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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    2nd Fill Today!

    An emotional eating support group sounds very interesting! I can't wait to hear how that goes.
  2. Hugs to you too! Thank you for the support today. Today's post was a tough one! Sometimes I forget how much I let the judgements of my childhood control me still. I will get there though!! :)

  3. LoseIt!

    5 more pounds down...

    Dude, I totally hear you! If I lose 1 pound, I want to have lost 2. If I lost 2, I want to have lost 5. I'm never satisifed. Ha! Fab job, girlfriend, you are doing great!!
  4. LoseIt!

    Is this me?

    I LOVE update photos!! I KNOW that I'm losing because of the scale and measurements, but it is the photos that really drive it home for me. You look fantastic!!
  5. LoseIt!

    Motivation has Left the Building

    Oh gosh, oni, I'm so, so sorry. I do hope that you will eventually be able to work this out. It is such a great tool, but if it doesn't work for you, I truly hope you find something that does.
  6. LoseIt!

    Wish me Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday, LuckyDog! I just adore you and you deserve to have the happiest birthday ever!
  7. LoseIt!

    Weird Circumstances

    That? is awesome!
  8. LoseIt!

    Strawberry Shortcake Bandit!

    Hee! Good for you! I'm not sure I would have had the same discipline.
  9. LoseIt!


    Won't be long until ALL those clothes will be on the "fat" side. Hope is important to have and I can feel your excitement!! Congratulations!
  10. LoseIt!

    My first "REAL" goal has been reached!!

    That is super fabulous! Congratulations!
  11. LoseIt!

    2 months Post Op

    Enjoy the bread while you can! I'm guessing that after a fill or two, you won't be able to eat it anymore. You are doing a great job! Continue to follow up with your doctor and blog. Both will help you toward success!
  12. LoseIt!

    First position

    Llyra, I have to say that you sound like a very interesting person to know! I actually wrote in my blog today about how my mom affected my weight growing up. While we can't continue to blame things on parents as we "grow up", I think it is important to acknowledge things like that so we can grow from them. Good luck to you!
  13. LoseIt!

    I am new here!

    You've come to the right place for sure! Welcome. We look forward to hearing about your journey!
  14. LoseIt!

    Day 2 of 27

    I bow to you, Sensei! I've gotten into exercise post surgery, but I feel myself sagging on it a bit. This sounds interesting! Where did you get the program? Good job and good luck!
  15. LoseIt!

    next appt.

    From the time I made the decision to have the surgery to the start of my pre-op diet, I gained 20 pounds. Considering it was only about 3 months, it was crazy! But now 6 months in, it no longer matters. Once I started my pre-op diet, I was all in and I'm doing great. Don't beat yourself up, but just ready to get going when the doc says it's time!
  16. LoseIt!

    Two more days

    Wow, Wednesday will be here before you know it! Best of luck!!
  17. LoseIt!

    Second Runner Up!

    3 in 15,000? Holy crap! That is absolutely awesome!! BTW, I LOVE your nude slingbacks with your red dress. Super cute!
  18. LoseIt!

    Do Good Anyway!

    I have found that the better I treat people, the less I care how I am treated. It's weird, but the nicer I am, the less irritated I get when other people aren't nice. Can't explain it, but it does make me feel good!
  19. LoseIt!


    Hi all! It has been a super busy day at work today. Busy is good though since I hate being bored. Plus, I'm so ready for the weekend! I slept quite well last night so I'm not so tired today. Tonight I'm going to Master Bruce. I will have to be careful not to aggravate my back, but I'm sure we can still work out a good work out. Tomorrow is a busy day. I'm Jazzercise class managing at 9 AM, then having lunch with my godson. I have to grocery shop in the afternoon, then church at 5 PM with a pool party after. Whew! Sunday, though. Sunday, blessed Sunday, will be lovely. My friend & I are taking another friend's 14 year old daughter to see Eclipse, but that is all that is planned. Sweet! Monday I should be nice and refreshed! Have a WONDERFUL weekend, my friends!
  20. LoseIt!


    Hi everyone! I have to say that I'm a little tired today. I went out with a LB support group friend last night and didn't get home until 11:30. That is late for me!! We met for dinner then went to see the musical Dreamgirls. We had a GREAT time! I feel so blessed to have met her. But I had a hard time getting to sleep and (pardon my TMI) I am feeling constipated the last couple of days. That is unusual for me so I'm getting a little annoyed with it. I think part of my problem is my lack of exercise this week. It will be a full week for me today without ANY kind of organized exercise. I feel sure that once I get back to it, my energy will take off. I have Jazzercise tonight, so that will be fun. I am supposed to go see Master Bruce tomorrow night which is fine, I guess. I have really gotten to the point I dislike him and don't want to go anymore which is too bad. I only have 4 more prepaid sessions I need to use and then I can focus on trying something else. Any ideas? I am trying to think of something fun to do probably once a week that would be a little different (to supplement the Jazzercise and running.) Mostly, I'm just looking forward to a weekend at home! I loved going to Louisiana and Kansas, but I'm ready for a break. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!! :thumbup:
  21. That sounds like a fabulous birthday!!

  22. LoseIt!

    The Gym

    Your fill will go great. It might take a while to get good restriction, but I have no doubt that you will get there. Just be patient! (I know how hard that is, believe me!!) Good luck on your contest and your move. You are on busy Bander!!
  23. LoseIt!

    Happy New Day & Happy New Me!

    Good for you! Staying on track is an amazing achievement when you are an emotional eater. Look at you conquering it!!
  24. LoseIt!

    getting back on track

    Dude, if I had a nickel for every time I gain 10 pounds! Now you've acknowledged it, you can do something about it! Good luck!
  25. LoseIt!

    Six Month Update

    Yesterday, late in the day, I realized that it was the 6 month "anniversary" of the start of my LAP-BAND®® journey. My pre-op diet started on that day with me weighing in at 285 pounds. Prior to 2009, I had never weighed more than 255-260, so I was in a horrible place for me. Six months is not a long time at all, but looking back, it feels so much longer ago! Last night, I went back and read my old blog entries from the beginning. I laughed because sometimes I can be so darn silly. I cried because I remembered how isolated and unhappy I was. My favorite blog entry to read was the one I posted on 12.10.09 titled "Ailment Buster!" I had made the decision to have the surgery, but was still wondering if it was the "right" thing to do. I listed out all my issues and how losing weight (which I felt I couldn't do without surgery) would help those issues. Here I am, 6 months later and 58 pounds lighter with an update. Sleep - I had gotten so big that my CPAP was no longer working effectively. My friend & I went on vacation together and she said that it slipped off and made noises all night. I was tired all the time and it was clear there was a problem. Now, my CPAP is working! I'm less tired and I have more energy. I just went on a weekend trip with my friend and she said that she didn't hear a peep all night! Acid Reflux - I was on 2 Nexium per day pre-surgery. TWO! I haven't taken any since my surgery and I have had no issues. I never imagined that it would have that much of an effect from day one. Blood pressure & cholesterol - My blood pressure has been in the LOW normal range since the surgery. No issues!! I haven't had my cholesterol checked yet, but I'm sure that it will be good too! Skin - I am proud to say that I can now reach every area of my body in order to clean it well. Ha! Yay! I have had hardly any breakouts since the surgery which comes from eating better, I'm sure. Also, I don't have as much of an issue with flab rolls causing rashes. Now I'm just trying to work on my stretch marks! Feet - Through most of 2009 and the start of 2010, my feet ached constantly. I had to wear tennis shoes or crocs all the time. I still have issues with plantars fasciitis, but my feet don't ache all the time. I can wear cute shoes to work! Also, I've started jogging and as long as I don't over do it, my feet are able to handle it! Knees - I have noticed hardly ANY issues with my knees. Maybe a little when jogging or Jazzercising hard, but nothing much. And I think even that will fade with more weightloss. Energy - while I don't always have optimal energy, I sure do beat the pants off where I was. I go, go, go all the time! Anxiety - I have had almost no anxiety issues since the surgery. I believe that most of my anxiety stemmed from being uncomfortable with myself and insecure. The better I look and the better I feel, the less I worry about EVERYTHING. Comfort - The difference is astounding. Last weekend I went on vacation and I spent very little time checking on whether I was the fattest girl around. It still happened sometimes, but it used to consume me. I think I am back to a "normal" comfort level for me. I am eager to see just how comfortable I can get!! WOW! Six months. Almost no time in the grand scheme of things. Many times I have expressed my frustration or impatience to you all and then used your strength to psych myself back up. Now here I am, back to "normal". Such a relief. I am so happy! By Fall, I expect to be at my lowest weight as an adult. Then I will be headed into uncharted territory. It is so exciting! It feels SO far away, but 6 months have passed so quickly that I know it will be here before I know it. I have worked hard, but I haven't worked so hard that I can't maintain this pace. This life is doable. I'm doing it and I'm going to keep doing it!! I ended that blog with a quote, "The more you love yourself, the easier you are to love by those who love you." As I have become more comfortable with myself, the less focus I put on what others do. It is absolutely freeing! I do LOVE myself and I'm loving me more and more each day. I can tell that it has an effect on my friendships and other relationships. The good ones are getting stronger and the not-so-good ones are showing themselves and fading away. Halfway there everyone! Can't wait to check the status of everything next January!!

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