better. My first fill is a week from Friday. I just have to set my mind to "dieting" for a couple of weeks. That will be easier once I can eat meat and vegetables. I can do it! Have a great week everyone!
  15. Hey girl! When are you going to be down here? Is it Wednesday?

  16. LoseIt!

    20 lbs & 2 NSVs!

    I was actually a fan back in the days they were 1-15. I'm a lifer. :thumbup:
  17. LoseIt!

    20 lbs & 2 NSVs!

    It has been 10 days since my surgery and I'm really starting to get back in the swing of things. If you read my earlier blog, you know that I was having esophageal spasms that hurt tremendously. Well, as the swelling has gone down, the spasms have almost fully gone away. Yay! I hope that means that I won't have problems with fills, but I will definitely keep track of it. As of today, I am down 21.1 lbs. I include my pre-op diet pounds in my total because it is all part of the process. I am a little worried that I will gain some now that I am eating solid food, but alas, that is part of the process as well. I had TWO non-scale victories today. I am a HUGE Colts fan and my best friend is a HUGE Saints fan. She mentioned a couple weeks ago that she was planning to wear her cute little women's cut Saints jersey to work today. Well, my XXL men's Colts jersey hasn't fit for months. I tried it on last night and it doesn't look half bad! YAY! So, I can represent! That is NSV #1. NSV #2 - I haven't worn my rings in several months. I kept telling myself it was because I was "swollen". Heh. Anyway, they are a little snug, but I'm wearing my rings (that I wore everyday for about 10 years) again today. It is only the beginning and good things are just flying at me!! Hope you all are having a bandtastic week!
  18. LoseIt!

    Thinking before eating...

    I know I have already blogged today, but I thought this was funny. Today was to be the first day I would eat solid food "in public". My company has a team lunch the first Friday of each month. This month we had BBQ which will be great after I am on the full post op diet, but I'm still working up to that. I contacted the food orderer before and asked what was being served. After I figured out I couldn't eat anything, I decided to bring a potato and just heat it up in the microwave. So I am preparing my potato and I add some shredded havarti and some sour cream and to spice it up...some hot picante. Yum! The first delight was absolutely delicious. And then it occurred to me that I can't drink anything. Ha! And oops. I ate it and it was wonderful, but I was sweating bullets during the meeting portion of the lunch! At least the meeting lasted long enough that I could go get a nice big glass of water as soon as it was over. I guess I will have to be a little more careful with spicy food!! :thumbup:
  19. LoseIt!

    1/29/10 This Week's Blog Updates

    Hi BG! I have trouble posting on your blog, but I will keep trying. I feel sure it is user error. :thumbup: I don't have a blog other than what I post here. Thank you so much for all your encouragement!!
  20. LoseIt!

    Week 38...GOAL...115lbs Lost

    You are adorable! Congratulations to you and thank you so much for sharing your great success with us!!
  21. LoseIt!

    Day 3 preop diet

    I know you can do it!!!
  22. LoseIt!

    20 lbs & 2 NSVs!

    It has been 10 days since my surgery and I'm really starting to get back in the swing of things. If you read my earlier blog, you know that I was having esophageal spasms that hurt tremendously. Well, as the swelling has gone down, the spasms have almost fully gone away. Yay! I hope that means that I won't have problems with fills, but I will definitely keep track of it. As of today, I am down 21.1 lbs. I include my pre-op diet pounds in my total because it is all part of the process. I am a little worried that I will gain some now that I am eating solid food, but alas, that is part of the process as well. I had TWO non-scale victories today. I am a HUGE Colts fan and my best friend is a HUGE Saints fan. She mentioned a couple weeks ago that she was planning to wear her cute little women's cut Saints jersey to work today. Well, my XXL men's Colts jersey hasn't fit for months. I tried it on last night and it doesn't look half bad! YAY! So, I can represent! That is NSV #1. NSV #2 - I haven't worn my rings in several months. I kept telling myself it was because I was "swollen". Heh. Anyway, they are a little snug, but I'm wearing my rings (that I wore everyday for about 10 years) again today. It is only the beginning and good things are just flying at me!! Hope you all are having a bandtastic week!
  23. LoseIt!

    Biggest Loser 2010

    No kidding! I got banded on 1/27 and tried to walk a lot. When she said she walked 13 miles the day after surgery, my mom looked at me and we cracked up. Holy cow! I like the purple girl too. I love how she really seems to encourage people even though they are her competitors.
  24. LoseIt!

    The Unwrapping of Me!

    Ha! My mom had a Subway 3 days after my surgery and it was the first thing that I thought smelled WONDERFUL. i completely understand the urge!!
  25. LoseIt!

    Day 3 Pre OP

    Keep at it, girl! You are doing great!!

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