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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    Oh my legs...my aching legs!! :)

    Thank you all for helping me celebrate Fat Day yesterday!! Thankfully that is past and I feel much better today. :cool: On Monday, the elevators broke in my office building. Since the service elevator takes so long, I took the stairs. I work on the 18th floor so that is a lot of stairs. I was very sore (especially my calves!) yesterday so I decided to walk down the stairs every day until they don't hurt anymore. I'm not sure if that is genius or nuts! I did it Monday right before leaving work and going to Jazzercise which I don't think was the best plan. Last night I did it after work too which was fine since I didn't do much in the evening. Although this morning I could hardly get out of bed!! Tonight I'm planning to work out so I thought it would be better to do the stairs in the morning. It only takes 5 minutes which is crazy since it can cause SO MUCH PAIN. Ha! So, I did it and it's done for the day. During Fat Day, I decided that I needed to vary up my exercising. I have a membership to 24 Hour Fitness but only go for my (very sporadic) personal training sessions. One of my good friends is also a member so I challenged her to go to some classes. We are supposed to be doing the aqua aerobic class this evening, so that should be fun! Have a great day everybody!!
  2. LoseIt!

    Acid Reflux!

    I have it for about a week after each fill. Like Barbara mentioned, eating before bed makes it a lot worse. I always make sure that I finish eating 2 hours before I go to bed. If you continue to have it, make sure you talk to your doc! Good luck!
  3. LoseIt!

    260 how I hate you!

    Have you had your first fill? I know that between 3-5 weeks out, I was ravenous! At 5 weeks, I had my first fill and it really helped. Good luck to you!
  4. LoseIt!

    I feel fat.

    I realize that even after losing over 60 pounds in 7 months, I'm not going to feel "skinny." I have at least another 60 pounds to go and I also realize that even skinny chicks have their fat days. So, I'm just going to wallow a bit in my fat day. Yesterday my feet were killing me. I have had MUCH less trouble with my feet as I have lost weight. At the height of my weight gain, I could barely get through a normal day of work in crocs or tennis shoes. Now, I am careful with the shoes I wear, but I can wear "normal" shoes to work and I work out regularly. My feet ache some, but I think that is normal. However, yesterday, it was like I was back up to 285. :cool: They hurt throughout the day. At the end of the workday, we received an email that the elevators were not functioning. We were told that we could use the service elevator, but there is only one. The service elevator is the slowest form of transportation on the planet under normal circumstances. For it to service all 22 floors, it would take me an hour to get to the lobby from the 18th floor! I had to get to Jazzercise, so I took the stairs. I have to say that it wasn't as bad as in the past when we have had to do fire drills, so that's a plus. But my legs were a little jello-ish at Jazzercise. My feet hurt so bad at class, I feel like I was at 50-60%. I don't think walking the stairs was the cause since they hurt throughout the day, but I'm sure it didn't help. I was SO internally cranky during that class. I was picking fights with people in my head to the point I had to physically shake it. [sidebar: Do you all do that? I often times find myself picking fights or having arguments in my head. For instance, if I know that I'm going to tell my boss something he isn't going to like, I have the worst case scenario conversation in my head. It drives me crazy! I'm getting better about not doing that, but I certainly did it last night!] I went home and did all the things with my feet that I am supposed to do. They feel a lot better today and I tried to pick out a pair of comfortable shoes. No Jazzercise today, but I'm planning to workout at lunch. I think I will choose the ellypical or the bike so I can limit impact on my feet. Then, because I am a glutton for punishment, I plan to walk down the stairs at the end of the workday. That is my punishment for wallowing in my fatness. :laugh: Oh well, tomorrow is another day!!
  5. LoseIt!

    August 1, 2010 -- down 52 lbs

    You are glowing, girl!!
  6. LoseIt!

    To Fill or Not to Fill.........

    I feel like I was exactly in that same spot right before my last fill. I have an excellent doctor and decided to go in and ask. I ended up with a .1 cc fill. So, not very much. BUT I was super tight with heartburn for a week. It's been two weeks since the fill and I feel like I'm right at my sweet spot. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts. In retrospect, if I would've known then what I know now (that I would have two weeks of heartburn and stuckness), I wouldn't have gotten a fill. But I did and it wasn't horrible and now things are fine. All that said, you have to listen to yourself and your doc. Good luck, chica!!
  7. Thanks for mentioning the water bottle ice packs! I used to do that in the past and it was a good reminder that I should start doing it again. Thanks!!

  8. You are too sweet! I will have to try the peppermint Bath & Body foot cream. It sounds delightful!

  9. LoseIt!

    new workout...

    Tae Bo! Billy Blanks! I totally was on that bandwagon for a while. Fun!
  10. LoseIt!

    You Never Know What is Waiting Around the Corner

    That is so great! Not only success for yourself, but being an inspiration to others is fabulous. Best of luck to you!!
  11. LoseIt!

    Good weekend!

    What a productive weekend!! So far, Jax (my new Body Bugg) is having quite an effect on my life. I can tell that I'm making better choices, especially regarding activity to make sure I reach my target numbers. Color me surprised! Friday I chose to go to Jazzercise which is something I don't usually do. Especially when I get up and go on Saturday morning, which I also did! YAY me! :closedeyes: After class on Saturday, I ran some errands. I had a quck lunch then got started working around home. I had gone through all of the clothes in my closet last week, so this weekend I decided to tackle my drawers. Dresser and chest of drawers...well, other kinds of drawers too, I guess. I got rid of two bathing suits, a ton of pajamas and some work out pants. The happiest thing I found is that there are only 3 items left in my "too small" drawer...one pair of Old Navy jeans and two tank tops. I feel sure they will fit next month! I kept myself busy most of the day and only sat down for a little while in the late afternoon. Then I got ready and went to my BFFs birthday party. It was at a pizza place and I'm entirely to tight to eat pizza. Luckily they has some delicious lasagna which I was able to eat. It was a LOVELY evening with friends. And I don't think I thought about being fat all night! Sunday I went to church then continued my productivity around the house. I wanted to burn more calories! This morning I got up and did yoga. I HATE mornings and honestly can't believe I did it. I'm a sucker for a challenge though. I'm a part of a Facebook group that has a bunch of friends from high school where we encourage each other to exercise. One of the guys (which honestly I feel sure I never spoke to in high school) has become quite inspiring to me. He battles weight too and works very hard. He threw down a challenge that if I got up to do yoga, he would do sit ups. Well...okay then. I did my 22 minutes of easy going yoga. It is mostly stretching, but I notice that when I do it, I have more energy throughout the day. We are having a celebration today at work and there will be cupcakes. I may eat one, but I will also log it so Jax can tell me what I need to do to work it off. Tonight is Jazzercise and I'm up to 10 pound hand weights! The only move that gives me trouble is an over the head tricep dip. Everything else I can do well. I don't think I will ever go over 10 pounds though...it seems like a good weight. Not to bury the lead, but I lost 8.4 pounds & 8.75 inches this month. Most excitingly, 2 inches off my hips! I would love to lose 10 more pounds before my trip to Louisville. If I listen to Jax, I just might!!
  12. I got my Body Bugg online through 24 Hour Fitness. It definitely isn't necessary, but I have found it to be motivational!

  13. LoseIt!

    YESSSSSS! Can't Shop in Woman's World!!!

    I have tears in my eyes for you! That is so fabulous!! My heart is just bursting with pride for you and inspiration for me!!
  14. LoseIt!

    Sunday, August 1, 2010....3 months, 5 days post op

    Congratulations! I love fitting into clothes that used to be too small. I know you had to be thrilled!! Keep it up!
  15. LoseIt!

    New Photo

    Look at you!! How fabulous! It is so inspiring to see such positive change. Good luck!
  16. LoseIt!

    Hunger increases at the end of one year with the band! Take a Diet Pill?

    I've always been an advocate of doing whatever works for you! But I seem to have bad reactions (or no reactions at all) to diet pills, so I can't help you there. Definitely keep us updated on what you do. We are behind you!!
  17. LoseIt!

    This morning,

    Good for you! What a great way to jumpstart the morning!
  18. LoseIt!

    One month today....

    I have always hidden food, especially from my mom. It has taken a lot of work over the last year to be honest with myself. The Band has helped me be normal and being normal means having treats once in a while. But getting over history takes a lot of time and patience. We are all here for you!! Good luck!!
  19. Jax is providing me with TONS of information. First and foremost, I burned 3060 calories yesterday. Wow! I cringe to think about how many calories I was consuming per day to gain the 20-30 pounds in the last 6 months of 2009. Yikes! But the good news is that now I know. I have set up my online program to shoot for a goal of a 900 calorie deficit each day. I'm actually trying to reach closer to 1200 per day to allow for the apparent 20-40% (!) error rate that people have when counting calories consumed. I try to be conservative when counting what I eat, but I want to make sure that I'm allowing some cushion. So, yesterday I burned 3060 calories and consumed 1625 for a calorie deficit of 1435. Technically, that should lose me .4 pounds. Actually, I weighed exactly the same this morning that I did yesterday morning. That's okay though. I feel quite sure that it will all catch up. Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday. Today for lunch we are going to Babe's Chicken and tomorrow night we are going to Campania's Pizza. I have to say that knowing Jax is paying a whole lot of attention will help me make good choices. Have a great weekend!!
  20. Jax is the name I gave to my Body Bugg. It is a device that tracks actual calories consumed. As I input my calorie consumption the online program that comes with it help me track my calorie surplus/deficit. It is very interesting, but I haven't had it long enough to know if it actually helps. I will continue to update my blogs!

  21. LoseIt!

    Sometimes you need a rock!

    That is great! What a thoughtful husband. Good luck!
  22. LoseIt!

    Update update update update update

    That is super! It sounds like you have a great doctor as well!
  23. I'm totally in love with Jax and we can't be apart!! As you all know, my new Body Bugg (aka Jax) was delivered yesterday. I got home last night and started setting it up. It said that it takes approximately 3 hours to charge fully and I first plugged it in at 7:30 PM. At 10:15 I was ready for bed, but Jax was still working So, I went and took a shower to busy myself. After that he was all pumped up and ready to go! Apparently I burn 711 calories while I'm asleep. Go me! I slept for around 8 hours, so I burn around 2100 calories a day doing nothing. Just goes to show how many calories I was consuming!! So far today (since midnight) I have burned 1,026 calories and I have taken 1,456 steps. It also says that my body has had 13 minutes of "activity" today. Considering I'm just walking around my office, that's interesting. Oh...I'm at 1,028 calories burned now. Ha! I see that this is going to be quite an obsession. The question will be whether it is fleeting or if it will be a long term committment! There is a "trip" button that I can reset at any time. So at Jazzercise tonight, I plan to set it to see how many steps I take and how many calories I burn during the class. That should be fun! I can't wait to see how much difference there is between workouts (not just between Jazzercise and jogging, but just between Jazzercise classes themselves.) I know that sometimes I'm giving a lot more than others. The other big news of the day is that we bought tour tickets for So You Think You Can Dance. That will be here on 9/22. I remember how uncomfortable I was at the last tour, so it will be so nice to be more relaxed this time!! I love that show and the tour is always fun. It is still 8 weeks away, so I could be another 10-15 pounds down by then. Postscript: I took a potty break just now and caught myself checking myself out in front of the full length mirror. We usually wear jeans to work, but today I'm in black dress pants and top which are quite slimming. YAY!! Feels so good.
  24. LoseIt!

    Emotional Eating Sessions

    I can't wait to hear about it! I am definitely an emotional eater and could see benefiting from something like that. I hope it is good!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
