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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    New Attitude!

    Today is 11 weeks post op and 13 weeks from the start of my pre op diet. At times, I can't believe how much my life has changed in that short time. I almost don't believe it is me making these good choices and sticking to my committments. Throughout my life, when it has come to diet and exercise, that hasn't traditionally been the case. :thumbup: So when I get home at 8:30 on a weeknight and I choose to walk a mile before plopping down in front of the TV, I am still surprised. I do wish I could have the same focus/committment/success with food that I have with exercise. Now that I am into my 6th week of my Jumpstart exercise program, it is becoming more of a habit and a craving. I feel that now is the time to move my focus to food. ::gulp:: Up to this point, I eat what I want trying to keep in mind band rules. As long as I am losing, regardless of how little or how much, I don't do anything different. If I gain, I make myself log my nutrition until I start losing again. I think that is a good plan for me for the most part. However, I find that I make silly choices sometimes. Like last night, instead of having the 1-2 chocolate squares I would like to allow myself when I'm having a craving (it is that time of the month)...I had 4. Yikes! I also had fried popcorn shrimp for dinner. I didn't eat all of it, of course, but there was obviously an alternative I didn't choose. It is time to focus on making those better choices. I have one week before my next fill. I would so love to lose another 2-3 pound before then. I think by putting this in writing, it might help me commit! I read someone's blog entry yesterday and she was talking about a book by Dr. Oz (I think) comparing life and the LB journey to a GPS system. If you take a wrong turn when you are following a GPS, it corrects you. It may take you a little longer to get where you are going, but really is no big deal. The LAP-BAND® is my (our) GPS. Before when I would make a bad decision (like eating a bunch of chocolate), I would spiral out of control for days or weeks eating whatever I wanted. Now, I just get back on track. I loved reading that analogy and have adopted it as my new attitude! Have a great day!!
  2. LoseIt!

    Howdy from texas

    Hi!! I am from the Mid-Cities area and was banded in January. Good luck to you!!
  3. LoseIt!

    The Season is Over?Get Ready for the Playoffs

    Great analogy! I'm early in the season, but so far the team is very promising. :w00t: Keep up the great work!!
  4. LoseIt!

    Do I have support? Very limited.

    One of the things that I read when I was going through my decision making process was a quote from someone's blog, "Lap Band is not for sissies." I thought that was interesting at the time, but now 3 months post op, I know that is so true. People can think what they want. And I suppose that there are some people that get LB that are lazy. However, it still takes a lot of work and a lot of focus on making the right decisions. It certainly makes it easier (thank goodness!), but not easy. Good luck with your decision and your journey!!
  5. LoseIt!

    New Attitude!

    Today is 11 weeks post op and 13 weeks from the start of my pre op diet. At times, I can't believe how much my life has changed in that short time. I almost don't believe it is me making these good choices and sticking to my committments. Throughout my life, when it has come to diet and exercise, that hasn't traditionally been the case. :w00t: So when I get home at 8:30 on a weeknight and I choose to walk a mile before plopping down in front of the TV, I am still surprised. I do wish I could have the same focus/committment/success with food that I have with exercise. Now that I am into my 6th week of my Jumpstart exercise program, it is becoming more of a habit and a craving. I feel that now is the time to move my focus to food. ::gulp:: Up to this point, I eat what I want trying to keep in mind band rules. As long as I am losing, regardless of how little or how much, I don't do anything different. If I gain, I make myself log my nutrition until I start losing again. I think that is a good plan for me for the most part. However, I find that I make silly choices sometimes. Like last night, instead of having the 1-2 chocolate squares I would like to allow myself when I'm having a craving (it is that time of the month)...I had 4. Yikes! I also had fried popcorn shrimp for dinner. I didn't eat all of it, of course, but there was obviously an alternative I didn't choose. It is time to focus on making those better choices. I have one week before my next fill. I would so love to lose another 2-3 pound before then. I think by putting this in writing, it might help me commit! I read someone's blog entry yesterday and she was talking about a book by Dr. Oz (I think) comparing life and the LB journey to a GPS system. If you take a wrong turn when you are following a GPS, it corrects you. It may take you a little longer to get where you are going, but really is no big deal. The LAP-BAND® is my (our) GPS. Before when I would make a bad decision (like eating a bunch of chocolate), I would spiral out of control for days or weeks eating whatever I wanted. Now, I just get back on track. I loved reading that analogy and have adopted it as my new attitude! Have a great day!!
  6. This journey is crazy, but so worth it. I put on a pair of pants today that wouldn't even slide on over my big rump a few months ago. :) One day at a time!

  7. LoseIt!

    In Mourning

    I was a Diet Coke addict myself. In fact, out of all the ways that I have changed my life in the last few months, that is the one thing that my friends/family can't get passed. I used to drink 4-10 Diet Cokes a day...no joke. I now go through a gallon of tea a week. I guess I gave up one addiction for another!
  8. LoseIt!

    Directions: One foot in front of the other....repeat

    Keep your chin up, girl! You have the right mindset. Just keep at it! :thumbup:
  9. LoseIt!

    Spring in full effect

    I find that if I post twice a week, I'm doing well! :thumbup: I'm glad things are going well. Movement in the right direction is good, even if it is slow! I have my 3rd fill on 4/20 too, so we will have to compare notes. Have a great week!!
  10. LoseIt!

    4.12.2010 11 weeks post op 253#

    From the album: Head Shots

  11. LoseIt!

    Starting Week #6 of my Jumpstart!

    It was a good week all around! After my .4 lb gaining debacle last week, I lost 4.6 lbs this week. YAY!! That mean that I'm averaging 1.8 lbs lost per week since the procedure. I'm quite happy with that. I worked out EVERY day last week for 5 1/4 hours which is an average of 45 minutes per day. Excellent!! One of the girls I work with has started working out with me at lunch one day a week and she said that I have inspired her to work out more. Another person I met through Group says that I have inspired her to make an 8 week exercise committment. I have NEVER been an exercise inspiration before, so that is just AMAZING to me. My exercise goal this week, is to get in my two lunch work outs and my two personal trainer sessions. It is race weekend at TMS (woohoo!), so anything else is gravy. We generally get a lot of walking in at the track because it is at least 1/2 mile to the car. :-) Non-scale victories just keep coming. I bought a new pair of size 18W jeans yesterday that I'm now wearing. I was wearing a 20W (or size 3 from LB), so that is great for just 11 weeks! Also, I'm wearing my rings full time again. I stopped wearing them sometime last summer because they were just too tight. Finally, I get comments constantly about how good I am looking. I will NEVER get tired of that. I'm starting to see muscles forming everywhere. There is fat hanging from them from every which way, but they are there!! I know that as I continue to lose, it will look better and better. I have Support Group tonight and I ALWAYS look forward to that. I can't wait to see how my new friends are doing. Have a great week fellow bandsters!!
  12. LoseIt!

    Starting Week #6 of my Jumpstart!

    It was a good week all around! After my .4 lb gaining debacle last week, I lost 4.6 lbs this week. YAY!! That mean that I'm averaging 1.8 lbs lost per week since the procedure. I'm quite happy with that. I worked out EVERY day last week for 5 1/4 hours which is an average of 45 minutes per day. Excellent!! One of the girls I work with has started working out with me at lunch one day a week and she said that I have inspired her to work out more. Another person I met through Group says that I have inspired her to make an 8 week exercise committment. I have NEVER been an exercise inspiration before, so that is just AMAZING to me. My exercise goal this week, is to get in my two lunch work outs and my two personal trainer sessions. It is race weekend at TMS (woohoo!), so anything else is gravy. We generally get a lot of walking in at the track because it is at least 1/2 mile to the car. :-) Non-scale victories just keep coming. I bought a new pair of size 18W jeans yesterday that I'm now wearing. I was wearing a 20W (or size 3 from LB), so that is great for just 11 weeks! Also, I'm wearing my rings full time again. I stopped wearing them sometime last summer because they were just too tight. Finally, I get comments constantly about how good I am looking. I will NEVER get tired of that. I'm starting to see muscles forming everywhere. There is fat hanging from them from every which way, but they are there!! I know that as I continue to lose, it will look better and better. I have Support Group tonight and I ALWAYS look forward to that. I can't wait to see how my new friends are doing. Have a great week fellow bandsters!!
  13. Thanks! I have every faith that I will be telling you the same thing next year! Keep at it, sister!

  14. LoseIt!

    April is going to be a fun month!

    The crazy bloating I had on Monday that gave me a 1/2 pound gain for the week is gone, so YAY! I have two more weeks before my next fill, and I would really like to lose 5 pounds by then. That should be doable. I've been in a scheduling frenzy lately. I have two musicals, Nascar race weekend at TMS, a friend's wedding in South Texas, a support group meeting, a few dinners with friends, & my fill all scheduled in the next three weeks. May has two more musicals, a trip to Six Flags, a support group meeting, more dinners with friends, & a trip to Florida to see my parents. I love doing stuff!! I used to hate staying in at lunch, but now I'm learning to enjoy the post-workout feeling. I have a two workout day today, so wish me luck on accomplishing that! My trainer kicked my butt yesterday, but I know that I can still get the 2nd workout in today if I really push myself. Then tomorrow is my full day off from exercise! Plus, my office closes early tomorrow. What a way to start the weekend! I felt so down on Monday, so I'm glad to be back in fighting form! I hope all my fellow bandsters are having a great week!
  15. LoseIt!

    April is going to be a fun month!

    The crazy bloating I had on Monday that gave me a 1/2 pound gain for the week is gone, so YAY! I have two more weeks before my next fill, and I would really like to lose 5 pounds by then. That should be doable. I've been in a scheduling frenzy lately. I have two musicals, Nascar race weekend at TMS, a friend's wedding in South Texas, a support group meeting, a few dinners with friends, & my fill all scheduled in the next three weeks. May has two more musicals, a trip to Six Flags, a support group meeting, more dinners with friends, & a trip to Florida to see my parents. I love doing stuff!! :thumbup: I used to hate staying in at lunch, but now I'm learning to enjoy the post-workout feeling. I have a two workout day today, so wish me luck on accomplishing that! My trainer kicked my butt yesterday, but I know that I can still get the 2nd workout in today if I really push myself. Then tomorrow is my full day off from exercise! Plus, my office closes early tomorrow. What a way to start the weekend! I felt so down on Monday, so I'm glad to be back in fighting form! I hope all my fellow bandsters are having a great week!
  16. LoseIt!

    I let it go for good!!

    I will hit my one year mark in three weeks. I still have "head cravings", but they are fewer and farther between. Go you!! You will be glad you stuck to it.
  17. LoseIt!

    Bad Beth, bad.

    I'm not sure I know what dumping is? Cookies & ice cream go down swell for me! Really good news is that I was down 3 pounds this morning which means that yesterday's gain was just bloating of some sort. YAY!!
  18. LoseIt!

    Bad Beth, bad.

    Okay, first the bad news for the week. I gained a 1/2 pound this week. Ugh. That is made even worse by the fact that it is only the 2nd week after a fill and I had a two pound loss going into the holiday weekend. Double ugh. Whatever possessed me to eat a bunch of ice cream, candy and cookies? What's up with that? On a positive note, I have been very true to my exercise committment. I've been thinking that that I have done well with a fitness goal and started to think about what I will do after my 8 week committment is over. I think that I am leaning toward a "Couch to 5K" program. I hate running, but it isn't THAT far and with a goal to achieve...I just might be able to do it. Monday-10 min on the treadmill. Tuesday-30 min on the elliptical. Wednesday-hour with personal trainer. Thursday-30 min on the elliptical. Friday-hour with personal trainer. Saturday-hour of Jazzercise. Sunday-25 min on the treadmill. I'm pleased that I worked out 7 times (every day!), but I'm disappointed that it only adds up to 3 1/2 hours. I would really like to be more at the 5-6 hour range. There is work to be done! :thumbup: I have four more weeks in my exercise program. So, I will focus on putting in as much time as possible! I feel better and truly that is the most important thing!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Have a great week!!
  19. I completely understand! I post about once or twice a week, but I don't do much else. I hope everything is going well for you!!

  20. LoseIt!

    Bad Beth, bad.

    Okay, first the bad news for the week. I gained a 1/2 pound this week. Ugh. That is made even worse by the fact that it is only the 2nd week after a fill and I had a two pound loss going into the holiday weekend. Double ugh. Whatever possessed me to eat a bunch of ice cream, candy and cookies? What's up with that? On a positive note, I have been very true to my exercise committment. I've been thinking that that I have done well with a fitness goal and started to think about what I will do after my 8 week committment is over. I think that I am leaning toward a "Couch to 5K" program. I hate running, but it isn't THAT far and with a goal to achieve...I just might be able to do it. Monday-10 min on the treadmill. Tuesday-30 min on the elliptical. Wednesday-hour with personal trainer. Thursday-30 min on the elliptical. Friday-hour with personal trainer. Saturday-hour of Jazzercise. Sunday-25 min on the treadmill. I'm pleased that I worked out 7 times (every day!), but I'm disappointed that it only adds up to 3 1/2 hours. I would really like to be more at the 5-6 hour range. There is work to be done! :tongue: I have four more weeks in my exercise program. So, I will focus on putting in as much time as possible! I feel better and truly that is the most important thing!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Have a great week!!
  21. LoseIt!

    2 Months Post Op

    I am now two months post op. This month I lost 7.4 lbs, for a grand total of 29.4. This month I reached one of my early goals of losing 10% of my body weight. YAY!! Later this week, I will retake measurements, so that should be interesting! I lost around 10 pounds on my preop diet. My goal has been to average 10 pounds lost per month. Jan-10 pounds preop, Feb-12 lbs., March-7.4 lbs. Not too bad!! I will have new pictures in a couple of weeks so that will be great to see as well. Have a great Easter!!
  22. LoseIt!

    Master Cleanse and the Lap Band...

    I dont' know exactly what a master cleanse is, so I know I haven't done it. Whatever it is, you are awesome for doing it! Go you!
  23. LoseIt!

    2 Months Post Op

    I am now two months post op. This month I lost 7.4 lbs, for a grand total of 29.4. This month I reached one of my early goals of losing 10% of my body weight. YAY!! Later this week, I will retake measurements, so that should be interesting! I lost around 10 pounds on my preop diet. My goal has been to average 10 pounds lost per month. Jan-10 pounds preop, Feb-12 lbs., March-7.4 lbs. Not too bad!! I will have new pictures in a couple of weeks so that will be great to see as well. Have a great Easter!!
  24. LoseIt!

    Week #4 - Jumpstart

    I have finished 3 weeks of my 8 week exercise committment. I lost 5.2 lbs last week and 6.6 lbs since I started 3 weeks ago. In addition to losing the pounds, I also feel better! This weekend, I had little desire to sit around and do nothing which was my favorite pasttime before. :thumbup: Monday - went to personal trainer. Tuesday - 1/2 hour on the elliptical. Wednesday - no work out. Thursday - 1/2 hour on the elliptical. Friday - went to personal trainer. Saturday - 1 hour of Jazzercise. 5 workouts for a total of 4 hours of dedicated exercise. Not bad. I had wanted to do more, but with the fill on Monday, I wasn't able to eat much at all and had little energy. This works. Speaking of my fill, I was super tight...too tight, until Saturday evening. By then I could start getting down water and other liquids without much difficulty. I didn't log anything foodwise last week because I wasn't eating anything. I did well with choices until Friday night. By then, I was so tired of not being able to eat solids that I started in with bad choices. Now that I can eat again, I have started logging again today. I think that I was starting to get dehydrated a bit, but I drank a lot over the weekend so I feel that I'm back to normal. For some reason, my smoothie tasted horrible to me this morning so I could only eat about half. I might have to take a week or so hiatus from the protein shakes. I was thinking I could do a couple of eggs with some cheese in the mornings. At least for a little while. All in all, a very good week! This week, my goal is to work out at least 6 times for a total of 5 hours. Have a great week everyone!!

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