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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoseIt!

  1. LoseIt!

    It works if you work it!!!!

    That is fabulous!! Way to go!
  2. LoseIt!

    Bad Day

    I didn't get rolling until I started getting fills. Keep strong doing what you need to do and it will catch up to you! Good luck!
  3. LoseIt!

    Not enough calories???

    I'm definitely not an expert and you should always listen to your doctor. But,no, that doesn't seem like enough at all. I think 800-1000 calories is on the low side, but seems to work for some people. I seem to do well at 1500, so everyone is different. Good luck!
  4. LoseIt!

    Stressed Out?

    Aw...I'm so sorry! It totally SUCKS when you have a bad job. I just do not understand when people are mean. It just makes no sense whatsoever. Good for you for staying strong!! It is inspirational for sure!
  5. LoseIt!

    Seeing the Doctor vs. their nurse?!?!?!

    I haven't seen my surgeon since my surgery. However, he does fills, I just happen to schedule mine with one of his associates. He is excellent and gives me the after care that I want and need. Think it through and decide if you really have an issue with your aftercare. If you do, schedule an appointment with your surgeon to correct it! But chances are they have the right people in the right jobs to help you. Best of luck!!
  6. LoseIt!


    It definitely wasn't all bad! Colts tickets...iPad...woohoo!!
  7. LoseIt!


    It has been a very roller coaster day! I was still a little bummed this morning because of my quitting staffer. Then I had some more fun news that another coworker (whom I adore working with) might be leaving. Too much change! Bad! I guess that stressed me out a bit because my Band was tight as all get out at lunch. It immediately got stuck and had some yogurt instead. Bad. Right after lunch I was gifted with a brand new iPad. Our bosses gave them to all of us and some of us will even get a monthly 3G bill paid. How cool is that? Good! As I was wrapping up my workday (I left at 2:30 for my ENT appointment), I received a phone call. I didn't recognize the number so I let it go to voicemail. When I checked it, it was Sister Barbara Lynn from Sister of St. Benedict telling my that I had won their raffle and wanted to confirm my address. It sounds like a scam except for the fact that I totally entered a raffle and vaguely remembered that they were doing the drawing at the end of August. I was unable to get back to her, so I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think it is possible that I won 6 Suite tickets to an Indianapolis Colts game in October. Holy sh*t!! I never win things like that!! Hopefully I will figure it all out soon. :wub: Super good! My ENT appointment was a bummer. I have chronic tonsilitis and the only cure is a tonsillectomy. I know I didn't spell this all right, but you know what I mean. :thumbup: Both a friend and my mom have had their tonsils out as adults and assure me that it is the worst thing ever. Sigh. Two weeks of hell. I don't think there is going to be any way around it though. Super bad. All in all, I know I'm blessed and I have a wonderful life. Some bad news this week, but it will all work out. It always does!
  8. LoseIt!

    Ok, finally deciding I need support!

    Maybe you can find a new health care provider for your fills? As LapBand becomes more prevalent, there are more options out there. It is worth a shot to see if you can get some better after care to help kickstart you back on your journey!
  9. LoseIt!

    Learning to appreciate who I am in my "Own Skin" !

    What a great story, Grammie! Enjoy the heck out of your baby grandson.
  10. LoseIt!

    Just my view!!

    Thank you so much for posting that! I have been very fortunate in that my doc provides the excellent after care you descibe. However, it seems like SO many people don't. It is the one thing I push people to ask questions about (to their surgeon) when they are thinking about LB. That is an amazing change you made and it is inspirational!
  11. LoseIt!

    What's that feeling in my stomach?

    Way to keep your focus!!
  12. LoseIt!

    back from vacation....

    It's about living life and making choices. It sounds to me like you are doing a great job about finding a balance with both!!
  13. LoseIt!

    standing to eat.....

    I almost always "have to go to the bathroom" after one bite of food. If I take one bite then walk a bit, I'm good to go. Walking to the bathroom always seems to be a good excuse, then I'm set for the rest of the meal. I don't know why it is just that first bite.
  14. LoseIt!

    Weekend Challenges

    What great choices!! Bacon is one of my vices...especially when it is super crispy and melts in your mouth. Mmmmm... Ahem. Anyway, go you!!
  15. LoseIt!

    NO Patience

    First of all...stored in your boobs? Hee!! I can totally second your frustration. I feel like I'm in a constant state of it!! That's why we are all here for each other. Try something new and see what it does for you. I don't disagree with the folks suggesting more calories. That isn't very many for the workouts you are putting in. Did you decide if you are going to get a Bugg? If you are burning 2500 calories a day and consuming 800? Your body probably isn't liking you very much!! Hugs, girlie!!
  16. LoseIt!

    Day 17 of 27

    You are so amazing and inspiring!!
  17. LoseIt!

    sooo many questions

    I would ask a lot about their follow up care. It seems to me that the best doctors put a lot of emphasis on it and want to be involved with you post surgery. Best of luck to you!!
  18. LoseIt!

    Day 13 Post-op -- WEIGH IN

    Chip, chip, chip! That is the way that you get there and you are doing great!
  19. LoseIt!

    Perhaps it is time

    You are approaching it in such a healthy way. Go you!!
  20. LoseIt!


    Good pep talk! It was a useful one for me too. Good luck!
  21. LoseIt!

    Constipation & Craters

    Hi all! So, I've started my new "night blogging". I think I can see why I did it in the morning. By the time you get to the end of the day, you are just ready to wind down!! One thing I do have to figure out is how I can have time to write, but also to read. I LOVE reading and responding to your blogs, so I will work on how I can do both. First, constipation. Holy moly, do I have it. I have been taking Benefiber twice a day, but it just isn't working for me. I bought Miralax today and I'm trying that tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to invest in some Activia. I will keep you posted. Ha! Second, my PCP referred me to an ENT for my throat issue. I feel sure that I have mentioned the disgusting issue I have with food getting stuck in the back of my throat. Well, I have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow. When I talked to them on the phone, they said that it sounded like I have craters. Ha! How hysterical is that? Craters. Heh. I can't wait to hear more about that. Hopefully they can fix it though. I'm starting to get an ear ache from it! Today, one of my best employees resigned. Sigh. She is excellent and has so much potential. She is the person I had planned to groom to lead the group. I'm sad because we are losing someone special. But I wish nothing but the best for her. It is going to mean some craziness for us. I feel sure that I'm not going to get to replace her so things should get super fun!! Wish me luck!! Hope you all had a good Monday!
  22. LoseIt!

    I did 35 min of Tae Bo!!

    Good for you! I have found that exercise really helps me lose inches!
  23. You asked me about Jazzercise... I LOVE IT! It combines cardio with strength training and flexibility so you get everything in one class. Sometimes it depends on the instructor, of course, but it is the only thing I have stuck with as an adult. The most important thing is to move, right? So you just have to find the activity that most makes you want to keep moving! Jazzercise is that for me. Good luck with whatever you choose!!

  24. In order to focus more on work, well at work and to have time to some other things, I'm going to attempt blogging in the evenings. It's usually the first thing I do in the morning so we will see how it goes. I ended up leaving work on Friday because I felt so bad. That tetanus shot really kicked my butt. I got the shot on Wednesday and today, Sunday, my arm still hurts. How crazy is that? I have a busy week coming up. Work will be busy because I have taken on some new responsibilities and I will have to spend some time learning new things. Should be interesting though! Tomorrow I'm meeting a Lap Band Support Group friend for lunch and am Jazzercising in the evening. It is the Jazzercise One Day Sale, so it should be busy. It is 8:00pm on a Sunday and I'm considering going to bed. Ha! I think maybe I will try and convince myself to do some yoga...just 20 minutes. :biggrin: I will let you know tomorrow night if I was successful. Have a good evening!

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