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great expectations

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by great expectations

  1. Yesterday my DH hugged me and said, "You're smaller! I can tell." He called me "tiny". I know I'm not tiny yet but it made me feel really good. He said he can definetly notice a difference in my size by hugging me. I'm going to be asking for a lot more hugs...lol

    That is really sweet lady. I wish my husband was more like that. He is not negative or anything. It is just that everyone is complimenting me on how good I look. I have not told anyone about my band just that I work out about 4 days a week and have changed my eating habits...all true. My husband seems to just compare me to himself. Instead of saying something about my weight loss, he'll comment something like, I'm losing weight too. Why can't he just be happy for me and let me have my moment. Maybe he's jealous, I don't know. But, we are not in competition. I bought me a new scale and he gets on it everyday and expects me to tell him he looks smaller...yeah right. Anyway, I am just enjoying the compliments of strangers and feeling really good about it. (just had to vent :thumbdown:)

  2. Well Ladies,

    Don't give up! I went to my Dr. on yesterday hoping for a fill because I feel like I can just eat and eat and eat and he would not give me one! At first, I was totally angry but after talking to him, I think that I am glad I did not get one. I have been losing an average of 2 lbs per week which is nice an slow. I am able to eat anything that I want without any stuck episodes or PB or sliming or anything else, thank God. I would rather take it nice and slow with no complications instead of quick with stuck and sliming problems. He felt that since I am losing it was better not to overfill, which would cause problems. I am not really full after eating and I have to tell myself that enough is enough. However, I am able to go longer between meals now. I guess it was the greed that got me here in the first place so I need to learn to stop eating when my body has had enough. Just stay positive and don't give up. Keep exercising and making the right food choices and I am confident that this journey will be well worth the ride.

  3. Hello December Delights,

    It's been a while since I've posted, and I hope that you are all doing well and looking forward to warm weather. I most certainly am. I've had some success since my last post. I had previously been too tight, but that has been corrected and I've even had a fill since then. I went to a support group meeting at my doctors office earlier this month and felt a little disappointed about my weight loss compared to some of the others. There was one lady who had lost 78 lbs since her surgery in November. I have only dropped 25 since my surgery in December. I was thinking "Man, I must be doing something wrong". However, I have come to the conclusion that everyone is different and losing at my own pace is fine, as long as I get to my goal. It might take me a little longer, but I'm ok with that. I am down 8 pounds since my last fill, which was about 3 weeks ago (around the time of the support meeting). I've started setting a walking goal for myself each week, usually 25 miles and then I either hit the road or walk at home with the "walk away the pounds" DVD. I'm up to 5 miles a day and oh so excited about it. I also try to do zumba twice a week at the gym. I feel very motivated and will do what I have to do to reach my goals. It is very nice to have you guys to reach out to for support and I'd like to thank each of you who have responded when I really needed help. Hugs to all of you!!!

    Hi Kimmi,

    I know what you mean. We were banded on the same day. I have only lost about 33 lbs since my surgery but that is 33 lbs gone forever. I used to get a little depressed whenever I read how much weight everyone was losing and how much saline everyone was getting in their band when compared to me. I thought that I was behind the curve. I don't even know what size my band is. I have only had 2 fills so far and my doc only put 1cc the first time and a little over 1 cc the second time. He says an overfill should never happen and he tries to adjust to each person's individual needs. I can really eat more than the 1/4 or 1/2 cup we are supposed to eat and I do eat until I am satisfied. I try to make healthy food choices and always combine Protein with veggies and complex carbs if needed. Although my progress seem slow, I do seem to be progressing and I have not had a problem eating anything that I have tried. I enjoy that. While I want my band to be a tool to help me reach my goal, I do not want to be a slave to it and eat only what it tells me to. I want to be able to enjoy the food that I do eat because I am making a sincere concious effort to only eat what is healthy and good for my body. I am exercising on a regular basis and I feel so much better. I know this is a process and I am just taking it nice and easy to my goal weight. I know that I will make it and so will you.:):thumbup:

  4. Okay my fellow December Delights,

    I finally got my 2nd fill today. Yeah, only my second but I thank God for it. Still not too much put in though. Only 1.5 cc. My doc says he likes to take it slow because overfill cause more problems than necessary even when he can take some out later if it I am too tight. I guess I should be grateful. At least he is cautious and I really don't want to go through the too tight ordeal. He did give me an appointment to come back in 3 weeks for another fill though. I do feel this one this time at least. I drank about 2 ozs of a smoothie and I am full. Let's see how long this lasts. I don't hurt or anything and I am actually satisfied. I really like this. Now I have hope of what my band can do for me. I have determined to restart my exercise program. I have my schedule all made out and everything. LOOK OUT WORLD....HERE I COME!!!

    ..By the way, I forgot to mention that even in my 3 week pity party overeating state, I lost 3 lbs. Must be God feeling sorry for me and gave me an extra boost.:blushing:

  5. Okay my fellow December Delights,

    I finally got my 2nd fill today. Yeah, only my second but I thank God for it. Still not too much put in though. Only 1.5 cc. My doc says he likes to take it slow because overfill cause more problems than necessary even when he can take some out later if it I am too tight. I guess I should be grateful. At least he is cautious and I really don't want to go through the too tight ordeal. He did give me an appointment to come back in 3 weeks for another fill though. I do feel this one this time at least. I drank about 2 ozs of a smoothie and I am full. Let's see how long this lasts. I don't hurt or anything and I am actually satisfied. I really like this. Now I have hope of what my band can do for me. I have determined to restart my exercise program. I have my schedule all made out and everything. LOOK OUT WORLD....HERE I COME!!!

  6. Good Morning Everyone! Just wanted to let you know the DH decided to surprise me with a trip to DC and back across the US for my birthday. So, I won't be posting nearly as much. Just didn't want to drop out of sight. I will miss you and try to check in. Love and Hugs to all....

    Hi IL,

    Hope you have a superfabulous time!

  7. Hi All,

    I really needed this site tonight. I have been sorta depressed lately and eating everything that will go down...and that is everything that I put in my mouth. I feel so bad, I have not exercised in about 2 weeks-working a lot of overtime due to back log and everything. Well enough of that pity party...I am scheduled for a fill on Thursday. Only my second and I only have 1 cc since my surgery on Dec 17th. I will definitely ask for an aggressive fill too. Also, I will get back into the exercise routine so that I can get going in the right direction. I really want to lose 50lbs by May and I know that I can do it. Thank you all for being here. I love this family!

  8. Hello I had my band placed July 27th 2007. I started at 282 pounds and reached my goal of 150 npounds on New Years Eve. This has been the most wonderful thing I could have done for myself. If I can help please let me know how.

    Oh Alison, you are exactly where I started, 282, and where I want to be. 150. I look forward to reading your advice so I can reach that goal as well. You are an inspiration for me. I have more confidence that I can reach that goal:thumbup:

  9. Thanks! I do have gas-x strips, trying them occassionally. I'm trying to get the Protein in but its not going in too easily, hate the feeling of my stomach in my throat. I'll keep trudging along, i'm sure each day will be a little better.

    Does anyone have suggestions on tasty Vitamins?

    I know how you must feel. I still have problems passing gas more frequently. I have just resolved that it is a natural bodily function and , oh well. At least they are not really smelly (TMI). As for vitamins, I take chewable Centrum. Orange flavor and not too bad either. Wal Mart has these proteing shots-26gm of protein in fruit punch flavor. I add one to a bottle of crystal light and just sip on it until it is gone. I find when I am just sipping all day, I can down more than I realize. Hang in there....this too shall past!:cursing:

  10. Thanks, everyone! :cursing: I feel like a new woman! :smile:

    Shurtado, don't be scared away. It is a hard journey because the band is not a magic bullet. You have to commit to diet and exercise to lose successfully. Also, I completely gave up white sugar, all white carbs, fried food, soda, caffeine, gum, and snacking between meals. That was *huge* for me. I am truly addicted to sugar, which is why I gave it up. Most people who get banded don't go to that extreme. But, no, there's no pain (other than from the surgery, which varies from person to person and only lasts a couple of days). I would recommend this to anyone who needs it.

    Good luck, everyone! You can do it!! :crying::thumbup::wink:

    :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: WAY TO GO! You are an inspiration. I hope to be 100lb lighter by this time next year. I gave up soda just prior to being banded and now, I don't even miss it at all. I have been contemplating giving up the processed white carbs as well and now I definitely will. I have been slowly transitioning to wheat spaghetti, brown rice, etc. My family is now used to it as well. Thank you for sharing.

  11. So I sit at 296, 99 pounds of fat from my goal weight. I am sure you can hear the song ringing in your head so here is my version…

    99 pounds of fat to fall

    99 pounds of fat

    Lose one pound, it hits the ground

    98 pounds of fat to fall…

    Ok it’s dorky, but I am in one of those moods…Keep on singing 

    Hey, this could be a great workout song for stretching!:cursing:

  12. Thin me, I have this pain too. It's more in my left shoulder and my neck when I'm "stuck" or too full. The thread recommended by another poster said that the band may be on the phernic (sp) nerve and if it's a real problem the band may have to be removed. It would take a lot of pain for me to give up my band!!!

    Hey Yall,

    I know exactly what you are talking about. I thought I had a pinched nerve or something and then I realized that neck and shoulder pain is mainly after I eat maybe too much. I just wish I had a better signal. Oh well, like illumination lady said, I would have to be in constant tears from the pain to give up this band!

  13. No fill today...boo! Doc said I did so well losing 11 lbs this past month that I don't need one. I only have .5 in my band.

    I was wondering the same as Illumination Lady. I would think the docs would let us decide what is best for us. After all, we are the ones going through this hell. Congrats on the weight loss too. Keep up the good work!

  14. Wait a week and call your doctor. Six weeks is too long!!! I have a fill every two weeks and have had two total. I now have some restriction and am enjoying this!!! My band is working for you me. But I continue to make good food choices and portion things out. We haven't heard from you in a while. Glad to hear you're all healed. This period "Bandster Hell" is exactly that...Hell!!! Call your doctor in a week's time and tell him that you are hungry and going to end up gaining. Take care....

    Thanks Lady,

    You are always such an inspiration to everyone. I will definitely be calling my doctor back next week. I did not go through this for nothing.

  15. Hi All,

    I FINALLY got my first fill today. Surgery was on 12/17/09 and my doc went out of town..now only 1 cc and I feel hungrier than ever. What is up with that? I was fighting off hunger pains before and I was really hoping this would help me. I am supposed to be on liquids only for 2 days followed by a day of mushies before going on to regular food. I am starving. My kids wanted chili mac today and after making it, I ate a little bit of the chili without the mac. Nothing happened!:thumbup: I hate feeling hungry! It is such a bummer :biggrin:. Now my doc is saying another 6 weeks til my 2nd fill. I don't think that I can make it that long. I have lost 20 lbs since surgery-totalling 28lbs since starting this journey. I really would like to see things moving along. I don't even know what size band I have since I forgot to ask my doc at my appointment. Please somebody...tell me this is only temporary:crying:

  16. Hi December Delights,

    I am almost officially 6 weeks post op now and eating just fine. My doc won't even consider a fill until a complete 6 weeks post op so I am glad that I am there now. I can certainly use a fill. I had determined to wait until the end of this month to even call the office. My surgery was on 12/17 and I want to be completely healed up inside and out. I hope everything is where is should be with my band because I don't want to go through any un-necessary procedures. Hope everyone is doing fine.

    Happy Journey!

  17. I am just riding out this long journey until my first fill. I got really tired of being hungry. You know, before the band you have to starve yourself. I had been starving since August. So, I'm not overeating, just maintaining. Remember I had all the Fluid removed from my band the day after surgery. So, I also have nooooooooooooooo restriciton. I eat sensibly but have not lost any weight. I'm not fretting over this either. My band is in place and I will continue to lose weight but need some restriction. My first fill is Jan. 21st and my doc said that she will put back the fluid that was removed and then some. Thanks for asking about me. I've been reading all your posts just haven't posted myself. I'm not losing so I guess I didn't feel part of the gand anymore.

    Hi Lady,

    I was thinking about you today. We were banded on the same day and I sorta feel connected to you. I don't think that I have been loosing either and I really haven't been posting, although I have been reading. I don't have any restriction and I am just trying to make sensible eating choices. I have decided to make these first 6-8 weeks post op a healing and relearning process. Afterall, I have used over 40yrs of my life to just eat whatever I wanted and now I have to relearn for life. I have been trying to walk at least 30-45min every day. Once I can go to regular exercises, I will start going to the Zumba and Pilates classes at the gym. Just think, by Christmas 2010 we will be ALL NEW!:thumbup:

  18. Before I had my surgery i was very active (running atleast 3 miles a day, weight lifting..ect) then I had my LAP-BAND® surgery and i cant even walk arround my block and when i come home from walking such a shirt distance i need to take a 3 hour nap. I have no idea whats going on, is it because of the surgery and my body still healing?, has anyone else felt like this ?

    BTW: i had my surgery on december 23rd 2009

    Boy am I glad to hear that I am not the only one with no energy. I had my band placed on 12/17 and I still have to push myself to get moving. I work from home and this is really a challenge for me. All I want to do is sleep. I started going to the gym in the morning before I get started, hoping to get some energy from walking for 30-45min. However, by the time I get home and shower, I just want to sleep again. I am not even getting on a scale because I just feel so lethargic. I have decided to give my body the full six weeks or so to heal up before I even start to really work on loosing weight. On my post op visit, I had lost 17 or 18 lbs and my dr said that was good. He won't even consider a fill until after the first six weeks. He says that I should not even think about it or loosing weight either until I am completely healed and can do it the right way, so, that's what I'm gonna do. I figure by Feb 1 I should be able to be on my way.

  19. Hey Everyone,

    Just wanted to share that I found a new substitute for grits. I really like grits, especially with liver and onions (I'm from the south). Anyway, we all know that grits add hips. High in calories. WEll, the Italian dish, Polenta, is alot like grits and only 70 cal per serving. I can only eat 1/2 serving though because a full serving is a lot. I smothered some calves liver tonight with lots of onions and I had just a small piece of the liver (PROTEIN) and the onion gravy with the polenta and it was delicious. Kept me satisfied for over 4hrs too! Now that's a meal!:tt1:

  20. I had lot's of female problems growing up,...I was on lot's of med's for diabetes, choles, blood presure...I needed to take on a new healthy path so I did it....Glad I did so far...Smooches


    Don't feel so bad about the scars. There are lots of creams available now to help with that. My son was hit by a car and got burned really bad in the fac and legs by the exhaust pipes. I thought he would be scarred for life. I mixed up a cream with pure Vitamin E oil, coco butter and shea butter and let me tell ya, it took some diligence in applying it but you would never know he was scarred. His face is all cleared up now. I don't remember how long it took but just stay diligent and you will definitely notice the difference.

  21. I have just read about the 5 Day Pouch Test. Did anyone lose weight during the 5 days? If you have lost weight, how much did you lose?


    I just read about this test. I don't know if anyone has lost weight on it or not, but I am certainly gonna try it to make sure I haven't messed my little baby up.:tt1:

  22. Anyway, here are my stats. Weight yesterday is from my support group meeting:

    Summer visit to PCP (highest weight): 294

    1st visit to surgeon - 11/2/09: 288

    Pre-op visit - 12/7/09: 282

    Day of surgery - 12/17/09: 268

    1/5/10: 261

    Hey Melinco,

    Looks like we are right in there together. My pre-op weight was 282...day of surgery 268 and today I was at 265. You have me beat by 4 lbs but I am working on it. My doc told me to wait another 6 weeks for a fill. Can you believe that? I can say though, it really is this head hunger that is kicking my but. I work from home on a computer all day and I just want to snack. I have been fighting it, but BOY is it hard. Anyone has any suggestions on how I can fight this constant thought of food? Am I really that greedy?:(

  23. Well hello fellow bandster hellians,

    Seems like we are all in this together. I am having more problems with head hunger I think. I don't really feel hungry because my stomach always feels bloated or gassy. I take the gas x strips and I do pass gas (tmi) but I still feel bloated. Nevertheless, I still have an urge to eat something. This is what makes me think it is only head hunger. I have not gotten on the scale since surgery on 12/17 but I go for my first post-op appt tomorrow so I will see what it says. I started at 282 prior to pre-op diet and was at 268-269 on the day of surgery. I am just feeling tired, although I am trying to get in the Protein and I have started to exercise more. I guess this is just a process that I am determined to get through.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
