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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Astrasmom

  1. Hi, i just called my insurance and they said im cover if i want to get a LAP-BAND®. He said talk to my primary doctor and go on from there. My question is to u guys is how long of a process and doctor visit and which doctors i need to see before getting approved? Do u need to wait 5-6months to prepare or can u just go on and get the surgery. How long did it take for some of u for operation and did it really hurt that much? From the scale of 1-5 pain meter. How long is the healing process? Im male 32 yrs old 345lbs and i just found out i have diabites. i did try to hit the gym for the last 2 years but only lost 10lbs the most. I've been big for 22 years and its time.

    It took me 6 months from the time of the Initial consultation until my surgery. As everyone says it depends on your insurance. I had to go to the following.

    6 nutritional visits

    1 Gastric Doctor

    1 Cardiologist

    1 Psychological Evaluation

    1 Pulmonary Doctor

    And a letter of support and diet habits from my primary doctor.

    The pain after the surgery wasn't that bad. I didn't use hardly any pain medication in the hospital. I used a few pain pills at home for maybe 2-3 days after surgery. I had my surgery on Friday and went back to work the following Tuesday. On a scale from 1-10 the pain to me was about a 5. You do have to walk though so that the gas that they pump into you during surgery comes out. If I had to do it all over again, DEFINATELY! I am very happy with the overall process and results so far.

  2. I am on my first day of the clear liquid diet and so far, I am cranky as hell! I am starving! I am drinking my SlimFast and my Clear Liquids but this is harder than I thought it was going to be. My surgery date is Dec 14 and I really hope I make it too! Any ideas from anyone?

    Try a Protein that is made of whey Protein isolate instead of SlimFast. Slimfast tends to have sugar and sodium. Sugar in return is going to make you hungry instead of doing it's job. It's also empty calories. whey Protein Isolates made of Veggies or Soy will keep you satisfied longer. I use the Dymatize Elite Protein powder. There are several ones on the market. You also might not get light headed like most people do. Whey tends to run a little more expensive then SlimFast but it's better for you.

  3. Ok...my .02. Is the band about how fast we can lose the weight...or losing the weight and actually keeping it off this time?

    I'm almost 4 weeks post op and I've only lost 4 pounds in that time *but* my clothes are hanging on me (so is the skin) and I've lost several inches from my hips, waist and belly...oh and feet. Best of all my sugar levels have come down from a morning reading of 350 to 145!

    That number on the scales has been the demise of most people's diets because when it doesn't come down as fast as they think it should considering how they've 'deprived' themselves...or worse yet they gain a pound or two...they head to the fridge for comfort.

    I have a very expensive triple beam balance scale that is very accurate so I know it's not the scale. I have no clue why the scales aren't reflecting what my clothes are, but that's ok. At some point they're going to have to drop because I don't know of any size 12 that weighs 240 lbs. :confused:

    Do yourself a favor. Kick the scales to the curb. In the grand scheme of things that number doesn't mean anything.


    Great reply. And congratulations on your inches lost. :) And especially your sugar coming down. That's awesome. See alot of people forget that it's not all about the weight-loss. It's about everything else also.:)

  4. Astrasmom

    Thank you so much for your response. I was actually stunned and my eyes were actually tearing knowing that a complete stranger took the time to show such kindness. Thank you.

    Now, as far as my particulars, the loss of the 10 pounds is not obligatory but something the doctor would like to see done. I have never been able to sustain weight loss, so I am filled with self doubt. My doctor gave me this prediet that included a lot of Protein shakes, and they just don't look all that appetizing to me.LOL I am cognizant that this will have to be a lifestyle change, I just don't know if I'll be able to fight off the hunger pangs, which is always been my downfall.

    I appreciate all the kind words and for sharing your experience and thoughts with me. I feel a little better , a little less nervous, and a little more knowledgeable about what to expect, especially knowing that what I'm feeling is what many others have felt as they were approaching this step. I will incorporate the drinking of the fluids immediately and incorporate exercise and the new lifestyle.

    Best to you always.

    You are very welcome. By the way there are all kinds of Protein drinks out there. If you don't like the one that you are with now, try something else. I use the Elite whey Protein (Mocha and Vanilla) I also use powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup flavor. Keep in mind you will be using the Protein powder even after you have your surgery so I recommend (if you can afford it of course) a variety. Get 1 or 2 different kinds so you don't get bored of it.

    You will find that after you have your surgery it will be a little easier to resist temptation. It doesn't happen over night and you will still have to work at it.

    Best of luck to you. If you have any question along the way, don't hesitate to ask.

  5. wow thanks so much for that info I did not know that I was suppose to only have 4oz of liquids every hr now this can help me out a lot.... how much Soup, or yogurt am I suppose to have as well????:confused:

    Soup is also 4 oz because it's a liquid. Yogurt is on the puree list so that should only be 2-3 oz. All doctors are different so I don't know what your doctor is allowing you. I was on full liquids for the first week and wasn't allowed yogurt. All liquids are not supposed to be more than 4 oz. However my doctor allowed me to have 8oz of Protein drink instead of 4oz because I was getting hungry in between meals. I have to sip REALLY slow though. When you get to puree (Stage 2). You are only supposed to eat 2-3 oz. Stage 3 which is soft is 3-4 oz of food. And stage IV which is regular food is 4-5 oz.

    If you are on liquids make sure you are basically taking in fluids every hour to get your 64oz in. 3 of them should be your Protein drinks. On the next stages make sure that you wait at least an hour before you drink anything. The longer the food stays in your pouch the longer you won't be hungry. Pick foods that are higher in Protein as well (chicken, Fat free Ricotta, tuna, all natural Peanut Butter, eggs).

    This is the schedule that I use and try to stick with it. You can't really use this on the liquid stage but on the puree and up you can. Of course I don't eat the same food all of the time. This is just an example. When you move up, make sure that you WEIGH everything. Get yourself a scale, measuring spoons, and measuring cups.

    8:00 am Breakfast

    3 TBS scrambled eggs

    1 TBS oatmeal

    10:00am Protein Supplement 4oz

    12:00 lunch

    2oz (4tbs) chicken (I use white chicken in a can in Water

    with a little bit of Olive Oil mayo or Light Miracle Whip)

    1oz Fat Free Ricotta

    2:00pm Protein Supplement 4oz

    6:00pm dinner

    2oz (4tbs) Flaked Fish

    1 Tbs whipped Potato

    1 Tbs pureed carrots

    8:00pm Protein Supplement 4oz

    My doctor told me no Snacks in between. Be sure in between the meals that you drink your fluids. But as I said wait at least 1 hour before you drink after meals. And don't eat for at least 15-20 minutes after you drink. This example is for 2-3 oz. You can add oz as you move up in the stages. I found that if I stick to basically this schedule I am losing weight and I am not hungry. As I said though you have to add foods that are higher in calories once and awhile to give your body a jump start. If you have the same amount of calories each time your body gets used to that and it won't lose weight. It basically goes into shut down.

    Hope this helps and if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask. :) Good luck to you.

  6. Hi everyone!!!!! New to this so please bear with me. I've been given a date of Dec 11, so I am nervous. I was researching for about 6 months, then the doctor had an opening and I said yes. I don't even know if i can lose the ten pounds pre op that he asked me to do, so I'm wondering if I'm setting myself up for failure. Exercise has been difficult, and I'm already wondering what bandster hell is gonna do to me. If anybody has felt this I'd really be greatful to hear your story. Thank you!!!!:sad:

    Every thing that you are feeling is normal. We all go through the "What if" syndrome before we are banded. Did your doctor put you on a pre-op diet before your surgery? If so then you will probably have no problem losing the 10 lbs. Is it set in stone that if you DON'T lose the 10 lbs before surgery that you will be denied? Either way just think of it this way. This is your road to recovery. Recovery from all of the bad habits and things that we have learned over the years to make us over weight and unhealthy. It takes time to learn the motivational skills that you will need to succeed. This is not a diet, this is a life style change. And it's not going to be easy either. It's not a get skinny quick and eat whatever you want type of deal. What it is, is a tool to help you lose the weight and keep it off. If you follow the plan that the doctor gives you then you should be very successful in your journey through weightloss land. The most successful ones are the ones that follow the plan. The only thing that you have to give up on is bad habits. You don't have to give up on life. You can still have many of the things that you have had in the past, just in moderation.

    "Banders Hell" doesn't hit everyone. I think I am one of the lucky ones because I don't have my first fill until Dec. 3, and I'm really not that hungry inbetween meals. As I said if you follow the plan and work with your doctors Bander Hell for you could be as easy as me. Or it could be very difficult, sorry to say. Just make sure that you get your Protein in which will help with the hunger. And drink your fluids. Also you need to start this now. Listen to your stomach and be aware of when you are full, not over stuffed. This will help you in the long run. You will need to know the difference between 'head hunger' and real hunger. Head hunger is the one where you aren't really hungry but you eat the food just because it's there.

    Most important thing is TAKE THINGS ONE DAY AT A TIME. If you start looking to far ahead you WILL set yourself up for failure. Listen to your body. It will tell you when it's hungry. It will tell you when you need to stop exercising because it's tired and it will tell you when it's thirsty.

    Before my surgery on Oct. 23, 2009 I had no motivation at all. I was a grazer and would eat anything that didn't have legs to run away. Thank God my dog wasn't chocolate (just kidding). I hardly ever exercised. I am now 5 weeks into it and I'm not hungry most of the time. I did have Thanksgiving yesterday and DID have pumpkin pie, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables and a glass of red wine (an hour after dinner). I didn't eat as much as I normally would have but I did eat and I lost another 2 pounds this week. Everyday is a learning process for me. I try and exercise at least 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes. Whether it be walking, playing on my Wii Fit, exercising from the TV or walking on the tread mill or life cycle for 30 minutes. I also have the support of my family and friends. Which helps a great deal. I've lost 34lbs since surgery. 44 all together with the pre-op diet. My highest weight was 305lbs. Today I am 261lbs. And I'm actually starting to get my self confidence back again. I feel great!!

    So now I say, if I can do it. So can you. Congratulations to you and good luck on your journey. We will save you a seat on the losers bench. :Yawn:

  7. Hi everyone, I had my band fitted on 16th November and so far am doing ok. I am just about to start the soft food stage. However I am a bit confused. When doing the pre-op diet I lost 7lbs in weight and in the first five days following the band op I lost a further 10 lbs. Now don't take me wrong, I am really delighted with the weight loss, however for the past week I have not lost anything at all.

    I have heard this happening to other people but still find it confusing because I have not been eating anything different than I did the first week nor larger quantities. Can anyone explain why this is? My common sense tells me that it is not because I am not eating enough because if that was the case those poor people with Anorexia wouldn't lose weight.

    I am at a loss :Yawn:

    When you start the soft foods, try picking items that have slightly higher calories at times. When you body receives the same calorie intake everyday, it tends to go into shut down mode because it gets used to the calories that it's being fed. When you shoke it a little by giving it a slighter higher calorie count once and awhile, it will start working again. At this stage in your weight-loss however it's all about the healing process. Don't be alarmed if you aren't losing weight like you did in the beginning and with your pre-op diet. The weight you have already lost is great. This stage you are in now is called "Banders Hell". Just stick to what your doctor told you to eat in portion size, drink your fluids, gradually increase your exercise and take things one day at a time. You might want to check your measurements because inches tend to come off faster than pounds do. Don't get discouraged. It will happen. Remember the biggest thing is, we didn't get this way overnight. It's not going to come off overnight either.

    Good luck to you.

  8. no my doctor didnt give me a fill. its just my cravings r crazy n its mentally hard 2 just switch up just like that. n I have 2 learn how 2 stop drinking when enough is enough

    You are right. It's very hard to stop listening to your head and listen with your stomach which doesn't happen over night. Luckily I have learned the difference between 'Head hunger' and real hunger. Here's an idea for you what someone told me to do. Measure out your 4oz of fluids that you are supposed to drink every hour. Get yourself a shot glass. Pour some of that Fluid in the shot glass. Set your timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, you should have finished the Fluid in that shot glass. Pour more in it and repeat the step until the fluids are gone.

    Be sure you are getting in your Protein as well. Are you drinking Protein on this stage of your diet as well as your liquids?

  9. I was banded on Monday, 11/23. This made Thanksgiving a little difficult. I had a lot of gas pain in my shoulders, gas x strips really helped and the heating pad was a life saver. I was in a lot of pain the third day, Wednesday, but I feel like a new person today. Still a little sore, but not gassy. That, I think, was the most painful part. I am having a little trouble getting comfortable in my bed. Does anyone have any tricks? I am thinking I need to get a body pillow or something. Anyway, the sugar free ice pops are amazing and I do seem to be able to tolerate almost everything I have tried, all liquids of course. I am looking forward to eating scrambled eggs tomorrow or Monday!

    I used a pillow on my left side for about 2 weeks. I couldn't sleep on that side. Not to mention my husband sleeps on the left side of the bed so I had it there so he didn't elbow me in the side in the middle of the night, also. Try putting another pillow under your head also. Elevation sometimes helps.

    Good luck with your progress and contratulations.

  10. HI

    I have a surgery date of 12/22 and my last preop clearance is this Wednesday. I am so scared I am going to be denied my bmi is 40 with no co morbidities.

    My primary doctor called me this week and said she doesn't know why I would need her clearance since I have already been cleared by cardiologisst and pulminolist. She said she wouldn't even see me unless she gets something in writing from surgeon. Then she says in her experience they don't even meet with you unless you have already been approved.

    Now I am so confused. I thought approval came after all preop tests. She seems to think otherwise.

    I had all my tests and sleepstudies paid for by insurance but nutritionist was not.

    Anyone know what is going on?

    I am getting banded in Delaware

    Usually your PCP needs to send your surgeon a letter of support and diet history. All insurance companies are different. You should also receive a letter in the mail stating that your surgery was approved. I would recommend calling the insurance coordinator at your surgeons office and see if it was cleared or call your insurance company directly. As I said all insurance companies are different but they usually want a letter from your PCP as part of the clearance. Also call your surgeons office and let them know that your PCP is refusing to see you unless they call he/she first.

  11. Hi Everyone. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I sure did and I was actually good. :sad:

    I am 5 weeks post op (Oct 23). I've had a problem going from the puree to the soft foods. I'm not getting enough Fiber in my diet. And let me tell you it hurts. Forgive the bluntness. I had to take 2 stool softeners and Benefiber in order to go. My question is this, what High Fiber Cereals do you eat? :Yawn:

  12. Im still sore n trying 2 take it easy. I get full off of a half of cup tea, n cnt take n all the fliuds I need 2 prevent dehydration. hopefully the pain will go away n the swelling will go down n my stomache wont feel as tight n full. did any of u experience this?

    Very normal. Try sugar free ice pops. I lived on them. They help take the swelling down also. Congratulations to you.

  13. I am on soft foods until this weekend, then I can start solids. I will definitely try what you are doing starting tomorrow. I drink those EAS Protein Shakes (110 cal.) every once in a while. I think tomorrow I will use those twice during the day as a snack and will focus on 3 half cup protein/veggie meals. Thanks for your advice. I started out at 245 and I'm now at 224. It seems to be going slow, but I know I must be patient. I didn't gain 100 pounds overnight, did I? I will try the sugar-free popsicles too!

    I use Elite Protein Powder and Skim Plus milk. My doctor said we are to have the whey Protein isolate (soy based) ones because some of the Protein Drinks in the store have empty calories. I used to do the slim fast before I was banned and I can see the difference between drinks. Anyway you could be hungry because you aren't getting enough Protein. I was told that you need at least the 2 shakes a day. And I can't have Snacks inbetween meals either.

    I started at 305 and now I am at 263. You have lost weight. Don't knock yourself. My pre-op weight was actually 295. All together with the pre-op diet I have lost 42lbs. And that's just from following the plan and exercising. Also try sticking to eating at the same time everyday if that is possible for you. I find that sticking to a schedule works great.

    Good luck and let me know how it works for you. I get my first fill on Dec. 3. After that I start the regular foods. I am also on soft foods. And I still live on sugar free ice pops.

  14. Thanks, Astrasmom! I was banded on 10/23/09 also. I don't think I'm getting my fluids in and I guess that could be causing my hunger. Are you still eating a 1/4 cup at a time? That doesn't fill me up.

    I am on 3-4 oz a day which is 1/2 cup. I just started soft foods last week. Are you on mushies still?

    As for the liquids I generally wait for at least 1 hour after I eat to drink anything. If you get your fluids in it might help you. And I am only eating 3 meals a day with 2 Protein Shake. If I needed 3 the nutritionist said that I can have them. They are 8oz instead of of the 4oz.

    Try some sugar free ice pops. They help you get your Fluid in.

  15. Made my first mandatory seminar appt. for Jan. 19, 2010 to get the process going! It's a big step, I'm 34 and...wow never admitted "publicly" how much I weigh....but am 282 and only 5'5". I'm so very happy and glad I made the decision. Looking for much needed support, advice, friends etc for my journey!:biggrin:

    I am 42. My highest weight was 305. I was banded on Oct. 23, 2009. Have lost 42lbs all together with the surgery and the pre-op diet. This has to be the most exciting thing I have done in my life. And if I had to do the surgery all over again I would.

    I wish you all the luck in your journey. You will be sitting us on the losers bench in no time. If you have questions along the way please ask them. Would love to be your Buddie. What I can't answer for you the more experienced ones will be able to answer.

  16. I am a little confused.

    I had my LAP-BAND® on 9.9.09 and have had the first fill under fluoroscopy and then two more fills of 1ml each.

    Currently I have some restriction, in that if I eat to fast or don't chew properly I get this feeling of something being stuck, and if I were to eat more it would be painful with lots of salivating, until drinking Water "flushes it through". If I stop at the feeling of something being stuck, I do get this sensation of wind coming up and a short time later I can eat more.

    The problem is I am still hungry and wanting to eat more all the time despite the discomfort.

    Immediately after the LAP-BAND® was put in, I had satiety and satiation. I could only eat a little soft stuff-scrambled egg for example, or yoghurts, but a little satisfied me for ages and I did not think of eating very much.

    Am I near to my sweet spot????

    Getting a bit disheartened by the whole thing at the moment and it is hard to be positive. My weight has been stationary since I lost about 10lbs around the time of the op.

    Make sure you are truly hungry and it's not just 'head hunger'. Head hunger is what got the best of all of us in the first place. It's when you eat the food just because it's there, not because you are truly hungry.

    Also for your weight loss, try changing your caloric intake all of the time. If you stick to one specific caloric intake you body will get used to it and you will stop losing the weight.

    Finally make sure that you are eating foods that are higher in protein(chicken, fish, eggs, peanut butter).

    "Banders Hell" is the time from operation until your first banding. You must be in "Banders Hell" and back again..hah.

    Good luck to you. If you are really that hungry you should call and discuss this with your doctors. Make sure you are drinking fluids when you get hungry also.

  17. I had restriction through my 3rd week and now NONE!! What do I do? I am hungry within 30 min - 1 hour after I eat. My next appointment is Dec. 7th. I wonder if he would consider a fill then. I thought the whole point of the surgery was not to feel hungry!! Any advice would be appreciated.



    My suggestion is to call your doctor and let them know what you are feeling. I don't know if they will do a fill. Although every doctor is different. Mine won't do one for 6 weeks after surgery. Also make sure you are eating higher Protein foods (chicken, fish, eggs, peanut butter). My nutritionist also said that I could have 8oz Protein Shakes instead of 4oz. You just have to drink them slow. She also said that if I am hungry with only 2 that I can stay with the 3 shakes a day. So far I am a little over 4 weeks out and I'm not really that hungry. Make sure that you are drinking when you get hungry also.

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