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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. How did your Tuesday meeting go? Did anyone notice your change?! :)

  2. LoseIt!


    Prior to my surgery, my friends and I wondered how life would change. My best friend, at almost the same time I made my decision to have the surgery, started her own journey to become a Jazzercise instructor. This girl is my best friend and the best friend I have ever had. In my heart, she is my sister. We are routine girls and planners. Our weekday schedule was almost always the same and weekends were left to plan fun things. When she told me she was going to become a Jazzercise instructor, instead of feeling excited for her as I should have, I was selfish and full of dread that our lives would change. I knew that this committment of hers would many times come before me and that made me sad. A few weeks later, I told her about my decision to have LB. I think she went through many of the same emotions that I had with the additional ones of not knowing anything about LB and with that comes fear. Luckily, we had this conversation in November and my surgery wasn't until January. By the time I had my surgery, she was well on her way with her plans to become an instructor with my full support and I was full of knowledge of band life which I shared with her. Here we are in April, I'm banded and living life and she is a real-life certified Jazzercise instructor. There have been a couple of times that she has been unable to do things because she has to teach, like last night for our monthly girls dinner. But that's okay. I know that she would have loved to have been there, but she couldn't. And she knows that next month, we will all be right here when she comes back. One of the big worries that my friends had was that so much of my world revolved around food. How was I going to be happy with this new life? I completely understood their fears, but I knew I could only address them through time and experience. For instance, six of us have a monthly dinner group that I started in October 2004. Out of the 67 months since then, I think we have only missed about 5 or 6 months. Last night was one of those dinners. I definitely didn't eat what I would have normally eaten, either in the selection or in the quantity, but I had a wonderful time! Plus, I'm learning to try new things! Last night, I had some sort of cheese concoction with tortilla chips as an appetizer. It certainly wasn't lo-cal, but it was delicious! And I only ate about 1/2 what I normally would have. I had tamales for my main course and (of course) only ate about three bites before I was full. Now I have a yummy dinner to go home to tonight! Today, my friends are going to lunch and my boss is picking up the tab. I am not going because I committed to work out today. A friend of mine that works in the building has expressed interest in working out and I'm trying to help her. I know that I could have told her that I have plans today and she would have been thrilled! Ha! But I also know that sometimes you need (and crave) a little accountability. So, even though I've done my two work out lunches this week, I will do another one today. I'm said that I'm missing lunch with my friends. BUT, we have an outing tomorrow and will be able to hang out together all day. AND, we have lunch with a former co-worker on Friday. Skipping one lunch in the grand scheme of things is not that big of a deal, but I can't tell you what a big accomplishment it is for me to do. So in the end, my friend and I were worried about our lives changing. We were right that they would change, but we shouldn't have worried. We care about each other and will always make time for each other. It was just time to fit in some time for ourselves too. P.S. She is an AWESOME Jazzercise instructor.
  3. LoseIt!

    emotional eating

    Go you!! Every victory brings another! :confused:
  4. LoseIt!

    15 weeks

    Tomorrow will be 13 weeks post surgery. Wow...time certainly does fly. Yet, in some ways it feels that it was much longer ago. 15 weeks ago I started my pre op diet. For 15 weeks I have been making more healthy choices than unhealthy choices. I honestly can't remember a time when I was that dedicated to anything non-work related for that long. Today the anticipation of weighing actually got me out of bed. It is kind of funny, but true. I lost 3.2 lbs. last week which is good, but being that it was a fill week, it wasn't outstanding. Plus, Saturday morning I was down a pound from that and subsequently gained it back over the weekend. Yesterday, I did eat 1800 calories which is high for me. My metobolic test showed that I should be able to eat 2200 calories per day with no exercise and maintain. So, although I ate 1800 calories, I worked out for 65 minutes (25 elliptical & 40 Jazzercise). SO...I just knew that pound was going to be gone. I kind of hoped that there would be more, but I'm not greedy, that one pound would be sufficient. You all know what is coming here...a great big fat ZERO. That's right, nothing. Nada. Zip. ::deep breath:: My body does this and I know better. But darn it if it doesn't get me riled up. I know it's okay though. I know that I need to continue to follow the rules and it will work out. All of this got me thinking...15 weeks. I've been doing this for 15 weeks. Yes, I have frustrating mornings like I had this morning, but I also know that it will work itself out. I am working hard by working out. I am working hard (for me) by not eating heavy foods and sweets ALL THE TIME. But I'm not working so hard that I can't continue. That's why I have been able to do this for 15 weeks. Another reason I have been able to do this is that I can't not. There have been a few days in there where I just wanted a big fat cheeseburger...but I can't eat a big fat cheeseburger. It is just not possible. Flat out...my tastes are changing. I have found that I don't even like French fries anymore because I have to chew them so much they don't taste good anymore. It's been 15 weeks and I'm doing well. The band isn't making me exercise, but I am. The band isn't making me order the grilled chicken instead of the fried, but I am (most of the time.) And most importantly, the band doesn't comfort me in the way that food used to, but I'm not letting it get me down. This is MY journey. MY life. MY band. I can't live exactly as anyone else and they can't live exactly like me. I'm owning this 15 weeks of positive life change. It is MINE!
  5. LoseIt!

    15 weeks

    Tomorrow will be 13 weeks post surgery. Wow...time certainly does fly. Yet, in some ways it feels that it was much longer ago. 15 weeks ago I started my pre op diet. For 15 weeks I have been making more healthy choices than unhealthy choices. I honestly can't remember a time when I was that dedicated to anything non-work related for that long. Today the anticipation of weighing actually got me out of bed. It is kind of funny, but true. I lost 3.2 lbs. last week which is good, but being that it was a fill week, it wasn't outstanding. Plus, Saturday morning I was down a pound from that and subsequently gained it back over the weekend. Yesterday, I did eat 1800 calories which is high for me. My metobolic test showed that I should be able to eat 2200 calories per day with no exercise and maintain. So, although I ate 1800 calories, I worked out for 65 minutes (25 elliptical & 40 Jazzercise). SO...I just knew that pound was going to be gone. I kind of hoped that there would be more, but I'm not greedy, that one pound would be sufficient. You all know what is coming here...a great big fat ZERO. That's right, nothing. Nada. Zip. ::deep breath:: My body does this and I know better. But darn it if it doesn't get me riled up. I know it's okay though. I know that I need to continue to follow the rules and it will work out. All of this got me thinking...15 weeks. I've been doing this for 15 weeks. Yes, I have frustrating mornings like I had this morning, but I also know that it will work itself out. I am working hard by working out. I am working hard (for me) by not eating heavy foods and sweets ALL THE TIME. But I'm not working so hard that I can't continue. That's why I have been able to do this for 15 weeks. Another reason I have been able to do this is that I can't not. There have been a few days in there where I just wanted a big fat cheeseburger...but I can't eat a big fat cheeseburger. It is just not possible. Flat out...my tastes are changing. I have found that I don't even like French fries anymore because I have to chew them so much they don't taste good anymore. It's been 15 weeks and I'm doing well. The band isn't making me exercise, but I am. The band isn't making me order the grilled chicken instead of the fried, but I am (most of the time.) And most importantly, the band doesn't comfort me in the way that food used to, but I'm not letting it get me down. This is MY journey. MY life. MY band. I can't live exactly as anyone else and they can't live exactly like me. I'm owning this 15 weeks of positive life change. It is MINE!
  6. LoseIt!


    Be patient and follow your doctor's orders. I know that isn't fun advice, but it is really the answer. This is a slow process, especially at first. Good luck!
  7. LoseIt!

    Misery comes in THREES!

    I'm sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers!
  8. I have to say that the 8 week exercise program I committed to has been great. Althought, I hit a little snag last week. I had to cancel my Wednesday appointment with my trainer because I was feeling weak from my Tuesday fill. Then my trainer canceled our Friday appointment because of an issue on his side. Big bummer. The only organized exercise I got last week was 90 minues of walking. That doesn't come close to the 45 minutes per day I have been averaging. That's okay though. The way I see it, last week was a week that left me full of excuses and I still got in 3- 30 minute workouts. In the past, I would have done nothing AND I would have just stopped. Not this time!! Today I plan to Jazzzercise to start my week. I had a couple of NSVs this weekend. First, a guy told me I was pretty. I'm not going to qualify that with anything. A guy told me I was pretty and I'm quite sure he meant it. Yay! Also, on the flight to our destination this weekend, I told my friend that the last time I was on a flight the seatbelt didn't fit. The belts on the plane we were on were kind of long so she was shocked, but I told her that not all seatbelts are the same. I had plenty of room. However, on the flight back, I quickly saw that this plane had short seatbelts like I had encountered before. This time it fit! There was a older gentleman across the aisle from me who was having touble. He and his wife couldn't figure out what was wrong with his seatbelt. I knew that they were short and probably just didn't fit. The flight attendant came by shortly with an extender. I heard him and his wife talking about how they couldn't believe it didn't fit and what they were going to do about it. I couldn't have been more sympathetic. It was nice to know that in the four months since my last plane ride, I had made a big (no pun intended) enough change to truly make a difference. While I was writing this blog entry, something happened that makes me realize how much my life has changed. Today I was scheduled to meet a friend for lunch. She sent me an email and postponed. Shortly after, another friend that I work out with on Thursday's emailed me and told me that her boss had scheduled lunch with her during our next work out so she was planning to work out today. I brought work out clothes for Jazzercise after work, but usually if I work out at lunch & after work, I bring two sets of clothes (I sweat A LOT.) I decided that after last week, I need to make some extra effort. So, I'm going to work out at lunch AND Jazzercise today. I just have to find something to use for a towel. :biggrin: Don't get me wrong, I know this isn't anything earth shattering. But I'm just so proud of myself for being flexible instead of letting myself make excuses. That hasn't always been my M.O. I have my eye on the prize. This weekend marks the end of the month and it would be SUPER if I could have a 10 pound loss this month. To do that, I need to lose 2 pounds this week. I will let you all know how it goes!! I hope you all have a wonderful week!
  9. LoseIt!


    Oh my yes. I was STARVING until my first fill. After that I was okay for about a week and then STARVING until my 2nd fill. It is a bit of a slow process here at the beginning. Stay patient and you will get there!
  10. LoseIt!

    Excited Now That I Am Over The Discouragement!!

    I was banded on 1/27 and I have had my share of impatient moments. But if you just keep thinking positively and make good choices when you can (we ALL make bad choices...just can't let them derail you), it will happen. Keep up the good work!
  11. LoseIt!

    Down 20 LBS

    Wow...yoga instructor?? Go you! It is so easy to get frustrated at the beginning when we are just trying to figure it out, huh? I've found that I have trouble eating the first week after a fill, but then it is better. Congrats on your first 20! That's awesome!!
  12. LoseIt!

    A better day~A better Way!

    Love your attitude! Keep up the amazing job you are doing!!
  13. LoseIt!

    Yet Another Failure?

    I'm not sure when you were banded, but don't get discouraged. I went through a lull and really hit the exercise. That helped tone me up while I was waiting for the fills to do their job. Patience is key here!! Good luck!!
  14. LoseIt!

    Final week of my self-imposed 8 week Jumpstart!

    I have to say that the 8 week exercise program I committed to has been great. Althought, I hit a little snag last week. I had to cancel my Wednesday appointment with my trainer because I was feeling weak from my Tuesday fill. Then my trainer canceled our Friday appointment because of an issue on his side. Big bummer. The only organized exercise I got last week was 90 minues of walking. That doesn't come close to the 45 minutes per day I have been averaging. That's okay though. The way I see it, last week was a week that left me full of excuses and I still got in 3- 30 minute workouts. In the past, I would have done nothing AND I would have just stopped. Not this time!! Today I plan to Jazzzercise to start my week. I had a couple of NSVs this weekend. First, a guy told me I was pretty. I'm not going to qualify that with anything. A guy told me I was pretty and I'm quite sure he meant it. Yay! Also, on the flight to our destination this weekend, I told my friend that the last time I was on a flight the seatbelt didn't fit. The belts on the plane we were on were kind of long so she was shocked, but I told her that not all seatbelts are the same. I had plenty of room. However, on the flight back, I quickly saw that this plane had short seatbelts like I had encountered before. This time it fit! There was a older gentleman across the aisle from me who was having touble. He and his wife couldn't figure out what was wrong with his seatbelt. I knew that they were short and probably just didn't fit. The flight attendant came by shortly with an extender. I heard him and his wife talking about how they couldn't believe it didn't fit and what they were going to do about it. I couldn't have been more sympathetic. It was nice to know that in the four months since my last plane ride, I had made a big (no pun intended) enough change to truly make a difference. While I was writing this blog entry, something happened that makes me realize how much my life has changed. Today I was scheduled to meet a friend for lunch. She sent me an email and postponed. Shortly after, another friend that I work out with on Thursday's emailed me and told me that her boss had scheduled lunch with her during our next work out so she was planning to work out today. I brought work out clothes for Jazzercise after work, but usually if I work out at lunch & after work, I bring two sets of clothes (I sweat A LOT.) I decided that after last week, I need to make some extra effort. So, I'm going to work out at lunch AND Jazzercise today. I just have to find something to use for a towel. :confused: Don't get me wrong, I know this isn't anything earth shattering. But I'm just so proud of myself for being flexible instead of letting myself make excuses. That hasn't always been my M.O. I have my eye on the prize. This weekend marks the end of the month and it would be SUPER if I could have a 10 pound loss this month. To do that, I need to lose 2 pounds this week. I will let you all know how it goes!! I hope you all have a wonderful week!
  15. LoseIt!

    Two small goals fulfilled!!

    That is just super!! What a wonderful feeling! I hope you have many, many more!! :confused:
  16. LoseIt!

    Chocolate Cherrios and workouts

    I haven't tried chocolate cheerios but that does sound like a good snack! Way to go with all of the exercise!!
  17. LoseIt!

    Feelin It

    Go girl! I got my 3rd fill on Tuesday and I think I am a little too tight. I think it will loosen up over the weekend and will be good next week. Keep feeling the Power, chica!!
  18. Things going well? I just passed the 35 pound mark, so YAY! I had my 3rd fill yesterday, so no energy to work out while I'm on liquids. Boo. Hope you are having a wonderful Spring!

  19. LoseIt!

    6 months out

    Way to go! Keep it up!!
  20. LoseIt!

    Feeling good!!

    Hi everyone!! I am a day out from my 3rd fill. My doc says that he thinks I'm very close if not at my sweet spot. He told me to make an appointment for next month, but to not feel bad if I have to cancel. That would be awesome! I had lost 11 lbs since my last fill, so I was quite pleased with that. I'm not a fan of being on mushies for 2 days after a fill, but (a.) I'm tight anyway and (b.) I tend to lose about 4 pounds in two days if I am on liquids. I guess if I don't have to go in going forward, but I hit a plateau, a 2 day liquid diet would be a good trick for me. I will just file that in my back pocket. I actually had a scale victory this week. I have lost over 35 pounds and am now under 250. Most of my life, when I reached 250, that was the point where I always got serious. I got to that point several times in my life, but I always managed to kick it into gear and lose. However, over the last 3-4 years, that high point number turned into 260. Then in 2010, I gained 25 pounds to get to 285. Wow. Oh well, what's done is done. It's funny now how I feel pretty good about being around 250 having experienced 285. My next big goal is to go from Morbidly Obese to Obese Class 2. Only 8.2 more pounds. That seems like a "funny" goal, but it is one I will be quite proud of. Take care all!!
  21. LoseIt!

    Feeling good!!

    Hi everyone!! I am a day out from my 3rd fill. My doc says that he thinks I'm very close if not at my sweet spot. He told me to make an appointment for next month, but to not feel bad if I have to cancel. That would be awesome! I had lost 11 lbs since my last fill, so I was quite pleased with that. I'm not a fan of being on mushies for 2 days after a fill, but (a.) I'm tight anyway and (b.) I tend to lose about 4 pounds in two days if I am on liquids. I guess if I don't have to go in going forward, but I hit a plateau, a 2 day liquid diet would be a good trick for me. I will just file that in my back pocket. I actually had a scale victory this week. I have lost over 35 pounds and am now under 250. Most of my life, when I reached 250, that was the point where I always got serious. I got to that point several times in my life, but I always managed to kick it into gear and lose. However, over the last 3-4 years, that high point number turned into 260. Then in 2010, I gained 25 pounds to get to 285. Wow. Oh well, what's done is done. It's funny now how I feel pretty good about being around 250 having experienced 285. My next big goal is to go from Morbidly Obese to Obese Class 2. Only 8.2 more pounds. That seems like a "funny" goal, but it is one I will be quite proud of. Take care all!!
  22. The Lap Band Support Group I attend is a great one. I look forward to it every month and it is always a source of inspiration. The next one is on Monday, May 10th. They are held at the surgery center across the street from the Wal-Mart on Precinct Line Rd. between Hwy 26 & 183.


    I thought I would not need any support. Ha! I'm a dork. I went to see what it was all about a few months before my surgery and haven't missed one since.

  23. LoseIt!

    Howdy from texas

    I went for my 3rd fill today and I have lost 34 pounds. YAY!! I have a friend that was banded one month before me and she has lost 70 pounds! I think that everyone has to follow whatever path works well for them. For me, I have a Protein shake every morning, then a sensible lunch & dinner. I really don't snack a lot. I do exercise almost every day, even if it is just 10 minutes...but I shoot for 40-60 minutes daily. My biggest tip (since I'm not a veteren yet) is to not get discouraged at first. It takes a while to get going. Best of luck to you!! Also, for any of you True Results folks, the Ft. Worth support group meeting is on the 2nd Monday at 6:30 PM at their Hurst office. It is a FABULOUS group!!
  24. LoseIt!


    You look great! Way to go!!

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