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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    Just looking for an excuse to brag

    Awesome! You should be very proud!!
  2. LoseIt!

    Last tango in Fatvile...

    Great attitude and SO true!
  3. LoseIt!

    UGH..... need to get back on track

    First and foremost, CONGRATULATION and WAY TO GO for you AMAZING success! That is super awesome! You already know that a 2nd night of junk is a bad choice. I wish you oodles of good luck recommitting to this. I know it has to be tough and kudos to you for doing it!!
  4. LoseIt!

    Side View one year out, 91lbs down.

    Girl, you look FABULOUS!! It's like the years are melting away.
  5. LoseIt!

    Another quick update...

    Today is a new day, huh? I think I have finally gotten over my "I feel fat" phase. I feel very sure that another one will come eventually, but no worries now. I had Group last night. I LOVE getting together with such a wonderful group of people. There are veterans, people at my level, and newbies. We share, share, share and it is FANTASTIC! I hope you all can find a support group near you. They honestly do have a tremendous effect! I don't have much time today, so I will just update my spandex pics. So lovely. Ha! But I can tell the difference. I have attached one month ago and today. Plus I couldn't resist attaching one from the very beginning. Have a super day!!
  6. LoseIt!

    Updated pics

    I took my montly "casual" pics today. It is the first month that I don't really see a difference. But then again, I only lost 4 pounds since the last picture. At least it is the right direction!! I will take my super fun spandex pictures tonight at Group. We will see how that goes. I wrote a nice little blog this morning, then my computer ate it. So, I'm going to have to bail this morning. Have a great day and I will talk to you tomorrow!
  7. LoseIt!

    Updated pics

    Hee! I have never so enjoyed being called crazy!!
  8. That you for your sweet wall post! What a way to end the day. :)

  9. LoseIt!

    Motivation Musings (Bob and Jillian)

    Wow, that's AWESOME! I don't know if I would have had the chutzpah to actually switch out my trainer. Good job on finding new ways to motivate yourself!!
  10. LoseIt!

    Not Yet

    Congrats on the 2 pound loss!! That recipe sounds fabulous!
  11. LoseIt!

    Pool Party....

    Chicken & pineapple shish kabob sounds delicious! I think you did a great job!
  12. LoseIt!

    You know you're a bandster....

    Hee hee! So true!
  13. LoseIt!

    Just some thoughts...

    I've heard about doctors that delay fills, but I haven't heard the no fly rule. That's nuts. People do it all the time. There are flight attendants with the band for crying out loud.
  14. Thanks for sweet comment! I guess we notice change in others more easily than in ourselves. :)

  15. Hee hee! :) I did have a great weekend!

  16. LoseIt!

    Info or Advice?

    Hi everyone! It is amazing how much you can learn about yourself when you are willing to accept it. One thing I have noticed during this "journey" is that people have no hesitation in giving out advice and indicating that they know better than I do. I have had that with diet, exercise, you name it. But then I started to realize that I do it too! And I started to wonder how I am making people feel when I do that. I'm trying to make a consicous effort to only give advice when it has been requested (except of course when it comes to my parents...they get it automatically. :tt2:) It is a fine line between giving (or getting) information and giving (or getting) unsolicited advice. In my opinion, I LOVE information and want as much of it as I can get. But I can do without advice and the judgement that sometimes comes with it. For instance, with my decision to start walking down the stairs at work...I appreciated getting the information that walking DOWN stairs can be hard on your knees and isn't typically a recommended form of exercise. With that information, I can pay close attention to my knees and any pain that might creep up. However, I didn't appreciate the advice that I should be walking UP the stairs and how I should go about doing that and then the judgement that followed when I decided to stick with my plan for the time being. [Deep breath.] I just get frustrated, you know? Anyway, I hope it goes without saying that my blog is an unofficial solicitation for feedback, so advice out here NEVER goes unappreciated!! :smile: Maybe I'm being hypocritical, but I think it is different. Speaking of Project Stairs, I have finished Day 4. My calves are still burning, but at least I was able to get out of bed this morning without feeling like I was going to collapse! They hurt, but now feel more like I had a crazy hard work out...not that someone beat my legs with a bat. Ha! One more day then they will get a two day break. My friend bailed on water aerobics with me last night. She is a working mom of three, so I can hardly get upset with her! I went to Jazzercise instead. I will go again tonight. I love it, so it is always good! Have a great day!
  17. I aggravate myself regularly. Ha! I don't know what I would do without this site and all of the valuable information and support I get. It is truly a blessing for me. Now, go do 10 pushups for crying out loud!!! Just kidding. :)

  18. This was one of the most fascinating threads I've ever read! I'm from the US and my doc/nut mentioned that I should get around 70g of Protein per day. The only thing they said never to drink again was carbonation (which is a whole other debate for me.) I think what it comes down to for me is portion control and "righting" my diet to a better balance. I cringe when I think about the high calorie meals I ate being banded. I feel sure that I regularly ate around 3-4 THOUSAND calories per day when I was being "good". Plus, I was very focused on carbs and fat. I LOVED eating Pasta in heavy creams with fried whatever and cheese on it. I'm kind of embarrassed to think that if my doctor wouldn't have given me the "eat protein first, then veggies, then carbs" line, I probably would've continued focusing on things that aren't very nutritional or high in calorie. I'm not REALLY eating a HIGH protein diet, but I find that if I focus more on getting my protein and limiting fat, that I have a more BALANCED diet. I still eat carbs, but they are more like a 1/3 of my diet as opposed to 2/3. I find that my challenge is relying on processed foods. I would like to get better about eating naturally as I move forward.
  19. LoseIt!

    Info or Advice?

    I touched on it in my post, but I think if you are out here, you are are in a way soliciting advice. So any I get from you all who are in the same (or similar) boat as me I'm ALWAYS going to appreciate. I was more focused on the "real world".
  20. ::throwing motivation:: :) I think if you are out here, you are in a way soliciting advice, so giving/getting it make sense. My blog today was targeted to the "real world". Ha!!

  21. LoseIt!


    Oh my, I don't think I could've read the details of the surgery! Glad to hear you are getting settled!
  22. LoseIt!

    Day 1 of 7 day Fast Surgery Date August 12th

    I didn't think I could either, but I was able to stick to my doc's 2 week pre-op diet. You can do it!! Just take one day at a time...one meal at a time.

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