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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kagead

  1. kagead

    Lifting restrictions post-op?

    Thanks so much for the quick and very helpful reply! If that is true, I may be able to do this in March, rather than wait until May which would be great! I'll definitely have to discuss this further with my surgeon. kagead
  2. kagead

    Stay at Hosptial?

    I'm not a mom (yet!) so I can't offer personal experience, but a client of mine recently told me she made a HUGE mistake by insisting on going home after a minor medical procedure. She said staying overnight would have been better for everyone involved. Her kids are 2 and 5. She said they really didn't understand why Mom wouldn't pick them up, bend down to play with them, sit on their beds to read them a story or let them sit on her lap. Even though her husband, MIL and good friend were there to entertain and watch the kids, the kids still went to her for EVERYTHING which meant she got very, very little rest that first 48 hrs when she should have been sleeping and recouperating. Last but not least, she said they were very upset when she first came home because they could see she was in pain. While it might be hard for them to be without you for one night there might be some fun ways to distract them from the fact you aren't there- a sleepover party with friends or other family, "camping" inside, etc. in the long run it may help speed up your recovery if you dedicate that small amount of time to yourself. Good luck to you! kagead
  3. kagead

    Sports Bra recommendations?

    Just a quick update- I went ahead and ordered a bra from Enell and should have it some time next week. I also noticed in my original post that I neglected to mention I am the same bra size as my friend (40DDD,) so hopefully my experience will be as good as hers. She did mention the Enells wash rather well which is great news, because at $64, I could only afford to get one! My big bottle of Woolite will be put to good use... Will update again after I have had a workout with the new "gear." kagead
  4. kagead

    Help with research?

    What is your preop and post op program? What kind of nutritional counseling will I get? What kind of psychological counseling will I get? What types of pre-op testing do you require (gastro, sleep, cardiac, blood, etc.) How closely will you work with my PCP? Do you offer support groups? Can I talk with some former patients? How much, on average, do your patients lose (percentage wise- 80% of the weight they need to lose? 50%? etc.) What is your fill policy (how often, how much at one time, etc.) How accessible will you be to me pre and post op-ie: Will I be working one on one with you, with a nurse in your office, or someone else. (to me the answer didn't really matter, but I wanted to know what to expect.) What are some common complications you have seen in your patients? I have some more jotted down, but the above are off the top of my head. Good luck! kagead
  5. I am one of those who has been telling people. My mom had LB surgery 2 years ago (and has been VERY successful) so my immediate family was no problem. I am very lucky to have a large, supportive group of friends, many I have known since childhood and college (I am 40.) If I had a friend I couldn't tell, that would seriously make me rethink the friendship. FWIW, all my friends are average weight and know the struggles I have always had. As I mentioned on another thread, while a few expressed some serious concern without judgement, the rest were on board from the minute I told them. Personally, I need that support group behind me. I'll have enough to worry about post-op; trying to justify strange eating habits or G-d forbid trying to hide a sliming or stuck episode is something I just don't need to deal with. I am self employed and work from a home office, so I don't have co-workers or a boss to deal with on a daily basis. My clients don't know, nor to the manufacturers I represent. A few close colleagues know, but that is because I travel with them fairly frequently and we eat out together when on the road. As far as judgement from others about the surgery or at the gym, there is not one darn thing I can do about that. If someone wants to judge me for making an effort to improve myself, so be it. I can only control myself, not others. I feel like an elephant doing ballet at my yoga class. I know the sweat pouring off of me when I'm on the treadmill makes it look like I am about to keel over. Oh well. It took a very long time to learn that lesson, but it is incredibly liberating. I have already told everyone how much their support means to me and I know that will continue going forward. Hoping that we all see success in 2010! kagead
  6. kagead

    Is this normal???

    I haven't been banded yet, but a friend who had GB several years ago told me she went through a very rough time emotionally when she got down to 10 or so lbs. from her goal weight. Through counseling, she figured out that for the first time in her adult life, she was spending a great deal of time thinking about HERSELF, rather than others. She was as concerned about feeding herself properly as she was her husband and kids. When people talked to her, they wanted to know about HER, rather than just hear what the kids were up to. It was harder to fade into the background than it was before the weight loss. Like so many other women, she had always put herself last. She always thought of the surgery in terms of how it would affect her family- more energy to play with them, healthier for a longer life, kids wouldn't be teased about her size, etc. She never really thought about how it would affect HER. When she was heavy, she always assumed she was being judged for her weight. She also figured if someone didn't like her, it was because she was heavy. Once she lost the weight, those excuses were gone and she was fearful about being judged for who she was, not what she looked like. That freaked her out! It took a while, but eventually she found her footing again and with her new found confidence, she is a happier, better version of the woman she was before (which was pretty great to begin with!) Of course, I don't know you, but I hope that maybe something here may resonate with you. Wishing you nothing but success and happiness- kagead
  7. kagead

    Presurgery decision

    Is there any way you can set up a consultation appointment with a Dr. in your area? I know you won't be able to have the surgery with that person, but at least someone qualified will be able to evaluate you and let you know if you are a good candidate or not. I know several people who met with 2 or 3 surgeons before deciding on one so seeing someone and not doing the surgery with them shouldn't be any big deal. It did cost them more out of pocket, but it helped them feel very secure about making a decision to go forward (or not!) Good luck to you- kagead
  8. If I may add, research your Drs., too. Yes, there are many who will band you in a few short weeks after your first consultation (from what I am reading this seems to happen a bit more for self paid patients than insurance paid ones, but I could definitely be wrong about this.) While that may seem great in the short term, I am reading more and more posts from people who are scared and completely unprepared for what comes AFTER the surgery. Stages of recovery, long term diet plan, fill schedule and fill procedures, exercise tips and guides, etc. are critical to making this thing work the way we hope it will and I couldn't imagine trying to navigate all that without the guidance of my Dr. and his team. If you are comfortable flying on your own, great. If you are an information junkie (like me) make sure your surgeon's program and surgical team will give you all the information you need in a way you can absorb it and use it. While it may be frustrating to wait 3, 6 or even 8 months for surgery, sometimes that time can be exactly what we need to set us up for success. kagead
  9. Still in the early stages of the process, but when I called BCBSIL with the CPT code to make sure (for the 1,000th time) that WLS was NOT excluded from my policy, the woman I spoke with in the approval dept. told me that if everything is submitted to their specifications, they usually get the approvals out in 5-7 business days. kagead
  10. kagead

    2 Insurances

    I went from a group policy to an individual one in 2007 when I was laid off from my job and went out on my own. I was able to get good coverage in spite of some chronic medical issues (hypertension, asthma) but there was a one year exclusion for preexisting conditions on those issues. Are you unable to get coverage at all, or are they just excluding the band as a preexisting condition? kagead
  11. kagead

    Asthma or allergies improve?

    Will be following replies to this thread. I have allergies and fairly severe asthma, too. The asthma always improves when I am good about exercise and my allergist is certain it will improve with weight loss. Hoping she is right! :biggrin: kagead
  12. kagead

    So confused and need help!

    I haven't been banded yet so I can't offer any reassurance in that regard, but I do think a call or visit to your surgeon's office is in order tomorrow, BEFORE your surgery. MAKE them talk to you and send you WRITTEN instructions. Some of these questions should have been answered for you long ago, even if you didn't think to ask them. This is part of the pre-op process. I know that everyone here has only the best intentions and I can't tell you how much invaluable information I have received on this board, but your surgeon's office should be addressing these things. If I had to turn to an anonymous internet bulletin board to find out what to expect after major surgery, I'd be freaking out, too! :biggrin: If you're like me, you probably have waited a LONG time to do this and you are anxious to start your new life, but you also deserve the BEST chance to make this work for you and if you feel unprepared that may hurt those chances. Last but not least, do not feel pressured to go forward on Wednesday if you are not ready to do it. Call another surgeon's office and ask them about their pre and post op programs. You might find out that this surgeon is not the best fit for you and your needs, or you might have your mind put at ease and you'll go forward with guns blazing! Wishing you nothing but success- kagead
  13. kagead

    Constipation ruining my life.

    This might sound weird, but would you be open to acupuncture and/or acupressure? I have a good friend who has IBS and she has found great relief with the help of a good holistic Dr. It might be worth checking out, especially since you know there aren't any underlying medical issues. Good luck to you! kagead
  14. I know this has been suggested before, but I don't remember who should get the credit! Is there a clergy person (minister, rabbi, priest, etc. you are close with who could help out?) By nature, they probably wouldn't press you for too much info and I don't think you need to worry about that person violating your privacy. If worse comes to worse, simply call a cab or car service- anonymity guaranteed! Good luck- kagead
  15. I went to a seminar on Nov 24 and met with the Nurse Practitioner at the surgeon's office on Dec. 7. Between their own program requirements and those of my insurance company (which will happen concurrently), she told me to expect a surgery date in March or April. So, 3 or 4 months. Due to work obligations I won't be able to do anything until May. kagead
  16. When I had my initial consultation, the NP asked me what my goal weight was. I have NEVER been at a healthy weight, so I have absolutely no idea. I told her I'd rather start losing and when I see some significant changes, I'll think about a goal number. She was actually really supportive of this and said so many people get hung up on the number and it can sabotage them in the end. She also said that some people NEED to have that number as a motivator to get them where they want to be. Like everything else with this process, it varies so much with every individual. I'm looking forward to reading the other responses to this thread! :tongue: kagead
  17. Thanks for the good info here. I had my upper GI today and they did find a HH which I know they will repair when I am banded. Getting rid of the heartburn problem would be icing on the band, so to speak. kagead
  18. I went to my seminar on 11/24 and had my first appointment with the NP on 12/7. She told me that if all progresses properly, I can expect a March or April surgery date. I have BCBSIL. Due to work obligations, I won't be able to be banded until May. kagead
  19. I've been told by my insurance co (BCBSIL) that they generally get the approvals done within 5-10 days of receipt of complete information from the Dr. That said, they require 3 months of a supervised diet before I can even submit for surgery, so the whole process is actually much longer. I had my first meeting with the program coordinator at surgeons office on Dec. 7 and I am hoping to be banded in April or May of 2010. Good luck to you! kagead
  20. kagead

    Sports Bra recommendations?

    My friend who is a 40DDD and is an exercise fiend swears by Enell. They are designed specifically for women who are well endowed. I haven't bought one yet, but it's on my list! Welcome to Enell kagead
  21. I wish you much luck on your journey. I haven't been banded yet so I can't offer much advice in that area. :thumbup: You mentioned that you don't have friends or family in the area- that must be difficult for you! If you are active in your church or synogogue, you might want to talk to your priest/rabbi/minister to see if the womens group or mens group can give you a hand with your son. I know the sisterhood and brotherhood at my synogogue do this type of volunteering on a regular basis and it is such a help to members who don't have anyone else nearby. The other thought I had was to talk to any of the social service agencies, doctors or therapists that might be working with your son. If they can't help out, they may know of a volunteer group that you can contact. Again, best of luck to you and your husband! kagead
  22. kagead

    The two week wall

    I can usually hold out for a month or so, then I hit my wall. In order for this time to be different, I am telling many people about my decision to have WLS. I won't be banded until April or May, but so far everyone I have shared the news with has been incredibly supportive. Even those who think it is extreme have voiced concern without being judgmental. I have made it pretty clear that I'm going to need them to help me stay on track. My friends are all at a healthy weight and they engage in good eating and exercise habits already. I have told them that when they head out to the gym, sign up for a new class, hit the bike trail with the kids or take off on a run, to CALL me!!! Not only will that force me to try something new, I'll be able to share it with a friend. I'm somewhat less concerned about making good food choices than I am about the exercise. I travel frequently for work and eat out quite a bit. I find I always make better choices on the road than I do when I'm home so I hope that continues and my home eating habits come around. For me, the key is getting other people involved and ASKING for help (something that does not come naturally to me!) I hope this one change is the first of many that will help me reach my goal. Good luck to you! kagead
  23. kagead

    my-emmi help!!!!!!

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL has the emmi tool on their website- no password needed. I'm not sure if it is the one you are looking for, but here is a link: https://my-emmi.com/EmmiServer/Language.jsp?access_code=10773938088&patient_procedure_unique_id=342D1DEB-FCF6-4378-86A5-E2B716D1598E&message_id=000000&appLocale=en_US kagead
  24. I probably won't be banded until April or May so for now, I am just curious about what it will feel like to be "normal sized." I'm sure some of the fear will set in as it gets closer. :rolleyes2: When I had my initial meeting with the program coordinator at the surgeon's office, she asked me if I had a goal weight in mind. I told her I have not been anywhere close to an ideal weight since I was 13 years old, so have absolutely no idea what that number would be. I also can't imagine how I'll look! I said that right now, I'd be happy to just see the weight come off and see how my body adjusts. She said she was actually glad when patients come in with NO set number in mind as so many people get stuck on that figure and it can really sabotage the overall effort. We'll see how my emotions progress! kagead
  25. I haven't had surgery yet, so I can't tell you which I would have preferred, but please keep in mind that there is so much more involved with air travel than just flight time. You need to take into account time to get to the airport, check in and check your baggage (if you have any), time to get through security and get to the gate. After the flight, you need to get your bag (again, if you checked one) and get to your destination. Then, you have to do it all over again to get home. All this is based on everything running on time. I live in Chicago and it is a 45 minute flight to Detroit. With all the other stuff tacked on, it ends up being a 4 1/2 hr. ordeal to fly. I can drive to Detroit in 4 1/2 hrs. Wishing you the best of luck no matter what you decide- kagead

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