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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Astrasmom

  1. How long did it take from the time you did your seminar to the time you were given your surgery date? What happens between then? I have my seminar this saturday. My Dr referred me last week and my insurance has already approved me but I was curious what will go on from after the seminar. Thank you for your replies.

    I had to go 6 months before my insurance would approve my surgery. After my seminar I went to my first consultation with the doctor about 2 weeks after and received a tentative surgery date. After I finished all my pre-surgery requirements my surgery date was moved up a week to 10/23/09.

  2. Hi October Bandsters. I was banded on Oct. 23. Just started the mushie stage on Monday (11/2/2009). I'm down 20 lbs since surgery and already feeling better. I guess now I start what everyone calls "Bandster Hell" until my first fill in 5 weeks. I'm not hungry at all really. I'm listening to my stomach rather then my head (head hunger) and trying to keep myself busy.

    Hope everyone is doing well and healing after surgery. Keep in touch.

  3. Hello, i had my surgery on Nov. 3rd and im on a clear liquid diet until my first post op visit on the 16th. Im concerned about not getting enough nutrients and Protein so Im pretty much sticking to broth, popsicles, low calorie gatorade and sf Jello. Any other ideas for clear liquid diet? I wont be starting full liquids till the 16th i assume.. Thanks for any ideas.... :thumbup:

    www.unjury.com The chicken flavored Protein is great. And also the unflavored is good because you can put it in Crystal light or Jello.< /p>

  4. i see members on here that post threads/pictures that say 92 pounds gone FOREVER...50 pounds gone FOREVER and so on and so 4th...i can't seem to grasp the FOREVER part...i'm the 1st person on here to tell people that ask me questions to "just relax and take it day by day"....i can't seem to follow my own advice when it comes to maintaining my loss...i CAN'T relax....i'm scared to death to relax...i don't think any loss from any type of weight loss surgery is FOREVER...i've seen people on here and in my own personal life put their weight back on...(mostly bypass patients)...i'm not doing anything different then i did to lose the weight...but i can't get over this fear of it coming back...i find myself working out harder to make sure it doesnt come back...my husband friends and family don't understand what i am going through...and now think i have a "problem"....who doesnt...lol....i can't live in that misery again...i can't do it...but i can't seem to grasp the FOREVER in my head either...its on my mind all day....everyday....i feel like if i have the FOREVER mind-set i'm going to get lazy....if i feel like if i think i'm invisible to ever gain my weight back i'm kidding myself...i'm happy going to the gym...i happy with what and how i eat...i didn't have to chage much about how i eat....i love meat...i just needed the portion control...i have that with my band...but i want to feel like i'm going to be okay...i want some1 to assure me that i'm going to be okay...that if i keep doing what i'm doing it won't come back...i'm totally stressed out about this...

    I just want to stress that it didn't take over night to become overweight. We all had many years of practice. So it's not going to take overnight to be thin. It's also going to take many years of practice to break that cycle, even when you DO reach your goal weight. Weightloss is a never ending battle. Weight Gain is a battle worth fighting.

    As for the fear of gaining the weight back because of your personal experiences with mostly bypass patients. My doc told me that after 2 years the bypass stops working because you have already reached a certain amount of weight and it can't be adjusted. After that 2 years it's up to you. The lapband can be adjusted. But I'm not saying you don't have to continue your battle. What I will say is that YOU look amazing. And I know you have worked hard and will continue to work hard. Be proud of yourself that you got this far. Don't look to far in the future because it is very scary. Take things one day at a time.

  5. Hi All!

    I am currently on Mushies and I recently got on the scale (silly me) and notice I gained 2 pounds! Is there a certain amount of calories I should be eating on this phase! I am surely missing the days (2 weeks ago) when I was stuffed on chicken broth and couldnt finish the whole bowl! I am starting to become a lot more hungry to the point when I wonder if my band is correct (silly I know) Im so worried I am eating too much! Should I be staying under a certain amount of calories??? I cannot gain anymore weight! Please Help!:thumbup:

    I am on Mushies. My Nutrionalist gave me a list to go by and told me that if you follow the list it's all spelled out for you how much calories. Which is about 600-700 calories and 70-80 grams of Protein a day. It's 3 meals of 2-3 OZ (4-6tbs) as each meal. Plus I'm on three 8oz Protein shakes a day. She put me on 8oz because I was hungry inbetween and I have 5 weeks until my first fill. She said that I have to sip it really slow though.

    As someone else said and many have said, this is where we go through 'banders hell'. After we heal we should start losing the weight.

  6. Aww Katie. We will definately support you here. I know where you are because as someone else said, my family is very supportive but my husband is horrible. Even after my surgery he still doesn't get it. I have had many people tell me it's the easy way out too. But those are the ones that are "skinny" or stuck in the time warp that diets work. I know myself that this isn't a diet. This is a lifestyle change. And personally this is far from the easy way out. Honestly I don't care what they say anymore. I want to live. I'm tired of feeling the way I do. And it's time that I did something for myself. Please do think about going to your local support groups. Your family may come around eventually. But if they don't, just remember you are in this for you. You are doing this at a great time in your life. I wish I did mine sooner.

    There is a forum for teens on here. Don't know if you have found it yet. Here's the link. Teens - LAP-BAND Surgery and LAP-BAND Discussion Forum

    You can lean on my for support. We are all here for you.

    Hello everyone, I am 18 and am scheduled to have the gastric banding surgery in December of 2009. I am quite nervous because I have a very unsupportive family. My dad told me I was taking the "easy" way out by surgery. I have always been overweight since the day I was born. I think its time that I do something that will help me. I only have a few close friends who do not understand what I going through physically, emotionally, and mentally. If there is anyone around my age or just someone that has good advice I need it. I do not think this will go very well without supportive people in my life. I'd appreciate the help.


  7. I see a lot of complaints about the shakes being yucky. I did not like the vanilla and chocolate shakes either. I started putting my vanilla packet in my de caff tea. I use it like coffee mate. It is good. I also bought, at my surgeons, the Protein mixes that are berry, orange and lemon flavored. The berry is the best and what I do is throw them in my 20oz drink shaker thing with crystal lite. I guess a shake is thicker and may add to satisfaction, but if you can't stand it.....Hope this Helps.

    In the coffee sounds good but my doctor told me now caffinated beverages. And Decaf coffee also has caffine in it. He said that it will dehydrate you. And that for every cup of coffee that you have it takes 2 cups to replace what your body gets rid of with coffee. And it was HARD to give up my coffee because that was my addiction.

    However unjury chicken flavored Protein is pretty good. You have to mix it with warm Water. After it's mixed you can stick it in the microwave for about 30 sec to make it hotter.

    I also use the Elite protien powder. In Vanilla and Mocha. They are pretty good. Sometimes I use the unflavored Unjury which I stick in sugar free Jello, applesauce or my Crystal Light drink.

  8. Hi--

    I have just started researching the lapband. I have my inital consult next week with my surgeon but I have a question about life after banding:

    I see 3 meals --no snacking---at least 64 oz of liquids.

    I see a lot of talk about shakes.< /p>

    Are the shakes considered the MEALS or are the shakes a supplemental Protein? ?

    Can someone who is banded post a general daily meal plan? ?

    Thanks so much ---hope to be joining you soon!

    I was on a pre-op diet 2 weeks before my surgery, which consisted of 3 Protein Shakes, small salad, V8, sugar free jello/pudding, oatmeal, sugar free applesauce and sugar free yogurt.

    Stage 1 - My diet was just 3 protien shakes a day. 64oz of Fluid a day (the shakes count as the fluids). Water, Crystal Light, Decaf Ice tea or hot tea, broth, Sugar free ice pops.

    Stage 2- Mushie foods plus 3 8oz Protien shakes a day.

    As everyone says it all depends on your doctor. My doctor says no snacking inbetween meals. Eat high protien meals (fish, chicken..ect) as your 3 main meals and try not to drink any fluids for at least an hour afterwards. The longer the food stays in your pouch the less hungry you will be. I am on 8oz protien shakes inbetween so that I don't get hungry. I have to wait 2 hours after my meal to have a protien shake. Except for the first shake that comes first in the morning (before my meal). Normally it's 4-6oz but my nutritionist said that I have to sip really slow. They did this because I get hungry inbetween and my first fill is not for 5 weeks yet.

  9. I'm on pureed, so I'm not eating any meats (allergic to fish), so I've been doing these tasty Protein shakes w/ chocolate and banana, eggbeaters and yummy muscle milk light (it really is yummy! I swear LOL)!

    Also, I thought we weren't supposed to have more than 6 oz of anything, so is 8 okay of my Protein shake? If so, that's awesome, because I really do enjoy it! It tastes like a chocolate covered banana :-)!

    How long do you guys go between meals?

    You have to advance to mushy foods so that you can learn how to chew. Staying on liquids all of the time isn't healthy.

    As for the 8oz don't do anything unless you ask your doctor first. That's what my doctor put me on because I am a slow sipper. Liquids don't stay in your pouch that long.

  10. I was banded on 10/23. This is the sample menu that I go by that my nutritionist gave me. She also made my protien shakes 8oz instead of 4oz because I told her that I was hungry inbetween. She said however that I have to sip it really slow.

    8am - Breakfast

    10am - Protein shake

    12 - lunch

    2PM - Protein Shake

    6pm - dinner

    8pm - Protein Shake

    This helps me. I learned that if I try and eat at the same time everyday it helps. Plus you have your fluids inbetween all of that.

  11. Also as my nutritionist told me make sure that your 3 actual meals have Protein in them (fish, chicken..etc). What she did for me is instead of my shakes being 4oz she made my 3 shakes 8oz and told me to sip them really slow. Also remember to not drink for at least an hour after your meal. The longer you can leave the food in your stomach the longer it will be before you are hungry.

    Biggest thing is not to listen to your head. Head hunger always wins.

  12. I am starting the stage 2 diet today (mushy). I wanted to know what types of fish that I am allowed to eat? Is Salmon one of them?

    Also can someone give me an idea of the types of things to put on my shopping list for stage 2. I do have my list from the doctor but it's not really specific on the types of things that you can eat and it has only a few examples of menus.

    Thanks for your advice.

  13. Sometimes you can feel like your tummy is growling with head hunger. When you are really hungry you will feel it inside your tummy, It will hurt a bit. Head hunger is more like temptation. You have to eat it because it's there. It takes practice to listen to your stomach and not your head. I was banded on Oct 23 but I was practicing the head hunger thing before I was banded. When I feel like I am hunger I stop and I really listen to who is really talking. Next time it happens REALLY ask yourself, "Am I hungry or is my head speaking."

  14. I had my surgery on 10/23. I am still a tiny bit bloated but most of it is going away. I do have port pain still and I can not lie on my left side in bed yet. I am still on liquids and drink Water, chicken brother or Crystal light all day long. I also had a hiatal hernia that the doctor repaired when I had my surgery. I have my post op visit on Monday and will then switch to soft foods. I am not hungry unless I don't drink my Protein Drinks at the same time very day. I made it a habit to try and have them at the same time. I don't have the gas pains anymore but they were pretty painful the first 4-5 days after surgery. I try and walk everyday. I'm always moving around but I try and do one longer walk. Like today I walked a mile. Tomorrow I will try for 2 miles.

    Things will get better so I am told by the veterans. You just have to be patient. This time next year you will look back and it will all be water under the bridge.

  15. I still can't sleep on my left side and I was banded on Oct. 23. Only because it hurts a little. I was able to sleep on my back and my right side. There were no limitations on that, just in the hospital the day of the surgery they wanted your head up. As for the other stuff. I was told the colder the better also because it takes the swelling down. Also sugar free ice pops are good. The broth you can drink all that you want. If you want to put stuff in your Water, I use Crystal Light. I get tired of too much water so I tend to put the Crystal Light packets in there.

    By the way welcome to the losing bench. I wish you luck.

  16. Hi everyone. I was banded on Oct. 23, 2009. I went back to work on Tuesday but wound up staying home again now for 2 days because I found it to be a little too soon. I think tomorrow I will go back because I have all next week off. Otherwise I am feeliing good. Still on liquids until Tuesday when I see the doctor. Feeling a little hungry and can't wait to get to the next phase. I've already lost 32 lbs. 122 to go. :thumbdown:

  17. Hi I'm new here. I was banded on Oct. 23, 2009. So far I'm doing great but would like someone to hold my hand and help me walk through this journey. Once and awhile I would love to bend your ear about things. I'm a bit nervous about walking the path but have no intetions of looking back until I get further to the end. And then when I DO look back it's just to pat myself on the back and see how far I have gone to get where I am. :thumbdown:

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