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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Astrasmom

  1. Hi all! I was banded 10/21/09 in Kansas. It has been a pretty easy process so far aside from the awful gas pains I had that first week. I'm excited about getting healthy and thin (well maybe not thin, but at least out of the obese categories). I turn 30 tomorrow, yikes! I'll treat myself by going to the gym :tt2: What else? Hummm... I started down this road in August when I made the very difficult decision to have weight loss surgery. It snowballed from there. I went to a meeting at my surgeon's office. A few weeks later I met with the surgeon. My insurance approval came a few weeks after that! Yeah, surprised me too. I got in my visits with the psychologist. Then it was time for the longest two weeks of my life doing the pre-op diet. It was tough but I did loose 20 pounds! Surgery day came and went without any problems. Now I'm just waiting for December 3rd when I should get my first fill. I guess I am in bandster hell right now. I try to only eat 1 or 1.5 cups at each meal but I get hungry about an hour or two before it's time to eat again. I'm getting through it though, just gotta bide my time until I get fills and get some restriction going on. Good luck to everyone here, I'll be hanging out from time to time!


    CONGRATULATIONS on your banding and weightloss. 37lbs is great!! And happy birthday to you. 30 isn't so bad. :biggrin:

  2. I was banded on 11-11. I was to stay on full liquids for 7 days but it also said in my notes that I could progress to mushies if I'm not feeling full. I am definitely feeling full (barely eating at all) just bored and I DO NOT want anymore of those horrible shakes.

    Yesterday I had some SF pudding and today I had some broccoli cheese Soup (blended up really well). I tolerated it just fine.

    Do you think it's ok for me to move to mushies now? I would like to have some egg and cottage cheese to get some Protein into me.

    I did the fill-ins with yogurt until I was able to move on. If you are feeling the way you are, I would call your doctor before you do anything. Don't move onto full mushies until you have the clearance to do so. If you have unflavored Protein powder you can put that in your SF pudding also, you can also put it in SF Jello. That will give you more Protein. Also unjury has a chicken soup flavored protein which is really good. Are you taking 3 Protein drinks a day?

  3. Wednesday I went to the all day pre-op class that my doctor's office requires and then we had our surgeries scheduled! I FINALLY have my date! I can OFFICIALLY say that I will be a December Bandster! YAY! I am SO excited and I am THRILLED that this is FINALLY on it's way! I have to do a two week liquid diet before hand that starts the day before Thanksgiving though......

    CONGRATULATIONS!! You will be joining us on the losers bench in no time. I wish you a speedy recovery. :biggrin:

  4. I just have a question... how long will it hurt when you need to burp? I feel good other then the sorness in the tummy. It is just the burping thing it sure hurts I know it has to heal but was not sure how long it could take. If anyone could help me with this that would be great.

    When you have to burp or you feel gas, sit up and rock back and forth with a pillow pushed up against your stomach. It helps a bit. Most of all make sure that you are walking as much as you can handle because it really does help to move that gas around.

    I had surgery on 10/23. It took me about a week to get rid of all of that gas and start feeling better.

    By the way. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  5. New here and worried about Tuesday. I made the mistake of reading a website basically called "Everything that can go wrong with the LAP-BAND® and people who want to share their stories." What a downer. I have been reading HERE about all the successes, so I hope that I am going to do well without any complications!:wink2:

    With any surgery there are complications. However I think there are probably more success stories then there are complications. I for one would do it all over again if I had to. I'm a little over 3 weeks in now and feeling great. I'm down 20lbs since surgery and 36lbs since the pre-surgical diet. Best thing is, I'm not hungry. I'm able to do more things now then I have been able to do in a very long time. I have a long way to go but the energy level I have now is awesome.

    It's great that you do your research. Remember when it comes to the actual surgery, no matter what anyone has said to you or you have read, it's your decision.

    Good luck in your journeys. Stay positive.

  6. Astrasmom~first..9-18-09 is WRONG!! *lol*...I'm not having it placed until 11-18-09...silly me!!!!...secondly thank you for your words of wisdom!!! You sound like a very strong woman....how long have you been banded???....can't wait to learn more about your story!


    Strong yes. Thank you. Claim to know everything. NO WAY. I may sound like I have been banded for years but I've only been banded since Oct. 23, 2009. I've learned to be strong from all of the ups and downs that I have been through in my life. My son who was born with Down Syndrome has made me very strong. Also having open heart surgery in 2001 for an Aortic Anuerysm. I'm just a person who is fed up with food controlling me all of my life. I'm ready to kick some food butt. I'm down 37lbs since I started this war against food and I plan on keep going. :wink2:

  7. So I had my surgery today at 7:15AM. I was out by 9:00 and in main PACU for a couple hours. We went home around 1PM.

    So here it is, I got there and they had me change in my nifty gown and compression socks. It really sucked that I have my period today. They didn't let me wear a tampon or pad! UGH... I know it may TMI but that made me mad.

    Anywho, after the nurse started my IV in my hand instead of my forearm --- which HURT!!!, they took me soon to the OR.

    I go there and I'm actually very familiar with their OR's cause I work in Labor and Delivery at that hospital and a lot of the time I have to take patients back to the OR for c/s's. My room was right next to the rooms they do those c/s in. Anywho, we got in the room and everyone was really nice and introduced themself. They made me comfortable and put my arms in those arm holder things. They kept putting the mask on me and I kept talking asking questions, next thing I knew I woke up a tremndous amount of pain in PACU -- it was hard for me to wake up since they had to give me benedryl with the anestheisa cause they used a "bear hugger" which is a device to keep you warm and it gave me a rash on my chest. Dont' knnow why... LOL

    Anyway soon they wheeled me down to the step down area and I stayed there for a lil' bit. I was insistant I get up and walk around cause it felt worse to lay down. I went pee about 3 times. Since then I can't go #2 probably cause of the pain meds:frown:

    So they discharged me and the tech brought me out to the car and then my husband just parked the car and went back in and got the perscription filled. We did this because they wouldn't allow me to just go wherever, they had to make sure I was gone OK but I didn't follow the rulses :wink2: LOL . Anyway we dropped of my perscription for the Loratab liquid and then we walked down the hall to where I work just to walk of this gas and I saw all my coworkers and they were very happy that things went well. We walked back to the car after picking up the persciption and we headed home. So far I've been walking around the house just a lil' bit and resting as well. I feel pretty good otherwise.

    So here's a video of my whole ordeal of my surgery --


    CONGRATS on your surgery. And I loved your video. Thanks so much for sharing with us. I hope that you are feeling better today. Things will keep getting easier for you as you go along. I wish you all the best.

  8. Hey everyone! I was banded last thursday and I've already lost 12 pounds, very happy. I feel great now, still a little sore in my tummy, like I did 1000 crunches, but other than that I'm good. I'm able to keep down all my liquids, yogurt, pudding, etc., but everytime I eat or drink anything I get a couple of hic-ups and burp a little, it's almost like a combination of a hic-up and a burp. Anyone else get this feeling?

    I was told that those are the soft signs of being full. Some people burp, some sneeze, some hiccup. You have to be aware of them because if you eat or drink too much after you have them, you will bring stuff back up.

    I tend to hiccup.

  9. So, I told my coworkers about my decision to have the LAP-BAND®...the ones I thought would support me the most have been making jabs like "I brought in cupcakes today,they're really good. Can you just eat the frosting?"..."Just one won't hurt"...and constant remark like "how was your shake?"....and at Halloween the one gal even came and ate a candy bar in front of me and said "ummm...doesn't this look good?...do you miss it?"

    Seriously...I don't even have the band until 9-18-2009....what gives???:wink2:

    My BOSS sat there 3 months before I had the surgery, and before I even told them I was having surgery and was talking about WLS to another co-worker. His words were "I have heard that people that do that WLS take up other addictions, like sex, alcohol, etc." So a week before my surgery I told him that I was having the surgery. Then proceeded to tell him my husband will be a very happy man because of my addiction... Point is, everyone has their own idea about WLS. Some will say it's the easy way. Some will make fun. Some will act jealous..ect. It is my experience as a mother of a 21 year old son born with Down Syndrome that the reason people make fun of you is because they are 1> Afraid to ask questions. <2 Have no clue about what the procedure (or in my case disability is> so it's easier to pick it apart. So what I do with people who do that stuff to me, and insist on eating infront of me and staying stuff. Even if it DOES bother me, I tell them, "Nope it doesn't bother me at all. I have no desire for sweets or stuff anymore. I want to be one of those statistical people that live a long and healthy life. So if you want to continue to be silly like you are, then go right ahead." 9 X out of 10, they stop because they see that it's not bothering you. Those people are called food bullies. When bullies see that you aren't going to let them bother you anymore, they usually stop. You will have all types of food Bullies along the way. Whether it be the ones that tell you, you are losing TO MUCH weight. Or the ones like your co-workers. It's hard but stand strong and don't let them get to you.

    Since your surgery was on 9-18-2009, I'm assuming that your co-workers have taken on a different light now that they see you have been losing weight???

  10. Hey guys and gals...I am 4 short days away from my procedure...I am excited...but cautious....did you ever wonder if you would be successful with the LAP-BAND®??...did you ever feel that you may fail at this too??....did you have a hard time "staying on plan...PRE-OP?"....

    I am feeling all of these....it seems as "loosers" we have tried every diet and "lifestyle change" out there...at least I have.....

    Please tell me this is relatively normal...and that I CAN be successful!!!....

    Thanks All!!


    Will I be successful with the Lap Band? Only one day at a time will tell. But I am working alot harder with this then I did with all of the other 'looser' diets that I was on. However this isn't a diet. This is a lifestyle change. Thus far it is working for me and I am happy with my results even if it is only 3 weeks in. Will I fail? I have been a 'failure' for way to long when it comes to weightloss so I refuse to let food take me over anymore.

    The PR-OP DIET SUCKS!! LOL that's all I can say about that. I did stay on it but I did cheat and have 2 peices of cheese and a peice of ham while I was on it. I just couldn't go with that food anymore.

    All that said, all of the questions that are going on in your head right now are normal. The Lap Band is a tool to help you with your journey. It's not easy and does take will power, however it's alot easier to stay on track with the Lap Band because 1> It's impossible to eat as much as you did before. 2> It will help you to keep the weight off.

    There is also another book out Weight Loss surgery for dummies. Also another good book.

  11. My husband and I went through fertility treatments in trying to have kids. It didn't work. We were open with most people about it. While some were quite supportive, others weren't, and I always felt that I had to give a play by play report to those who knew.

    Now that I am pursuing WLS, I have told DH that I do not want to tell anyone. In fact, the only person I have told is my best friend, as well as those who read my blog (only IRL person who reads it is my BF, everyone else are those who I met through online forums when trying to have a baby).

    Part of the reason I'm not telling anyone, not even my mom or siblings, is that I don't want "food police" and two, I just want some privacy this time around.

    DH told his mom and dad, because his mom, who is diabetic and on insulin shots, was talking about possible gastric bypass. He told her hoping she could talk with me for support. While I wasn't pleased with this, I understood why he told them, but asked him not to tell anyone else.

    I find out today at lunch, when I went home and fixed both of us chicken breasts over salad greens and he said he'd be going to work and eating a couple of tacos and a burrito (he runs a mexican food restaurant). He then said that he told one of his workers that I had gone on a low-carb diet. I asked him if she knew why I was doing this, and he said he'd told her about my wanting to have the surgery.

    I'm both really pi$$ed off as well as very disappointed that he didn't respect my wishes for not telling anyone. It's not his story to tell.

    Has anyone else had this happen to you, and if so, how did you handle it? Do you think I should go and ask his employee not to repeat it, which may be too late now?

    Ugh, I really wanted to throw my dinner plate at him today!

    My husband tells everyone also. But instead of getting angry I just let him do it. I think of it in a different way. If he tells everyone about it, he's supporting me in my efforts because he's talking about it. Which in turn means that he's proud of me.

  12. Does anyone go to support meetings? Do you really feel that they work? I don't go but I am thinking about going but curious if anyone feels that they have helped or haven't had any effect.

    I went to my first support meeting this month and I found it to be quite helpful. Ours are also only once a month and if they had them weekly I would also go. I do plan on attending every month. There is great support on this site but there really is nothing like seeing people face to face and hearing their stories and getting ideas to help you through your journey. I recommend attending support meetings to everyone. Some can make this journey on their own. Others like myself need as much support as they can get. All I can tell you, is try it, if you like it then keep going.

  13. ok so i was just wondering if anyone regret's having the surgery and just wishes they lost the weight on there own . i have my consultation tomorrow and im researching as much as possible :)

    I have been on every diet that you can imagine. I have lost several pounds, only to gain them back because I couldn't stick with the diet. The lap band was my last resort. I have no regrets at all about getting banded. This is the tool that will help me reach my goal weight and be able to keep it off. Of course it won't be easy and it does take work, but I plan on working hard at it and this time, I REFUSE to give up.

    If I had to do the lap band over again, I would do it in a heartbeat. Good luck on your journey. You are doing the right thing by researching and asking questions.

  14. I am having LAP-BAND® surgery on the 20th. I just went to my preop class today, and now am a little nervous of what to expect after surgery.:)

    CONGRATULATIONS. For a few days after surgery you will be a little sore. Don't be afraid to use your pain medication. Make sure you walk as much as your body will let you, but don't over do it. This will help with the gas that you might have. Be sure to drink your fluids even if you aren't hungry so that you do dehydrate. Take things one day at a time and you'll be fine. I'm 3 weeks out and feeling great. I'm on the mushies now and I'm not really that hungry. I go on Nov 16 and will probably move up to stage 3 which is soft foods.

    Good luck to you and if you have questions along the way, ask away. There is always someone around that can try and answer your questions. Keep up posted.

  15. Listen this is what my doc said. The lapband is a lifestyle CHANGE. You don't have to give up living just because you have the lap band. You have to be sensible about your eating and drinking. What works for some might not work for others. Use your own common judgment.

    My doc also said no carbonation what so ever. So I am choosing NOT to have it. Your choices may be different and I'm not going to judge you. We are all in this together no matter what size we are, no matter what color we are, no matter where we live, no matter what doctor we have.

    I have been judged all my life because of my weight and because of this I refuse to judge people for what they do. It's hurtful and frankly that's what got us, or at least that's what got me here in the first place.

    Good luck to everyone of you. I wish you peace and lots of happiness on your journeys. :)

  16. Hi my names cindy I'm new here and I haven't done anything yet. This is my first step. I'm reading everything I can at this point. I don't have a dr or even know if my ins will cover any of it. So Im learnin what I can and goin from there!:)

    Welcome Cindy and good luck on your journey. The most important thing is to read as much as you can. Remember there are good and bad in everything. If you have any questions along the way, there are plenty of us to try and answer them for you.

  17. I am also having surgery on Monday got a call from the anestetist today and i must admit i am officially nervous lol!!! Congratulations on the loss I have also lost 70 lbs from my heighest weight..

    Wow congrats to you also sooclchic. And Congrats on your surgery. You should also be fine since you have lost 70lbs. You will do great!! Don't be to nervous guys. It's honestly not that bad. A little painful but use your pain medication. That's what it's there for. Not everyone experiences the nausea. I didn't. And most of all, make sure you walk after surgery to get rid of the gas which can be a little painful.

    Good luck to both of you.

  18. My surgery went smoothly, but I feel terrible. I have some pain, but what's worse I have nausea and diarrhea. Abyone else have this? PLs send me some feel better vibes.

    Both very normal side effects. I'm 3 weeks out and feeling great. I had the pain and the run. Use your pain pills, that's what they are there for. Don't try to rush back into things to fast. And as someone state take some Imodium or other liquid form of anti-diaherea medication.

    The pain and all the rest is worth it. If I had to do it over again I would do it in a hearbeat. CONGRATULATIONS to you. Remember to walk walk walk.

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