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    swizzle got a reaction from ShrinkingMeme in DUMB question, especially this far out post-surgery...   
    Okay BPers, please be gentle... but I'm really having a hard time with a very (likely) dumb question.
    First off, I'm 6 months out from RNY and have lost an amazing nearly 80lbs, which is seriously mind blowing, and I'm in absolute heaven every day! But now that it's becoming easier to eat and there's not the same kind of restriction as there was in the earlier months, I'm really challenged by the 1/2 cup of food thing.... I can't eyeball it, I don't know whether that means 1/2 cup once chewed and in the pouch or 1/2 cup of whatever as it is (chicken vs spinach, for example, is dramatically different in volume when put into a 1/2 cup). My NUT told me to stay under 1000 daily calories at this point and 1/2 cup to 1 cup per meal, and while the calories have been no problem (usually average around 800-900) I still have no idea if I'm eating too much, as I really don't have that original restriction feeling until what seems to me like much more than a cup, even!
    So, please dear friends, don't forget that age-old-adage: "there are no stupid questions" and share some advice! How do you measure your servings? Should I be worried that I'm stretching my pouch?
  2. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from Havasumoma in Anyone tried Banza?   
    ... just re-read it and realized it comes in cases of 6 boxes. That makes a lot more sense! Whoops!
  3. Like
    swizzle reacted to GinaCampbell in DUMB question, especially this far out post-surgery...   
    Wow! I can't even eat one hardboiled egg yet!
    But surely you would just understand that the calorie count of that meal is acceptable and I imagine that if you diced those eggs and put them in a half cup measure, plus the nectarine, it would measure in volume to 1/2 cup?
    And if you imagined your chicken and green bean meal chewed up, wouldn't that fit in 1/2 a cup measure?
    That is a very strict way to live so I wouldn't worry.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Like
    swizzle reacted to GinaCampbell in DUMB question, especially this far out post-surgery...   
    I too can judge by eye foods like chicken and beef. I can't eat much of it so I cook them in broth in the slow cooker and it makes them much easier to eat because they are soft and moist. I can only eat 3oz max of those foods.
    I can't tolerate mash potato, etc. Carbs like that sit like lead in my sleeve. Same with bread, in fact all that sort of carbs give me issues.
    So I eat carefully and mindfully. I hate waste so I make up portion sizes that you would give to a 3 year old.
    I eat new foods only at home and only in teaspoonfuls.
    It took me awhile to get my brain to prepare tiny portions. Or to batch freeze larger ones. Then to use side plates and judge by eye or scale small portions.
    It's the same process as dieting pre op. The sleeve is a tool but it's your brain that should be the restriction mechanism.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    swizzle reacted to foreveryoung85 in DUMB question, especially this far out post-surgery...   
    I watched several informational videos on you tube made by a baraiatric surgeon and he says in his videos that the theory of stretching out your pouch is a myth. I'm not a Dr so I'm not sure if it's true but he claims that after the first 6-8 months after surgery, it's more about the quality of foods you eat then it is about the quantity. I can send you the video links if you're interested. I found them to be quite informational and his information definitely seemed to scientifically make sense. It definitely makes you think because i do believe alot of what we're told is misconstrued and miscommunicated. I think we have this idea that our pouch can just be stretched after eating a couple of meals that were too big for it, but it's definitely not that easy. He says in his videos that even looking at the stomach of people that gained almost all their weight back, their pouch size didnt change much in size at all...and by no means can our stomach go back to its original size...it would be almost impossible for that to happen. So, while i do understand your fears and can appreciate your concern with doing everything the right way, i wouldn't worry too much about exact measurements. As a matter of fact my weight loss clinic tells us that it's not even necessary to measure your food after awhile. You just need to focus more on listening to your body's full signal and put more attention on getting in good quality foods as opposed to empty calories that hold no nutritional value...as long as you're doing that...you'll be fine. Hope this helps. Sent from my LGMS550 using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from Heather1369 in How much weight is too much? Do I have a problem? Is this normal?   
    I don't know what the "rules" are on goal weights, but I'm also 5'2" and small framed. I'm currently at 140lbs and my goal weight is 115. If you look at a BMI calculator, for our height, those weight goals are right in the middle of the healthy range, not under or overweight, so I don't see any reason why you should worry about wanting to have a lower goal weight. That said, my simultaneous goal is to feel healthy and happy and completely badass, and I honestly already feel like I've met that goal, so for me I could lose more or not and be absolutely elated!!!
    You've done a great job losing all that weight and you look amazing and happy and healthy. I say do what you want <3
  7. Like
    swizzle reacted to tezjjj in Sleeping after bypass   
    I just looked at one of those at wally world, im gonna get it and try it. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from ShrinkingMeme in DUMB question, especially this far out post-surgery...   
    Okay BPers, please be gentle... but I'm really having a hard time with a very (likely) dumb question.
    First off, I'm 6 months out from RNY and have lost an amazing nearly 80lbs, which is seriously mind blowing, and I'm in absolute heaven every day! But now that it's becoming easier to eat and there's not the same kind of restriction as there was in the earlier months, I'm really challenged by the 1/2 cup of food thing.... I can't eyeball it, I don't know whether that means 1/2 cup once chewed and in the pouch or 1/2 cup of whatever as it is (chicken vs spinach, for example, is dramatically different in volume when put into a 1/2 cup). My NUT told me to stay under 1000 daily calories at this point and 1/2 cup to 1 cup per meal, and while the calories have been no problem (usually average around 800-900) I still have no idea if I'm eating too much, as I really don't have that original restriction feeling until what seems to me like much more than a cup, even!
    So, please dear friends, don't forget that age-old-adage: "there are no stupid questions" and share some advice! How do you measure your servings? Should I be worried that I'm stretching my pouch?
  9. Like
    swizzle reacted to Cervidae in What kind of 'fat' person were you?   
    I was a carb fiend! I basically only ate ramen noodles, white Pasta, white bread for a period of several years, during which I ballooned to over 400 pounds. I was really messed up at the time, and carbs made me feel the most full. I never really binged, though I certainly ate more than I should have. Mainly I was just always eating. I was NEVER ever satiated, never felt secure because I was never full and the only security I knew at the time was "okay, my stomach is full. I'm okay." Then the carby sludge would pass through my stomach and I would be starving again, and the cycle would continue. Scary stuff.
  10. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from LipstickLady in You lied again lol   
    ^^^ This!
  11. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from LipstickLady in You lied again lol   
    ^^^ This!
  12. Like
    swizzle reacted to LipstickLady in You lied again lol   
    I never went to support meetings. I was sleeved and I am successful. What am I missing?
    Why are you worried about what she's doing? My surgery was about ME.
  13. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from Djmohr in From fat and firm to fit and floppy.   
    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Like
    swizzle reacted to Cervidae in Why are so many stages different?   
    Mine was very similar to yours, only it never did and still doesn't include crackers/bread/pasta. At one year out, the "lifestyle" plan I'm now on is all Protein, veggies with whatever room I have left, and fruits occasionally if I can tolerate them. We're also allowed good carbs like Beans and quinoa/brown rice in moderation (once or twice a week) and potatoes, preferably red skin, once a week at most. My nut encourages Fiber but doesn't like wheat products because she says they're just a carb vehicle to get you Fiber but there are other ways that are lower in carbs and better for your glucose levels/digestion.
  15. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from Djmohr in Clothes Shopping Chaos!   
    I'm only about 6 months out but I've already developed a nasty shopping addiction! It's SO nice to be able to have options now!
  16. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from Djmohr in Clothes Shopping Chaos!   
    I'm only about 6 months out but I've already developed a nasty shopping addiction! It's SO nice to be able to have options now!
  17. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from Djmohr in From fat and firm to fit and floppy.   
    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Thanks for sharing!
  18. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from Djmohr in Clothes Shopping Chaos!   
    I'm only about 6 months out but I've already developed a nasty shopping addiction! It's SO nice to be able to have options now!
  19. Like
    swizzle reacted to LipstickLady in From fat and firm to fit and floppy.   
  20. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from BiggiSmalls in Food items that I am scared of..   
    @OKCPirate thanks for the tip on the nuts! I'm always trying to touch them (tee-hee, I'm 12!)
    But really, is a tablespoon smeared over a few apple slices okay? Or is it too much of a "slider"? I'm still kinda figuring stuff out and I definitely don't want to be sabotaging myself! (It should be noted that I do keep track of calories, even though my NUT just gave me a protein/water requirement, and I usually track around 600-800 calories per day and 60-80g Protein.)
  21. Like
    swizzle reacted to me_shell77 in App for Tracking Post-Op Water, Protein, Food, Exercise?   
    You can also use Bariastic. I love it!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from OKCPirate in Food items that I am scared of..   
    I agree with @@OKCPirate that everyone's different... I'm still in the first 6 months post-surgery and have read that this is a good range for this amount of time post-op, but everyone's different! I have dieted FOREVER and since I'm only 5'2" I'm almost always given the "don't go over 1200 calories" instructions, and so that's probably going to be closer to my maintenance calorie range once I've hit goal, but who knows. (My NUT did say that while she does want me to be focusing on Protein first and foremost, not ever to go over 1000 calories at this point.)
  23. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from OKCPirate in Food items that I am scared of..   
    Uh oh, now you're on some sort of internet predator watchlist haha!
  24. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from KristenLe in Food items that I am scared of..   
    Well, I'll disclaimer that I'm still learning a lot, but from what I've heard Peanut Butter in moderation is a good fat and totally bariatric friendly! (I think apples and Peanut Butter are pretty much the perfect snack.) Also I am of the mindset that coffee is okay as long as you're meeting/exceeding your daily liquid requirements, and I'm a huge advocate of cheese and I do a low sugar greek yogurt daily.
    As far as bread, rice, potatoes, ice cream, etc... I'd say to steer clear of those for the most part.... Although I did just discover an amazing low carb/calorie "ice cream" called HaloTop and it's amazing! But I could see it being a slider or trigger food.
    How far out are you from surgery? What surgery did you have? What's your daily protein/water/calorie range look like usually? It sounds a little to me like you're giving yourself a lot of unnecessary anxiety and should just try and follow the program your NUT has given you, and you'll do great!! <3
    Now for foods that I'm "scared of" and basically can't keep in my house (even for my daughter) because I will devour them at whatever cost:
    Junk-food pastas like macaroni and cheese / Top Ramen, ice cream, frozen junk like chicken nuggets... these are all things I've pushed the boundaries on post-surgery and paid for it, but I don't trust myself with them!
  25. Like
    swizzle got a reaction from OKCPirate in Food items that I am scared of..   
    I agree with @@OKCPirate that everyone's different... I'm still in the first 6 months post-surgery and have read that this is a good range for this amount of time post-op, but everyone's different! I have dieted FOREVER and since I'm only 5'2" I'm almost always given the "don't go over 1200 calories" instructions, and so that's probably going to be closer to my maintenance calorie range once I've hit goal, but who knows. (My NUT did say that while she does want me to be focusing on Protein first and foremost, not ever to go over 1000 calories at this point.)

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