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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    post from lapband Dr./ save

    I love this! Thank you so much for sharing.
  2. LoseIt!

    Ummm What?

    Hola chica! I'm having some troubles too. My first fill did a little, but not a whole lot. Maybe with the next one...
  3. LoseIt!

    I've been instructed to eat a little dessert... huh???

    It is always interesting to me to hear people's challenges and goals. Thank you so much for sharing! I agree that I also struggle with extremes and have made some committments to myself not to do that. It sounds like you are really thinking it through. Good luck!!
  4. LoseIt!

    One Month Out

    I've been having trouble posting my blog entries and have lost about three. Supposedly things are fixed, so here I go! I am one month out. I have lost 22 lbs and 8.75 inches. YAY!! Most of that was during my pre-op diet, but I'm still down in total since the surgery. I understand this is bandster hell and I'm trying! I've found that I'm less obsessed which is good, but since I didn't lose anything last week...maybe it isn't too good. I analyzed what I ate last week and found that I'm spending too many calories on carbs and fat. So my goal for this week is to really focus on high protein and low carb meals. My scale goal is to get on a downward, losing trend. I'm trying not to be too selfish and impatient, but I just want to go in the right direction! Working out again feels really good. I think it will take about 6 weeks for me to get in the habit of going to class 3-4 times a week, but that is my goal. I used to do that without a problem, but it is amazing what you can get used to when you are being lazy! I know that without a doubt, the exercise makes me feel better and it will help me get off those pounds. I am definitely feeling more restriction since my first fill. I have had trouble when I eat too fast or take too big of bites, so that has helped me to slow down. I have also had some trouble with heated up chicken no matter the size of the bites, so that has helped me modify my meal plan. Right now I'm having a protein shake for breakfast, my "big" meal at lunch (today was some chicken on a baked potato), an afternoon snack of pita chips and laughing cow cheese, and dinner (grilled chicken salad with boiled egg.) My breakfast, snack & dinner don't see much diversity, so I really try to mix it up at lunch. For instance, yesterday I had grilled catfish with a small amount (2 T?) of broccoli rice casserole. I eat lunch out almost every day. If anyone has any meal ideas for restaurants, please send them my way!! Have a great week!!
  5. LoseIt!

    Missing blog entry...

    I have been having trouble with my internet connection and accessing this site the last few days. I just noticed that my blog entry from yesterday didn't actually make it to posting. It was brilliant too, I tell you. Brilliant! :rolleyes2: Anyway, I lost another 1.5 lbs this week which was really good because I had GAINED 3 lbs early in the week preceding my fill. 3 lbs! That is nuts. I got my fill on Friday though and all is well. Being on liquid for two days really jumpstarts the weight loss. YAY! My first fill was great. My surgeon has all the newbies have the first fill together. It was a little mini support group and I got to hear a lot of different experiences. The fill itself did not hurt at all. Plus, I got a Scooby Doo bandaid. Excellent! Tonight is my first night back to Jazzercise. That should be interesting! I had excellent intentions of walking or working out on my Wii prior to getting back to Jazzercise. Didn't happen. Not even remotely. I just need structure to exercise. I hate that, but at least I have found something that works. I'm sure I will whine for the next few weeks, but in the end I will feel great! I want to lose this weight and I think for me, exercise along with the healthier diet is the key. I want this, so I am committing myself. I hope everyone is having a great week!
  6. LoseIt!

    Real People In My Life

    Aw...that is great! Love the NSVs. :tongue_smilie:
  7. LoseIt!

    I need a FILL NOW!!!

    Just got my first fill and it definitely made a difference for me. Hope you can get in soon!
  8. LoseIt!

    i'm bacccckkkkkk & i've brought slime with me... ugh!

    Ditto to what GHS said! The slime doesn't sound fun, but it certainly sounds like you are doing great. Keep it up!
  9. LoseIt!

    Missing blog entry...

    I have been having trouble with my internet connection and accessing this site the last few days. I just noticed that my blog entry from yesterday didn't actually make it to posting. It was brilliant too, I tell you. Brilliant! :tongue_smilie: Anyway, I lost another 1.5 lbs this week which was really good because I had GAINED 3 lbs early in the week preceding my fill. 3 lbs! That is nuts. I got my fill on Friday though and all is well. Being on liquid for two days really jumpstarts the weight loss. YAY! My first fill was great. My surgeon has all the newbies have the first fill together. It was a little mini support group and I got to hear a lot of different experiences. The fill itself did not hurt at all. Plus, I got a Scooby Doo bandaid. Excellent! Tonight is my first night back to Jazzercise. That should be interesting! I had excellent intentions of walking or working out on my Wii prior to getting back to Jazzercise. Didn't happen. Not even remotely. I just need structure to exercise. I hate that, but at least I have found something that works. I'm sure I will whine for the next few weeks, but in the end I will feel great! I want to lose this weight and I think for me, exercise along with the healthier diet is the key. I want this, so I am committing myself. I hope everyone is having a great week!
  10. LoseIt!


    Hi girl! Glad to hear you are doing well. I had my first fill on Friday and it was a piece of cake. Keep up the good work!
  11. LoseIt!

    Olympic Fever!

    I absolutely LOVE the Olympics!! I know a lot of folks don't, but I do. I love the competition, the pageantry, the patriotism, the cute guys...I love it all. It just makes me happy. Although while I was typing this, I got a CNN Breaking News about one of the races. That is just mean. I don't want to know! I want to watch and enjoy it. Sigh. Oh well, I LOVE the OLYMPICS! Today is Ash Wednesday and as a Catholic, I practice fasting as defined by the Church. That means no meat today or on Fridays during Lent. It also means only one "large" meal with two smaller meals, but I already only have three small meals because of the band! I went to church during my lunch break and picked up lunch when I got back at the deli in my office building. Typically I would get a sandwich, but since I can't have bread yet for a while (surgeon's orders) and I can't have meat (Ash Wed), it created a mini-challenge for a high-protein diet. I settled for a scoop of egg salad on tossed greens which ended up being quite good. Tonight is my monthly dinner with my girlfriends. We are going to Jaxx Steakhouse which offers a nice choice of seafood. Yummy!
  12. LoseIt!

    Olympic Fever!

    I absolutely LOVE the Olympics!! I know a lot of folks don't, but I do. I love the competition, the pageantry, the patriotism, the cute guys...I love it all. It just makes me happy. Although while I was typing this, I got a CNN Breaking News about one of the races. That is just mean. I don't want to know! I want to watch and enjoy it. Sigh. Oh well, I LOVE the OLYMPICS! Today is Ash Wednesday and as a Catholic, I practice fasting as defined by the Church. That means no meat today or on Fridays during Lent. It also means only one "large" meal with two smaller meals, but I already only have three small meals because of the band! I went to church during my lunch break and picked up lunch when I got back at the deli in my office building. Typically I would get a sandwich, but since I can't have bread yet for a while (surgeon's orders) and I can't have meat (Ash Wed), it created a mini-challenge for a high-protein diet. I settled for a scoop of egg salad on tossed greens which ended up being quite good. Tonight is my monthly dinner with my girlfriends. We are going to Jaxx Steakhouse which offers a nice choice of seafood. Yummy!
  13. LoseIt!

    2.16.2009-Starting Out

    Good luck to you on your journey. You will find a lot of support here!
  14. LoseIt!

    Im banded

    Excellent! I'm sure you will be on the go in no time. Congratulations!
  15. Ezzie, I saw your post on my blog asking about my banding. I actually just got banded on 1/27/10, so I'm only a month out. Things are going great so far. I have lost right around 20 lbs and my first fill is on Friday. Sounds like you are considering the band? Good luck on your journey. You will find TONS of good information & support on this site.

  16. It is nice to get back to normal after Thursday's record snowfall. We in the DFW area do not really know how to function with a foot of snow on the ground. I used to live in Indiana and I never let snow bother me. I have fully converted to Texan life it seems. I have been logging my weight daily which turns out to be a very smart thing for me. I feel like I have not been losing anything...stuck on the same numbers for a while. I jump up and down by 1-3 pounds everyday, but it all evens out. It turns out that isn't true. First week preop diet - 7.3 lbs lost. Second week preop diet - 4.5 lbs lost. First week postop - 2.0 lbs lost. Second week postop - 5.4 lbs lost. Third week postop - 1.7 lbs lost. Woo hoo! I realize that the "right" answer would be for me to stop weighing everyday. However, I 100% know that I cannot get myself to do that. And I can honestly say that up or down, it doesn't change what I do. I'm quite focused at this point. So, instead I'm logging my weight each day so I can see the weekly/monthly results and not focus so much on the daily fluctuations. I am much less frustrated now knowing that I lost 1.7 lbs this week! Also, I am looking forward to going back to Jazzercise. I froze my account for a couple months so I didn't have to pay for time I couldn't go, but it unfreezes on 3/1 and I should have no trouble going back physically. March 1st is only two weeks from today! I will have to take it easy at first because I am WAY out of shape, but I know that it will jumpstart my weightloss and make me feel great!
  17. LoseIt!

    The Count Down Begins

    Wow, you are ALMOST THERE!! I wore some loose fitting pajamas. I have no shame...I wanted comfort! You are doing so great already, I know that you will do well after. Good luck!
  18. LoseIt!

    Getting back on track after the blizzard.

    Thanks for the encouragement! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that can't keep myself off the scale!! Texas (& Texas sized) girls unite!
  19. LoseIt!

    Prep for Surgery

    I think we all do the same thing. I ate everything and anything I wanted until my preop diet started and then I was super strict. Everyone is different. Don't be too hard on yourself!
  20. LoseIt!

    Happy Valentines Day to Me!!

    I'm so glad you are doing well! I'm sorry I was too wimpy to brave the elements and come meet you. If you come back let me know. Hope you are at home & doing super!!
  21. LoseIt!

    Getting back on track after the blizzard.

    It is nice to get back to normal after Thursday's record snowfall. We in the DFW area do not really know how to function with a foot of snow on the ground. I used to live in Indiana and I never let snow bother me. I have fully converted to Texan life it seems. I have been logging my weight daily which turns out to be a very smart thing for me. I feel like I have not been losing anything...stuck on the same numbers for a while. I jump up and down by 1-3 pounds everyday, but it all evens out. It turns out that isn't true. First week preop diet - 7.3 lbs lost. Second week preop diet - 4.5 lbs lost. First week postop - 2.0 lbs lost. Second week postop - 5.4 lbs lost. Third week postop - 1.7 lbs lost. Woo hoo! I realize that the "right" answer would be for me to stop weighing everyday. However, I 100% know that I cannot get myself to do that. And I can honestly say that up or down, it doesn't change what I do. I'm quite focused at this point. So, instead I'm logging my weight each day so I can see the weekly/monthly results and not focus so much on the daily fluctuations. I am much less frustrated now knowing that I lost 1.7 lbs this week! Also, I am looking forward to going back to Jazzercise. I froze my account for a couple months so I didn't have to pay for time I couldn't go, but it unfreezes on 3/1 and I should have no trouble going back physically. March 1st is only two weeks from today! I will have to take it easy at first because I am WAY out of shape, but I know that it will jumpstart my weightloss and make me feel great!
  22. I will give you a call this afternoon. I didn't expect a blizzard to be here. :) Good luck!

  23. Good luck!! I was banded by Dr. Smith on 1/27. He did a great job and I'm recovering nicely. I would recommend him easily!
  24. LoseIt!

    Today my Journey begins

    Good for you! That is a hard journey...figuring everything out and deciding what's best for you. Best of luck on what you decide. There is a TON of information here, so you have come to the right place.
  25. LoseIt!


    I talk to my mom during my daily commute to work. This morning she told me I was perky. Ha! I guess after two weeks, I'm finally getting back to myself. I guess I was feeling a little psyched up today. Once I started eating solid food, I gained a couple of pounds. Today I had lost those plus another tenth. I feel like I'm getting started again! Also, today is the first day I'm wearing jeans. I sit a lot and the waistband hits right at my incision. I have put off wearing them because I didn't want to irritate it. Today I put on a tank top to tuck in under my sweater and it seems to have made a nice protective barrier. Plus, the jeans fit well...almost loose! Since they were getting very snug before surgery, I'm feeling pretty good. Today is also the first day I can have real (non-canned) chicken, fish, & vegetables. I'm going to Rockfish for lunch so YUM! I don't eat my breakfast until 9:00 AM and we leave for lunch around 11:30 AM. So, lately I have been drinking half of my protein shake for breakfast and then drinking the rest around 3:30 when I'm starting to get a little hungry. It really seems to be working well and it is the same amount of calories, etc., they are just spread out! My perky self better get back to work. Have a bandtastic day!

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