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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    Life change vs. Diet

    I have a couple of tasks at work that I am responsible for each week. Then there are a few each month and so on. Sometimes, like today, it comes time to do these tasks and I can't figure out where the time went. How could it possibly be time to do this when I feel like I just finished it? It's a never ending circle. Dieting is a task. Quite frankly, all my life, it was a task of low importance. At the beginning, I would plan my entire week of food, exercise, etc. It would go on like that for a few weeks, until I wouldn't have the time and then suddenly the diet is over. With the Band, I have found that I can break that cycle! Life is getting in the way of my tasks (exercise, calorie tracking, etc.), but the Band is still there for me. Right now, I'm in a great place! I still got myself to work out at lunch today, but I know that there will come a time when I won't. Something will get in the way. And it will be okay because I have my Band and it will keep me enough in check that I will be able to take a pause and get back to it without failing. That, my friends, is an amazing feeling! Side note: my mom has been diagnosed with glaucoma and is having a procedure today to help with it. So, I'm praying extra for her today. Also: thank you to you all out there for your posts. Each and every one of you are inspiring me to get where I want to be and I can't possibly thank you enough. You guys rock!
  2. I remember people saying that they "forgot to eat" or were just so busy that they "never managed to eat lunch." Huh? What? If I EVER skipped a meal, I certainly noticed and that rarely happened. A. I spent 35 years hungry, I think. Well, when I wasn't stuffing myself, that is. I constantly was conscious of how much food I was eating compared to others. And it was ALWAYS more. Yet, I hardly ever seemed full. B. I LOVE food. I love the way it tastes. I love textures and new combinations. I just love it. That won't change and I will always want what I want. I would hate it if I didn't like food. C. These things are facts. They are just who I am and I won't be able to change that. At best, I will have to learn to work around it. Approximately three months out from surgery, I realize how wrong I was. A2. The band works. I have been diligent in getting monthly fills and if I'm not at my sweet spot, I am close. Sometimes I'm hungry, so I eat. Other times I'm not, so I don't. It is truly a bizarre feeling for someone whose main focus throughout life was the next meal. B2. Tastes change. Some things that I used to love (eg. french fries) no longer appeal to me. Funny how they lose their flavor when chewed to a pulp. I thought I would HATE that, but I don't. They no longer taste good to me, so I no longer eat them. It's a "good for you" choice that I am making because of the band. C2. Pffffft... So not true! This band has truly exceeded expectations. I feel sure that with time, things could change again. However, this is BY FAR the most effective tool I have ever used (diets, pills, programs, etc...) to eat better. I honestly never believed that I would have a day where I ate to live instead of lived to eat. However, yesterday was just that day. I think I mentioned to you all yesterday that my grandmother passed away. Typically sadness and stress made me want to curl up in a ball on the sofa and eat. But with this band and my new committment to exercise, instead I worked out and ate nutrionally what I needed for the day (along with a little bit of ice cream...but that's okay!) Today I hit the 40 pound loss mark. YAY! I hope you all don't get sick of me telling you when I reach the MANY goals I set for myself. Reaching these little goals keep me motivated. 40 pounds lost, 80 to go. I'm a 1/3 done and it feels like I barely started. Life is good!
  3. LoseIt!

    My weight loss journey

    That is great! Go turtle, go!!
  4. LoseIt!

    8 Month Update

    My fills take 4-6 days to settle, so maybe yours will just take some time. Good luck to you!!
  5. LoseIt!

    Day eight liquids

    Aw...it totally does suck. But when you are done you will feel SO accomplished! Keep at it!
  6. LoseIt!

    It's My Time

    Awesome, girl! Don't let anyone get you down. I used to comfort myself with food for all purposes. Now, I'm able to make better choices. Follow YOUR path and your true friends will follow.
  7. LoseIt!

    What do you mean you FORGOT to eat?

    I remember people saying that they "forgot to eat" or were just so busy that they "never managed to eat lunch." Huh? What? If I EVER skipped a meal, I certainly noticed and that rarely happened. A. I spent 35 years hungry, I think. Well, when I wasn't stuffing myself, that is. I constantly was conscious of how much food I was eating compared to others. And it was ALWAYS more. Yet, I hardly ever seemed full. B. I LOVE food. I love the way it tastes. I love textures and new combinations. I just love it. That won't change and I will always want what I want. I would hate it if I didn't like food. C. These things are facts. They are just who I am and I won't be able to change that. At best, I will have to learn to work around it. Approximately three months out from surgery, I realize how wrong I was. A2. The band works. I have been diligent in getting monthly fills and if I'm not at my sweet spot, I am close. Sometimes I'm hungry, so I eat. Other times I'm not, so I don't. It is truly a bizarre feeling for someone whose main focus throughout life was the next meal. B2. Tastes change. Some things that I used to love (eg. french fries) no longer appeal to me. Funny how they lose their flavor when chewed to a pulp. I thought I would HATE that, but I don't. They no longer taste good to me, so I no longer eat them. It's a "good for you" choice that I am making because of the band. C2. Pffffft... So not true! This band has truly exceeded expectations. I feel sure that with time, things could change again. However, this is BY FAR the most effective tool I have ever used (diets, pills, programs, etc...) to eat better. I honestly never believed that I would have a day where I ate to live instead of lived to eat. However, yesterday was just that day. I think I mentioned to you all yesterday that my grandmother passed away. Typically sadness and stress made me want to curl up in a ball on the sofa and eat. But with this band and my new committment to exercise, instead I worked out and ate nutrionally what I needed for the day (along with a little bit of ice cream...but that's okay!) Today I hit the 40 pound loss mark. YAY! I hope you all don't get sick of me telling you when I reach the MANY goals I set for myself. Reaching these little goals keep me motivated. 40 pounds lost, 80 to go. I'm a 1/3 done and it feels like I barely started. Life is good!
  8. LoseIt!

    Loss and, well...loss.

    Exercise. Such a dirty word. There are those who hate it and refuse to do it at all. There are those that don't like it, but use it as a means to an end. And there are those that LOVE it...although I'm guessing there aren't too many of us in that category. Although, I have heard of Bandsters that get very gungho on exercise post surgery and I have no doubt that there are some people that feel that way pre-surgery and their weight issues reside elsewhere. I fall into the middle category. I don't like to exercise and if I didn't need it to lose weight, I wouldn't do it. Period. That is the honest to God truth. It is time consuming, it gets you all sweaty, it makes my feet, back, knees, etc. hurt. But.. Eight weeks ago, I had been banded for a few weeks and I was entering Bandster Hell and starting to gain weight. That was just not acceptable to me. After the hell of the preop liquid diet, the pain of surgery, and the cash that I laid out...I was NOT going to allow myself to gain weight, temporarily or not. I made an eight week exercise plan. I committed to workout with a trainer twice a week and work out on the elliptical machine twice a week. I also committed to being more active in general. The trainer was an expensive option but I knew that it was the only was to push myself without getting hurt. I remember that four weeks into my committment, I wished it was over. I had the thought that it was too bad that I didn't only commit to four weeks! In retrospect, I know that if I would have only committed to four weeks, that is all I would have done. I'm now officially done with my committment and my reward to myself as I mentioned before was a beautiful Tiffany necklace and key. So shiny!! Today, I do not HAVE to work out. Today, I can go home and sit on my butt. However, after 8 weeks of working out, I don't want to. I lost 14 inches in April. 14 inches, people! I almost cannot believe it. Since mid-January, I have lost 33 inches. I measure my upper arms, wrists, neck, bust, waist, belly, hips, thighs & calfs. I have lost 6.5 inches around my waist! 5 inches in my upper arms! And almost 6 inches in my thighs!! I believe that so much of this is from exercise. That kind of success breeds more success. So, I'm ready to go match that for May. I don't know if it is possible, but I'm going to try!! Plus, I found out this morning that my grandmother passed away. I guess that is a whole different type of loss. She lived a long, good life and has been struggling with dementia in the last few years. I know she is now at peace and home with my grandfather. Instead of wanting to go home and disappear into my sofa, I want to go work out. That is the difference 8 weeks makes. I hope you all have a wondeful week!
  9. LoseIt!

    Loss and, well...loss.

    Exercise. Such a dirty word. There are those who hate it and refuse to do it at all. There are those that don't like it, but use it as a means to an end. And there are those that LOVE it...although I'm guessing there aren't too many of us in that category. Although, I have heard of Bandsters that get very gungho on exercise post surgery and I have no doubt that there are some people that feel that way pre-surgery and their weight issues reside elsewhere. I fall into the middle category. I don't like to exercise and if I didn't need it to lose weight, I wouldn't do it. Period. That is the honest to God truth. It is time consuming, it gets you all sweaty, it makes my feet, back, knees, etc. hurt. But.. Eight weeks ago, I had been banded for a few weeks and I was entering Bandster Hell and starting to gain weight. That was just not acceptable to me. After the hell of the preop liquid diet, the pain of surgery, and the cash that I laid out...I was NOT going to allow myself to gain weight, temporarily or not. I made an eight week exercise plan. I committed to workout with a trainer twice a week and work out on the elliptical machine twice a week. I also committed to being more active in general. The trainer was an expensive option but I knew that it was the only was to push myself without getting hurt. I remember that four weeks into my committment, I wished it was over. I had the thought that it was too bad that I didn't only commit to four weeks! In retrospect, I know that if I would have only committed to four weeks, that is all I would have done. I'm now officially done with my committment and my reward to myself as I mentioned before was a beautiful Tiffany necklace and key. So shiny!! Today, I do not HAVE to work out. Today, I can go home and sit on my butt. However, after 8 weeks of working out, I don't want to. I lost 14 inches in April. 14 inches, people! I almost cannot believe it. Since mid-January, I have lost 33 inches. I measure my upper arms, wrists, neck, bust, waist, belly, hips, thighs & calfs. I have lost 6.5 inches around my waist! 5 inches in my upper arms! And almost 6 inches in my thighs!! I believe that so much of this is from exercise. That kind of success breeds more success. So, I'm ready to go match that for May. I don't know if it is possible, but I'm going to try!! Plus, I found out this morning that my grandmother passed away. I guess that is a whole different type of loss. She lived a long, good life and has been struggling with dementia in the last few years. I know she is now at peace and home with my grandfather. Instead of wanting to go home and disappear into my sofa, I want to go work out. That is the difference 8 weeks makes. I hope you all have a wondeful week!
  10. LoseIt!

    Another month down...

    It is roughly 3 months post op. I had my surgery on 1/27, so I track my weight and measurements at the end of each month. My ladybug is certainly on the move! I officially lost 8.8 pounds last month. I certainly look forward to measuring this weekend. I hope that the exercising is paying off!! Hope you all have a great weekend!
  11. LoseIt!

    I wonder

    What I was told was that the band is made from materials already used in implated devices. My understanding is that barring complications, they should last as long as you do. I hope that is the case! I don't have any research or info to back it up.
  12. LoseIt!

    Easy Way Out....

    This is a GREAT comparison. I've had both and honestly, they were both excellent decisions in my opinion. I have never thought twice and I have never had anyone flinch about my Lasik. But WLS certainly does get a different reaction from some people, huh? Interesting thread!
  13. LoseIt!

    Been a long time...

    Congratulations on all of you success! You must feel so great from the weight loss, but also from all that exercise. Way to go!!
  14. LoseIt!

    Is this Normal???

    If you can't keep liquids down, you are too tight. If you can't keep ANYTHING down, you really need to contact your doctor. Good luck!
  15. LoseIt!


    I pray for your strength to help your family through this difficult time.
  16. LoseIt!

    Prom 2010

    YAY Katherine! That is so exciting. My prom was a long time ago (18 years!) I remember thinking that I was fat and I'm pretty sure it was a size 14. Silly, silly me. Go you for taking charge of your body and health at such a young age. I hope prom was awesome!
  17. LoseIt!

    starting to get discourage

    I constantly have the same issue and unfortunately, I think it is just part of the process. :thumbup: I work out almost every day. There will be many days in a row that I don't lose anything or even slightly gain, but then I will have two days in a row losing a half a pound. Keep at it and the good choices will catch up!!
  18. LoseIt!

    Another month down...

    It is roughly 3 months post op. I had my surgery on 1/27, so I track my weight and measurements at the end of each month. My ladybug is certainly on the move! I officially lost 8.8 pounds last month. I certainly look forward to measuring this weekend. I hope that the exercising is paying off!! Hope you all have a great weekend!
  19. Thank you for the kind words!! Feedback is so motivating!

  20. LoseIt!


    Prior to my surgery, my friends and I wondered how life would change. My best friend, at almost the same time I made my decision to have the surgery, started her own journey to become a Jazzercise instructor. This girl is my best friend and the best friend I have ever had. In my heart, she is my sister. We are routine girls and planners. Our weekday schedule was almost always the same and weekends were left to plan fun things. When she told me she was going to become a Jazzercise instructor, instead of feeling excited for her as I should have, I was selfish and full of dread that our lives would change. I knew that this committment of hers would many times come before me and that made me sad. A few weeks later, I told her about my decision to have LB. I think she went through many of the same emotions that I had with the additional ones of not knowing anything about LB and with that comes fear. Luckily, we had this conversation in November and my surgery wasn't until January. By the time I had my surgery, she was well on her way with her plans to become an instructor with my full support and I was full of knowledge of band life which I shared with her. Here we are in April, I'm banded and living life and she is a real-life certified Jazzercise instructor. There have been a couple of times that she has been unable to do things because she has to teach, like last night for our monthly girls dinner. But that's okay. I know that she would have loved to have been there, but she couldn't. And she knows that next month, we will all be right here when she comes back. One of the big worries that my friends had was that so much of my world revolved around food. How was I going to be happy with this new life? I completely understood their fears, but I knew I could only address them through time and experience. For instance, six of us have a monthly dinner group that I started in October 2004. Out of the 67 months since then, I think we have only missed about 5 or 6 months. Last night was one of those dinners. I definitely didn't eat what I would have normally eaten, either in the selection or in the quantity, but I had a wonderful time! Plus, I'm learning to try new things! Last night, I had some sort of cheese concoction with tortilla chips as an appetizer. It certainly wasn't lo-cal, but it was delicious! And I only ate about 1/2 what I normally would have. I had tamales for my main course and (of course) only ate about three bites before I was full. Now I have a yummy dinner to go home to tonight! Today, my friends are going to lunch and my boss is picking up the tab. I am not going because I committed to work out today. A friend of mine that works in the building has expressed interest in working out and I'm trying to help her. I know that I could have told her that I have plans today and she would have been thrilled! Ha! But I also know that sometimes you need (and crave) a little accountability. So, even though I've done my two work out lunches this week, I will do another one today. I'm said that I'm missing lunch with my friends. BUT, we have an outing tomorrow and will be able to hang out together all day. AND, we have lunch with a former co-worker on Friday. Skipping one lunch in the grand scheme of things is not that big of a deal, but I can't tell you what a big accomplishment it is for me to do. So in the end, my friend and I were worried about our lives changing. We were right that they would change, but we shouldn't have worried. We care about each other and will always make time for each other. It was just time to fit in some time for ourselves too. P.S. She is an AWESOME Jazzercise instructor.
  21. LoseIt!

    I LOVE my sister?

    Betsy, have you taken one of those metabolism breathing tests? I was just curious if you did and if it matched up with what you found. I took one and it gave me very high numbers (i.e. I should be able to eat 2200 and not gain weight while in a coma.) However, in reality, it doesn't seem to work that way. Some of it was me unintentionally fudging my numbers or "forgetting" to write down something I ate. I'm getting better at that, but that doesn't seem to be the complete answer. I guess I would like to know how other folks tests matched up with reality.
  22. LoseIt!


    This is an emotional process, so I feel sure you will have LOTS of them. Good luck with your surgery! We will all be here eager to hear how it went.
  23. LoseIt!

    Too Thin for Surgery!

    That is so great to hear. Congratulations on your milestone!!

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