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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kagead

  1. I agree that this is a very common concern on this forum. There seems to be very poor, or very little information given to banding patients overall so they are forced to figure things out on their own. I wish this site would have an autoresponder when someone signs up that would direct them to the FAQ section FIRST. BEFORE THEY CAN DO ANYTHING OR POST ANYTHING. There is so much great advice here and it is incredibly difficult to find since there are so many different sections. I think this can be extremely overwhelming to someone new to this type of forum. I am an internet board veteran and use the FAQ sections, Search functions and the like very easily, but so many people are new to internet forums that they don't know how to find the information they need/want so they just start posting. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, just something that has been frustrating me for a while....:thumbup: kagead
  2. kagead

    Any June Bandsters???

    From what I understand, the purpose of the preop diet is to shrink your liver and make it easier for the surgeon to place your band. It has absolutely nothing to do with your success (or lack thereof) post op. I am lucky in that my Dr. only requires a 10 day pre op diet and mine, which starts tomorrow, is high protein/low carb. The nutritionist said some people lose quite a bit on it, but many do not. Again, the point it to shrink the liver and low carb will do that. Post op, I will have one week of liquids and one week of mushies. Good luck to everyone! kagead
  3. I'm not banded yet (June 14th!) and I'm self employed so I can't answer the disability question but my Dr. did tell me the following: 1. Since I have a very physical component to my job AND I'm self-employed (no paid vacation time, no disability insurance), I was concerned about the time I'd need off from work. My Dr. said that as long as everything went smoothly post op, he'd release me to full activity after 2 weeks. For me, this includes some serious lifting, bending, standing on my feet and the like. I am also a rep and cover 4 states so I hear you on the "being stuck on the road" thing! I am lucky in that my preop diet is high protien/low carb and I'll only be on liquids for one week post op. Week 2 is mushies. My mom was on liquids for 2 weeks post op and found that she had far less stomach issues with one type of Protein over another. If you haven't started experimenting yet, you might want to give it a shot and see how your body responds. Best of luck to you! kagead
  4. kagead

    Where will we be?

    Looks like we are all pretty close in our loss goals. I hope to lose 100 lbs, but will be very happy with 80. All I want for this time next year is to be closer to my goal than I am now. I know myself well enough to know that lower expectations will mean less frustration down the line. When I get frustrated, I tend to give up or sabotage myself and I'm putting a stop to that right now. DM
  5. 12 business days from BCBSIL, and my hospital is a BCBS Center of Bariatric Excellence! Nobody could tell me why it took so long, but I was approved on the first submission. kagead
  6. kagead

    Any June Bandsters???

    Scheduled for June 14th. kagead
  7. kagead


    I'm not banded yet (two weeks to go!) but I have my post-op instructions already. For mushies, my Dr. says anything goes as long as it is the consistency of applesauce. Beans will need to be mushed up and mixed with a little Water or broth to thin them out just a tad. Good luck! kagead
  8. I'm not even banded yet but my nutritionist and my Dr. made it very clear that I would not start seeing any real weight loss until I started getting fills (first one 6 weeks after surgery, following ones every 4-6 weeks as needed.) They both said on average, their patients hit their stride after the 2nd or 3rd fill. They also said that many, many patients GAIN weight between the time of surgery and the first fill so if it happens to me, I shouldn't panic or be discouraged. If you spend some serious time read this board and going over previous posts, you will see that most people end up being the same way. There are tons and tons and tons and TONS of threads on this. I know you are frustrated but it sounds like you are healing nicely and your surgical team didn't really give you a good idea of what to expect post op. Hang in there- kagead
  9. Probably too late of a suggestion now, but I'd bring a piece of fish and some veggie kabobs to share. Something like salmon can be thrown on the BBQ with delicious results and the kabobs will help fill you up and make you look like you are really eating. Good luck! kagead
  10. Not banded yet (2 weeks and 2 days to go!), but I do enjoy my adult beverages! I know I'll have to say goodbye to my beloved Bombay Sapphire & Tonics, but I'll live. It will be easier to say goodbye to beer. I like it, but I won't miss it. Favorites now that I'll be able to have later: Vodka Cranberry Bloody Mary Wine Margarita Sangria Martini None of these is particularly diet friendly, but I imagine I'll be consuming far less of them at any given time so the empty calories will be kept to a minimum. Not too big on sweet drinks now and I imagine that won't change later. Cheers! kagead
  11. While I am sorry about the outcome, I am glad you took matters into your own hands. No need to be depressed- be grateful that you may have found out your surgeon is not the right one for you. Much better to find that out NOW rather than post-op when you will REALLY need them to be responsive. Hang in there and stay aggressive!! It will work out the way it is supposed to! kagead
  12. kagead

    Homemade recipe....how many calories?

    This is the easiest online calculator I have found. Recipe Calculator Good luck! kagead
  13. I hate to say it, but you HAVE to battle with the insurance company on your own behalf. YOU are their client, not the Drs. office and no matter how efficient the office may be, they won't sit on your file the way you will. I called my insurance company every single day after my surgeon submitted it. If you call and ask, you may find there is a different department that handles files after they have been submitted. You may be able to speak with them rather than the general information group. I spoke with "predetermination", your company may use another term. When you call, be EXCEEDINGLY friendly and polite. I used to make a joke about "yep, its me, calling to bug you again!" and I'd apologize and tell them that I was just so anxious for the approval. With one single exception, everyone who answered was great and even gave me "extra" info without me having to push too hard for it. I know it is frustrating. I was in limbo from March 23 until I got my approval on April 29 (13 of those business days were waiting for the insurance company) so I know how you feel. But I also know you are your own best advocate and if this is as important to you as it seems, you'll do whatever you can to move the process along quickly. Good luck to you! kagead
  14. Glad to help and am happy you didn't take offense to a little "tough love!" I have read way too many threads from people who have been so discouraged by those around them that they are ready to give up. It makes me crazy. I think many of us feel we have to justify ourselves to others, no matter who they are- coworkers, nasty in-laws, parents, siblings and family members who have never been supportive of anything, etc. Why give these people so much power? I can't wrap my brain around it. I have been extremely lucky that every single person I have told has been nothing but supportive. Some are deeply concerned and have very serious doubts about me taking this drastic step, but they are voicing their concerns in a non-judgmental way and I am grateful for that. The only slightly snarky comment came from someone I know casually and honestly, her opinion doesn't matter much to me one way or another so it was like Water off a duck's back. I don't hold her in particularly high esteem, so no way would I let her affect mine. Wonder what your coworkers will be saying when you start hitting your stride! Living well is the best revenge so have fun with it! kagead
  15. Not to sound harsh, but you don't owe them an explanation and you have no reason to feel like you do. A simple, "My Dr (family, significant other or whatever) and I have discussed this and I know it is the right decision for me at this time. I am sorry you can't be supportive, but I'm looking forward to a healthy future." Let them say whatever they want. You aren't doing this for them, you are doing it for yourself. If they are small minded enough to belittle you this positive step, I am guessing they aren't too kind about other things as well. Stay strong and best of luck to you! kagead
  16. kagead

    June 7th surgery..

    I'm a week after you two. I'm scheduled for the 14th.
  17. kagead

    I'll start, any others?

    I started this process in November and just got my date- June 14th. Was really hoping for an early May surgery, but bureaucratic paperwork at the hospital and insurance company kept me in limbo the entire month of April. Keeping my fingers crossed this last little stretch goes quickly!!!
  18. kagead

    How to you cook your fish?

    Don't forget you can actually BBQ "meatier" fish like Salmon, Tuna and Swordfish. Keep the seasonings simple prior to grilling and brush on your favorite BBQ sauce during the last few minutes of cooking. The meatier fish choices also do well with marinades like italian dressing and Asian inspired sauces (soy, ginger, tamari, etc.) You can get your fish market (or the fish counter at any good grocery store) to grind your fish to make burgers. Salmon and tuna are good options. Mix the fish with breadcrumbs, onions and any seasonings you would put in a regular burger and grill away. These can also be done indoors on a good grill pan. Tilapia is a great fish to use for Fish Tacos. Do you like seafood? Shrimp and Scallops are also great on the grill. Crab legs are easy to steam and quick to prepare. If you want something "crunchy", you can do a baked version of deep fried fish fillets by using something like cod or pollock, breading them in egg, milk and panko breadcrumbs and baking them in the oven. If you like things spicy, add some chili powder to the breadcrumbs. You can also add italian seasoning, cajun seasoning or whatever else catches your fancy. Don't be afraid to treat the fish like you would a piece of meat. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! Good luck to you! kagead
  19. kagead

    How much was your Psyc evaluation?

    My insurance covered it, but the coverage is 50% of the negotiated rate with an in-network provider. I ended up paying $160 OOP. Met with the guy for an hour, talked the whole time, took a very generic 20 question test after the "interview" and was on my way. kagead
  20. kagead

    Request for Lap Band Submitted today!

    Congrats! Your process was much quicker than mine- I started this on Nov. 24 and my file was submitted to ins. on April 14. It took BCBSIL 11 business days to approve me (felt like time was standing still!) and now I'm waiting on a surgery date. Still holding out hope it will happen in May, but June is more likely at this point. Good luck to you! kagead
  21. kagead


    There are a ton of them- just do a group search for lap band and they'll all come up. The last time I checked there were over 100. Just keep in mind that like many other FB groups (and this site, as well) they were probably started by other patients and fans/contributors are people who have had the procedure. They aren't "official" in any sense, but more of a supportive community. IIRC, Allergan and Realize don't have sponsored groups on FB, but I haven't checked in a while. kagead
  22. kagead

    How many of you.....

    SOP for my surgical practice is outpatient and my insurance company does not require an overnight stay. FWIW, I will be having my surgery done at a major hospital in downtown Chicago. My mom had her LB done by the same surgical team I will be using and she stayed overnight because she was a clot risk. My procedure will be outpatient. A friend of mine who also used the same surgical team was in at 7:00am and home by 3:00 that afternoon. Good luck to you! DM
  23. So happy for you and soooooo jealous! My file has been sitting with BCBSIL since last Wednesday. I call and check every day, but no word yet. Good luck to you! kagead
  24. If you have business appropriate attire, please consider a group like Dress for Success. Home - Dress for Success It gives women who are trying to re-enter the workforce clothing they can use to go on job interviews. They always need things of all sizes. Congrats on your loss so far! kagead
  25. Every Dr. and every insurance company is different, so you need to get specifics from whomever you are working with for your surgery. That said, my insurance company uses the BMI recorded on the first visit, whether it was with the surgeon, the nutritionist or anyone else on their team. The starting BMI is the one used for qualification. As for weight loss pre-op, again, it depends. Some insurance companies and Drs. need to see you can stick to a diet and be successful at it. I was told that I could lose weight (it wasn't mandatory) or maintain, but I couldn't gain weight. Some of the people in my nutrition classes had a certain amount of weight they had to lose pre-op. Keep reading these boards and use the search function but be warned, you will find a million different answers for every question you have. Good luck! kagead

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