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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. Hi girl! I was thinking about you today. Hope all is well!!

  2. LoseIt!


    I was at my parents' house last weekend and I was showing my mom some excersises in the pool. I think a cheap pair of water weights are really helpful! You can use them for bicep & tricep curls. Also, one of my favorites is to put the water weights in my hands and float them out to the side with my legs spread apart. I turn using my core so that one weight is in front of me and the other is in back. I then tighten my core and legs and push the weights through the water the other way so that the opposite weight is in front of me and the other is in back. Also, not sure how much of a ledge you have, but you can do pull ups. Also, hanging onto the side and kicking is good for the legs. Have fun!!
  3. LoseIt!

    The scale is moving again!!!!

    That is super! I agree with tesa that you are very inspiring! You are awesome!
  4. LoseIt!

    Almost 6 wks. Post-Op

    Hormones are such a pain!! I'm glad you are coming out of your funk. I find that exercise helps me every time!!
  5. LoseIt!

    Day 4 of Liq Diet

    I think you sound completely normal!! Keep up the great work!
  6. LoseIt!


    I found that as soon as I had cleansed my body of carbs, I got a bunch of energy too. Way to use it for good!! Good luck on your upcoming surgery!
  7. Your picture comment made my day! Thanks so much!! :)

  8. LoseIt!

    before &afte rmother's day from last year & this year

    Wow!! Keep it up!
  9. LoseIt!


    I totally know what you mean! I get frustrated with how slow it is going sometimes too. A. I have the same issues you do in that I could do better and B. I know without a doubt that I could not have done what I have done without the band. I tried and I couldn't budge. Yay for you and your new jeans!!
  10. LoseIt!

    Learning how to post

    You are almost 1/4 to your goal. Way to go!
  11. LoseIt!

    My first fill

    Good for you! I found that the more I go to my trainer, the less difficult it becomes. It becomes more exhilerating! Good luck to you!!
  12. Hi everyone!! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! I went to Florida last Wednesday to see my parents. We had such a great time! My mom & I shopped and shopped. I have 4 new dresses, 4 new pairs of shoes, several new tops and a new pair of shorts. Oh, and a new beautiful purse! It was interesting to shop for snug clothes. I just hate to buy something that will be too big soon. I'm not complaining, just trying to be smart. Except for the nightly ice cream, I was able to eat well and exercise. My parents have a pool and I was in it almost every day. Plus, they have a mile circle around their neighborhood. One day I did a Couch to 5K (week 2) program and another day I jogged one loop. That is the first time I have jogged a mile since high school!!! My dad was (good naturedly) skeptical that I will be able to jog a 5K by Labor Day, but I know I will be able to do it! A month ago, I could barely jog 30 seconds. I just need to work at it! Weekly progress: I lost 3.2 pounds this week. On vacation?? That just seems crazy. I think I tend to follow my rules better away from home. Monthly progress: I lost 8 pounds in May. Woo hoo! The best part is that I'm no longer Morbidly Obese!! That makes me very happy. Tonight I'm going to see Wicked! Yay! I've seen it 3 times before, but it is one of my very favorites, so I'm looking forward to it. I will try to measure tomorrow night to get my monthly measurements tracked. Next week...possibly a fill & new pics!!
  13. Thanks so much! The encouragement and support from this site certainly helps!

  14. LoseIt!

    Today is a good day for a change!

    So, my profile picture is officially updated. Maybe after another 40 lbs., I will update it again!! So, this will be the last time I have to look at this picture unless I choose too. [/url] I gained 1/2 lb last week and nothing seems to be coming off this week, but I'm still feeling pretty good. I have a plan. Log food, go on vacation, have birthday, get fill. Ha! If I can maintain through all of that, I should probably consider it a victory! I'm looking forward to vacation. I'm visiting my parents and they are watching their diet right now so we should be good influences on each other. Plus, I plan to buy a couple new outfits. YAY!! The good thing about not being tight is that I'm definitely getting in my water. Plus, I'm keeping up my exercise. I did 1/2 hour on the elliptical at lunch today. Tonight I'm meeting a friend for dinner at Spaghetti Warehouse. I'm sure I can find a good choice there!! Have a great week everyone!
  15. Day 8 seems like yesterday! The time will pass for you in no time. Good luck!!

  16. LoseIt!

    back to the "band"wagon for me!

    Great attitude, Joanne!! You have to live your life and sometimes it doesn't work out well with the band. But doing the right things whenever you can is a big deal. Go you!
  17. LoseIt!

    2nd fill on friday

    Girl, you are going to have so much fun on that cruise!! Most cruises offer some sort of exercise program. For example, I remember a cruise I went on had a "Ship Shape" program where you got up and walked or did some exercise as a group. That might be something that would help keep you focused. Also, not sure if you are a drinker, but try and stay away from the fru-fru drinks. They are tasty, but FULL of calories! Last, protein first! If you focus on the yummy meat choices and then have some veggies, you should be super. Good luck and have a wonderful time!!
  18. LoseIt!

    Looking Forward

    You can do it! I think a mile swimming is hard work, so good for you!!
  19. LoseIt!

    Not successful......discourag ed.

    I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble. It is not an easy process under the best of circumstances. Try talking to your surgeon or find a support group. I've found both have helped me immensely. Also, make sure you are taking small bites and not taking another until the first one has passed. If you aren't able to keep ANYTHING down, speak with your fill provider immediately. If you can keep down liquids, make sure you are getting the proper nutrition. If several days have passed and you still can't eat solid food, contact your fill provider. Being too tight will not help you! But make sure you are following the rules about small bites and slow eating before you make any changes. Good luck to you!
  20. LoseIt!

    Need a fill!

    Y'all know how much I HATE to feel feel down. This week, I have not been losing and this morning on my official weigh in day, I was up .6. (At first I thought I was up a whole pound, so I'm not going to get too upset about just over a half!) Anyway, when I think back to why... Exercise: I exercised for a total of 3 hours last week. One hour of Jazzercise, 2 - 30 minute treadmill sessions (couch to 5k), & 60 minutes with my trainer. Not bad, but far from my best. Food: If I am honest with myself, I know that I did not make good food choices this week. I don't think it is about stress or comfort. I think that I'm hungry and I have no will power. The doctor had said that he thought I was close to my sweet spot and might not need another fill for a while, but I think that might not be the case. Typically, I'm not hungry in the mornings. I will usually drink a protein shake in the morning (around 9:30-10:00), not because I'm hungry, but to make sure I'm getting good protein. Today, my stomach was growling (with hunger) by 7:30 AM. I don't want to be so tight that I can't eat, but I do need to be tight enough to curb my hunger more. Punishment: because I have gained weight this week, my punishment is to log my caloric intake. I HATE DOING THIS! I know some people are completely focused on this and I know that it is probably extremely helpful. But I HATE IT. So, it is an effective punishment and motivator to not have to do it again. Interestingly, I seem to do better when I'm away from home. Pre-band, vacations were weight gain guarantees! However, now, it seems to have the opposite effect. I don't snack much and I find time to work out. So...I will track my calories Mon-Wed. If I'm on the right track by end of Wednesday, I won't track my vacation (Thurs-Tues). When I get back, I will have one week until my fill. Now that week includes my birthday...so wish me luck!! Ha! Random question: do you all update your avatar pictures? I know that picture is how people here know me, but it isn't me anymore. Do you all leave them or update them??
  21. LoseIt!


    I was having a "fat" day, so I wanted to look at my progress pictures and remember how far I've come. Seeing my "before" photo from mid-January, right next to my current picture from a couple of weeks ago definitely helps me to put today in perspective! Tomorrow I'm participating in a local Arthritis Walk. I have no idea how long it is. Perhaps I should have checked! Ha! I'm looking forward to going on vacation next week. I think I have late Spring fever!! Have a great weekend everyone!
  22. LoseIt!

    5/20/10 Drivel Scribbles: PB's

    1. Not often...a couple times a month maybe. Although with cold water, it happens all the time. 2. Anytime I drink cold water, especially early in the day, it comes right back up. With food, it is when I have taken too big a bite or swallowed something I shouldn't have. I do get tighter when I'm stressed, but I can usually tell. 3. I have been very fortunate to not PB enough to have a protocol. 4. If I am home, I will PB over waiting it out. Usually, I have had the choice. I have never had it happen automatically except with the water. 5. Much easier than expected. The slime is gross though. 6. None thus far. Good luck!
  23. LoseIt!

    40 months ago.............5/20/10

    That is fabulous to see! I love hearing from people who have been banded a while. Congratulations on your success! It is so great that you were able to get yourself back on track when you had slips. Life happens and it is good to roll with the punches!
  24. LoseIt!

    getting ready to get banded

    I haven't been able to eat bread or beef (except ground beef) since the 2nd fill. When I first heard that I probably wouldn't again, I kind of freaked out...but it hasn't been so bad. I have found that my tastes have changed based on what I can and cannot eat. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE food. But I find that I love different things than I used to. For example, I went to dinner with a friend last night. I ordered the venison meatloaf in mushroom sauce with mashed potatoes and veggies. I ate half and put half in a to-go box for my dinner tonight. Since it was a fun night out with a friend, I splurged and split a piece of key lime pie with her. It might not have been what I would have ordered a year ago, but it worked perfectly today. Everyone is different, so you have to figure out what is right for you. But I have found that is so much easier to do when you aren't STARVING all the time!! Good luck to you!

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