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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    had my surgery today

    All my best thoughts your way! You will be on your way in no time.
  2. LoseIt!

    Their here...

    Okay, okay!! Seriously, though. Holy cow! You are shrinking away. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the mickey shirt pic. So cute!
  3. LoseIt!

    So mixed up and no where to turn

    I'm so sorry for your pain and trials. I send you the best wishes possible that things will get better. My heart is with you.
  4. Yeah, I wear a 10B show but 10.5D sneaker. You should try going to a running shoe store where they will watch you walk and measure you. It can be a litle pricey, but it was really worth it for me. Might not be the same for you, but it is worth checking out. Good luck!

  5. LoseIt!

    Back in for Surgery after 4 months with the Band...

    That is horrible, I'm so sorry!! I wonder why, if they fluoro, they would try to do a fill without using it. That seems weird. I wish you the best on your surgery and getting it fixed. Maybe it will a better case scenario when they see it.
  6. LoseIt!

    Technology, not always a good thing

    A week with no internet??? **gasp** I would go nuts! I had the same issue with my feet numbing and I found out my issue related to my shoes. I went and got fitted and found out my sneakers were too narrow. I went up a half size and went from a B to a D. That might not be your issue at all, but I know it did wonders for me!
  7. LoseIt!

    Annoying questions....

    Why would you need surgery? (Because I'm morbidly obese and can't lose it on my own? That was my annoying question.)
  8. LoseIt!

    Yay for fills!

    First, I want to stress that I truly wasn't compliment fishing yesterday. I was just so happy that I had seemed to get past a mental block of mine. But your comments just made me feel so good. Especially you, Janet! Your email made me decide to change my avatar, so I will be doing that soon! Thank you all, truly. Okay, onto the rest. I was sick yesterday. I'm afraid that until I get my tonsilectomy (29 more days) I will be constantly fighting this. But I went to the doctor and got some meds. About 2 hours after I took them, I started feeling better. I think it was the steroids. I feel SO MUCH better today. It is like I am a different person. But I was determined to get my fill yesterday. So I went and told the doctor that I wasn't as concerned with how much I was eating at once as I was that it didn't keep me full for very long. He took a look and gave me .25 cc's. The last few times I got fills, I only got .1 cc, so this is quite a bit more. I was a little nervous that it would be too much. I sipped my water just fine and I left. I had asked my PCP for liquid antibiotics, but it turned out that none of the pharmacies (including the compounding pharmacies) have them in stock. I would have had to wait until today (probably this evening) to start taking them. So I went with the horse pills. The steroids were small and caused me no issues. I crushed up the pill and put it in my frozen custard. It tasted disgusting, but went down just fine. I had a lot of gurgling through the evening, but I didn't have any reflux problems while I was sleeping. YAY! Today, I had my coffee and smoothie for breakfast. I took my steroids and even popped my full antibiotic without thinking about it and it went down just fine. I guess I'm not TOO FULL at all! :scared2: I'm eating some soup for lunch today and I will do that tonight too. Tomorrow I will start on some mushy soft stuff like mashed potatoes or something. I'm sitting out of Jazzercise tonight. It is hard for me to really get up the energy when I haven't eaten anything solid. BUT, my cousin is coming for a visit tomorrow and I am going to go home and organize at home. My housekeeper comes tomorrow and she will clean, but I need to sort out the clutter. That should burn a few calories for sure! Last night I got on my Wii Fit for the first time in MONTHS. I'm surprised my little Mii believed it was me. Anyway, I had lost 60 pounds since the previous time which was AWESOME to see!! But I had to laugh when the Wii still made sad noises and told me I was obese. Stupid Wii. BUT I was happy to see that the line didn't go off the charts anymore, it just hovered in the obese section. And finally, I get to today's clothing choice. My favorite part! The last time I had lost a lot of weight was 2005-2006. In 2006, my company took on a new partner company and my group tripled in size. I was in charge of the hiring and averaged 2 interviews a day. There would be some days I would have FIVE! I felt like an HR person...it was good experience though. Anyway, I had no time for myself and I put on about 50 pounds in 6 months. I hung there for about 3 years before I gained another 30 pounds and started this journey. Sooo...at the end of Winter 2006, before I had gained anything, my mom and I went shopping. I tried on a XL sweater dress that I never dreamed would fit me. Not only did it fit, but it looked spectacular! Unfortunately, since it was the end of the season, I couldn't wear it and I put it in the closet until the following Winter. Well, we all know what comes next. By that time, I was entirely to big to fit into the dress. BUT I kept it all this time and today, I took it out of the closet, took off the tags and wore it! Woo hoo! I wanted to take a pic for my mom, so I thought I would go ahead and include it. I'm 2 pounds away from the lowest I was at that time and only 8 pounds from the lowest I have ever been as an adult (1999). It is so close that I can taste it!
  9. LoseIt!

    11/10/10 That's Life!

    Wow!! That does not sound fun at all. Glad you are okay!!
  10. LoseIt!


    I think everyone is different, but when I was on liquids for my two week preop diet, it took about 4 or 5 days to acclimate. Good luck!
  11. LoseIt!

    Space & pics

    What a wonderful weekend at the NASCAR races! We always have a good time, but this weekend seemed particularly fun. I have noticed something interesting about thin people vs. fat people. Now don't get me wrong, this is going to be a generalization (and honestly, there is no good or bad) but just something I noticed. Overweight people (especially women) are typically very aware of the space around them and how they fit into that space, more so in my opinion than thinner people. Example #1 - My BFF Cori is not only thin, she is petite. At 5'0" tall and small build, she doesn't often have to worry about much in the size department. There were four of us at lunch the other day sitting in a booth. Cori & I both scooted in to each end. I put my purse on the floor and my jacket on my lap to make sure that the other person in my seat (a super petite person) had plenty of room. I was sitting with my arm touching the wall so I was as far over as I could be. I noticed that Cori put her purse by her side against the wall of the booth and was seated more toward the middle. They seemed to have plenty of room, so it certainly isn't a big deal. But it did make me realize that I think about the space that I take up (even though it is WAY less now) more than smaller people. Example #2 - I was at a company event and we were all in a big room standing in a circle. There were these desk tables around the room and I decided to sit on one. I precariously perched on it and settled in with as little weight movement as possible. A guy I work with who probably weighs 60 pounds less than me came over and jumped on it with the full force of his body. I cringed as I waited for the desk to settle. It didn't break and I was so relieved. It is funny because Chris didn't think anything about it, but if the desk would have fallen down, I would have been mortified. I would have felt that people would have been looking at me...not him. Again, he didn't do anything wrong at all. I just noticed that we approached doing the same thing very differently. As a fat person(for I will always be that in my mind, I feel), I think I will always be more concious of my surroundings. I think sometimes that will be a very good thing and sometimes I think it will be a bad thing. It is just something that will make me a little different from someone who has never experienced literally not being able to fit in. Now...picture time! Today I will post my spandex pics and tomorrow I will post my casuals. Changes are way more subtle now, but I can still see them. I have attached my front pics from last month and this month. And I included side pics from the start, last month and this month. I think I'm actually feeling better about my arms. :-)
  12. LoseIt!

    Made my goal!!

    That is outstanding! Congratulations!!
  13. LoseIt!

    Dear Blog

    Dude, let me know if that works!!
  14. LoseIt!

    Unabashed Love of the Band

    Hi Grizzly!! So glad to hear that things are going well. So motivating to hear stories like yours!!
  15. LoseIt!

    3 fill just might be the charm!

    You look fantastic! I had a similar October and am looking at a fill tomorrow to help me get on track. Best wishes to you!
  16. LoseIt!

    What helped me the most in my decision...

    Best wishes to your success! We will all be here to hear the details of your journey!!
  17. LoseIt!

    Weight Change Timelines

    Wow...what an amazing job you have done! Good for you for losing 34 pounds before the surgery. Keep up the awesome work!

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