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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    Just Having a Bad Morning

    Wow...that is a tough schedule! I hope you can figure out a way to make it all work. Good luck!!
  2. LoseIt!

    Six months and counting...

    That is so great, Christie!! I'm so happy for you! It is so inspirational to see people doing so well.
  3. LoseIt!

    Lots of sleep...

    I am a big proponent of sleep!! I'm glad that things are going well for you. My surgery was 5 months ago and in some ways it feels like last week. The time just starts to fly by!
  4. Thanks! Yesterday was my first time on the bike so I really had no idea what was "good" or not. I just try to push myself a little. YOU are such an inspiration!

  5. LoseIt!

    Everyone has bad days.

    I've been working hard for the last year and especially the last six months to stop making things "all about me." Meaning, I would not analyze what so-and-so meant by saying "blah blah" because most likely, it had nothing to do with me. I used to be very defensive and analyzed EVERYTHING! I've been working to change that about myself. Mainly because I found that when I was sad or upset, I turned to food. If I could stop getting sad or upset about things...turning to food wouldn't be an issue. Today I feel myself wallowing in that old pattern. Just now I started to write down the 2 or 3 things I'm obsessing over and they looked SO silly in writing that I deleted them. I'm glad I have this forum to write out my thoughts so I can just let them go. Everyone has bad days, but I want to focus my life in a way that creates more good days than bad. My life is blessed and so happy! Just because not everyone does exactly what I want to do when I want to do it... Tonight is my first night back (in 4 weeks) with my personal trainer. I better get it all out by then or he will beat the whiny out of me!! Have a good one!
  6. LoseIt!


    That is great!! It is so good to feel good at you birthday. Just think how great you are going to look at the next one!!
  7. LoseIt!

    Back to the Workouts and Walks

    I rode 5 miles on the bike at lunch and I will go see my trainer tonight. I'm starting to LOVE my workouts. Exactly for the reasons you said.
  8. LoseIt!

    Day 3 post op - Full Liquids!!

    I am SO glad things are going so well!! You are going to do so great!
  9. Thank you!! And you are welcome. I have found this site to be so helpful. Especially on days when I'm not feeling quite so successful!

  10. By posting out here and laying out your problem, you are already on the road back. You know what you have to do and I know you can do it! Make your appointment, consult with your doctor and make a plan. You have the tools, but they don't do much if we don't have our heads on straight. Now that you are fired up, you can move forward. Good luck! We are always out here if you need us.
  11. LoseIt!

    I'm alive! ALIVE!!! *muwahahahaaa!!*

    You got me with jogging part. I was like - DANG - until I finished reading. You're funny!
  12. LoseIt!

    Day 4 Post-Op, and maybe a little venting.

    You CAN do it! Take it one day at a time or one hour at a time if you have to. The more you think about what you are being denied...the more you want it. (At least that is how I work!) Think about what you are being given or from a positive perspective like that. I know you can do it!
  13. LoseIt!

    LOST 100 pounds in less than 1 year ;-)

    You are an inspiration, Luckydog! I couldn't be happier for you!!
  14. LoseIt!

    Good morning!!

    YAY Maggs! I'm glad it is going really well for you. And YES, I totally had those thoughts. In fact, even though I'm losing 1-2 pounds a week quite steadily, I STILL have those thoughts. It is totally normal. Hope you are 100% very soon!
  15. LoseIt!

    Tuesday, Tuesday (Yep I'm Singing!)

    That's awesome!! I've been thinking the same thoughts. Plus, my cable is out right now and instead of being mad, I'm glad that I'm not sitting on the couch as much. Keep it up!!
  16. LoseIt!

    One year ago today!!!

    Congratulations Kdee!! Thank you so much for sharing your story & success! It is so inspiring to hear from those who have been at this a while. I'm so happy for you!
  17. For those of you that read my blogs, you know that when I started my exercise "jumpstart" a few months ago, I had to completely psych myself up for it. Every day I focused on the challenge I had made for myself and "winning". I started exercising somewhat regularly about 6 or 7 years ago when I joined Jazzercise. I would go sporadically, sometimes 6 or 7 times a week and other times not at all. It was the first time I remotely enjoyed exercise since the days of intermural sports in school. Jazzercise helped me keep somewhat on track until I just lost it in January 2009. I still Jazzercised, but I was not watching my food intake at all. Well, I was watching, but I wasn't doing anything about it! I gained 30 pounds in 2009. By the time December 2009 came around, I weighed 285 pounds (from a "normal" or 225-255). My feet hurt so bad that I wore Crocs to work every day. My knees and other joints would hurt when I worked out. So, I didn't work out in December or January. I just couldn't. I had my surgery on 1/27 and by the end of February, I was ready to start moving. Once I started exercising in earnest (Jazzercise, Personal Trainer, elliptical at lunch), I started feeling much better. As the weight came off, my feet didn't feel quite as bad and the other aches and pains started to subside. I noticed that about one month in, I stopped "making" myself go exercise. At that point, I wanted to go. There were a lot of times, that I could've talked myself out of it, but I KNEW that I would feel better when it was over. About a month ago, I decided to start jogging. I thought it would be fun to make a goal of jogging a 5k. Let me make sure you understand...while I had started to feel better exercising, I hate to run. I HATE TO RUN! I don't understand the point of it, it is boring and I can't do it. A month ago, I said something to that effect to my sister-in-law and she responded in a way that said I was proving that I could do a lot of things I didn't like and that I thought I couldn't do. The challenge was on! I started with a mile a month ago and yesterday I went 1.71 miles. It occurred to me last night on the way home from Support Group, that I am craving it. WHAT?? When the heck did that happen? I realized last night that I had no plans to work out today. I have two work outs scheduled on Wednesday, but not for today. I kind of panicked. Then I was confused. Ha! I guess it is a new phase. I'm not sure how long it will last, but I'm grabbing on with both hands! Funny hazard of working out: I was jogging on my home treadmill. I don't have a small MP3 player, just my bulky iPod Classic. When I'm running outside, I carry it in my hand, but when I'm on a treadmill, I put it in the cup holder or on the tray. I was going along and a song came on that I like. I threw my hands in the air (not sure if I was dancing or just excited...heh) and my iPod flew off the tray and down to my feet. I promptly stepped on it and jumped up because I didn't want to break it. I knew that was a bad idea as I started to come down on the (still moving) treadmill and flew off of it and into the desk set up behind it in my office. As I sat there, I thought that "death by treadmill" was just kind of sad and wondered how long it would take my friends to find me. Fortunately, I was totally fine but a little embarrassed. A few days later, I was jogging at the gym and had another iPod flying incident. This time I let it go and calmly got off the treadmill, picked up my iPod and got moving. The next day I smartly invested in a tiny iPod Shuffle. I guess I finally learn!! :tt1: Have a great day everyone!
  18. LoseIt!

    The next stage of the journey...

    So now that I have lost my first 50 pounds, I feel like myself again. I have been overweight all my life and well over 200 pounds my entire adult life. At 235, I weigh about 20 pounds less than I did when I graduated from college. I would say that the bulk of my adult life was spent weighing 225-255 lbs. Sometimes I would get a little lower and sometimes I would get higher, but that was my "normal range". So right now, I look and feel like "me." As I lose these next 50 pounds, I will be making the journey to my high school graduation weight. This is an exciting time because anything more than 10 pounds and I will be "skinny" me. I got down to 200 pounds twice in my adult life but didn't stay there long. It will be such a pleasure to get there this time knowing that I'm going to blow right on past it! It is hard to believe that I am 5 months into a new lifestyle and I'm going strong! I would have never lasted 5 months on a "diet". I have attached a head shot and a full body shot from the very beginning (mid-January) and from today. I'm so pleased! Today I restart my exercise focus. This week my plan is to see my personal trainer twice, Jazzercise twice and do the treadmill work at least twice. I have a support group meeting tonight and they always get me fired up! I have a couple of friends that I met through Group and I always look forward to seeing them. Have a good week all!
  19. LoseIt!

    weight not changing

    I agree with Sandra. That is great!! Now that you are a month out, you are probably ready for your first fill. If you haven't already talked to your surgeon about the timing for your first fill, you should do that. Keep it up!!
  20. LoseIt!

    A little at the Time~Walkin the Walk just not with the SNAKES

    Oh goodness, I think I would have issues with the snakes too!! You are doing so well and it continues to inspire me. Excellent!
  21. LoseIt!

    13 weeks post op

    Sounds like you are going at a good rate! Exercise is always good and you know your body loves it. Keep it up!!
  22. LoseIt!

    The littlest things...

    This morning a stranger in the elevator told me that my outfit was cute. Today I'm wearing a denim dress that I bought in 2006 when I was thinner. I think it is cute too, so I kept it. It is kind of short, so I paired it with some brown leggings and some brown beaded sandals. When I left the house I felt cute, but I was also nervous because I was taking a risk. I normally dress in jeans or pants and a shirt...quite conservative. The outfit I have on today says "I'm trying to look cute" and there was a piece of me that was afraid that I had failed. One little comment from a stranger and I feel great! I did try to look cute today and I succeeded. :bored: I hope you all have a great day too!

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