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great expectations

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by great expectations

  1. great expectations

    I messed up...

    hope you get to feeling better soon. When i just couldn't pass up the urge for soda, I shook it up first to get some of the air bubbles out.
  2. great expectations

    How long did it take to get approved by BCBS?

    Every BCBS plan is independent so it depends on which plan you have. I would suggest that you get a tentative date from your surgeon and call the insurance company yourself. I have BCBS GA and was approved in less than a week. Even though I did not have a definite date, I asked for a tentative date to get things moving. Furthermore, I called the insurance company every other day just to let them know that I was waiting.
  3. great expectations

    December Delights 2009

    I know what you mean about that protein powder. I know how important it is to get that protein in, but my God I have to hold my breath to drink it and I can hardly stand it! The pre mixed drinks are too sweet for me too. I guess I will have to eat my protein!
  4. great expectations

    I am STARVING!

    Well Heather, I am right there with you..:drool:This was my plan today also..and blew it just as well. Let's try again tomorrow. I have an appointment on 1/06 too. Hopefully, I can get a fill. My surgery was on 12/17 so I don't know. All I do know is that I have got to get this hunger under control! WE CAN DO THIS!!
  5. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    Thanks bunches!!! I really don't care for the taste of the powdered protein, even the unflavored. However, I REALLY do not want to gain..so, off to GNC to get that protein. I will also up my fluid intake. It is soooo good to have others along for support. YOu are a really great supporter illuminationlady!
  6. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    OKAY...WHY AM I STARVING? :thumbup: I started out pretty good, following my doc's instructions to a T. I am now 11 days post op and was told to stay on full liquids for 14 days before moving to mushies. Well, I moved to mushies on day 8 because it was Christmas and I wanted food. Now, I can not seem to get satisfied. I try to keep the food mushies but my biggest problem is not eating too much. I keep telling my self that I am at my limit but food is all I seem to think about now. Is this a mind game or what? I am determined to make this work. I have not weighed myself since before surgery..maybe I should so that I can see if I'm making any progress. My doc went out of town for the holidays and my first followup is not until Jan 6th. Hope I make it till then.:thumbup::cursing:
  7. great expectations

    December Delights 2009

    Merry Christmas Band Family, Well, I am 8 days post op now and feeling pretty good. I am still on the full liquid phase but I did cheat today. I had some soft dressing, brocollie casserole and corn pudding. I only had about 1 tablespoon of each but it was oh soooo good. I was not really full but I kept telling myself that I was at my limit. My family went to the movies and I ate about 2 handfulls of popcorn...my weakness. I just sucked on each piece until it got soft and then chewed the rest until it dissappeared in my mouth. I don't think that I did any harm. I chose the band so that I could be in control, not in bondage and I don't want to feel in bondage to food. I am supposed to remain on full liquids for another week, but I believe that I will begin to incorporate some very mushies in between as I am starting to have an increase in my appetite. I am determined to make this band work regardless of how long it takes. No longer will food control me!
  8. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    Hi All, First of all. The Unjury protein products aren't too bad. The chicken soup flavored is pretty good, as well as the chocolate and unflavored. There are alot of recipes they can be used in as well. I am a baby bandster. I was originally scheduled on Dec 16th but got to the hospital and waited six hours before being told that the OR had been overbooked and was asked to come back on the 17th. I am just glad I only live 1 hr away or I would have been really upset. I am now 3 days post op and I can't say that I am feeling all that great. I haven't had much of an appetite and I am sorta afraid of getting dehydrated. I tried drinking some Pedialyte to keep my electrolytes up. Also, with dehydration comes nausea, which I am experiencing, so, I am also taking the phenergan. I don't have much energy either-just sore around my midsection. I know that this is just the beginning but I'm looking forward to a brand new life.
  9. I'm nervous too. I am also spending the night so I won't be able to post. My thoughts are with you. It kinda feels good knowing that someone is right there with me.

  10. great expectations

    First major weight loss goal!!!

    Dani, all I can say is...YOU ROCK! Ain't no stopping you now!:thumbup:
  11. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    illuminationlady...tomorrow is my day too! I am soooo excited! I have only been on carnation instant breakfast for the past 7 days with some clear broth in between. I think I have gotten over the hunger headaches since I can even prepare a full meal for my family without loosing it:drool:. My husband is now trying to get me to change my mind, but there is no way! It is time for me to take control of my own life now. I am even excited about exercising!
  12. great expectations

    Core Workout and Jogging Suggestions/Advice

    This is exactly where I want to be. I get banded tomorrow and I am now in a 22/24. I desire to be between a 12 and 14. Thank you for letting me know it is possible. I have joined the ymca and have been using the ellptical and treadmill. They offer several classes, including pilates and I will definitely take advantage of them.
  13. great expectations

    December Delights 2009

    Illuminatonlady-you and I are scheduled to be banded on the same day...Wed 16th. I am getting so excited I can hardly stand it. God has truly been helping me with this pre op diet. I only had a week to do just 3-4 carnation instant breakfast and I have been sticking to it, despite the fact that I have still had to prepare regular meals for my family. I am just so determined to make this work. Just think, as you said....3 more sleeps and we will be banded! YA HOO!!!
  14. great expectations


    Wow, I hope my boops don't shrink.:thumbup: I had a breast reduction 2 yrs ago because I could not seem to lose weight enough to reduce them and they were causing me neck, shoulder and back pain. I went from a DDD to a C. Now that I have decided to have this band done, I hope my C don't shrink. I really like them this size.
  15. great expectations

    Weightloss Challenge

    Well Guys, I don't get banded until Dec 16th but I would love to be in on this as a get starter. Currently I weigh 278 and would love to be to at least 250 by Valentines day. I am determined to be at least 100lbs lighter by this time next year...so off we go!
  16. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    Hey Doer, My band date is the 16th also. It is good to see someone who will be right on track with me. My doctor only put me on the liquid diet for 7 days. I was given the option of 3-4 slimfast shakes (before the recall) or 3-4 carnation sugar free instant breakfasts. I chose the carnation since it is cheaper and it tastes pretty good being mixed with the skim milk. Of course, all of the water and sugar free drinks I want. I have really been drinking alot of water to keep hydrated as well as some crystal light. I haven't even weighed myself since beginning the pre op diet and I don't plan to until surgery day. I don't have to be at the hospital until 1pm so I will just weigh myself at the gym when I go for a walk (maybe). It would be really depressing for me to see that I haven't lost any weight. However, I have not been very active either. I am trying to change that though. I know that all of this working together will give me the results that I desire. My new friend, the band, will help me out tremendously. I have seen on this sight that some people even name their bands, making it more personal. I have decided to name my band Steph-after my deceased sister. We will always be close. Keep in touch and we will run this race together!:thumbup::thumbup:
  17. great expectations

    Hmm, where do I start? (sorry so long)

    Sweethinkr, I don't know what kind of religious preference you have, but if you believe in the word of God, filling any empty space with His word will do wonders for your life. Even if you don't believe, if you will just try Him-I guarentee that you will not be disappointed. You will wonder where does the time fly by.
  18. great expectations

    Hmm, where do I start? (sorry so long)

    Believe me, you are in the right place. I am sure no one meant to bash you. I have found nothing but support and motivation on this site. You are valuable and you have a purpose in life. I think that you must first concentrate on you and getting you well. Work on the depression issues first and the weight loss issues will fall in line. I know that it is easier said than done to get up and exercise, I struggle with it everyday. However, I know that the rewards will be well worth it. Start loving yourself and do this for you. KNow that we are here for you. If you want a more one on one support, feel free to email me. I am more than willing to go this mile with you. God bless! You can do this!:eek:
  19. great expectations

    December Delights 2009

    Hey All, I really feel like family here. Congrats to all who have their new friend now. I was scheduled for the 21st but my dr is going out of town and I have been moved up to the 16th. I was to start my 7 day liquid diet on the 14th but that has started today:tongue_smilie:Not too bad. I can have either slimfast or carnation instant breakfast 3-4 a day and plenty of water and sugar free drinks like crystal light. Of course, I chose carnation with all of the slimfast news. Anyway, I am getting nervous now..but exicited at the same time:rolleyes2:. Well, I guess I had better get back to work, just wanted to check in with my band fam!
  20. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    Congrats to all who have their bands in place. My date is approaching, 12/21 and I go for EGD on Monday-to make sure no hernia. I think that I will start my pre op diet then. I only have to do a 7 day but if I can try for 14 even better. I was given the option of slim fast or sugar free carnation instant breakfast. Since I have just heard about the slim fast :w00t:-Carnataion it is! I can hardly wait...I'm so excited!!! :tongue2:
  21. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    Personally, I want to lose 125lbs. I know I can do it!!
  22. great expectations

    Finally, 100 pounds!

    Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself. You have perservered and accomplished a great task! :thumbup:
  23. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    GOT MY DATE!! :confused: Looks like I'm getting a band for Christmas! :scared2: Dec 21st is my date. I am excited and nervous:cursing:. I am now ready to start stocking up on my goodies. Thanks everyone for the lists!
  24. great expectations

    December Bandsters 2009

    Well Everyone, looks like I may be banded in December after all. I can hardly believe it. I went to a seminar on Nov 10 with a copy of all of my medical records. I was initially scheduled for a consultation on 12/01/09 but got a call today that I have been approved. :redface::hurray::smile2: I now have to go in on 11/19/09. My psych eval was just completed today. I am sooo excited yet nervous at the same time. I am soooooooo ready to get on with this journey. I just thank God for this site and all of the support.
  25. great expectations

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    Well All, I have gone to the seminar and my initial consultation on 12/01/09. I went to the seminar with all of my medical records and insurance info so hopefully it won't take long to get approved. I don't have to have the six month diet but I do have documentation of previous weight loss efforts that I have tried. I am really looking forward to having this done soon by faith I am gonna say COUNT ME IN! Yeah :thumbup:

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