Everytime I get on this web page to log in, I have to reset my password eveytime. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I had my stomach stapled in 1981 with Dr. Horace Robbins out of Clear Lake and I went to see Dr. Spivak this past Saturday and he has agreed to do the lap band. I gained weight with my second child 13 years ago that I haven't been able to get off and it keeps going up. He said he has had past patients that have had the stomach stapling before. I was wanting to try and find any of those ladies/gentleman and ask them questions also. I have had one friend have the lap band three years ago and the only complication she had was Dr. Spivak got the band to tight and she had to go two times to the ER to have fluids put back in her body. Other than that she has only had one other fill and has lost 100 lbs. I just have so many question. You would think I would not, but I am 24 years older with children and I am more cautious then I use to be.