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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    1st Post Op Visit

    You go girl!
  2. LoseIt!

    It's time for Vay-cay-shun!

    I forgot to measure Wednesday night. That's not like me to forget a checkpoint. Drum roll, please... I lost 13 inches total this month! I measure each upper arm and wrist, neck, bust, waist, belly, hips, and each thigh and calf (13 spots in total). That is the 2nd most yet!! I lost 3.5 inches from my waist and 3.75 inches from my belly just this month. Other big losers were my hips (1.5") and my right thigh (??!!?) (1.25"). My biggest loser thusfar...I have lost 9.5 inches from my waist since mid-January. Whoa! Total inches lost from the beginning...53.25". Wow. Just in the last week or so, I moved to my Lane Bryant size 1 jeans since the 2's were getting a little baggy. I'm not joking when I say that these are not going to make it very long. I have only 3 pairs of jeans that currently fit and no other pants. I think I will absolutely have to go shopping for real in 30-60 days. YAY!! I told you all about the fabulous book I'm reading...The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl. This chick is AWESOME!! I have some more "me" quotes for you: Quote #1: "All this cold hard data is strangely comforting. If I don't like my weigh-in result, I can manipulate the data and spit out a statistic that will make me feel better." Quote #2: "This whole love-hate relationship with my body is exhausting. How do you tame that negative voice? How do you learn to like yourself? I'd settle for mere tolerance, just enough to make me believe I'm worth all this effort. But I can't run away this time, I'll go back to the class next week. I'll keep on going and I'll get better at it. These days, I'm not the kind of girl who gives up. Quote #3: "Some days I'm positive and proud to have come this far. But some days my confidence and resolve feel flimsier than those string bikinis, ready to come undone at the slightest hint of a breeze. Did I mention that I LOVE this book?? Sorry for the horn tootin', but I was just so darn happy! I'm off to Louisiana, so I will talk to you all next Wednesday!!
  3. LoseIt!

    Another month gone already?

    It is hard to believe that another month has gone by. It is interesting because I struggled a bit this month and felt like I was at a plateau. However, I lost 7.4 lbs this month which is around (albeit the low side) of what I tend to lose monthly. So, no plateau. I was very happy that I hit the 50 pound mark this month! I read a book last week called Thin is the New Happy. Although the author didn't have the exact same issues I do, reading about how someone overcame similar struggles is interesting to me. So I bought a few more books in the same genre. Now I'm reading The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl. I haven't gotten that far, but so far, it is great! She isn't a LAP-BAND® patient. She is dieting...but some of the thoughts are the same. Plus, haven't we ALL been through times like this??? Quote #1: "...I worried that it just wouldn't work. I've been fat for so many years-what if my body isn't capable of shrinking? What if the blubber plain refuses to budge? What if my fat cells have mutated into a strain of super evil fat cells that laugh in the face of celery sticks and lean protein? What will I do then? Hack at my belly rolls with a chain saw?" Quote #2: "I'm getting obsessed with points. It's not enough just to count my own, now I'm snooping at my colleagues' lunches and mentally calculating the damage. At the supermarket yesterday i was peeking in people's shopping trolleys and crunching their numbers." Oh Lordy, I was SO that way. In fact, I still have thoughts about the first quote. I've only been below 200 lbs once in my adult life. Can I even weigh 185? Or 165 like my nutritionist thinks? Or , 145 like my surgeon predicts?? I can't imagine that, so it is hard to have the faith that it can happen. One thing I do know is that I am starting to have a more normal (or healthy anyway) relationship with food. I went out to dinner with some friends and I had the Lobster Ravioli, in fact I split it with one of my friends. I would have NEVER ordered that because it is so rich and high in calories. All my life, I have either been on a diet or totally not dieting. But when I was off the wagon, I tended to hide my hoarding. If no one saw it, it didn't really happen, right? But now, when I'm out for something special, I order what I want. I just don't eat much. At my dinner, I had 2 1/2 raviolis and 1/2 bowl of soup. It was absolutely DELICIOUS! But the best part was that it was SATISFYING!! Not sure if I will get another post done before I leave on vacation tomorrow. So, I hope you all have a WONDERFUL holiday!!
  4. LoseIt!

    beyond stressed

    I'm so sorry you are having such a tough time. It truly does break my heart. We are always out here when you need to write it down and let it out. I will keep you in my prayers.
  5. LoseIt!

    Gurgle, Gurgle in the Meeting

    Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! I guess it is good that it didn't come up into your boss's lap!!
  6. LoseIt!

    One Year Bandversary! I lost more than 100 pounds

    You have been such an encouragement to me throughout this process and I appreciate it SO MUCH! I am so happy for you! Happy Bandiversary!
  7. LoseIt!

    Laughing at myself.

    Today I'm laughing at myself a little. As many of you know I tend to have surges and slumps. I get into a zone and I do SO WELL, then one little thing happens and I'm in a slump. I tend to use my blog to psych myself up. Honestly, it works quite well most of the time. Getting feedback from you all out there usually gives me the edge I need to meet whatever goal I'm working on at the time. Yesterday, was no different. Feeling slumpy, I blogged and set a goal for myself. It wasn't ridiculous, just working out really well the next three days. Last night I went to Jazzercise and 5 songs in, hurt the everloving crap out of my foot. I often get plantar faciitis and it has been flaring up a little over the last few weeks. I had been doing so well with my exercise that I just wanted to ignore it. I guess I can't ignore it anymore. So, the new and improved, flexible me is setting a NEW goal for the week. (Look at me being all "adjusty" and "easy-going".) One thing that I have realized is that I tend to rely on exercise to help me lose weight. Don't get me wrong, the Band is helping me eat LESS, but I don't often make the best choices in what I DO eat. I have chosen to look at it as eating like a normal person (whatever the heck that is.) But, now that I can't rely on exercise (at least for a week), I need to focus on my food. My mom sounded a little skeptical when I was running this by her this morning during our daily talk. She has been by my side my entire life dieting and not dieting. She knows how much I HATE to diet. Well, I'm not going to DIET. I'm going to make better choices. Instead of eating chicken fingers for lunch, I will have a grilled chicken salad. Instead of eating calorie loaded ice cream and candy after dinner, I will allow myself one square of dark chocolate IF I NEED IT. I will cut the mid afternoon snack(s) I usually have after or before working out since I won't need them for the extra energy. Since I started my EXERCISE JUMPSTART a few months ago, I have spent most of my energy focusing on exercise. Now for my foot's sake, I need to rest it. (Sidenote: it couldn't come at a better time. I'm giving up working out today and tomorrow, but Thursday I'm leaving for vacation and mostly likely wouldn't have worked out through Tuesday anyway. So, by giving up these two days, I get a week of rest for my foot.) By taking this time to focus on my food, I'm hoping to get myself into as much of a routine with my "diet" (meaning food intake, not DIET diet) as I am with my exercise. So, my goal is to lose a pound in one week with no exercise. Seeing as people lose WAY more than that with no exercise all the time, that should be a very reasonable expectation. Wish me luck, y'all! I feel strongly that I can do this. BUT I feel much more out of control not being able to rely/depend on exercise to erase my bad food choices. [Deep breath.] Here I go!!
  8. LoseIt!

    Journey To Find Myself...

    Amen, sister! I do have to admit that I had to giggle at fat Jasmine. Hee!
  9. LoseIt!

    May first Social Outting since the banding

    AW...what a great non-scale victory!!
  10. LoseIt!

    Two week check up!

    Changing is so hard even when you KNOW it is the right thing to do. I find myself wanting to be able to do what my friends do...I mean they do it, why can't I??? But I'm learning that life just isn't fair and finding my own path is necessary. I've found that some friends follow and some don't. It is tough, but you learn who is really important in your life. Good luck, asteenho!
  11. LoseIt!

    The First Fill and the "Gentle Reminder"

    That doesn't sound fun! Yuck! I'm at the point that finallyncontrol mentioned where I can't do most breads. On occasion I can do toast or something, but mostly I just steer clear. Althought sometimes I really WANT a sandwich, it is easier to stay away knowing that it won't end in good results if I try to eat it! It is all trial and error, just try to remember the lessons you learn each time. Good for you on the early bird workouts!!!
  12. LoseIt!

    Fell off

    Of course you can!! I just blogged about how I constantly am off and on the wagon. It is part of a lifetime journey. You can do it, girl!
  13. It has been an interesting week. One in which I have learned a bit about myself. Last Monday I began to get sick. I really pushed myself to get through it. I worked out on Monday and twice on Tuesday and ate well. I lost over a pound in those two days. By Tuesday night, I just couldn't deny that I was sick. Wednesday I went to the doctor and took it easy. Thursday I worked out but didn't push too hard. I also did not make good eating choices. In those two days, I found my lost pound. By the weekend, I felt myself making excuses. I've been sick, so I should take it easy. I've had a rough week, so a treat is in order. I haven't slept well, so I should sleep in instead of working out. On and on it went through the weekend. Monday (today) is my official weigh in day and I lost 8 tenths of a pound for the week. Don't get me wrong. I will take a loss regardless of the size. But in my heart, I know that I wasn't working at it. A pound when you are working hard is a huge victory...a pound when you are making bad choices is not. (for me.) If I were the old, unbanded me, today would be the day I would quit. I mean I have lost 50 pounds. I fit GREAT in my clothes. I'm at a "normal" weight for myself as an adult. I can tell that if I were the old me, I would start my climb back into non-diet mode. Fortunately for me, I'm no longer on a diet! I have changed my life. Therefore, it is much easier for me to say "ENOUGH!" It is much easier to stop this nonsense and get myself back on track. I couldn't help getting sick and causing a pause in my routine. But I CAN help how I react to it. My goal is to eat "right" (and I know what that means for me) and work out three hours during the next three days. If I do that, I know myself well enough to know that will be enough to get me going in the right direction and the rest will come. I'm leaving for vacation on Thursday and return on Tuesday. Then I leave again on Friday and return on Sunday. I actually do well on vacation so I'm not worried about that at all. My issues are squarely on me when I'm at home by myself. It is time to make myself busy again. Thank you Band for helping me to be strong and take control of my life! I will always have hurdles, but you have helped me be able to jump them instead of letting them stop me!
  14. LoseIt!

    I think would have been the stopping point...

    I have to laugh at myself because I constantly feel like I'm falling off the wagon and putting myself back on. DAILY! HA! But I think that is just truly how it is going to be if I am going to see this through. Thank you for your support and journeying with me!
  15. LoseIt!

    Gotta Get Back on The Wagon Today - Sunday

    I can SO relate! I do great during the week and on vacation, but on the weekends when I'm home by myself I do not do well. I think I do it mostly out of boredom. The more I fill my days, the better I do. Good luck!
  16. LoseIt!

    I can't believe it!

    Look at you kicking butt with the exercise! I didn't start until a month in. Ha!
  17. LoseIt!

    Its working!!!

    Holy crap! 8 pounds in a week is FABULOUS! That is what I hope to lose in a month. I'm so proud and happy for you, girl!
  18. LoseIt!

    Shocking Right? Still Lovin the BAND

    I absolutely look forward to hearing about you and your successes! It so inspires me each and every time! I am so sorry about the oil devastation. It must be so difficult. Best wishes on the environmental recovery. Where there is a will, there is a way!
  19. LoseIt!


    Congratulations! You are doing SO great!!
  20. I've made a committment to exercise and track it daily. I average 30 minutes per day which includes weekends. I don't work out everyday, but keeping track helps me see that I'm keeping up with it. I always said that I worked out about 30 minutes a day, but when I started tracking it, I found that wasn't true. A day off here because of a hair cut scheduled during class or a day off there because of dinner with girls... I was average closer to 15-20 minutes per day. Since 4/7/10, I am averaging 34 minutes per day. I'm a Jazzercise class manager and my classes are scheduled on Mondays and Thursdays after work. I love Jazzercise and typically go at least one other time during the week. Right now, I also work out with a personal trainer 1-2 times per week. I only have a few more sessions though so when that runs out, I will probably add another Jazzercise class. I also work out during my lunch hour two days a week. I either bike, elliptical or jog. I would like to get to the point where I can jog a 5k, but I have to work out some feet issues first. I have found that jogging takes the pounds off the fastest! But I also like the strength training I'm doing. My friends call me an exercise fanatic which always makes me laugh. I do love it though and can't express enough how great it makes me feel. I say do as much as you are able! You are doing just great!
  21. LoseIt!

    Shout Out to My Workout Buddy!!

    That is so great! It is so much better when you have a good support system! Good luck on your first fill. It will be a breeze!
  22. LoseIt!

    My dear friend, clear your mind of I can't! - Sam Johnson

    Hee! Yes, MexiCAN! I LOVE hearing from folks who have more experience being banded. Congratulations on your loss and keeping it off! 40 is fabulous! Good luck with the C25K!
  23. LoseIt!

    Better now.

    Last I spoke to you all I was battling a sinus/ear infection. Tuesday night I decided to go to my session with Master Bruce (my trainer) anyway. That was probably a mistake. I felt better short term, but by the time I went to bed I had a full on fever. I went to the doctor Wednesday, was diagnosed with an infection and got some antibiotics. By bedtime I was starting to feel myself. Yesterday, I felt better but work was crazy since I had stayed home the day before. That's why I always hate to call in sick! :smile: I was disappointed when I weighed this morning because I was up to the weight I started the week. I had lost some earlier in the week, but I was tight while I was sick. And the high calorie liquids I was drinking during the height of it didn't help. Oh well, my goal of losing 2.8 pounds this week isn't going to happen. But I will keep a bit of the goal and see if I can lose a little something...anything...just something lower than last week. I will be happy with that. I'm not working out today and I'm going out to eat for two meals. I will have to be careful. For lunch we are having Mexican. I usually do okay there if I stay away from the tortilla chips. Goal step #1: no tortilla chips. If I eat the protein portion of my meal supplemented with some salsa, I will be good to go. I don't know where we are going tonight, but I'm sure I can steer it to something healthy...maybe in the seafood family. After dinner tonight, we are going to Painting with a Twist. It is BYOB and they teach you to paint a picture. I'm not very artistic, so this should be interesting. I will post a picture of my picture next week. :tongue2: Have a wonderful weekend!!
  24. LoseIt!

    Bumping up my workout....

    It will be good to speak with your doctor. Sounds like you are doing really well! The exercise has got to be good for you. Keep it up!!
  25. LoseIt!

    Nothing Like a Bet to Make the Scale Move !!

    What a fun idea! Good luck!

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